
Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
No, I said context is king. In the context of Rich's joke, I don't see the malice needed to take an otherwise racist stereotype joke all the way home into the "I hate Asians" category . And the "they talk like that..." is problematic, absolutely, but I also see the look he gives the camera before he does an impression of "my drunk racist uncle" with his body language before he says it. Dude is fucking joking. I mean, it's super obvious.
Why don't you ask a Chinese person if they see "no malice" in that video clip

Think they'll agree with your assessment?


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
That's not what they said even slightly. I watched the whole video. They literally do not say this.

The part that's true is people stupidly lapping up a giant corporations bullshit when they cynically glom on to social movements, or try to turn it into controversy to their benefit. The "charity" donations to put money into the pockets of the worlds largest media conglomerate is super fucking gross. If it were really a concern to Disney they'd give free showings to young girls or something along those lines.

More people should have a watch of HBomberguys video on "woke brands" and "woke capitalism".

These companies and their marketing teams are intentionally manipulating us. Controversy breeds publicity. That's whats gross. The manipulation.
I don't fucking need to be "tricked" into being excited about a Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan movie. And no, I don't expect Disney or anyone to make it and just put out there for free.

Enough with this condescending shit trying to paint representation with this stink of cynicism. You ain't HBomberguy and neither are these clowns.
Oct 25, 2017
That's not what they said even slightly. I watched the whole video. They literally do not say this.

The part that's true is people stupidly lapping up a giant corporations bullshit when they cynically glom on to social movements, or try to turn it into controversy to their benefit. The "charity" donations to put money into the pockets of the worlds largest media conglomerate is super fucking gross. If it were really a concern to Disney they'd give free showings to young girls or something along those lines.

More people should have a watch of HBomberguys video on "woke brands" and "woke capitalism".

These companies and their marketing teams are intentionally manipulating us. Controversy breeds publicity. That's whats gross. The manipulation.

Jesus fuck people really need to stop bringing up that video in this context like that at all backs them up. The conclusion that video came too wasn't that big brands being progressive was a bad thing. And even if it was, that ignores that movies are an actual art form and boiling it down to just "Disney" is hand waving everyone involved that was trying to make a quality film that stood for the values they were trying to promote.


Dec 5, 2017
These guys aren't HBomberguy
No they aren't, but the core of their argument is pretty clearly about the same thing. At least that's what I got out of it. I do think they harped on Brie Larson too much, but I also thing that the speech she made was super fucking condescending and cringe worthy. It's not that the core of what she said wasn't true, it's just that she was about as patronizing as possibly can be.


Dec 5, 2017
I don't fucking need to be "tricked" into being excited about a Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan movie. And no, I don't expect Disney or anyone to make it and just put out there for free.

Enough with this condescending shit trying to paint representation with this stink of cynicism. You ain't HBomberguy and neither are these clowns.
Who's being condescending? For the record I enjoyed the shit out of Captain Marvel, but still doesn't change that I feel a little wary of companies and anyone who stands to profit from controversy.
Oct 25, 2017
There's a pretty big fucking difference between "Companies could try to use wokeness to manipulate you so keep an eye out, but it's kind of cool that these conversations are still happening because of them" and "All companies are just trying to sell you stuff so every attempt at being progressive should be written off unless they give me a product for free."


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Who's being condescending? For the record I enjoyed the shit out of Captain Marvel, but still doesn't change that I feel a little wary of companies and anyone who stands to profit from controversy.
Guess what? When a muslim girl gets plastered on a poster as the next big fucking superhero, and the actress doesn't take all the expected b.s. (that she was already being targeted with btw) with a gracious smile? Some motherfucker is gonna call that a "controversy". And yes, Disney is probably gonna profit from it.

Who fucking cares.
Oct 27, 2017
There's a pretty big fucking difference between "Companies could try to use wokeness to manipulate you so keep an eye out, but it's kind of cool that these conversations are still happening because of them" and "All companies are just trying to sell you stuff so every attempt at being progressive should be written off unless they give me a product for free."
Absolutely. The only reason that's even being brought up is that it's a easy way to defend their racist buddies here.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
There's a pretty big fucking difference between "Companies could try to use wokeness to manipulate you so keep an eye out, but it's kind of cool that these conversations are still happening because of them" and "All companies are just trying to sell you stuff so every attempt at being progressive should be written off unless they give me a product for free."
Thank you.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Who's being condescending? For the record I enjoyed the shit out of Captain Marvel, but



Oct 25, 2017
No, I said context is king. In the context of Rich's joke, I don't see the malice needed to take an otherwise racist stereotype joke all the way home into the "I hate Asians" category . And the "they talk like that..." is problematic, absolutely, but I also see the look he gives the camera before he does an impression of "my drunk racist uncle" with his body language before he says it. Dude is fucking joking. I mean, it's super obvious.

Does Rich need some time outside of his middle American bubble to know that "ching chong" whatever is no beuno, probably. Is Rich the next David fucking Duke about to rally some proud boys to beat some black kids up? Probably not.
Hopefully you take your week off to learn that racism isn't just "I hate X race". Question for when you come back from vacation: have you been living under a fucking rock for the last decade?

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is pretty standard lefty stuff... Not really MRA shit. I would recommend really watching the entirety of what they are trying to say.

I'll summarize:
- They are critical of people attaching social justice concerns to a massive corporate film. Both those on Youtube who make dozens of videos shitting on the film or Larson and those who feel like the movie is important.
- Mention the charity thing that gave tickets to underprivileged kids to go see the movie as an example of faux wokeness.
- They center most of the criticism of Larson specifically due to a speech she made at a conference that they think came from her realizing she's not a black woman and thus not the lowest on the totem pole of having to struggle so she decides to shit on white male film critics and how they give negative reviews to films like A Wrinkle in Time. "These movies aren't for them" is what she says. This is the main focus of this part of the video. The main thing they take issue with here is someone using lack of representation as an excuse for a movie doing poorly (they show images of white men giving Larson's films positive reviews).
- They say that having more voices in film criticism is good and that their is probably a kernel of what she was trying to say. They sight the documentary about the history of African Americans in horror and how it presented ideas that Jay would never have thought of. Basically they think she framed it all wrong.
- Film criticism is the least important thing in the whole world on the scale of social justice. They namedrop films like Tangerine as movies that would be worthy of this level of discourse. Films that got great reviews from white men.

I don't think the RLM guys are perfect, but there has been this weird conflating them with alt-right people.
The amount of people in this thread just quoting this terrible post and avoiding doing their own thinking at all, and ignoring the problems with this video listed in just this summary (like, c'mon at the bolded), nevermind stuff that's left out like them going full "bitch eating crackers" with the Google autocomplete interview or that this is part of a trend from prior videos with them such as their Wonder Woman review, and just going "no problems here" is incredibly depressing.


Oct 25, 2017
if any of you guys think Mike and Jay are even remotely in the same universe of anti-SJW that rottentomatoes review-bombers are, you've truly lost the plot

they say in this video that they agree with brie that there should be more diversity in film criticism, and their point about the reviews for movies like Room and Tangerine is accurate

4channers and alt-righters DO NOT WANT DIVERISTY in anything, period

No one is saying that.
larson and disney are specifically trying to make this movie about the meta-situation surrounding it, and they're allowed to address that
Nah. That's just the manbabies like yourself, doing that.
You can tell that Brie's comment (no matter how they butchered it) got under skin. The typical posters continue to let these guys off and run off back to the rlm thread to whine about unfair OT is treating their comedy genius.
Between this, BP and TFA it seems like RLM is the sort of "Ally" who is ok with you until you start speaking up and they start to feel uncomfortable.
There's not such things as allies.
No one made "white men" the enemy.
Why do you continue to deny the White Genocide ?
These guys are the poster boys for white male fragility. I remember them getting their panties in a twist over the casting diversity for TFA, TLJ, and Black Panther so I pretty much stopped watching because I'm probably too diverse an audience for them.
Same. And for me it was heartbreaking (as i mentioned in the past in these type of threads) As i used to adore them.
I feel it pretty much comes down to how do you feel about big corporations finally monetizing diversity for profits, are you fine with it or do you feel actual progress is made elsewhere and without profit margins in mind.
You the two aren't mutually exclusive.
Its certainly a take but a clear one and im finding it hard to call them fucking alt right for critizing big companies and their products from that standpoint

More people should have a watch of HBomberguys video on "woke brands" and "woke capitalism".

These companies and their marketing teams are intentionally manipulating us. Controversy breeds publicity. That's whats gross. The manipulation.

No they aren't, but the core of their argument is pretty clearly about the same thing.
Expcet when they have said on multiple occasions that kids don't care about seeing themselves on screen. That argument falls flat.
If you follow RLM at all you know they're left leaning, progressive, and support diversity. They can be critical even if they miss the mark sometimes, unfortunately this is one of those times.
At best, they're White Feminists.


Dec 5, 2017
Jesus fuck people really need to stop bringing up that video in this context like that at all backs them up. The conclusion that video came too wasn't that big brands being progressive was a bad thing. And even if it was, that ignores that movies are an actual art form and boiling it down to just "Disney" is hand waving everyone involved that was trying to make a quality film that stood for the values they were trying to promote.
It was a pretty good film. I'm not claiming that it wasn't. Nor am I claiming that people involved weren't passionate about the issues.

Anyways I'm sorry, this isn't going to convince me to stop watching RLM. I don't always need the media and critique I watch to be socially on the mark.

Do I think some of what they said is problematic, sure.
This didn't happen here at all though.

And sorry if I don't buy that RLM are these staunch anti-capitalist.

Oh but of course you do.
yes. Because it was. Inference whatever you want about me. You don't know me and the hostility is really not appreciated. If you want to call me a sexist then just do it already.

I know that I'm not. I'm sure I have unconscious biases like everyone else, but I think about this shit literally every day all day, and I can see the difference between constructively promoting inclusion in media, and just innarticulately railing against people.

There's also a difference between genuinely promoting diversity, and trying to use it as a shield to negate or avoid criticism. Corporate Hollywood is all too happy to capitalize on it. A Wrinkle in Time wasn't rated poorly because of "white male critics". It was rated poorly because it wasnt a good adaptation.


Oct 25, 2017
Interesting that we've reached the "ching chong bits are just a joke bro" stage of defending RLM racism.


Oct 30, 2017
How do you do, fellow perturbed middle aged white men? Did you know that representation is just a trick to separate well meaning people from their money? Pandering, is what it is. Equality porn.

These companies, man. Exploiting people's personal opinion that minorities exist and can do stuff. It's up to us to keep these studios honest! We won't be tricked into liking films with representation that we're supposed to like and pay for, because liking and paying for them makes the representation a false and hollow cash grab or whatever.

Anyway, back to jerking off next to my shelf of the 20ish Marvel movies starring straight white guys. I'm glad we were able to stop Hollywood from pushing some sort of agenda.


Dec 5, 2017
How do you do, fellow perturbed middle aged white men? Did you know that representation is just a trick to separate well meaning people from their money? Pandering, is what it is. Equality porn.

These companies, man. Exploiting people's personal opinion that minorities exist and can do stuff. It's up to us to keep these studios honest! We won't be tricked into liking representation that we're supposed to like and pay for, because liking and paying for it makes it a false and hollow cash grab or whatever.

Anyway, back to jerking off next to my shelf of the 20 Marvel movies starring straight white guys. I'm glad we were able to stop Hollywood from pushing some sort agenda.
That's a very good straw man you got there.


Dec 5, 2017
Yes. Qualifiers exist.

Alright guys I'm putting up the white flag. I don't have it in me to argue about this. I simply don't perceive it the same way. My intuition leads me elsewhere.


Dec 5, 2017
alternately, people know what they're saying after a "but" is horrible and they try their damndest to soften the blow beforehand
Sorry man no. It's not horrible. I'm done with the character assassanation for tonight.

I'm pro diversity, I want more of it. You will literally never see me complain about it's existence or more of it.

I just don't like being browbeaten, or patronized by famous people or corporations that pat themselves on the back for it, when it should be the norm.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm done with the character assassanation for tonight.

Brie Larson's speech and the way this movie have been covered just don't pass the sniff test for me

thou doth protest too much

I'm pro diversity, I want more of it. You will literally never see me complain about it's existence or more of it.

Said with a serious face in a thread of which you jump through hoops to basically do something with the exact same effect and intent


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
and I can see the difference between constructively promoting inclusion in media, and just innarticulately railing against people.

I believe you think you can

But calling Larson's criticism simply railing against white men... to me shows that you don't.

And the irony is you're using anti-capitalist as a sword to dismiss Larson


Dec 5, 2017
thou doeseth protest too much

Said with a serious face in a thread of which you jump through hoops to basically do something with the exact same effect and intent
No. I really don't think you are understanding me. I am glad when movie studios hire more diverse casts, directors, writers, etc.

I just want them to do it without expecting a pat on the back for what is the right thing to do. It's the right thing to do period.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not surprised, RLM doesn't know a single black person, or woman seemingly. Nor have they ever been proven to be very informed about much of anything outside of movies.
Last edited:


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
No. I really don't think you are understanding me. I am glad when movie studios hire more diverse casts, directors, writers, etc.

I just want them to do it without expecting a pat on the back

"I just hate it so much when they're promoted and normalized and people are praising it, and I hate it SO MUCH that I'll get into scraps on forum threads about it instead of letting something with pretty much a net positive effect on society carry on"

You're not slick.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
How do you do, fellow perturbed middle aged white men? Did you know that representation is just a trick to separate well meaning people from their money? Pandering, is what it is. Equality porn.

These companies, man. Exploiting people's personal opinion that minorities exist and can do stuff. It's up to us to keep these studios honest! We won't be tricked into liking films with representation that we're supposed to like and pay for, because liking and paying for them makes the representation a false and hollow cash grab or whatever.

Anyway, back to jerking off next to my shelf of the 20ish Marvel movies starring straight white guys. I'm glad we were able to stop Hollywood from pushing some sort of agenda.


Dec 5, 2017
"I just hate it so much when they're promoted and normalized and people are praising it, and I hate it SO MUCH that I'll get into scraps on forum threads about it instead of letting something with pretty much a net positive effect on society carry on"

You're not slick.
What are you talking about? It's the same principal as not bragging about doing a good deed. Do you go around telling people what a good person you are for the good thing you did?

You are seriously being pretty damn mean. Just attack attack attack attack. Can you please not?


Oct 25, 2017
No. I really don't think you are understanding me. I am glad when movie studios hire more diverse casts, directors, writers, etc.

I just want them to do it without expecting a pat on the back for what is the right thing to do. It's the right thing to do period.
You don't understand this yet and it will come with time (maybe) but you are exposing yourself.

doth protest too much


Oct 25, 2017
How do you do, fellow perturbed middle aged white men? Did you know that representation is just a trick to separate well meaning people from their money? Pandering, is what it is. Equality porn.

These companies, man. Exploiting people's personal opinion that minorities exist and can do stuff. It's up to us to keep these studios honest! We won't be tricked into liking films with representation that we're supposed to like and pay for, because liking and paying for them makes the representation a false and hollow cash grab or whatever.

Anyway, back to jerking off next to my shelf of the 20ish Marvel movies starring straight white guys. I'm glad we were able to stop Hollywood from pushing some sort of agenda.

This should be the new "i'm an expert" post.

I'm going to use this in the future. A LOT.
I'm not surprised, RLM doesn't know a single black person, nor have they seem very informed about much of anything outside of movies.
TBF Wisconsin is so white, that it's constantly snowing.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
What are you talking about? It's the same principal as not bragging about doing a good deed. Do you go around telling people what a good person you are for the good thing you did?

You are seriously being pretty damn mean. Just attack attack attack attack. Can you please not?

Dude you reduced Brie Larson's criticism to being a cringeworthy, condescending, bullshit, railing against white men.