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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I mean it's definitely a bad take from IGN, but on the flipside maybe they didn't include it because they didn't think it was worthwhile. After adding it in due to requests and it getting bombarded with votes I can see where they could suspect vote brigading, in which case the best move is to just take it down. Still a bad take, but it seems completely reasonable.
The game wasn't originally included because it's not one of their GotY nominees. They expanded the list with more games after people started complaining.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I don't think it does, this is an official poll from ign and seemed to be taken off for no reason because maybe a mod didn't like death stranding. It seems like they do deserve some criticizing for this

Sure I have no problem with criticism should this turn out to be true.

I just have so little investment in reader polls for trivial things like this in general though which is why some of the more heated responses calling IGN garbage because of this are lost on me.


Jul 22, 2019
Somehow some Death Stranding haters are turning this around and saying it is Death Stranding fans that look bad here instead of IGN.


May 31, 2018
Voting for a game you like is memeing a poll now?

Who knows? User reviews and, in turn, user polls are almost always useless on sites like these so it wouldn't exactly be that out-of-the-ordinary for people to start inflating DS's votes after the 'controversy' of it not being included in the first place.
IGN? The shitty Marvel film website?

But seriously, fuck them. For so many reasons. Blatantly not playing past Episode 3 of Death Stranding before reviewing, and this poll being only the most recent.
Did they really not play the whole game before reviewing?

You literally couldn't post a review for the game if you didn't finish it. It was an unprecedented part of the game's review embargo and was well-published around the time reviews came out.

Jun 4, 2018
I simply cannot understand why anyone thinks that admirers of Kojima's works would like something he makes simply due to his name being attached to a given project... It was the most die-hard of his following who have such an incredible disdain for MGSV. Death Stranding is excellent, as far as I'm concerned. I understand that it's not for everyone, because nothing is, but I don't understand the vitriol directed at it.

Deleted member 227

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
IGN? The shitty Marvel film website?

But seriously, fuck them. For so many reasons. Blatantly not playing past Episode 3 of Death Stranding before reviewing, and this poll being only the most recent.
I didn't read their review, but that's a pretty serious claim, considering the review copies went out with strict guidelines to beat the game, do you have anything to back that up...


Oct 27, 2017
You'd think the people at IGN would have better things to do, like not actually playing games for review and stealing other people's work.

Le Dude

May 16, 2018
The game wasn't originally included because it's not one of their GotY nominees. They expanded the list with more games after people started complaining.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. They didn't think it was GOTY so it wasn't on their nominees. That's why it was omitted from the poll. Then from user requests they added it and it got a ton of votes. It's easy to understand that they might have felt there was vote manipulation going on, regardless of whether or not there was a coordinated effort to disrupt the poll. It's not unusual for user votes on websites to turn into shitshows. Happens on Metacritic and sites like that all the time.


Oct 25, 2017
Then don't create a poll or make a reader's award. I read some comments on the site and people wanted the DS on the poll, looks like they added it and it was winning.
Controversial games and well.... Kojima has a lot of fans so I can understand they can disrupt a poll, doesn't mean the game is bad.
Well they remedied that so...

They added multiple games after people started complaining.


Nov 30, 2018


Sep 16, 2018
Will never understand why this game triggers people so hard. One of many polarizing games we've gotten yet none have generated this level of discussion. Quite bizarre.

They didn't do that. Death Stranding was just one of a few games that were added later on. It's not a great way of making a poll, but there's no reason to actually believe that it was some conspiracy to rob Death Stranding.
Who knows? User reviews and, in turn, user polls are almost always useless on sites like these so it wouldn't exactly be that out-of-the-ordinary for people to start inflating DS's votes after the 'controversy' of it not being included in the first place.

Oh, the irony!


May 31, 2018
Somehow some Death Stranding haters are turning this around and saying it is Death Stranding fans that look bad here instead of IGN.

Going "guys calm down and stop demonising an entire 700+ employee site based on the speculation of a single Reddit user," is not taking part in a flame war. It shouldn't matter at all but DS has a guaranteed spot on my GOTY list; I just find the hatred that IGN is getting here to be both overblown and incredibly short-sighted.

Will never understand why this game triggers people so hard. One of many polarizing games we've gotten yet none have generated this level of discussion. Quite bizarre.

Oh, the irony!

How is that ironic? That I acknowledge the fact that user reviews and polls are often times full of brigaiding? Is that really "conspiracy theory thinking" now or are you just using that for points against someone you believe is "triggered"?

And don't user "triggered" to refer to petty stuff like this. Please.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Was the poll even removed because of Death Stranding or was it because the added games made it so that the poll wouldn't accurately reflect people's actual opinions? They added many more games than just Death Stranding (Borderlands 3, Astral Chain, etc) so there's really no way to know why it was taken down.

Literally all we're going on here is a single moderator's dumb hot take and the speculation of a random person on Reddit.

Clearly enough to demonise an entire website and throw the internet mobs against them.
Ah, you're the type that will keep moving goalposts and twisting the situation whenever it changes so that it fits with the way you want to see it. I've seen these types of posts before. So now that we know it's an actual poll (terribly-handled since the beginning) you'll keep throwing hypotheticals and going around in circles.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand why they'd be bothered about a community vote for Death Stranding? Surely if that's what the community votes for that's all that matters? IGN doubling down on this just seems crazy.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, everything is said and shown in here:

Then there is also the thing about Death Stranding having a way lower score than Pokemon SwSh, writers not getting reviewed themself (see the debacle about that Filip guy that copied lots of reviews) and often times articles with big errors or wrong information in them.

I am not surprised.

Ironically Dunkey would probably defend IGN on the Death Stranding stuff because he hated that game and he also made a followup video to that Game Critics video where he partially criticized regular users for giving IGN shit for their Days Gone review.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh boi. Not a good look at all. What does IGN have against this game? I've seen many vocal haters on this board, but an actual media outlet seems to take the cake.

Giant bomb probably hates the game even more (wouldn't be surprised if it is actually in contention for "worst game of the year" for them), however they do recognize others do like it so that's fine.


Oct 25, 2017
So the dozens of people in this thread saying blanket statements like "fuck ign" and "what a joke site" aren't conflating a mod with an entire organization and its professional staff?

If a mod here did something stupid, would you say, "fuck reset era!" or would you say, "what a dumb thing for that mod to do."

Here is the rub my guy

That MOD represents IGN in a semi professional capacity. They may not be aware of it but any shenanigans that they do that the parent company doesnt disavow or punish immediately means that the company is ok with it.

This is litteraly why corporate or any sort of collab drop people like they are hot when they get mixed up in any sort of controversy.

A similar ground level comparison would be a kid dumb enough to steal while wearing a school uniform. His ass is grass ahead a lawnmower because the school would not suffer an embarrassment like that and either root him out or punish all students. ( then the ones who do know would probably take matters in their own hands but this is a digression)

So to answer silly question, we would be saying resetera is garbage, UNTIL they oust the offending mod.


May 31, 2018
Ah, you're the type that will keep moving goalposts and twisting the situation whenever it changes so that it fits with the way you want to see it. I've seen these types of posts before. So now that we know it's an actual poll (terribly-handled since the beginning) you'll keep throwing hypotheticals and going around in circles.



Yes, the original poll was an official one, but we have no clue why it was taken down or who it was taken down by. Questioning that isn't "moving the goalposts," it's just not agreeing to start posting "FUCK IGN," based on speculation and hearsay.


Oct 25, 2017
There's almost nothing to respect about the "professionalism" of the US branch of IGN and it's been like that for a long time. It needs to learn from its international counterparts.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
Its my GOTY, sorry IGN
Seriously the only time I vehemently disagreed with IGN on a score. It's not perfect but man, it's not a 6.anything IMHO. I already put 70* hours into and can't even get out of chapter 3 lol! I will be playing DS for the rest of the year, it's such a chill game.


Oct 30, 2017
Then is a really bad look for IGN then, why even update the list to include DS in the first place? Ridiculous.
I assume they honestly thought everyone else shared their views that it was a mediocre game.

Personally, I found the game often frustrating and indulgent. I wouldn't include it in my top 10 games of this year.

But I also know a buddy who thinks it's a masterpiece.

Either way, if IGN didn't want people to consider Death Stranding for voter's GOTY, they've successfully done everything they could've to make sure this game dominates the conversation and mobilizes people to vote for it, if only to spite them.


The cutest v-tuber
Oct 25, 2017
Why are people surprised or think people were gaming the system. DS got 2nd in that game award nominee thread poll with 1st being fucking smash. It's ok for people to like this game.


Oct 27, 2017

"If Kojima's name wasn't on it no one would care". That means:
1. You're a wise person who knows Death Stranding is a mediocre game at best.
2. You love DS, so you're an idiot who can't look at the game by itself and only like it because of Kojima
That's not good words from an IGN moderator...


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Imagine telling the Internet that they can't do something and not expect the Internet to do exactly that.
If Death Stranding wasn't going to win, it will now.


Jul 22, 2019
Going "guys calm down and stop demonising an entire 700+ employee site based on the speculation of a single Reddit user," is not taking part in a flame war. It shouldn't matter at all but DS has a guaranteed spot on my GOTY list; I just find the hatred that IGN is getting here to be both overblown and incredibly short-sighted.
I am pretty sure the removal of the poll is the focus here, which absolutely represents IGN as a whole. Don't care what some random forum moderator has to say.

And that is definitely worthy of the hate going their way. No matter what game was leading the poll.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Really? You ask this question? Even in this forum, ppl got shit for not liking the game, and reviewers not liking the game / "bad" reviews were torn to pieces. Please. Of course people were voting for DS, just because.

The real lesson here is: Public voting always sucks in such cases. It's just like with Metacritic user reviews ... just even less to do with basically a few clicks.
Did we read different review threads? Here everyone was saying that the high reviews were either paid or because the reviewers were biased.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't have strong feelings about this year's GotY, but in this case I hope Death Stranding wins by a wide margin.

Embarrassing comments by the moderator.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I simply cannot understand why anyone thinks that admirers of Kojima's works would like something he makes simply due to his name being attached to a given project... It was the most die-hard of his following who have such an incredible disdain for MGSV. Death Stranding is excellent, as far as I'm concerned. I understand that it's not for everyone, because nothing is, but I don't understand the vitriol directed at it.

Thank you. Personally, I was such a massive fan of his but I felt betrayed by MGS V. As exaggerated as that sounds, I was so invested in that series that the way he handled the story left me feeling quite empty inside. I was even a part of that Never Be Game Over reddit movement looking for answers within the game because I was so desperate. I really disliked Kojima since, but here I am, addicted to DS lol People seem to think he gets a free pass but he really doesn't and DS got a lot of scathing criticisms yet some are unable to separate their feelings towards him and the games he makes.

Anyway...this DS discourse is really wild :p


Tries to be a positive role model
Apr 30, 2019
Holy fucking shit. They had one job. ONE. Just let their readers vote regardless if you agree or disagree with the winner. It ain't hard to understand why people adore the game lmao


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Yes, the original poll was an official one, but we have no clue why it was taken down or who it was taken down by. Questioning that isn't "moving the goalposts," it's just not agreeing to start posting "FUCK IGN," based on speculation and hearsay.
Yeah yeah, the poll didn't originally include DS, then it did and IGN didn't reset it, which started the whole shitshow. Not everyone's going "Fuck IGN" lol, but that generalization... I've seen it before in this forum too. People are completely allowed to believe this is very suspect and that IGN mishandled the whole situation, you can agree with that at least, right? Or are we throwing another hypothetical situation?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Isn't this just a forum mod, I.e., no one of import? What am I missing? Oh is this just a chance to bash on IGN.

I get it.

IGN sux!!
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