Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
My father-in-law just deleted me on Facebook because he posted a status saying "Biden and Kamala will NEVER be MY president or have my respect!", to which someone commented "anyone who voted for them needs a brain exam!"

I then responded that "well, I voted for Biden, and I'm studying a PhD in Bioengineering, so I don't think I need a brain exam."

she responded "well thankfully Biden hasn't won yet"

I said. "If you think he hasn't won, you're mistaken. We can come back to this on January 20th"

lol then she blocked me and my father-in-law deleted me from Facebook. He and my mother-in-law are staunch, Qanon, science-denying Young Living ambassadors and Bible-thumping Republicans in Idaho.

so this is the hill of lies conservatives want to die on: that there's still a chance that Biden loses and that this whole election was a stolen farce to them.

anybody else having to wreck the dreams of their conservative friends and family on the topic of Biden being President-Elect?

will this just be the legacy of trump? His followers will forever believe this election was never really lost to them?

I guess I lived in tremendous denial about Hillary's loss but I never disputed that it fairly happened (in terms of electoral votes, obviously the FBI/Russia/Trump campaign stuff was shady).
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Oct 25, 2017
I sure mentioned in my friends group chat how happy I was Biden won and almost everyone agreed.

Then my friends boyfriend in the same chat who I know voted for Trump, was and still is silent as fuck lmao. Oh well, can't keep denying what's going to happen in 2 months.

Darryl M R

The Spectacular PlayStation-Man
Oct 25, 2017
The same people will tell you that the Left believed in Russian interference but somehow believes this election was fair*.

*while ignoring the FBI report of Russian interference


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
I do think it's really funny that after ridiculing people for tweeting and saying "Not my president" 4 years ago when Trump won. They are about to do the same damn thing with Biden 4 years later lol. Still it is frightening that they have fallen so down the rabbit hole that they are living in an alternate reality where Trump is actually winning.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
What's the actual chance he hasn't won? Like 0.01%? Even though it's not authorized by the states, his lead seems too far for Trump to catch up unless he some how gets the courts to throw out loads of votes which I suspect won't happen.

I also find it funny that the media called Trump's win in 2016 and he was happy to accept that.


Oct 25, 2017
Conservatives think the system is rigged against them... except for actual systems that are rigged against them like the economy and healthcare. Then rigging doesn't matter.


Oct 25, 2017
They can do the whole "not my president" thing if they want. I encourage them to feel upset at politics for a change. However, the facts are the facts.


Oct 28, 2017
Ghost Planet Spaceship
I was told today by Q parents that USA Today is a communist chinese network and that their fact-check on the "dead voter" claims in Michigan was fAkE nEwS.

Shit is infuriating.

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yet if liberals act the same way they laugh and call it Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Literally all you can do with these people is post "cope" and move on.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
What's the actual chance he hasn't won? Like 0.01%? Even though it's not authorized by the states, his lead seems too far for Trump to catch up unless he some how gets the courts to throw out loads of votes which I suspect won't happen.

I also find it funny that the media called Trump's win in 2016 and he was happy to accept that.
The thing to these people isn't that they actually expect Trump to remain President, rather it's important to them because it provides them deniability that he hasn't won. There is an out for them. Come Jan 20th they'll start the refrain, "Biden only President because of voter fraud, the deep state conspiring against Trump, yada yada". Of course this is absurd, but it gives these people a way to save face and keep their beliefs intact. They'll find away to avoid confronting reality, no matter how implausible it is.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I was told today by Q parents that USA Today is a communist chinese network and that their fact-check on the "dead voter" claims in Michigan was fAkE nEwS.

Shit is infuriating.
They don't believe anything that doesn't support their narrative. If they believed grass was blue and someone said "uh but grass is green, just look" they'd have a stroke trying to tell you how you're a sheep and you believe everything the media tells yoi


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
My father-in-law just deleted me on Facebook because he posted a status saying "Biden and Kamala will NEVER be MY president or have my respect!", to which someone commented "anyone who voted for them needs a brain exam!"

I then responded that "well, I voted for Biden, and I'm studying a PhD in Bioengineering, so I don't think I need a brain exam."

she responded "well thankfully Biden hasn't won yet"

I said. "If you think he hasn't won, you're mistaken. We can come back to this on January 20th"

lol then she blocked me and my father-in-law deleted me from Facebook. He and my mother-in-law are staunch, Qanon, science-denying Young Living ambassadors and Bible-thumping Republicans in Idaho.

so this is the hill of lies conservatives want to die on: that there's still a chance that Biden loses and that this whole election was a stolen farce to them.

anybody else having to wreck the dreams of their conservative friends and family on the topic of Biden being President-Elect?

will this just be the legacy of trump? His followers will forever believe this election was never really lost to them?

I guess I lived in tremendous denial about Hillary's loss but I never disputed that it fairly happened.

To be fair, if those were my relatives I would have blocked them long ago. They did you a favor.

Punished Goku

Oct 25, 2017
My father-in-law just deleted me on Facebook because he posted a status saying "Biden and Kamala will NEVER be MY president or have my respect!", to which someone commented "anyone who voted for them needs a brain exam!"

I then responded that "well, I voted for Biden, and I'm studying a PhD in Bioengineering, so I don't think I need a brain exam."

she responded "well thankfully Biden hasn't won yet"

I said. "If you think he hasn't won, you're mistaken. We can come back to this on January 20th"

lol then she blocked me and my father-in-law deleted me from Facebook. He and my mother-in-law are staunch, Qanon, science-denying Young Living ambassadors and Bible-thumping Republicans in Idaho.

so this is the hill of lies conservatives want to die on: that there's still a chance that Biden loses and that this whole election was a stolen farce to them.

anybody else having to wreck the dreams of their conservative friends and family on the topic of Biden being President-Elect?

will this just be the legacy of trump? His followers will forever believe this election was never really lost to them?

I guess I lived in tremendous denial about Hillary's loss but I never disputed that it fairly happened.
How is your wife doing then?
Oct 27, 2017
These are the type of people many on Era are still happy to sit down with and shoot the shit with during family get-togethers for fear of upsetting the apple cart.

Any family, blood or not, that espouse these delusional conspiratorial views and traffic in bigotry are not good people who can be rehabilitated unless they want to be.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The thing to these people isn't that they actually expect Trump to remain President, rather it's important to them because it provides them deniability that he hasn't won. There is an out for them. Come Jan 20th they'll start the refrain, "Biden only President because of voter fraud, the deep state conspiring against Trump, yada yada". Of course this is absurd, but it gives these people a way to save face and keep their beliefs intact. They'll find away to avoid confronting reality, no matter how implausible it is.
My only question is how long this can go for? Like 5+ years from now, are they still gonna be on Daddy Trump or what? It's bizarre as hell.


Oct 27, 2017
These are the type of people many on Era are still happy to sit down with and shoot the shit with during family get-togethers for fear of upsetting the apple cart.

Any family, blood or not, that espouse these delusional conspiratorial views and traffic in bigotry are not good people who can be rehabilitated unless they want to be.
Get em

Kilgore Trout

Oct 25, 2017
The thing to these people isn't that they actually expect Trump to remain President, rather it's important to them because it provides them deniability that he hasn't won. There is an out for them. Come Jan 20th they'll start the refrain, "Biden only President because of voter fraud, the deep state conspiring against Trump, yada yada". Of course this is absurd, but it gives these people a way to save face and keep their beliefs intact. They'll find away to avoid confronting reality, no matter how implausible it is.

I honestly hope these people simply become disillusioned and stop voting. I think I am going to start recommending it when I hear people talk of "fraud" and the "deep state."


Apr 16, 2020
I hope we eventually get away from the fake news/alternative facts phase of republican politics. I can't believe how much crazier things have gotten in the past four years.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is why the whole "back to normalcy" sentiment will remain a rosy fantasy. Democrats would do well to focus on those who aren't lost, like their progressive wing.
Conservatism is a cult mindset at this point.
Yep. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Mr. Keith

Oct 31, 2017
Joe Biden is fake news. Is anyone even sure he's a real person?

What is the Deep State hiding?


Oct 25, 2017
The craziest thing I've heard is that the whole election was actually an op to catch the Dems stealing the election, and now they're all going to jail


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
There's no outcome short of Donald Trump winning re-election that these people would have accepted as legitimate.

Biden winning from a slim margin to a huge landslide and everything in between--all of it would have been deemed fraudulent.

Obama's presidency really did a number on these folks; I don't recall conservatives being nearly as unhinged back in the Dubya days, but maybe they just didn't have social media platforms to talk about how unhinged they are.

I'm still gonna savor telling 'em "He's still your president" for the next four years.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no outcome short of Donald Trump winning re-election that these people would have accepted as legitimate.

Biden winning from a slim margin to a huge landslide and everything in between--all of it would have been deemed fraudulent.

Obama's presidency really did a number on these folks, I don't recall conservatives being nearly as unhinged back in the Dubya days, but maybe they just didn't have social media platforms to talk about how unhinged they are.

I'm still gonna savor telling 'em "He's still your president" for the next four years.
Having a black president for 8 years broke them. Then Trump unleased them all.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the kind of stuff that stifles any optimism I end up having about the future of the country. Conservatives literally live in an alternate reality and cannot be reasoned with, and every passing year it gets worse and worse because of things like social media.


Oct 27, 2017
There's no outcome short of Donald Trump winning re-election that these people would have accepted as legitimate.

Biden winning from a slim margin to a huge landslide and everything in between--all of it would have been deemed fraudulent.

Obama's presidency really did a number on these folks, I don't recall conservatives being nearly as unhinged back in the Dubya days, but maybe they just didn't have social media platforms to talk about how unhinged they are.

I'm still gonna savor telling 'em "He's still your president" for the next four years.

Back in the day it was war-mongering neocons, "evangelicals", intelligent design, fiscal responsibility despite record military spending and rampant Islamophobia

Now it's literally an alternate reality with no actual truth whatsoever


Oct 26, 2017
Their options are there is a massive global conspiracy involving tens of thousands, if not millions of people out to get them, or trump is lying to them. Obviously it's the former

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
Yeah I talked to a couple worker today who crossed his arms and let me know that trump was still president and that judges decide, not 4 million dead people from Pennsylvania.

I don't know if this shit is just to save face because they talked so much shit up the the elections that they're now embarrassed or they actually believe it.

Trump needs to do prison time when this is over. He's a fucking traitor and has done nothing but stir the pot.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I do think it's really funny that after ridiculing people for tweeting and saying "Not my president" 4 years ago when Trump won. They are about to do the same damn thing with Biden 4 years later lol. Still it is frightening that they have fallen so down the rabbit hole that they are living in an alternate reality where Trump is actually winning.
To be fair, those people were already doing that shit for the 8 years Obama was in the White House, so it's not like that kind of hypocrisy would be new to them.


Oct 25, 2017
These are the type of people many on Era are still happy to sit down with and shoot the shit with during family get-togethers for fear of upsetting the apple cart.

Any family, blood or not, that espouse these delusional conspiratorial views and traffic in bigotry are not good people who can be rehabilitated unless they want to be.

lol, my dad is a "moderate" who's glad Biden won but Republicans kept the Senate and I barely give him the time of day. Anybody who hasn't excommunicated hardcore Trumpers has no excuse.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not from USA, but I'm seeing lot of idiots in my country's social media riding Donald Trump's mushroom and conspiracy theories. I'm destroying some of my facefook friends and comment groups on my Facebook feed; funny thing is they are so clueless, they are not even American to begin with.

I'm totally looking forward for January 20th. It cannot come fucking soon enough..


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
"Trust trusted sources" has absolutely no meaning anymore. Any source, quite literally, that's not confirming their hateful rhetorics is fake. Every single one. They are on a level where they trust, again, literally, 4chan, Breitbart and Facebook over any actual news source, fact collection or science. While shouting how everyone is the baddies, lying and traitorous except for whatever they are welcoming to believe. While shouting "Facts over Feelings". While shouting "check your sources". It's absolutely crazy.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
Amazing how Democrats are supposedly both the dumbest people around but cunning enough to steal elections in Republican run states while leaving not a modicum of evidence that a single court has found compelling as of yet.

That cognitive dissonance must be painful, but I have zero sympathy.