Jason on surprising anecdotes


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Really looking forward to your book Jason, I have it pre-ordered on audible.

During all your reporting, what have you encountered that really surprised you? Any particular anecdote or phenomena which made you rethink your understanding of video games or the people working on them?
This is a good question but I can't think of anything at the moment. Press Reset has a lot of details that nearly made my head explode. Like when 38 Studios said it would take over the mortgages of employees moving from Boston to Rhode Island who couldn't sell their homes, and then those mortgages reverted back to employees when the studio collapsed, leaving those people completely fucked. The level of callousness in the games industry sometimes blows me away.

Any weird stories or details that you couldn't report on at the time, but enough time has passed that you are willing to talk about now?
I don't think I've ever told this one publicly. A few days before No Man's Sky came out, they hadn't sent out early review copies because they were waiting on a day-one patch. We'd gone to J&L in NYC (which always breaks street date) and just bought a copy ourselves and we were streaming it on Kotaku's Facebook. Then I got a call from an unknown number. Turns out it was Sean Murray. He was very upset that we were showing the game off pre-patch. We talked for like 45 minutes? I'm still not sure how he got my cell phone number. I hope one day we get a chance to talk on the record. Would be fun times.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Given the ever increasing number of games being released, many of which don't see much if any recognition from journalists and reviewers due to whatever reason, how can reviewers and journalists make sure they don't miss out on the next sleeper hit?


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Hello, Jason

So, my question is, do you think there's still an audience for games like Dark Cloud/Dark Cloud 2? I know there's a very passionate smaller fanbase for them, but is there still room for obscure JRPGs like them, and what would it take for Sony to even be remotely interested in reviving the series, since they apparently own the IP?


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Jason, I actually have a few questions...
  • How do you feel about diversity in the current batch of fighting games (Ex: ASW taking representation more seriously in GG Strive, Smash having zero Black characters & racist stereotypes, etc.)?
  • How optimistic do you feel about more Black representation in games going forward? You can hint at something you know if you want, but I'm more curious about your own personal opinion on the topic.
  • Do you think the success of Forspoken could lead to more Japanese developers giving us diverse protagonists?
  • Why do you think developers not do gyro aiming on PS4/5 when it's already available in the Switch versions of games (Ex: Overwatch, Apex Legends, Fortnite, etc.)?

Lube Man

Jan 18, 2021
Later that year, I was blacklisted by Bethesda, and remain so to this day.

My question to you, Jason, is regarding sensationalized articles (like the fictitious one I mentioned above).

What do you think about the current status of "scanning tweets" for articles? Does it annoy you that everything you may say can and will be used against you in the court of internet law?


Oct 25, 2017
Hey Jason, any particular news story come to mind that you absolutely could NOT wait to reveal? Like you just had a lot of excitement brewing since you knew it was just gonna take off once you submitted it?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Philadelphia, PA
Hi Jason, fellow fan of Suikoden II here (It's actually my personal favorite game of all time)

What are your thoughts on the upcoming Eiyuden Chronicles as a spiritual successor by the former dev leads of Suikoden series? (notably the first and second games)

Also as a journalist that reports on events in industry what is your opinion on crowdfunding campaigns as opposed to AAA major publisher funded projects instead? Actually kind of goes back to Eiyuden itself which is a crowdfunding project.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Helli, Jason! Big fan of your work.

What was the the hardest story to write so far? Hard could mean anything, for example sources that are difficult to find or just a situation so hairy that it was difficult to write about them.

Deleted member 27751

User-requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Do you find the industry is now more open then ever with scenes like indie development absolutely skyrocketing, or do you find that the environment is actually at its most riskiest in content swamping and difficulty in finding the right spot for comfortable development without almost guaranteed crunch ethics?

Follow up question, do you believe universities/whatever America calls higher education is simply fleecing the potential game developer scene by offering bogus degrees that actually don't teach real world implementation? I've got aBachelors in Video Game Development mastering in Game Design and found it absolutely useless plus missing a lot of business teachings.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey Jason,

How much pressure do journalists get from devs/publishers to publish positive articles/reviews for their games? And, if there is pressure, what are the repercussions of not bowing down to that pressure?

Has it ever caused you to write something that you did not completely agree with?
Jason's answers on receiving threats, and on games media


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Do you receive many threatening emails/dms from company people that are mad you've shared something? Or from fanboys that are upset you've shared some negative news about their favorite console?
From fans, yes, often. From companies, no not really. Game companies prefer to just ignore you when they're mad at you.

Hey Jason,

So my question concerns game journalism more broadly. With the recent departures at Giant Bomb there has been some comments about how few people remain covering games in the long run despite gaming growing in scope in all demographics. Know part of this is the broader trend of moving more to influencers and youtubers.

While Giant Bomb is more personality driven while you are more traditional reporting based, how do you see the nature of games coverage evolving and trying to maintain talent in the long run and in a changing landscape.
I'm not sure why the GB folks left (and I wish them the best, such good guys) but let me talk a bit broadly about the state of games media.

The biggest problem in games media, as with most other beats in media, is that there's no money. For all of the nonsense you see about journalists writing articles for "clicks," pageviews don't exactly translate to cash very smoothly. Advertising revenue is in the shitter thanks to covid, Facebook, and Google, and while some sites have successfully found alternative revenue streams such as commerce, there isn't a ton of cash flowing around the media world right now. That's doubly true for gaming. Folks often complain that there's not enough investigative journalism on this beat, yet at the same time they're copy-pasting articles on Reddit to get around paywalls. Meanwhile, journalists at most gaming sites are overworked and underpaid. It's a bleak landscape! So if you're wondering why there are so many influencers willing to take money from Microsoft to shill the Kinect or whatever, it's because they need to eat.

To answer your question, I'd love to see more gaming sites adopt subscription models. It's worked well for personalities and shows - why shouldn't it work with reporting?


Oct 25, 2017
Hi Jason -

I'm a librarian at a university with a game studies program (which is also my area of research). Your book isn't available for us to purchase as an ebook, only in print. Could you pester your publisher about it? I'd love to get this as an eBook for the game studies program - print access is hard due to Covid.

Thank you!

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Hi Jason,
Based on the reporting you've done on crunch in the industry, can you briefly outline whether you believe crunch to be solely (or at least majorly) a consequence of incompetence (or worse: greed/malice), or is it possible that big players might just not be competitive if they didn't overwork their employees? Are there examples of big studios not resorting to crunch but delivering games on the scale of CDPR, Ubisoft, Rockstar, Naughty Dog?
Also, for someone who works as a developer in a company with a crunch culture, what is generally their reason to stick with a company with poor working hours over seeking a job outside of gaming that presumably pays better and requires fewer hours?


Dec 20, 2019
Hey Jason, fellow New York/Long Islander here. Congratulations on the new Book. I will definitely purchase this.

I often read your articles/news about crunch from within the workplace of Developers. Have you ever heard of any crunch (in it's various forms) extend to the music side of things? I'm not actually sure if making music for games is attached to crunch in some ways, whether it's outsourced or tied to the Developer(s). As a Electronic Music Producer, sometimes I look around on the side for working opportunities within the gaming industry, but then I think about the potential crunch that may occur and wonder if I should decide to take on such a task.

I am curious to know your thoughts as I don't recall hearing much discussion about the stress of getting music composed and ready for release. Music can never be rushed, but sometimes it too can sound like it is once you hear original soundtracks released.


Oct 26, 2017
Paris, France
Really interesting read, thanks Jason!

If you're still reading, do you have any gaming podcasts you'd recommend? I'm always on the lookout for new voices to listen to!

(and if you have any recs for non-gaming pods I'll take those too ^^)
Jason answers on journalism degrees, volatility in the industry, Souls games, and more


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Hi Jason,

I made a thread here awhile ago asking about getting a degree in journalism and you basically said it wouldn't be a good idea. Do you still believe that? If so could you elaborate just a bit?

Oh yeah, absolutely. Unless someone else is paying for it. Definitely don't take out student loans for a degree in journalism. Major in business or finance or something else that will A) help you be better at journalism by understanding the world beyond the newsroom, and B) set you up for a backup plan in case journalism doesn't work out.

Aside from video game crunch and chaotic development issues, is there any other subjects regarding the video game industry you feel deserve more attention?
Yes! I wrote a book about it.

A lot of people know that the game industry is full of brutal crunch, and I'm very glad that people are talking about it more and more these days, but in my reporting, I've found that the biggest issue in gaming isn't crunch -- it's volatility. The video game industry earns $180 billion in revenue a year but can't seem to avoid shutting down studios or conducting mass layoffs every few months. That, more than anything, is what leads people to burn out, and Press Reset is all about why it happens, how it happens, and how things can get better. (It's also pretty entertaining IMO, but I'm biased.)

How does the process of writing an insider article usually look like - from leaking to vetting to confirmation to writing the article? Do insiders come to you nowadays or do you have to poke around?
Every good story starts with a question. Why was Anthem such a mess? Who was really responsible for Cyberpunk's shoddy launch? Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Sometimes I'll come up with that question myself (or see lots of people asking it) and sometimes people will come to me asking it. Sometimes people will come to me with the answers to a question I hadn't even thought of, and then I'll work from there. Just about every "insider" story I've written also relies on more than one source corroborating it, so there's always some legwork involved even when someone comes to me in the first place.

which is the best souls game, and why is it demon's souls
It's Bloodborne, but Demon's Souls is the perfect entry point, and the PS5 remake is superb. But the bosses in Demon's Souls are kind of a joke, so it can't be the best one.

Hey Jason,

Have you heard of steps or initiatives taken by major publishers or even platform holders themselves to try and mitigate the effects that the last year and change have had on development? Are we due for a slew of remasters, for example, to help bridge the gap in the pipeline for big budget titles?
This is a great question. I think we are indeed about to see a slew of remasters, but I'm not sure how much of that is due to covid and how much is due to typical generational transitions. Usually the first couple years of a new generation is the perfect time for remasters anyway, as everyone's getting used to the new hardware (and waiting for people to buy it).

Hi Jason. Loved Blood, Sweat and Pixels. I can't wait for Press Reset.
Since you talk about Irrational in the book, are there any details about where the core team are now ? Any new insights about what they're working on at Ghost Story Games ? All I know is they talked about some modular story concept.
One tidbit I learned while reporting for Press Reset is that at one point, their goal was to ship a game in the fall of 2017.
Event is now concluded


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Looks like we're out of time, and this Q&Era live is officially over. Please thank Jason for his time and engagement with the community. If he wants to stick around and answer more questions and have a discussion with everyone he can do so at his leisure. The thread will be open to normal posting so that people can discuss the answers already given.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
Jason, thanks for all your time, thanks for answering my question and thanks for all the work you do uncovering these stories. This industry needs more people like you.


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna stick around and try to answer as many questions as possible on and off for the next few hours/days so keep'em coming. (Just don't expect me to answer questions about future games or whatever)


Oct 25, 2017
Oh I thought of another!

I have long thought that the games industry as a whole is quite immature: I think big publishers treat a large part of their audience like children, and a large part of that audience behaves like children. The whole hype cycle, preorder culture and careful drip feed of information that fuels console warring and suchlike.

Interested to hear any thoughts you have on that.

And thanks again for doing this. Loved your first book and looking forward to your second.


self-requested ban
Jan 16, 2021
Thanks for the answers! This has been quite an interesting read!

3) This is just randomly off the top of my head and not an official list, but: StarCraft II, Baldur's Gate 2, Suikoden II, Diablo 2, Lunar 2... holy crap how did these all wind up being 2s?

Haha. Good list. The only game from your list that also happens to be on mine is Suikoden II. It has my favorite plot of all time tied with Tactics Ogre. We should do a TC Play Along of it in the Discord man. Get Kirk and Maddy on the board!

Eiyuden includes some base building aspects as well and I'm so hyped for it. Does it include the the three-tier battle system of Suikoden 1? I liked the different types of battles depending if it was a small group battle, a battalion or an entire army.


Shit Shoe Wasp Smasher
Apr 3, 2018
Jason I just heard your episode on How Did This Get Played! You're a joy to listen to and I'm currently looking into your last book blood sweat and pixels after you discussed it with the hosts. That's all I got.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Gif or jif. Answer you coward. Unless you answer correctly then you're brave.
Jason answers about Eiyuden Chronicle, Bungie, what he enjoys about journalism, and more


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you! I had no idea that you had talked to Colantonio since. I'm glad he's not holding a grudge.

I have another question if that's alright with you and the mods.

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not excited and 10 being extremely excited, how excited are you about Eiyuden Chronicle?

I have played every mainline Suikoden game, and love the series. Eiyuden Chronicle's reveal was an event to me. The most I had ever spent on Kickstarter was 30$ I believe, many years ago. After then, I would sporadically back projects here and there only with small amounts ranging from 1$ to 10$. When Eiyuden's KS went live, I couldn't restrain myself and spent over 300 USD on it. As a big fan of Suikoden, this was my moment to be heard, so I made myself heard.
10, but right now I'm trying to keep my excitement on the backburner until it's closer to actually being a real game.

I've been replaying Suikoden V, though, and man that game has aged well.

What do you think is next for Bungie? A continued refocusing on Destiny, or mostly just ramping up on their next big franchise property?

EDIT: Also, do you think the company's split with Activision has lead to better or worse working conditions for rank-and-file employees?
Mix of both: lots of Destiny 2 and lots of work on their next big thing.

And yes, I do. Activision's insistence on constant sequels and annual production was really hurting a lot of people.

Is there any part of being a games journalist you particularly enjoy?
I like this question because it's very easy to be cynical about both the media and gaming industry so sometimes it's nice to remind myself that I really do love this job. I love being a journalist because I love hearing and telling people's stories. There are few things I enjoy more than meeting someone who's done interesting things in the games industry and just asking them questions about their life and career. Sometimes the subject matter is bleak (like it was for Press Reset -- studio shutdowns are not exactly fun to talk about) but there's still something really special about getting to hear people's stories and try to tell them in an informative, compelling way. Reporting is just the best.

Hello Mr. Schreier,

Big fan of your work and reporting on the conditions of the videogame industry!
I have one question: what story would you love to be reported on that you haven't looked into yourself?
- The Konami side of Kojima vs Konami
- FFXV: the full story
- What went on inside the room when Microsoft did an 180 on the Xbox One


Oct 30, 2017
Every good story starts with a question. Why was Anthem such a mess? Who was really responsible for Cyberpunk's shoddy launch? Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? Sometimes I'll come up with that question myself (or see lots of people asking it) and sometimes people will come to me asking it. Sometimes people will come to me with the answers to a question I hadn't even thought of, and then I'll work from there. Just about every "insider" story I've written also relies on more than one source corroborating it, so there's always some legwork involved even when someone comes to me in the first place.
Thanks of the answer. Did you ever run into the issue of not finding more sources, despite the initial source being true? Do you have any examples that come to mind where it didn't work out and eventually got posted by other outlets?


Apr 27, 2020
Hello Jason, could you explain google's reluctance to spend money to make stadia a lot more successful than it could've been. They kind nailed the streaming as best as you can get now, but for some reason didn't spend the money to get better exclusive software or even get multi platform games. I know them using Linux instead of windows for their streaming tech was probably their biggest hurdle, but is there more to that story?
Lastly, Apple almost purchased bungie at one point, could they have gone into making consoles other than Microsoft? Would love to see that story unfold, or maybe Macs would've been the major platform.


Oct 27, 2017
Hi Jason, why are you so adamant about revealing games that dev studios aint ready to reveal themselves (last time it was The Last of Us remake)?

I watched your reasoning in minmax interview (i hope i didnt butcher the name) and I found it pretty weak. You cant really compare amount of secrecy with movie business, tbh you cant compare it to anything else. You cant shoot a big movie im secret lol.

You know all the problems, the stress and everything else that revealing the game sooner than it is ready it creates, right?

Why do something that so little appreciate, while you hurt (one way or the other) someome else? I dont like knowing about the remake. It doesnt create healthy expextations prior to reveal and yeah, we can talk about the surprise aspect of gaming news/reveals, which you evidently dont care about.

I cant imagine that, as an example, you would ruin GOW reveal with orchestra for me with a leak that next gow is gomma be revealed soon.

Its just, why do you go against the most people, devs, publishers and even a lot of gamers?

The secrecy in videogames industry is fucked up, but I think we need to uncover totally different things than these (of some you are already doing and I admire you for that - and I bought both of your books).

Thanks for reply
Jason answers on AAA "ceilings", playing FFXIV, covering slave labour


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Hey Jason,

Regarding AAA budgets, crunch and the never ending expansion of them. Do you think there is a "ceiling" where AAA cannot keep up the established pace to churn out these games? Have you heard such woes from developers you've spoken to?

Oh yes. I think we've already kind of hit that point. Look at Cyberpunk!

Hi Jason.

Where are you currently at in FFXIV in terms of story/content?
About halfway through Stormblood. Slogging through whenever I have spare time.

Hi Jason. I think you do a fantastic job covering the labor issues with the software development aspect of the video game business. However, we have seen over the years that there are also very significant labor issues in the hardware manufacturing side as well, including things like outsourced labor in certain parts of the world that have been alleged to be extremely exploitative. Is this something you are interested in covering in the future? It seems underreported in the gaming press so it would be good to hear your take on it.
Any injustice in the video game industry is something I'd want to cover, but at a certain point, short of flying out to China and trying to interview people myself (not practical or realistic at the moment), there's not a lot I can do to write about this particular issue right now.

Deleted member 5593

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Do you feel your expose on Naughty Dog taking charge of the Last of Us remake got undermined with all the attention going into the fact that a remake was ND's next project rather than the talent that was lost in its development? Do you feel that it would have been better to simply not reveal the title and leave it ambiguous to focus on the developers' struggles?
Jason answers on leaks and the God of War example


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Hi Jason, why are you so adamant about revealing games that dev studios aint ready to reveal themselves (last time it was The Last of Us remake)?

I watched your reasoning in minmax interview (i hope i didnt butcher the name) and I found it pretty weak. You cant really compare amount of secrecy with movie business, tbh you cant compare it to anything else. You cant shoot a big movie im secret lol.

You know all the problems, the stress and everything else that revealing the game sooner than it is ready it creates, right?

Why do something that so little appreciate, while you hurt (one way or the other) someome else? I dont like knowing about the remake. It doesnt create healthy expextations prior to reveal and yeah, we can talk about the surprise aspect of gaming news/reveals, which you evidently dont care about.

I cant imagine that, as an example, you would ruin GOW reveal with orchestra for me with a leak that next gow is gomma be revealed soon.

Its just, why do you go against the most people, devs, publishers and even a lot of gamers?

The secrecy in videogames industry is fucked up, but I think we need to uncover totally different things than these (of some you are already doing and I admire you for that - and I bought both of your books).

Thanks for reply
I'm cutting the line to answer this real quick because you've inadvertently proved the points I made on Minnmax.

You know that God of War reveal that everyone always brings up as feeling special because it didn't leak? It leaked two months beforehand. Nobody remembers this, of course, because something can emotionally resonate with you even if you know it's coming. This is a complicated topic, there's no doubt, but it's preposterous that everyone always brings up God of War.

Deleted member 50232

User requested account closure
Dec 3, 2018
Hi Jason

Sorry if already asked but how much time do you get to spend playing games per week?

I saw from your tweet you like Returnal, how far into it are you?

thanks for your time


Jan 10, 2018
Hi Jason

Can you give any insight as to why MS seems to have such difficulty when it comes to 1st party games? Especially compared to Sony and Nintendo? i've read and heard tibits over the years from people in the industry (including yourself) but no ones ever seemed to do any in depth reporting on the subject?


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Jason, who (if anyone) was your favorite or model games journalist from before you were a professional yourself?
Tom Bissell, Stephen Totilo, Leigh Alexander, Simon Parkin, Chris Kohler, and many non-games journalists like Michael Lewis, Bill Simmons etc

Hi Jason, fellow ex-journo here. Do you agree that the proposition that many in the games media are too close with publishers, to the extent that they basically - and perhaps unwittingly - act as an extension of those publishers' PR and marketing teams? Thanks so much for your investigative work on the games industry.
Not really. I think the far bigger issue is that challenging publishers is a crappy business decision. As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the biggest issue in games media is a lack of money, and that manifests in all sorts of terrible ways. For starters, the whole ecosystem is based on game sites getting early copies to games. If you run a gaming site and you can only pay your staff because you get early access to Atari games and you get a tip that Atari is engaging in slave labor, would you really assign a journalist to look into it knowing that it will probably lead to all your Atari access fizzling? Some outlets are big enough to not have to worry about this as much, but the calculus always has to be there. It's a systemic problem.

Any plans for a possible third book?
I very much hope so.

Given the ever increasing number of games being released, many of which don't see much if any recognition from journalists and reviewers due to whatever reason, how can reviewers and journalists make sure they don't miss out on the next sleeper hit?
Great question. I rely almost entirely on word of mouth for sleeper stuff. I do my best to check out games that land in my inbox, but there are just too many.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Hello Jason,

I'm currently a college senior in school for Journalism with the hope of someday getting into games journalism. While this may be an awful idea of something to pursue in the current landscape, do you have any tips for someone who wants to pursue it anyways (and is in too deep to stop now)? Is there sanything I could be doing now to help my chances of success in the future?

I understand if this question is nearly impossible to answer without time travel lmao

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
It's Bloodborne, but Demon's Souls is the perfect entry point, and the PS5 remake is superb. But the bosses in Demon's Souls are kind of a joke, so it can't be the best one.
Thanks for the response! The bosses are actually one of my favourite aspects of Demon's Souls. I liked that they switched things up with different gimmicks and puzzles for each boss. While I enjoy challenging bosses in later souls games, I do also think the metaseries lost something when it abandoned boss variety in favour of the laser focus on challenging battles


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Jason I just heard your episode on How Did This Get Played! You're a joy to listen to and I'm currently looking into your last book blood sweat and pixels after you discussed it with the hosts. That's all I got.
Thanks! That was a very fun pod. You should've seen the look on my face when we got to the end and they announced that next week's episode is Mario 64 lmao
Hey Jason! I appreciate all your work in sharing stories highlight the industry's horrible treatment of the workers who make the games we love. I have a question in relation to your work:

In the years that you have covered video game development and the studios that makes them, have you seen any instances where studios that have had bad cases of crunch and abuse actually improve their conditions over time? I have heard that Rockstar had improved somewhat after the expose on their 100 hour work weeks post-RDR2, but have you heard of any other cases of improved working conditions?

Thanks again for taking the time to answer our questions and I am heaps keen to pick up Press Reset when it's out down under!
Nov 8, 2017
I'm gonna stick around and try to answer as many questions as possible on and off for the next few hours/days so keep'em coming. (Just don't expect me to answer questions about future games or whatever)

Hi Jason,

Do you know if there's anything out of the ordinary going on with Roundhouse Studios (the former Human Head folks)? Despite forming out of Human Head fully in tact in 2019, they still have no website, no linked in page, and no listing under zenimax jobs (not even an empty listing with 0 jobs).

At the same time, a listing for ZeniMax Online Studios - Wisconsin popped up, so I was curious if the studio might have been merged in or something like that, or whether they're just keeping their heads down due to legal trouble or similar.