Deleted member 95442

User-requested account closure
Apr 26, 2021
So they are all in on the last golden goose they have. Not to doom and gloom but it feels like the last days of a creatively bankrupt company.


May 30, 2021
As long as they don't cancel the remakes of Prince of Persia Sands of Time, and Splinter Cell, I won't be complaining much.


Oct 27, 2017
"How many people should we put on AC?"


Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I've worked on GTA, AC and Far Cry games as a designer so I'm aware of the Ubisoft formula, but I was pointing towards what has the post 2017 AC games brought that is new to the OW table?
The meta AI system is a big part of what gives those huge RPGs the longevity that they have because of how many scenarios are unique to each player's playthrough thanks to the sheer amount of things that can happen. And it's absence is certainly noticeable in the competition's open world titles like GoT, even Ubisoft's other open world games that don't use it, and especially the part where 2013 hardware limitations meant it had to be toned down in Valhalla.

bro what... AC is already super played out
It's extremely hard for AC to reach that "play out" point because they always get an idea of when it's a good time to shake things up. Whether it's aiming for nostalgia, modernizing via an engine overhaul, or just by the very nature of the series, changing the setting and usually using one that's seldom if ever seen in video games.

Aztec AC would be fun


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If they're all different from each other than it's a great way to evolve the franchise.

As long as I get a classic take on the franchise every couple of years.


Oct 27, 2017
Nice. Looks like I'll be saving a lot of money in the not-too-distant future from all the games I won't be buying.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Aug 31, 2019
The meta AI system is a big part of what gives those huge RPGs the longevity that they have because of how many scenarios are unique to each player's playthrough thanks to the sheer amount of things that can happen. And it's absence is certainly noticeable in the competition's open world titles like GoT, even Ubisoft's other open world games that don't use it, and especially the part where 2013 hardware limitations meant it had to be toned down in Valhalla.

It's extremely hard for AC to reach that "play out" point because they always get an idea of when it's a good time to shake things up. Whether it's aiming for nostalgia, modernizing via an engine overhaul, or just by the very nature of the series, changing the setting and usually using one that's seldom if ever seen in video games.

Aztec AC would be fun

the meta-AI is actually more interesting from persistence/engineering perspective but I don't think it has as huge effect on players perceptions of the title as you claim. You can get the same results from Bethesda's radiant AI - the biggest difference between the two is that Ubi has the resources to give more unique animations/action points than other teams do. The breadth of things AI behaviors has been a strength of the franchise from the beginning.

The longevity on the AC games is driven primarily by adding extra content into games such as Odyssey and Valhalla (and Immortals too)

Bear and bird

Oct 27, 2017
Looks like the may run the big rpgs for two years, so it would be alternating between big and small releases like Mirage. MP will be one release I think, so you just keep updating it like SIege.
There's two MP titles: Echoes and Raid

I realize that money talks, but I hope they move to 3 or 4 year cycles for the big RPGs. At least there will be at least 4 years between Valhalla and the next big AC title, I guess.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
bro what... AC is already super played out
the meta-AI is actually more interesting from persistence/engineering perspective but I don't think it has as huge effect on players perceptions of the title as you'd expect. You can get the same results from Bethesda's radiant AI - the biggest difference between the two is that Ubi has the resources to give more unique animations/action points than other teams do.
It has an effect in the sense that players constantly talk amongst each other about what happened during their own play through yes similar to the Bethesda's radiant AI, which in an dog itself is incredibly rare to experience due to how long Bethesda takes to release games. I can't play a game like GoT scout out a plan and then have that plan ruined because an alligator or a hippo just happened to stray too close to the same location as an example. Or just going between towns and being ambushed because bandits are posted up to attack any strangers or the possibility of a faction fight. It in general results in more interesting gameplay scenarios than "Oh nice, those exact two mongols are fighting that EXACT same bear…again."

The longevity on the AC games is driven primarily by adding extra content into games such as Odyssey and Valhalla (and Immortals too)
If a game's base package was as long as modern AC but as mid as Gotham Knights most players wouldn't play them for as long.


May 31, 2018
There's two MP titles: Echoes and Raid

I realize that money talks, but I hope they move to 3 or 4 year cycles for the big RPGs. At least there will be at least 4 years between Valhalla and the next big AC title, I guess.
The length and delay probably had more to do with Corona in addition to their internal issues. Like two to three years seems fine when there is a big expansion in-between.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Aug 31, 2019
I can't play a game like GoT scout out a plan and then have that plan ruined because an alligator or a hippo just happened to stray too close to the same location as an example.

That's not particularly unique to Assassin's Creed in terms of Ubisoft games- those type of scenarios have been there since the Far Cry games which don't use meta-AI, and also happen in older RPGS such as Gothic, Elder Scrolls, etc...and then other OW games such as Red Dead Redemption. I think trying to claim meta-AI is the big cue that other games are taking from modern AC games is not true. Meta AI is just a programming/design tool that solved some workflow issues that were making some scenarios harder to build than they should have been in previous iterations of Anvil/Scimitar.


Oct 27, 2017
It's extremely hard for AC to reach that "play out" point because they always get an idea of when it's a good time to shake things up. Whether it's aiming for nostalgia, modernizing via an engine overhaul, or just by the very nature of the series, changing the setting and usually using one that's seldom if ever seen in video games.

Aztec AC would be fun
maybe a new mainline AC would be fun. maybe. it's the AC grab bag, after all. i dont fault Ubisoft for continuing the series. the problem is the wing of 10 other AC games that are now going to come with it. and some of those games will undoubtedly just be AC in name only and only tenuously or ridiculously connected. the product management is terrible with zero care put to the IP, it's just $$ to the upper brass. and if even one of those games is a major stinker, it further pollutes the whole brand. soon enough, people stop buying anything AC because it's an overstatured mess of random nonsense with poor quality control whose name doesn't really communicate or carry any expectation with players.


Apr 20, 2018
What the hell happened to Ubisoft man, no new IPs, no innovation, just refrying their IPs until kill them.



Oct 31, 2017
its not like this is new. even when ac waa fresh they somehow putout like 8 games in 5 years. its such an overmilked ip
Judging by sales of mainline games, ip doesn't look overmillked to me. I didn't played valhalla nor odyssey but this new direction seems to attract more and more people. Obviously, this won't last forever, especially with 10 games in development lmao


Oct 26, 2017
Ubisoft's great plan to turn their profits around is to milk their last remaining popular franchise that hasn't already been run into the ground?


Oct 25, 2017
So they decided to kill the IP? They tried annual releases on the past and the audience got burned out.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 29, 2017
I know it's never coming out at this point, but as a huge Beyond Good & Evil fan it's just so heartbreaking to see the second game being neglected like this, while Assassin's Creed gets like a bajillion titles.
I mean honestly man, did it even look anything like a Beyond Good and Evil game the last time we saw it?


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
I mean fuck Ubisoft, but I'd take Prince of Persia, Rayman, Avatar, Watch Dogs, hell even the Rabbids over this

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
maybe a new mainline AC would be fun. maybe. it's the AC grab bag, after all. i dont fault Ubisoft for continuing the series. the problem is the wing of 10 other AC games that are now going to come with it. and some of those games will undoubtedly just be AC in name only and only tenuously or ridiculously connected. the product management is terrible with zero care put to the IP, it's just $$ to the upper brass. and if even one of those games is a major stinker, it further pollutes the whole brand. soon enough, people stop buying anything AC because it's an overstatured mess of random nonsense with poor quality control whose name doesn't really communicate or carry any expectation with players.
It all depends on execution because the last thing you can say about the last three AC games is that there was a lack of care put into them. AC is bigger than ever because the last three games got a proper amount of time and post launch support when previously a game like Revelations was made in literally 10 months while AC3, an overhaul, came out incredibly glitchy.

If anything that's the biggest concern is the idea that they'll move back to yearly releases thanks to concurrent development. Older AC games had a lot of unreported crunch.
Dec 4, 2017
I finished AC 1, 2, Brotherhood and 4
I tried Rogue and Unity but there was something really off (besides the bugs on Unity), like the map and the number of collectibles
Which one is the best right now?


Oct 30, 2017
Saturation? Saturation.

The series was saturated back when they released Syndicate.

AC Black Flag, Freedom Cry, Rogue, Syndicate, Chronicles China - India - Russia. and the overarching story barely moved an inch.

They really need to drop the AC name at this point in time because the people who actually care about the modern day story (people like myself) are always left hanging and it's gotten old at this point.


Oct 27, 2017
Can we get one that goes back to the CQC gameplay of AC3 and 4 and just make it suck less? Take inspiration from Sifu if you need to; I just wanna have some cool combat, badass disarms, jacking peoples weapons, and some judo moves again.


Oct 27, 2017
These are so far off, but I love AC (both old and new) so I'm 100% with expanding the universe with more entries.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I mean, not really. Activision still had Blizzard and King to allow them to go all in on one game (by not actually going all in)
This doesn't make sense as a concern. Ubisoft has Massive currently developing an Avatar and Star Wars game, along with Splinter Cell being in development. Ubisoft has a large swatch of releases across multiple genres. These AC games are years away. And will play differently.


Nov 2, 2017
They should follow the lead of the new Dead Space and remake AC2 & Brotherhood. But of course it will just be more open world RPG garbage.