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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That's my point, though - I think it's wrong to characterize resistance to understanding/adapting to inclusive language as a "right-wing" thing. It's much more common than that. People in general suck at being trans-inclusive and hate being told they have to change.

You think he actually believes he's 'not allowed' to say those terms anymore? Really? That he's saying that in good faith? You think we can just perform some outreach and clear that up and he'll be able to breath a sigh of relief?

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
You think he actually believes he's 'not allowed' to say those terms anymore? Really? That he's saying that in good faith?
Don't read into a post, read the post
I think it's wrong to characterize resistance to understanding/adapting to inclusive language as a "right-wing" thing. It's much more common than that.
The key takeaway here being "right-wingers aren't the only people who pull this shit."

Which is accurate. Plenty of transphobes, homophobes, racists and more on the left even if there are fewer.


Nov 20, 2017
You think he actually believes he's 'not allowed' to say those terms anymore? Really? That he's saying that in good faith? You think we can just perform some outreach and clear that up and he'll be able to breath a sigh of relief?
We literally have an "inclusive language guide" and "words to avoid" list at work so... yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how the push for inclusive language is being understood by *lots and lots of people*.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We literally have an "inclusive language guide" and "words to avoid" list at work so... yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how the push for inclusive language is being understood by *lots and lots of people*.

Well he's been corrected on this point many times by now and hasn't addressed it, so maybe re-evaluate.


Oct 27, 2017
I've heard he's a piece of shit so this is far from surprising.

Most right wingers in Hollywood seem to be rather tight lipped but whatever's left of his career probably won't be hurt by this.

He's a pretty awful performer who lucked into a sensational role.


Oct 28, 2017
I've heard he's a piece of shit so this is far from surprising.

Most right wingers in Hollywood seem to be rather tight lipped but whatever's left of his career probably won't be hurt by this.

He's a pretty awful performer who lucked into a sensational role.
He's not a right-winger, though.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I'm trans and I highly doubt this is a transphobic tweet
Agreed insofar as it being debatable whether Rainn really understands that what he's putting out there is verbatim a gender critical and transphobic talking point, but it is one. It's used to feed into the common idea that trans acceptance goes hand in hand with the erasure of women, which is a key component of modern radicalisation.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I've heard he's a piece of shit so this is far from surprising.

Not sure where you've heard that. The reason people are taken aback by this tweet is because his reputation is generally positive.

Most right wingers in Hollywood seem to be rather tight lipped

He is not remotely a right winger. He is a liberal.

This whole "someone said something transphobic so they must be a Republican" thing needs to stop. Liberals can be bigots too.


Oct 25, 2017
I've met him. Worked a live event where he was doing a live sit down talk/Q&A. He's not an asshole but definitely not a very inviting personality when the cameras are off tbh.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like if you're going to title a thread with "posting transphobic memes" you have to show a tweet that is obviously transphobic to most people and show more than one tweet.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like if you're going to title a thread with "posting transphobic memes" you have to show a tweet that is obviously transphobic to most people and show more than one tweet.
That post is a very obvious transphobe talking point, though.

At least if you have an idea of gender critical/TERF rhetoric.
Last edited:


Jun 21, 2019
He is not remotely a right winger. He is a liberal.

This whole "someone said something transphobic so they must be a Republican" thing needs to stop. Liberals can be bigots too.

Correct. I don't know what to make of this specifically because I really don't follow this Office shit and don't know what this guy usually posts or what he's claimed to believe, but people need to stop acting shocked when supposed left-wingers say or do something terrible.

I don't really sweat the right-wingers. They're garbage people 100% of the time and you don't have to sniff them out because they always smell like shit. They're almost refreshing in that sense. They are more than happy to outright say the terrible shit they believe without any ambiguity.

Far more insidious are the people on the left who are much better at disguising and propagating their malicious views, in part because well-meaning people come to their defense.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll admit, had no idea this was a thing that was possible for transpeople, mostly due to sheer ignorance of the topic. I guess I just figured the HRT would just either shut milk production down for transmen and transwomen wouldn't produce enough milk to make it viable.

Human bodies are quite remarkable.

If they are more comfortable with chestfeeding vs. breastfeeding, then sure, no worries.

Stone Cold

Oct 27, 2017
Such a stupid hill to die on, i can count on one hand the number of times I've discussed breast feeding in my life


Oct 25, 2017
Such a stupid hill to die on, i can count on one hand the number of times I've discussed breast feeding in my life
Sorry I had to avatar quote
Nov 1, 2017
I'll admit the tone of the tweet is questionable. But! I genuinely didn't know this was a no-no! Happy to learn myself. But really hard to gauge what the intended tone of this tweet is.


Oct 25, 2017
"Can no longer"
"Just FYI"

Yeah, sure maybe it was just PSA about inclusive language that just so happened to be poorly worded to the point it reads like a condescending jape about trans/enby folks stealing the identity of women... sure.


Nov 20, 2017
"Can no longer"
"Just FYI"

Yeah, sure maybe it was just PSA about inclusive language that just so happened to be poorly worded to the point it reads like a condescending jape about trans/enby folks stealing the identity of women... sure.
Yeah, the use of "can" there is the big red flag for me, too. Even just changing that one word to "should" would make a world of difference.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
I'll admit the tone of the tweet is questionable. But! I genuinely didn't know this was a no-no! Happy to learn myself. But really hard to gauge what the intended tone of this tweet is.

It isn't a no-no, it's pretending that there's a cultural movement pretending the ADDITION of inclusive language is instead meant to be a REPLACEMENT of previously used nomenclature that is the problematic element. Learning to add chestfeeding to your vocabulary should be fine, but there's no argument even being made from the left that it (breastfeeding) is somehow an offensive term when used appropriately. That narrative is just bigoted hysteria, like a few years ago all you could hear was "wah wah there's 100 genders and I'm not allowed to call women 'women' anymore" nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
Only read through the first page of responses, but he's obviously transphobic/being an asshole here. Not sure what additional context is needed.


Nov 9, 2017
Fun fact mister Schrute, in Italy we don't have this kind of problem. We use the verb "allattare" that basically means "to give milk to (a baby/babies/etc)". Come here Dwight, you won't have to shape your tweets like small Dave Chappelle wannabees.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like if you're going to title a thread with "posting transphobic memes" you have to show a tweet that is obviously transphobic to most people and show more than one tweet.
Implying the erasure of women (in the reply he's debunked by someone saying you can still say breastfeeding) and inclusive language being oppressive ("you can no longer say") is kinda a transphobic dogwhistle. It's not blatant bigotry that would be obvious to every cis person, I guess.


Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissing Concerns of Transphobia; Meta-Commentary
Wait, is this transphobia or just an "Oh hey I learned something new today." tweet.

This forum loves dogpiling and assuming the worst without any clarification. Then they'll just deflect being called out by claiming the person was always a scumbag or something they're associated with must imply they're a scumbag and refuse to admit they probably just misunderstood the tweet.


Oct 25, 2017
Implying the erasure of women (in the reply he's debunked by someone saying you can still say breastfeeding) and inclusive language being oppressive ("you can no longer say") is kinda a transphobic dogwhistle. It's not blatant bigotry that would be obvious to every cis person, I guess.
Oh it is. Many though are probably nodding their head in agreement. Not saying anybody here, but cis in general. You say things like this because you know who you are speaking to, likeminded people. It is not often you hit the exact language of bigots by accident.

I wont say it is impossible it was a harmless tweet but I kind of doubt it. We shall see I guess if he decides to stop ignoring the topic.

For others, well, people are really defensive about celebrities that they like, as it goes...


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Yeaaaaah gotta say that looks entirely transphobic to me. If that's supposed to be a good-faith PSA, he is not only misinformed but also needs to learn how to write one that doesn't sound exactly like the people whining about how the PC police are coming for their words.

Like good to hear that he promotes a lot of anti-racist stuff otherwise, but that does not mean he can't be bigoted in other ways.

(I do think the title is inaccurate though, so I get people taking some issue with it. I wouldn't say that's a "meme" to begin with?)

I'll admit the tone of the tweet is questionable. But! I genuinely didn't know this was a no-no! Happy to learn myself. But really hard to gauge what the intended tone of this tweet is.

Part of the reason this very much appears to be transphobia is that it's not considered cissexist to use.

This whole controversy is new to me but others have already cited context in previous pages. Right-wing news built this up as some "now they're saying we can't say breastfeeding!!!" scandal when it was just a hospital using "chestfeeding" as an additional term for trans men or nonbinary people if they were uncomfortable with "breastfeeding", while still using it for cis women.

So even before you consider his wording that's just parroting the right-wing nonsense, it's pretty hard to see how he would have learned this and was just passing it along… when it's not actually a thing that's happened to begin with aside from right-wing lies.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Is breastfeeding really gendered? Don't we all have breasts regardless of gender?

It's not about the word being inherently gendered as feminine.

It's about whether the specific trans man or nonbinary patient feels like calling their chest "breasts" causes dysphoria/otherwise makes them feel like they are not being seen as their gender.


Oct 25, 2017
This forum loves dogpiling and assuming the worst without any clarification. Then they'll just deflect being called out by claiming the person was always a scumbag or something they're associated with must imply they're a scumbag and refuse to admit they probably just misunderstood the tweet.
You know what else people like to do in this forum? When it turns out they were wrong and said person is shit, they disappear. I remember how often that happened when Musk bought twitter.

I dont think you can blame anybody for assuming the worst of somebody when they mirror what bigots say so exactly, then get ratiod, and let several hours go by and never set the story straight.


Nov 25, 2017
In general these days when I hear things like "can't say blank anymore" I'm already checking out, so over it honestly.

I could believe that this might have been simple ignorance but honestly I don't even care to wonder so much because the whole idea of posting this tired kind of crap is already making me discount you.


Oct 25, 2017
This forum loves dogpiling and assuming the worst without any clarification. Then they'll just deflect being called out by claiming the person was always a scumbag or something they're associated with must imply they're a scumbag and refuse to admit they probably just misunderstood the tweet.
Your post reads entirely ignorant of the fact his tweet is worded in the /exact/ same ways as GC/TERF rethoric.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
It's not about the word being inherently gendered as feminine.

It's about whether the specific trans man or nonbinary patient feels like calling their chest "breasts" causes dysphoria/otherwise makes them feel like they are not being seen as their gender.

Technically yes but how often have you ever heard a man refer to their breasts as breasts? It is most definitely a gender specific term for most, outside of like medical terminology.

I guess I never really thought about the dysphoria aspect. I've just always heard the terms breastbone, breastplate and breast as non-gender specific.


Oct 25, 2017
Where could we possibly get the notion that the wording used in this tweet is parroting right wing bullshit (even if it's accidental)? No idea, but TIL you can no longer say "Merry Christmas" you have to say "Happy Holidays." Just FYI.


Nov 2, 2017
I'm trans and I highly doubt this is a transphobic tweet
Yeah, I think it's hard to really say without any clarification, but I wouldn't throw someone under the bus entirely based on one not entirely clear tweet. people making the assumption he's super conservative after this is pretty wild too if other posters are right about him typically posting progressive stuff.

And I'm not even a fan of his. If he ends up being a dick they'd too bad, but I wouldn't make the full leap just yet.


Oct 25, 2017
If this is a thing right-wingers are running with, maybe he's saying it sarcastically because of how absurd it is on its face?
This is the one possible angle I could believe. And if so you would think he would have clarified after all the angry responses he got because clearly the point was lost.

Maybe I will wake up and find he did though. Would be nice.


Oct 25, 2017
This forum loves dogpiling and assuming the worst without any clarification. Then they'll just deflect being called out by claiming the person was always a scumbag or something they're associated with must imply they're a scumbag and refuse to admit they probably just misunderstood the tweet.
Another thing this forum likes to do is downplay when trans members on Era identify bigoted dogwhistles. Unlike (perhaps) you or I, they have to live with this level of bigotry on a regular basis, so they're pretty good at calling a spade a spade.


Apr 1, 2022
User Banned (1 Month): Dismissing Concerns of Transphobia, Account in Junior Phase
It's clear that the wording is less than ideal but the fact that so many of you are treating it like the final draft of a supreme court submission and writing him off as a right wing piece of shit based on 20 words is pretty incredible.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I think it's hard to really say without any clarification, but I wouldn't throw someone under the bus entirely based on one not entirely clear tweet. people making the assumption he's super conservative after this is pretty wild too if other posters are right about him typically posting progressive stuff.

And I'm not even a fan of his. If he ends up being a dick they'd too bad, but I wouldn't make the full leap just yet.

Yeah. on the bright[?] side, usually one TRULY transphobic message will usually mean another will "slip" within the week. So let's see. :/
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