
Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Call of Duty, but to be fair every online gaming community has toxic people/groups.

I know for a fact that 343 Industries community team either ignorantly cliques with some bad apples or they have been trying to cover some of it up.
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Nov 7, 2017
Destiny 1&2

The way they would defend Bungie at be toxic to people with legitimately complaints was ridiculous.


Oct 28, 2017
I dont know if it's the most toxic, but Overwatch is pretty bad. On top of the assholes that are typical in most online communities, a majority of the people in MM dont understand how to play as a team in OW. A DPS may be getting picks that are completely unimportant as our team gets wiped and thinking they're a total god and "carrying," when in reality they're doing nothing. Then they start calling out other people for no reason. I'd go as far as to say in most ranked games, somebody who doesn't understand the game is talking trash.


Oct 27, 2017
Monday Night Combat was the worst of Overwatch on steroids. A lot of the tryhard base came from Global Agenda, an extremely tryhardy game, and when Uber abandoned the game, they all went to League, which should tell you something.

The game had built-in toxicity in the form of taunting, which was encouraged through an in-match money reward for taunting after a kill, and the player that got killed would have to watch the taunt, which led to all manner of ragey tunnel-vision and DM interactions. I was at a 97% avoid rate with lots of reports on Xbox 360 because of that one game ALONE. Also, the community in the forums was just yikesville.


Mar 16, 2018
csgo without a doubt. if you are doing solo queue there is a 50/50 you're going to get kicked or teamkilled for no reason at all. also there is almost always some 12yo screaming racial slurs into the mic. just had the exact same situation a couple minutes ago. was the one topfragging in the team while some guy kept trying to kick me for some reason unknown to me. then i lost a 1v1 clutch and got kicked even though it was 7:5 for our team. great game valve.


May 17, 2018
Yeah, in Gamergate times, combining competitive gaming and Tom Clancy can only produce a toxic community.

I don't play online a lot but FIFA is my pick. People are jerks more often than not.


Oct 25, 2017
COD4 in its heyday. Everyone had a mic and felt compelled to share their thoughts with you. Probably MW2 was worse but by that point I was mostly on party chat.


Nov 8, 2017
Probably Dota.
Games like Dota, League and overwatch are all structurally inclined to be toxic.


Oct 25, 2017
I love Smash, but it's definitely been the most toxic community I've experienced... but I think overall, they're still pretty welcoming.

Back in Smash 4, you could change your tags in between matches - there would be some pretty nasty messages from opponents (KYS, URBAD, GETGUD, LUCKY, etc.)

Competitive smash is obviously where you see more of the vitriol - I'm not an HBox supporter, but I'm not quite sure why he's treated as the big bad of Melee. Same with some people in the Ultimate community like Salem.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah nah, he was the one being toxic to the point where people from every community told him to shut up.
Oh, I agree he overstepped his boundaries and I'm well aware of his "years of research" status, but even after all that, I think he's fine now. Doesn't stop people wishing death on him in Twitch chat when he's in tournament - he's pretty entertaining to watch, and his vids with Mew2King are always fun. Leffen was able to have his road to retribution, I don't see why Salem can't have the same.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The PC platform I've experienced the most toxic communities and the best communities. If I had to say a specific game probably overwatch or league in the last decade. I find consoles to be a lot better and I do miss Xbox live pre party chat when everyone had mics and I ran into a lot of wonderful people. It's a ghost town in most games these days online in terms of people chatting


Feb 28, 2018
I think Pokemon has the biggest gulf in terms of viciousness of the toxic parts of the community and tone of game content. People sending death threats over a game literally designed for children is wild.

there a definitely more toxic communities by percentage, but thats gotta be the only E for Everyone game with those aspects of the community.


Mar 28, 2018
In my personal experience, it goes to Rainbow Six Siege. Been playing it since launch and it continues to be terrible. Overwatch has actually gotten better (for me) over the last year. Siege is just miserable 99% of the time.


Nov 1, 2017
Would come down between overwatch, league, call of duty and halo in my experience. The few matches I ever played if league was just full of people telling me to kill myself because I was useless 😶

edit - oh ya and siege. Constant get team killed like in 75% of matches cause I go in solo and the 4 other people are already grouped up


Oct 25, 2017
Man siege isn't even CLOSE.

like, yeah people can be toxic, but unlike OW and every other shooter out there, Ubi at least does something about it.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought I would try Overwatch competitive for the first time very recently - maybe a few weeks ago. I typically only do quick play and Arcade.

My very first match, I get most of my team yelling at me and blaming me for messing up their placements over voice chat, so fuck competitive. Not enough time in the day to dedicate headspace to that. I'll still hop back into the game but so much for trying to see where I could get.


Mar 11, 2019
It's mario party. Never had a good experience!

...Online I suppose I could say all of them have their issues. The worst I've experienced was FFXI when you didn't play a wanted job. Even when you would get into a group everyone would beat the guy down for picking loldrg. This joke has carried over to XIV, but it is (mostly) said in irony as DRG has almost always at least been average


Mar 2, 2018
League, Dota 2 and CS:GO. But almost every online community is filled with "regular people".


Feb 11, 2019
Way back when I played Halo 2 Vista, the casual "n word" wasn't uncommon. Plus hacking was common as hell.

And if we're talking recent(don't play much multiplayer) maybe Reach. Though it's more "Loud 12 year old on the mic" than racial slurs.

Castor Archer

Jan 8, 2019
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate ~5 years after release is pretty bad. Everyone is elitist as hell and really creepy, just about every other room had people hitting on me thinking I was a woman because of my female hunter.


Oct 27, 2017
I've only been playing Overwatch on PC for like...six months but already I've kinda dabbled in ranked and backed off it because of how people were in there. Quick Play is like 80% fine.


Oct 26, 2017
Age of Conan MMO back in 2008-2010. Open racism and the most vile shit ever in world chat, barely moderated. CSGO not far behind


Feb 7, 2018
If were talking communities we've actually engaged in/with, then it's COD for me. It's sadly expected(given the history of online shooters and given how popular it is), but this has been the game I've experienced the most toxicity from, and the game that taught me to just mute entire lobbies before even starting a match.

I should shout out Lol and overwatch though, as I've seen some crazy wild shit come from those communities that transcend the common use of racial slurs and hate speech. Like people go above and beyond with their toxicity in those communities, enough to make me wonder how these titles even function as team based games.


Jan 3, 2018
Team Fortress 2 was the most toxic game I played. Constant racist and homophobic player names and chat spam was the very worst problem I experienced with that community. I also experienced frequent hackers and vote kicking of inexperienced players.

I enjoyed my time with the game but it did get exhausting playing it later in its life.

FPS murderer

Oct 27, 2017
For me, it's far and away Rainbow Six Siege. I am a hardcore Rainbow fan and have been playing ever since Raven Shield and I just cannot tolerate the chat in the community. I've been been online games since WCIII nothing beats Rainbow Six Siege's. I suppose it comes with the competivie nature of the game but have played several games over the years with occasional asshole in game but nothing like Siege. I clocked about 60 hours and I think I am done. It's a fun game but I just can't escape it. I know I could turn off voice chat but it's once of those games that is robbed of some of the experience with out.

How about y'all?

I agree with this game. But not only the chat toxicity, it's the constant trolls, griefers and throwers that just enter to just troll and not play. It's a tremendously competitive (and fun game) and when someone doesn't play and you lose it affects your ranking/mmr a lot.

Their in game reporting also doesn't work at all. Ubisoft reps ask you all the time to send them videos as proof that someone is trolling/griefing/hacking... Fuck that, who has time to do that shit. They should take into account the amount of times someone gets reported and ban them, but no, the devs just don't care and all the want is a lot of people buying their in game paid shit...