
Oct 27, 2017
I love the art style and I'm. Not. A. Furry.

I'm happy to know I have better taste than the OP and others that have posted in this thread. :)

Aw man, I just went through the thread and some of you don't like Frank Quitely? Now I'm sad.
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Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
A artist that tends to recycle his own art and use...questionable references


Yikes. :|

Tyrant Rave

Has A Pretty Cool Jacket
Oct 25, 2017
You need to study some more yourself because her gesture work is actually very good. She conveys emotions well, tells a story properly, adds a lot of charm and executes the jokes at a high level. A lot of the work in that book is just her making it look easy and it makes me aad to see it taken for granted.

Its different, yes, but different is what the industry needs right now.
On top of that, they're also crediting Henderson for the coloring by Rico Renzi. Too many people underestimate how much work colorists do and they're horribly underappreciated in the comics industry. They can completely change how an artist's final work can look.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
Sure, but the issue is that while the faces are ugly, they arent funny ugly (like say, Spongebob reaction faces), they are kind of like the art you see on Tumblr a lot of the time, just kind of unappealing to look at.

To each their own, but I find them kinda funny ugly. I think it sets an irreverent tone automatically whereas the one you posted doesn't inherently tell me anything about the humor. It's just visually cute.


Oct 27, 2017
Seven pages in 5 hours? Yup. That's about what I figured.

I remembered there being this gigantic fucking argument on comics Twitter over this very subject, but the people complaining about Erica Henderson's art seemed to all be a bunch of alt-right types. Since I'd rather not get lumped in with a group of people who hate me, I figure it's just not worth voicing my opinion on it. I don't like USG's art. That's fine, I just don't buy it. A lot of people disagree with me, and that's fine too. I save my $$ and they get their book. Squirrel Girl isn't a favorite character of mine, and if she were I get my fill in the pages of U.S. Avengers. S'all good.

People defend a lot of styles because art is subjective.


Oct 29, 2017
Seven pages in 5 hours? Yup. That's about what I figured.

I remembered there being this gigantic fucking argument on comics Twitter over this very subject, but the people complaining about Erica Henderson's art seemed to all be a bunch of alt-right types. Since I'd rather not get lumped in with a group of people who hate me, I figure it's just not worth voicing my opinion on it. I don't like USG's art. That's fine, I just don't buy it. A lot of people disagree with me, and that's fine too. I save my $$ and they get their book. Squirrel Girl isn't a favorite character of mine, and if she were I get my fill in the pages of U.S. Avengers. S'all good.

People defend a lot of styles because art is subjective.
Well those types never just stop at "its kind of ugly," it always has to be some big conspiracy about "SJW" Marvel, and marxist socialist communist feminist, and something about Milshakes.


Oct 27, 2017
Well those types never just stop at "its kind of ugly," it always has to be some big conspiracy about "SJW" Marvel, and marxist socialist communist feminist, and something about Milshakes.

Ugh. That stupid fucking milkshake argument made me wanna beat everyone that's ever subscribed to Diversity and Comics with a rubber mallet.

Marvel has fumbled the ball more on diversity than DC, but they still make a lot of amazing comics featuring POC and women. (They used to also do queer characters too, but well...)


Oct 25, 2017
mm nahh not even a little bit

its not gorgeous art or anything but its clearly going for a certain tone

granted i'd never hang up this art anywhere but its far from the worst

that said, i havent been able to hate any of the art in this thread so far except for greg land


Oct 26, 2017
The worst thing I can say about it really is that it's not for me.

At the same time, if I had my druthers the Allreds would be doing art and color for every Marvel book I read...which probably wouldn't be the most popular move.


Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't appeal to me but I can see why someone might find something in there to like. It's just not for me though, something about the faces bugs me.

For me though Rob Liefeld abominations are still the worst things I've ever seen.

Edit: Also glad to see Kill 6 Billion Demons and Monstress getting some much deserved attention. Absolutely love both of those comics.
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Oct 25, 2017
The entire series is a caricature of the Marvel universe, and the art reflects that. Anything traditionally cute or cool would undermine the entire premise.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 week): Very insensitive language.
Figured out what was bugging me about the art style, looks like she has Downs.


I am leaving this community!
Oct 25, 2017
On top of that, they're also crediting Henderson for the coloring by Rico Renzi. Too many people underestimate how much work colorists do and they're horribly underappreciated in the comics industry. They can completely change how an artist's final work can look.
Colorists really deserve so much more credit.

What Tamara Bonvillain gets from Steven Cummings on Wayward

When she's finished

Armored Ape

Oct 25, 2017
Cambridge Ma
I understand why people get frustrated when someone who doesn't understand something critiques it in a way that displays their ignorance on the matter.

But it's also okay to understand the intentions and motivations of something and still find it unappealing...

That shit is ugly and while plenty are pointing out other other examples of art they dislike, it doesn't change that the OP's post is hideous (to me anyway).


Oct 29, 2017
Never seen Squirrel Girl before but have to agree that it looks really ugly. The artwork in OP's post is just disturbing.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Erica Henderson's art works perfectly for Squirrel Girl. Its awkward and weird and silly and not the prettiest but thats exactly what you expect from a superhero called "Squirrel Girl"
Colorists really deserve so much more credit.
Some comics really feel like the colorist makes it work. Like I love the writing and the art but for Shade the Changing Girl (soon to be Woman), Kelly Fitzpatrick's colors really set the tone and add so much to the aesthetic. The whole colorful pastelly look works so well with the youthful, trippy, and alien yet trying to fit into traditional america concept it has going on. All the elements just go so well together, I enjoy it so much.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Read halfway through the 'Beats up marvel universe' trade I bought on a recent digital sale due to overwhelming recommendations here, but I disliked it a lot.

Humor wasn't working for me, the art is kind of ugly and wasn't drawing me in(but it fits I guess). I might be aged a decade too old to appreciate it, but it really is not for me.

Most other recommendations in that same haul turned out great at least.


Nov 5, 2017
Depends what you want from comics. If you want something that focuses on characters art, then you go for Gurihiru. They take center stage in most of the pages:


But personally I prefer the storytelling in Hendersons art:


I just find it more fluid and interesting. Sure they look goofy, but I'll take goofy and interesting, over pretty but kind bland storytelling.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess Slime but like, I look at your example from Squirrel Girl and I just find it so freaking ugly. Like everyone has gigantic swollen lips that just make it hard to look at. And I don't even know what to say about the last panel there. It just looks like such low quality. Look at the amount of detail in the "smaller" characters in your first example, versus the LACK of detail on 2 characters in absolute focus in the last panel of your second image.

Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I think Gurihiru (The artist on most of Gwenpool and some Power Pack issues) has a much better style (or at least my little sister had a better reaction to this than Erica Hendersons art)


That's about... one million times better?

It's "ugly" but I'm sure the style would grow on you after a few issues like Bob's Burgers.

I've seen bobs burgers around for years and still think it's hideous, tbh.

Funky Papa

Oct 28, 2017
The eyes are horrendous, IMO. That's enough to kill the art for me.

Blacksad is a good example of this kind of anthropomorphism done well.






In all fairness, Blacksad is a masterclass on its own. Its usage of perspective alone is breath taking.




It may be the most technically accomplished comic I've ever seen. Every single panel is worth of being released as a high-end print and framed.

Deleted member 2171

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Has anyone actually looked at PA recently?


Tycho's head just looks like someone tried to draw the African continent with hot wax


Nov 5, 2017
I guess Slime but like, I look at your example from Squirrel Girl and I just find it so freaking ugly. Like everyone has gigantic swollen lips that just make it hard to look at. And I don't even know what to say about the last panel there. It just looks like such low quality. Look at the amount of detail in the "smaller" characters in your first example, versus the LACK of detail on 2 characters in absolute focus in the last panel of your second image.

Henderson doesn't put a lot of detail in general, but it's not out of lack of skill, when Henderson feels it's necessary, she'll add it.

As for the last panel, I don't see any issues with it, I like Squirrel Girls expression in it.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"

But for art. I'm a huge Squirrel Girl fan and the art in the current comic is a big part of that. I also like Gwenpool but I'd like it better if we saw her awesome hair more.

Red Arremer

Oct 26, 2017
I resent the first response to the OP, and the first page in general shitting on furry/anthropomorphic art. There's a lot of absolutely excellent furry art, and I can name at least half a dozen webcomics with art that's a lot higher quality (mind you, I don't think the art in the OP is bad, although I'm not a big fan of it, myself). Also, just cause Squirrel Girl has a tail doesn't make her a furry, or furries attracted to her or whatever twisted image you have in your mind.

I know there's a lot of shitty furry art, but you can say that about ANY fucking art that was ever made - especially if you count non-professional art. You want me to pull out really shitty professional comic or anime art? Because I can find you plenty of that. Same with terrible porn art.

The eyes are horrendous, IMO. That's enough to kill the art for me.

Blacksad is a good example of this kind of anthropomorphism done well.







I'll throw Lackadaisy into the ring as well:

And I'll also add Maus, which won a Pulitzer price:

But oh no, furries are all shit and everything that has anything remotely furry or anthropomorphic in it is tainted.

Edit: Since this post I made sparked controversy about my inclusion of Maus, I want to clarify:
I included Maus not because I want to give an example of art created by the furry subculture, but as an example of the exact opposite: Anthropomorphic art that was created by someone who is not a furry (at least to my knowledge).

I'm upset that A.) it seems to be okay to bash on furries still even here on Era, and B.) anthropomorphic art keeps getting associated with furries. Point A on its own is bad enough, but combining these two means that people who are not furries get bashed by people because anthropomorphic art = furries, even though that is NOT the case, and fantastic content gets flak because of it having anthropomorphic characters in them solely because of that association.
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