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Deleted member 4247

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Oct 25, 2017
Do swedes like to party? Whenevery I visit a new country, I get my bearings and feel for a city/country by drinking at a bar for a few hours and making friends and partying with the barflies.

This is a good question. I've read that theory and it makes me wonder.

Oh yeah, there is partying alright.

Do you hate it when people confuse your country with Switzerland?

Nah, Switzerland is cool.

Are smörgåstårta any good?

It's ok.

It it true that the fire never truly ends?

Also do you have any good fish recipes?



Is dork like Forsen and Sjow are accurate representation of male swede?


Does anyone eat Swedish Fish in Sweden?


Yes, but we don't call them that.

What's the difference between Julmust and Påskmust?

The label.


Oct 27, 2017
How many Reindeer have you killed, have you ever fallen into a well? Do they teach you about the great northern war in school?


Oct 25, 2017
Do you have 15 different flavors of potato aperitif in your home?

Edit: are you going to tell us what you call Swedish fish or just leave us hanging?


Oct 25, 2017
What's your favourite country to travel to in Europe?

Is it true that swedish women are scary and hard to approach? I've only been to sweden once but I had a gf at the time so I only looked from afar.

Do you think that Sweden could successfully export its social model or do you feel like it won't last for long?

Also how do you feel about Sweden being the poster boy of the american far-right. Feels like they keep using your country as a tool for their propaganda. Anytime I see Sweden mentioned on reddit the post gets brigaded by american trolls. They really are obsessed with your country.

Deleted member 4247

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Oct 25, 2017
How many Reindeer have you killed, have you ever fallen into a well? Do they teach you about the great northern war in school?

Several. Or possibly zero.

No, but I feel into a playground slide once (or rather I was pushed into it by a... "friend") as a kid and chipped my front tooth.

How diverse is the population? I feel like it could be 99% white but what do I know.

Around 20% have foreign background. But many of those are from other European countries. About 90% white overall.

Do you know Benny from Abba?

Ah yes, good old Benny, of course.

Since y'all are neighbors, is it true that Finland doesn't exist?


Oct 27, 2017
Are all the women really that beautiful or are you guys hiding the ugly ones whenever pictures are taken?

Deleted member 4247

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Oct 25, 2017
How is Stockholm like? Also, have you been to Visby? I've always wanted to visit Gotland.

Stockholm is beautiful (as a Gothenburger I'm not officially allowed to say that, but I'll make an exception), especially in the summer. A city built on a ton of small islands. I always enjoy it there.

I have actually never visited Gotland, no.

Do you have 15 different flavors of potato aperitif in your home?

Edit: are you going to tell us what you call Swedish fish or just leave us hanging?

We just call them "fish" casually, but the official name is "pastel fish" (but in Swedish).

What's your favourite country to travel to in Europe?

Is it true that swedish women are scary and hard to approach? I've only been to sweden once but I had a gf at the time so I only looked from afar.

Do you think that Sweden could successfully export its social model or do you feel like it won't last for long?

My favorite European country I've visited is probably Switzerland, or maybe Austria. I just love those small alp towns, the rolling hills, etc. Beautiful.

Hmm, maybe a bit more reserved than in some other countries, but scary? Nah.

Without wanting to pat my own back too much, I think our model is pretty great, and I think it will last for a long time (with modifications here and there). And sure, why couldn't it work elsewhere? In a country like America it would obviously take massive amounts of work to even start approaching that though


Oct 25, 2017
Where are all the research jobs or jobs for people in the biological sciences? :(
It saddens me that I'll probably never be able to go back to my home country because I will never find a job there.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it easy to get around a major city there knowing only English? Interested at visiting at some point in the future, but I don't know any Swedish.


Oct 25, 2017
Good question. Pharma? Or that's more chemistry I guess? What does a biological scientist do? :)
I'm in immuno‑oncology. So, basically engineering one's immune system to recognize and mount a response against cancer to eradicate it. Maybe my field is a bit too specific, but it's hard to find any jobs requiring the same skills that I use now. I think I found like one or two, but the positions were for a forskningsingenjör, so maybe that's the closest equivalent. (Men jag är inte en ingenjör...)

Most biotechs definitely have people from different backgrounds. So you'd see biologists, biochemists, protein chemists, etc. I'm sure most of the biotech companies are in Stockholm, though. Plus I feel like most jobs these days are tech-related. Or administrative/managerial.

Deleted member 4247

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Oct 25, 2017
Is it easy to get around a major city there knowing only English? Interested at visiting at some point in the future, but I don't know any Swedish.

Yes, definitely. All public information and such is available in both Swedish and English (and usually also German and maybe some additional languages), and if you need help everyone (except perhaps old people) speaks English very well. You don't need to know Swedish at all to get around here.
Oct 26, 2017
I have to ask - are there any foods/arts/musics/etc. that you think represent your cultural heritage well?

Also, I am vaguely familiar with the backlash against the historical Christian influence in Scandinavia. Is that a major cultural thing, or something that smaller groups hold on to?

Have you ever seen Meshuggah live? I'm seeing them in June for the first time and need to know if I can expect greatness.
I'm USian, but I saw Meshuggah live right after Obzen released and they blew Ministry out of the water

Satanic Saint

Oct 27, 2017
1. How many percentage of Swedes consume Snus? Have you ever tried it? It looks disgusting to me. Is it heavily taxed like cigarettes? Does it have health advisory stickers on it?

2. Do you know these people: Ronnie Peterson, Marcus Ericcson, Felix Rosenqvist and Stig Blomqvist. Are any of these people household names?

3. Which Swedish bands do Swedish people like the most? Are there any Swedish bands which Swedish people don't like (kinda like the Irish people and U2)? Also do you know of Ghost, Magna Carta Cartel, Subvision, Bathory and Hellacopters (Some of my favourite Swedish bands)? Are any of these household names?

Deleted member 4247

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Oct 25, 2017
I have to ask - are there any foods/arts/musics/etc. that you think represent your cultural heritage well?

Also, I am vaguely familiar with the backlash against the historical Christian influence in Scandinavia. Is that a major cultural thing, or something that smaller groups hold on to?

Hmm, food... Kebab pizza? Lol. I'm not sure, I think traditional Swedish food is a bit boring. Meatballs are the most "famous" internationally I guess? Wouldn't say they really represent our culture as such though.

As for arts, I'm crap at that, don't know very much about it. Music though, hmm, ABBA? Not sure about "heritage" there either though. Maybe you're looking for more traditional stuff? But yeah, Sweden has a hugely successful music export for such a small country. I'm a metal (and prog) guy myself, and there are some good successful Swedish metal bands for sure.

Hmm, not sure what backlash you're referring to exactly. Sweden is very secular and highly irreligious, something like 85% don't consider religion to be an important part of their lives. That doesn't mean 85% identify as atheists though (but more people than in most countries probably do), I think people in general just don't care. Religion just isn't a factor in their lives. But I'm not really familiar with any backlash against our Christian history.
Oct 26, 2017
As for arts, I'm crap at that, don't know very much about it. Music though, hmm, ABBA? Not sure about "heritage" there either though. Maybe you're looking for more traditional stuff? But yeah, Sweden has a hugely successful music export for such a small country. I'm a metal (and prog) guy myself, and there are some good successful Swedish metal bands for sure.

Hmm, not sure what backlash you're referring to exactly. Sweden is very secular and highly irreligious, something like 85% don't consider religion to be an important part of their lives. That doesn't mean 85% identify as atheists though (but more people than in most countries probably do), I think people in general just don't care. Religion just isn't a factor in their lives. But I'm not really familiar with any backlash against our Christian history.
I'm definitely familiar with ABBA :) I was more curious about traditional stuff because I think it provides cultural context (I'm in the US). Love love love Meshuggah btw, even though I don't listen to much metal or prog anymore.

I might have been thinking of other countries in Scandinavia with the Christianity question, sorry if that is the case. Nice to hear your country is largely secular!


Oct 28, 2017
Ok mr swede i have two questions.

1. Where does Norrland start?

2. Is your name Glenn and how many hours a day do you listen to Håkan hellström?
Oct 27, 2017
Mexicans and Brits and all kinds of shady people are doing this, so why not a Swede!

Born and raised in Sweden, lived here all my life. Since about ten years back I live on the west coast in Gothenburg, Sweden's 2nd largest city.

So yeah, ask me about Sweden, what it's like to be Swedish, how great we are at curling and hockey, all that good stuff!

And any other Swedes on here are of course welcome to chime in as well!

How do people feel about Russia

Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
1. How many percentage of Swedes consume Snus? Have you ever tried it? It looks disgusting to me. Is it heavily taxed like cigarettes? Does it have health advisory stickers on it?

2. Do you know these people: Ronnie Peterson, Marcus Ericcson, Felix Rosenqvist and Stig Blomqvist. Are any of these people household names?

3. Which Swedish bands do Swedish people like the most? Are there any Swedish bands which Swedish people don't like (kinda like the Irish people and U2)? Also do you know of Ghost, Magna Carta Cartel, Subvision, Bathory and Hellacopters (Some of my favourite Swedish bands)? Are any of these household names?

1. Around a million Swedes use snus, so 10%. Yes, I use it all day every day. Stupid waste of money, but I'm addicted, and it's far better than smoking. It's not disgusting to me! I only use the portion packs though, not loose snus, so it's pretty "clean". Yeah, it's taxed at around 25% (it's taxed by weight, so the percentage will differ depending on how expensive it is). Yes, there are health warnings, but generic "damaging to your health" ones rather than the specific scary warnings with horrible pictures you get on cigarette packs.

2. For sure, I know them all. Ronnie Peterson is the one that's best known I believe, although I'm not sure about "household name". Doubt most teens have ever heard of him.

3. Not sure about Swedish bands that Swedes don't like, but there are certainly many bands which have had greater success outside the country. Ghost are VERY popular, definitely the top name from that list these days. One of the most popular rock/metal bands currently, among a wider audience than your typical metal band. The Hellacopters are also very well known. The others maybe not as much, but I know them all except for Subdivision.

Deleted member 4247

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Oct 25, 2017
Ok mr swede i have two questions.

1. Where does Norrland start?

2. Is your name Glenn and how many hours a day do you listen to Håkan hellström?

1. Just north of Stockholm. ;)

2. No, and zero.

How do people feel about Russia

Uneasy, a bit worried. I don't think Swedes dislike them quite as much as Americans do, but we're definitely not fans. Whenever there's talk of increasing our defensive capabilities, the potential threat being referred to (but not always mentioned by name) is always Russia.

How do swedes feel about metalheads?

Sweden has so many killer metal bands, are they very popular or do normal sweeds kind of blow them off

There are a lot of metalheads here, and even "normal" people will often go to shows with the really popular ones. Big acts like Maiden, Metallica, etc, always sell out the largest stadiums. And yeah, bands like Ghost, In Flames, etc, are absolutely popular. We have a healthy metal culture here, I think.

Hope Sweden is nice this time of year.

Eeeh. Here on the west coast there's wet snow, sometimes rain, and temperatures that hover around freezing (so you'll get slush one day and deadly ice the next). Not awesome. Further inland or up north you get more proper winter.

Deleted member 4247

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Oct 25, 2017
Why is Gothenburg the best City in Sweden? And why is Stockholm the worst?

You know, I've always wondered the same thing! It's curious... We do have Liseberg and Poseidon, Stockholm just can't beat that.

(I think Stockholm is pretty cool actually. Beautiful city. That stereotypical Stockholm attitude some have though... yeah.)
Oct 27, 2017
Oh I have a question! How do swedes feel about marijuana? Is it very popular? It's illegal here in Illinois but I assure you we may as well be Colorado in that Dept.

I guess I'm asking what the weed culture is like in Sweden,?
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