
Oct 27, 2017
Whatever makes them sleep at night.

Just you know, these conservative Republicans will be dragged into the new age of left-sided laws, whether you like it or not.


Oct 25, 2017
feel like things will get worse. the right wing media is teaching Americans to distrust the process. and many right wing radicals are flat out teasing taking up arms if the courts fail.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't seen the four conservative people on my Facebook feed in a week now. I'm curious if they unfriended me.

edit: Nope, they just haven't posted anything.


Jan 10, 2018
Maybe some of these people that think that everything is fraud, won't vote anymore cause fuck the system, they get cheated to matter what.


Nov 12, 2017
The same people will tell you that the Left believed in Russian interference but somehow believes this election was fair*.

*while ignoring the FBI report of Russian interference

I've seen this sceeenshot floating around


As if this isn't a horrible strawman (Russian interference isn't the same thing as questioning the integrity of our own procedure, for the dim witted who don't immediately see the issue with this logic)
Nov 1, 2017
These people think that democrats would rig the election for Biden but decide to lose the senate and, hey what the hell, lose some ground in the house too


Oct 25, 2017
gonna be interesting to see them campaigning in georgia on "the election was a fraud but also vote for us" lmao


Oct 27, 2017
I truly believe they know it is fake but they don't want to openly admit the more obvious fact that they are fascists who hate democracy.

The Nightsky

Oct 27, 2017
Bet these people had no issue with Trump declaring himself the winner after like 50% of votes were counted.

Gotta give it to them though, they have some strong coping mechanisms.


Apr 18, 2018
Keep dunking on them, although it might be useless because the only way they can break loose from the cult is if they want to.

So, keep dunking on them and watch them be the little snowflakes they called everyone else for 4 years.


Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
My in-laws are the same, but maybe not quite as bad as yours, OP. I rub this shit in their faces every chance I get.


Nov 27, 2017
In the weeks leading up to the election, I opened up a few Twitter tabs of conservatives hoping to laugh at their meltdowns. But instead, every singe fucking one of them has completely deluded themselves into believing they haven't lost. It's honestly just pathetic.


Oct 28, 2017
The thing to these people isn't that they actually expect Trump to remain President, rather it's important to them because it provides them deniability that he hasn't won. There is an out for them. Come Jan 20th they'll start the refrain, "Biden only President because of voter fraud, the deep state conspiring against Trump, yada yada". Of course this is absurd, but it gives these people a way to save face and keep their beliefs intact. They'll find away to avoid confronting reality, no matter how implausible it is.
I have a plan for that, the vaccine.I will be living proof my Moms wrong.Check and Mate


Oct 30, 2017
Blows my mind. If they truly believe there was fraud, then surely their god king will find it and the republican courts will prosecute it?

Therefore, if there actually was fraud, Trump will win. No need for them to be so salty and defensive!


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe if we sat down these 70m people and explained to them, individually, the voting and counting process they'd come around. Right?


Oct 27, 2017
It's one way to cleanse your friends, I guess.

I had a handful of family members remove me the day after Trump was elected last time by posting this:


And they don't even live in the US.


Oct 25, 2017
All this over Donald fucking Trump. That's the part that still kills me. Donald Trump. An overweight cowardly conman with shit for brains. That's who they have decided to throw everything away for.
Oct 25, 2017
The same people will tell you that the Left believed in Russian interference but somehow believes this election was fair*.

*while ignoring the FBI report of Russian interference
That's the most common shit I seem to be seeing right now in my extended circle and it makes no sense


Which nobody said in the first place. Fucking idiots. In that regard, nothing has changed between 2016 and 2020. We remain consistent in our support for american electoral integrity, unlike them who sway with the wind depending on which way it blows.
2016 to 2020: Still disliking the russian propaganda, still annoyed by the electoral college system, but still respecting our election results.

The american political consciousness is still under attack by foreign powers, confirmed by the FBI.
But while we take issue with this attack on the integrity of american politics, we still respect the results of our own electoral system.
Despite winning the popular vote, Hillary conceded the same day it was called. She didn't wait for certification, she respected the visible results. Republicans pissed and moaned about how long she took anyway.

Trump is currently losing harder than Hillary did. He's doing equally bad with the electoral college as Hillary was when she conceded, except that he also lost the popular vote by 4 million. All paths back to victory are now well out of reach. But he refuses to show any respect, instead opting for sad tweet storms and flaccid court cases. Judges are exasperated by him, and not even Fox News will defend him anymore.

If these losers mean to highlight hypocrisy, maybe they should start with why we accepted the results of both elections but they only accept them when they win.
But of course that attitude comes down from the top. That's literally what Trump said at a recent rally. That he would accept the results without question if he won, and refuse them if he lost. Zero integrity. Weak.


Oct 25, 2017
Saying #notmyprez is fine and all but these people take it a step further by being completely delusional and denying the reality of their candidate losing. It's pathetic and not a healthy mental state to be in.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I guess I lived in tremendous denial about Hillary's loss but I never disputed that it fairly happened.

Well, "fairly" aside from Comey's October surprise, announcing a re-opening of an investigation into Clinton, while keeping secret the investigation into the Trump campaign's Russia ties. And aside from the illegally obtained DNC data, which was being released in an illegal coordination with the Trump campaign. And aside from the illegally obtained Facebook data that allowed Trump's campaign and its partners to specifically target its disinformation/voter suppression effect.

And that's on top of the usual GOP voter suppression tactics like ensuring minorities have a harder time getting IDs, purging voter registrations, disallowing ID types for demographics that don't favor them (like college IDs) but allowing those that do (like gun licenses), etc.

And of course, the Electoral College itself, which allows low population states a disproportionate say in elections.

But yeah, other than that, Trump won fair and square.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Ah yes we rigged the election but for some reason didn't rig those senate seats we were thought we had a good chance of winning and lost 7 seats in the house..


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
All this over Donald fucking Trump. That's the part that still kills me. Donald Trump. An overweight cowardly conman with shit for brains. That's who they have decided to throw everything away for.

The thing is, I think it was inevitable that conservatives would throw all their weight behind the first charismatic, openly racist demagogue that came along. It just happened to be Trump. It's no coincidence that the Tea Party movement was birthed seemingly moments after we elected the first black man into the White House. Obama winning in 2008 and again in 2012 just fundamentally broke the majority of cis white people in this country, and as a result, the Republican party became a powder keg of suppressed racism. That political cartoon of Trump being the match and his supporters being bombs is spot-on.

Conservatives know that Trump is a once-in-a-generation political force. As far as I can tell, he's viewed as the last stand of the cis, white, Boomer conservative that was birthed during the Reagan years. Plus, he really, really, pisses of liberals - those same liberals who spent the entirety of Obama's presidency wagging their fingers at Republicans and chastizing them for being racist and xenophobic. I'm convinced at least 80% of the reason most R's worship Trump is straight-up just how much he angers progressives. It's why, seemingly, the modern GOP platform under Trump is just a blanket "Do whatever you can to own the libs".


Oct 26, 2017
I've yet to find a conservative who accepts the results, and I've been putting feelers out to acquaintances and family. Pretty pitiful example of not being able to use your own wits.

I've started moving to outlandishly pushing them. "Do you think Hilary won the popular vote in '16? Or might the fraud go 4 million deep or so?" To which the misdirection response has been "Biden probably won popular vote.. I say probably because I cannot prove it decisively".


Oct 25, 2017
Colbert was right a decade ago with his word "truthiness" -- the idea that people prefer to believe what they FEEL is right, rather than the actual truth. This wasn't always the case in America, but the GOP has done much work on this front in the last 20 years. Truthiness foreshadowed what became Trumpism, and I wish the country had taken this idea more seriously. It has become a serious national disease that plagues our nation.



Oct 27, 2017
I like how I'm seeing the goal post moved on COVID disapearing after the election to now after Biden is sworn in from some idiots I unfollowed on FB but checked to see what they are saying lol


Oct 27, 2017
as mortified as i was on trump's election i was like "okay, it's legit. let's do this, whatever"

fucking children, i swear


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
My mom believes all the boogeyman shit AM radio/OANN fed her, that "we elected a socialist pedophile and that we're gonna end up like Venezuela."

So she's mentally fucked beyond all recognition.

Oliver James

Oct 25, 2017
Then these people are moving to Parler and then when you tell them why they say they're leaving for something that isn't censoring anything and has biased fact-checking.

Also some people will say not people there are racists/nazis/etc but when you tell them most of the people there are then they'll tell you who is the racist now
Oct 30, 2017
It really was absolutely unfathomable to them that the President could be so unpopular that 7 million more people voted against him than for him.
Oct 28, 2017
The goal posts have moved and will continue to move from fraud to the mail-in ballot scheme and ballot harvesting is the only way Dems could beat Trump