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Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
Yep if it wasn't obvious before then it is now. IGN has a pretty clear agenda against this game which is beyond baffling. OK fair enough you didn't like it, but to actively prevent others from expressing their enjoyment of it? Yeah that goes beyond.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes this is the way I would do it if I wanted a guaranteed win for death stranding.


Nov 1, 2017
Nobody hates the website they frequent constantly more than IGN users. Every time I read any comments there it's toxic.


Oct 28, 2017
Giant bomb probably hates the game even more (wouldn't be surprised if it is actually in contention for "worst game of the year" for them), however they do recognize others do like it so that's fine.
Maybe I'm misremembering, but didn't Jeff said in a video how he doesn't know anyone who actually enjoyed playing Death Stranding? It was the video where Brad was doing a pizza delivery mission. Hopefully I'm not totally butchering what he said...


May 31, 2018
I am pretty sure the removal of the poll is the focus here, which absolutely represents IGN as a whole. Don't care what some random forum moderator has to say.

And that is definitely worthy of the hate going their way. No matter what game was leading the poll.

And the reasoning behind the removal of the poll is entirely based on speculation. There's literally no reason to believe that IGN removed the poll because they were salty about DS winning it instead of removing it because they made a mistake.

Yeah yeah, the poll didn't originally include DS, then it did and IGN didn't reset it, which started the whole shitshow. Not everyone's going "Fuck IGN" lol, but that generalization... I've seen it before in this forum too. People are completely allowed to believe this is very suspect and that IGN mishandled the whole situation, you can agree with that at least, right? Or are we throwing another hypothetical situation?

There were more games than just Death Stranding added.

At first IGN only had games that were included in their own GOTY list. After some complaints, likely many from Death Stranding fans (seeing as it's quite a well-loved game at this point), they added both Death Stranding and a few other favourite titles from this year (Astral Chain, Beat Saber, etc).

And people are allowed to believe anything, but that doesn't mean those beliefs can't be questioned.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
This reminds me of that time Devin Faraci (pre-groping scandal) shut down the comments section on an article he wrote and threw a fit because people on Badass Digest didn't agree that Coldplay was the worst band in the world.

Badass Digest, now known as Birth.Movies.Death, had a very active comments section that was comparable to a subreddit or forum with threads. He wrote an article about how much he hated Coldplay and was furious that people in the comments defended Coldplay and didn't share his intense dislike for the band.

Worst Thing Of The Day: Coldplay Pays "Tribute" To The Beastie Boys: The worst band in the world rubs your face in it.

So he locked the comments on the article (never been done before on the site) and wrote a follow up article about how on this website people are not allowed to like Coldplay.

Community, Comments and Badassery: Let's take a minute to talk about the Badass Digest comments and community, the rules and regulations and what your opinions are about them all.

And I'll admit to being torn about closing the Coldplay article. Maybe I should have let it go on. But I don't believe that the customer is always right, and I think I would have done the same if the thread was people vigorously defending Jack & Jill. This site is no place for mainstream, populist, generic swill. I honestly hate the idea of a new reader coming to a site called Badass Digest and seeing 80 comments defending Coldplay. It's simply not right.

So wild to see people dig their heels in over something so petty and silly.

Although I think the comments from the moderator aren't really a big deal. They're just a community mod right? They're allowed to think Death Stranding is bad. This isn't so much a controversy to me as it is a dumb internet event that makes you wonder why this is so important to some folks, lol. It's just a community poll. Who cares?


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
It's one of my favorite games this whole gen, so maybe even the GOTG, I'm soaking in every single minute of it. It's f'n brilliant.

So, fuck IGN, what a joke of a company.
Oct 27, 2017
Bet 99% of the people are voting for death stranding is just voting or it so Kojima gets the award. IMO, has nothing to do with the game.

Hell, remove the words Death Stranding and replace it with Kojima and it will still win.


Oct 27, 2017
Just one more reason why I can't take IGN seriously. So the moderator basically said: you're either with me or wrong.
This is very mature and shows how highly they think about their audience and community.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Isn't this just a forum mod, I.e., no one of import? What am I missing? Oh is this just a chance to bash on IGN.

I get it.

IGN sux!!
You're missing quite a lot of context, the mod is just another detail and not the main focus. The OP didn't do a good job of presenting the situation.
Anyway, it'd be terrible no matter the game and I'd still have the same opinion, this was handled terribly from the start by IGN the moment they didn't reset the votes after adding new titles.


Editor-in-chief at
Oct 28, 2017
I didn't read their review, but that's a pretty serious claim, considering the review copies went out with strict guidelines to beat the game, do you have anything to back that up...

Yeah, the embargo was "you have to have completed the game, but you can't TALK ABOUT anything past chapter 3. Big, big difference.


Mar 10, 2019
he speaks the truth. If there is no Kojima name in death stranding people will hate it. They just love the name, not the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe I'm misremembering, but didn't Jeff said in a video how he doesn't know anyone who actually enjoyed playing Death Stranding? It was the video where Brad was doing a pizza delivery mission. Hopefully I'm not totally butchering what he said...

He said that but that was pre-release so he would only know about other journalists he spoke too, very different to pretending nobody at all would enjoy it like here.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
Death Stranding is the Boaty McBoatface of the gaming world this year then?

Alas this vote looks like it was doomed from the start. Once the mod posted that, it's only going to go against you.


Nov 2, 2017
Soooooo do we know the answer to this yet?'s super important. If it's just a mod, then who even cares? This is a non-issue and just a stupid forum thing.

If it was an employee hosting an official IGN poll, then it takes on entirely different meaning.
It was an official IGN poll, they do it every year.

Bet 99% of the people are voting for death stranding is just voting or it so Kojima gets the award. IMO, has nothing to do with the game.

Hell, remove the words Death Stranding and replace it with Kojima and it will still win.
We found the mod.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Lol come on. I don't like the game much, but let the votes fall where they may. Clearly, tons of people enjoy it. No reason to be petty that people like something you don't.


Sep 16, 2018
How is that ironic? That I acknowledge the fact that user reviews and polls are often times full of brigaiding? Is that really "conspiracy theory thinking" now or are you just using that for points against someone you believe is "triggered"?

The irony is, you first made a definite statement, on how we had 'no reason to believe in any conspiracy', even in the light of the fact that IGN who generally give separate GOTYs i.e. (i) Staff Choice (ii) Readers chouce didn't have DS in either poll in addition to many other games. After many folks wrote, they added it in their Readers poll. If you had voted earlier, you weren't allowed to change it anyway as Betty said. Once, DS still went ahead despite being a late addition they took the poll down.

Then you had to gall to put your own tin-foil hat on to suggest that, those who were voting for DS were doing it just to spite the website. Never did you consider, that there are genuine gamers who actually bought and played the game consider it to be their GOTY. There is a likelihood it wins GOTY on Era as well, but that will also be brigading right?

Just accept you contradicted yourself in space of two posts and move on.

One is the assumption a website has it out for a certain game, the other post talks about zealous fanboys doing what zealous fanboys tend to do. There's no irony there lol.

That is also an assumption, which is the irony I pointed. Well done on missing it!


Oct 29, 2017
I know it's just a mod and not all of IGN responsible, but this shit would only happen at IGN. They basically get into the news for being a joke virtually once a fortnight.


Dec 10, 2017
Ontario, Canada
After much skepticism and a canceled preorder, I bit the bullet and found a game that truly is my game of the year. Unironically.

Frankly, this is yet another reason why I prefer reading news and reviews elsewhere. I find the articles on IGN juvenile and the behaviour even more so. Disgraceful.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
But Death Stranding is not a 'videogamey videogame'. You don't shoot people for most of the time for instance. So it's no videogame.
They made an open world that actually is in service of the gameplay. That's not how videogames should work.
When you fail an objective, you have to start it over. That's punishment, not videogame.

We all asked Kojima to finally make something else than Metal Gear Solid. And what did he do? The motherfucker made something that isn't even close to Metal Gear Solid. It is something completely original and unique. Something we never played before. God damn him! and god damn his Game of the Year.


Oct 25, 2017
Has IGN previously added a game to their players choice poll after it had missed the first cut? Do they always pull from their own editorial GOTY picks?


Jul 22, 2019
I find it surprising people think Death Stranding winning reader polls is troll voting or something.

Even the biggest DS detractors acknowledge it is a love it or hate it game. This isn't a Death Stranding vs the field poll. It is Death Stranding vs a lot of other games which can be voted for individually.

In other words, you don't need a huge proportion of the votes to win this sort of poll. You just need a decent sized dedicated fan base that loved the game to win it. Which is exactly what happened.

Death Stranding was winning with around 15% of the votes. That isn't some crazy unbelievable number that could only be the result of vote stuffing and trolling.
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