
Oct 26, 2017
It was always going to be this way for the Trump cult.

No energy should be wasted on any sort of "unity" with these deranged people.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait... Iran actually wants Trump? My mind is completely blown.
There are two groups of Iranians in this situation. Half of them (like me) think this garbage regime will stay with or without Trump, and those awful sanctions influences normal people's lives much more than regime (like other countries in sanctions). Inflation is so bad these days and you can't compare prices with 2 years ago and things are getting worse and worse each day.
But lots of people think Trump will destroy this regime and they love him because of this. They think Trump is a good person who likes people of Iran (lol) and they even used a hashtag for him: #GivebackTrumpvotes
Those people think that Trump will be our savior! So they really want to see him as the next president. Although a huge part of this group of Iranians are living outside of Iran and don't know what's happening to people's lives under sanctions.


Apr 1, 2019
I do think it's really funny that after ridiculing people for tweeting and saying "Not my president" 4 years ago when Trump won. They are about to do the same damn thing with Biden 4 years later lol. Still it is frightening that they have fallen so down the rabbit hole that they are living in an alternate reality where Trump is actually winning.

I love it. Sweet irony.


Oct 25, 2017
Fairness doctrine across ALL media? You sure you want that? Era is media. You want that applied here?
Across all news media I mean, whether they be TV, online, or otherwise. I'm not saying I particularly want that outcome, I'm just not sure what else can be done at this point to combat the constant barrage of misinformation that hits the populace on a daily basis.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not gonna lie. It's crazy how effective their 'fake news' propaganda has been, and Republicans are doubling down on it, even after Trump's loss. They'll never abandon this tactic. They know their base is stupid enough to believe their bullshit and. Will reinforce their "knowledge" with the most nonsensical sources.

There's has to be some way to combat this or use this strategy against them. But simply telling the truth isn't good enough anymore.

This election is, in fact, not over and never will be... because legitimacy is in the eyes of the public, and they won't stop until half the country believes Biden is illegitimate.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not gonna lie. It's crazy how effective their 'fake news' propaganda has been, and Republicans are doubling down on it, even after Trump's loss. They'll never abandon this tactic. They know their base is stupid enough to believe their bullshit and. Will reinforce their "knowledge" with the most nonsensical sources.

The problem with this is that if you condition people to believe lies and question official reporting, then it can come back to bite you. Here in the UK Boris got Brexit through and rode to a massive majority on the back of similar lies, only to have that same attitude completely undermine his response to Coronavirus. When people want to use this form of disinformation to damage and weaken your country, it will still carry on working even once you've used it to get into power.
Nov 5, 2017
Personally, I feel that, even if Trump got all these court cases through, lost, and then, finally conceded, Biden will still have that moniker that he "stole" the election throughout his presidency. He's leaving that last impression of our new President as he walks out the door, always casting that doubt on Biden with his cult.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally, I feel that, even if Trump got all these court cases through, lost, and then, finally conceded, Biden will still have that moniker that he "stole" the election throughout his presidency. He's leaving that last impression of our new President as he walks out the door, always casting that doubt on Biden with his cult.
Biden would even have that moniker if every single vote was counted by everyone of these morons themselves. They would claim some different obscure shit. They are hopeless at this point.

Cygnus X-1

Oct 28, 2017
Conservatism is a cult mindset at this point.

Cult without thinking and reason.

Why people believing in God support a man that despises everybody, separates children from their families, and that works just for his own benefit is beyond my understanding.

People can have different political views, this is ok. But supporting an unethical, immoral man like Trump is not ok.


Feb 17, 2019
How conspiracy theories basically found their way into the mainstream is still mind-blowing to me. We got similar issues in germany be it the same Q stuff or people thinking the republic of germany is illegitimate.

You can't argue them with facts and logic as they like to say because to them all that stuff doesn't matter anyway. It's a religion, an ideology.
Oct 30, 2017
How conspiracy theories basically found their way into the mainstream is still mind-blowing to me. We got similar issues in germany be it the same Q stuff or people thinking the republic of germany is illegitimate.

You can't argue them with facts and logic as they like to say because to them all that stuff doesn't matter anyway. It's a religion, an ideology.

YouTube always had conspiracy videos, but Facebook really accelerated the sharing of this shit (+ echo-chamber groups, sites, etc.) and it was unmoderated for years.

What is more mind-blowing is the fact that people are really that fast to believe every fucking shit on the internet as long as it suits their narrative or how they transform into brainless zombies.
Oct 27, 2017
Facebook is one problem but whatsapp and other messaging platforms are far worse at this point I think, on those platforms people get bombarded with lies with zero counter balance or fact checking, it's bullshit straight into the veins.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, "fairly" aside from Comey's October surprise, announcing a re-opening of an investigation into Clinton, while keeping secret the investigation into the Trump campaign's Russia ties. And aside from the illegally obtained DNC data, which was being released in an illegal coordination with the Trump campaign. And aside from the illegally obtained Facebook data that allowed Trump's campaign and its partners to specifically target its disinformation/voter suppression effect.

And that's on top of the usual GOP voter suppression tactics like ensuring minorities have a harder time getting IDs, purging voter registrations, disallowing ID types for demographics that don't favor them (like college IDs) but allowing those that do (like gun licenses), etc.

And of course, the Electoral College itself, which allows low population states a disproportionate say in elections.

But yeah, other than that, Trump won fair and square.

The key difference here is that in 2016, the left didn't at any point claim that the votes themselves were unfair; that is where it's important to draw a very clear line between 2016 and 2020 - the left regarded the actual voting process as sacrosanct and completely above-board.


Oct 27, 2017


Apr 27, 2018
Poorly educated people who never really got anywhere in life want to feel like the center of the World and important. Social media and disregarding facts, science etc. has given them that.


Jun 24, 2020
The result of decades of brainwashing from Right Wing Media. These people are so deluded, that they can't comprehend losing an election. Even a basic fact that either candidate can win a Presidential election is beyond them. The damge Rupert Murdoch and his kind have done to western society is immense.


Oct 25, 2017
The right just get a free hit with this stuff though, where's the push back? They can think and believe anything at this point and just run with it for how long they like.


Jun 24, 2020

Here's a trailer for the documentary "The Brainwashing of my Dad". I urge you guys to check it out. Does a good job of exploring how the right wing media brainwashes so many people.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
feel like things will get worse. the right wing media is teaching Americans to distrust the process. and many right wing radicals are flat out teasing taking up arms if the courts fail.
Its going to be a very informative couple of years seeing how both parties move forward from here.

I really hope we don't bother with pretending the GOP can be negotiated with for more than a few weeks.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
eroding trust in the democratic process is bad, actually. it's fucking dangerous tbh.

if you're laughing about depressed R turnout in 2022 and 2024 I'm gonna need you to go crack a few books


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
I really, really hope trump runs independent in 2024 and spikes their fucking ball one last time. Alternatively, I hope he spends the remainder of his life tweeting at the GOP for not having his back and insinuating he should have never joined their party.

Anything to destroy the republican party.


Oct 26, 2017
That's the most common shit I seem to be seeing right now in my extended circle and it makes no sense


Which nobody said in the first place. Fucking idiots. In that regard, nothing has changed between 2016 and 2020. We remain consistent in our support for american electoral integrity, unlike them who sway with the wind depending on which way it blows.
2016 to 2020: Still disliking the russian propaganda, still annoyed by the electoral college system, but still respecting our election results.

The american political consciousness is still under attack by foreign powers, confirmed by the FBI.
But while we take issue with this attack on the integrity of american politics, we still respect the results of our own electoral system.
Despite winning the popular vote, Hillary conceded the same day it was called. She didn't wait for certification, she respected the visible results. Republicans pissed and moaned about how long she took anyway.

Trump is currently losing harder than Hillary did. He's doing equally bad with the electoral college as Hillary was when she conceded, except that he also lost the popular vote by 4 million. All paths back to victory are now well out of reach. But he refuses to show any respect, instead opting for sad tweet storms and flaccid court cases. Judges are exasperated by him, and not even Fox News will defend him anymore.

If these losers mean to highlight hypocrisy, maybe they should start with why we accepted the results of both elections but they only accept them when they win.
But of course that attitude comes down from the top. That's literally what Trump said at a recent rally. That he would accept the results without question if he won, and refuse them if he lost. Zero integrity. Weak.
Don't forget that the same people saying trump won believed that dems were trying to overturn Trump's election for the entirety of trumps term. And they believed that because that's all republicans and talking heads said these last four years to cover up for their lack of integrity and allowing Russian interference. And these clowns need to remember that their own people voted time and time again AGAINST election security bills and they did so because they were hoping for help from the Russians and so they could call the election fraudulent if they lost.


Oct 25, 2017
This country is well and truly fucked isn't it.

It's currently fucked pretty hard, yes.

There is an older generation of Americans who can't think for themselves. They have been raised to be Republican and religious at any cost, and no matter what facts or evidence are presented before them, if anything contradicts those two positions they resist it completely. It's a trained & reinforced split second reaction, almost instinctual and without thought. Cult like mechanics and behavior is the closest comparison to how much of the older half of America lives, and that is a difficult barrier to work against with regards to politics. The Republican party actively reinforces this along with venues like Fox News propagating it as well.

Fortunately there is a younger generation of Americans who have been raised with the internet who are much more open minded and critical thinking. Having been raised with information available at their fingertips has "shielded" most of them from the environment which their parents were raised, and thus they've been able to escape the cycle of the "cult".

As the older generation dies out and the younger generation takes over we will see a shift in America away from "conservative" principles and more towards a "government for all" position. It's happening now around most of the civilized world, and it's begun to happen here in America but at a much slower pace due to the Republicans fighting against it with all of their being.

As the Republicans flail about in their death throes we'll see them get more and more desperate to hold onto power, thus willingly putting criminals like Trump on the ballot and lining up behind him, hence tactics like gerrymandering, corruption of our democracy and such. At some point as the populace ages they will lose enough power and support where they will run out of tactics and the balance of power will shift hard in America.

Until then, yes the country is fucked. Hard.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Fortunately there is a younger generation of Americans who have been raised with the internet who are much more open minded and critical thinking. Having been raised with information available at their fingertips has "shielded" most of them from the environment which their parents were raised, and thus they've been able to escape the cycle of the "cult".

As the older generation dies out and the younger generation takes over we will see a shift in America away from "conservative" principles and more towards a "government for all" position. It's happening now around most of the civilized world, and it's begun to happen here in America but at a much slower pace due to the Republicans fighting against it with all of their being.
I hate this argument because it assumes that we have a picture of all young people. Young people that vote, and further, young people that answer polls are not the entire picture. Most current conservatives were the "uninterested in politcs, not paying attention to politics" types when they were young, which is to say they were young people that didn't vote, and young people that didn't answer polls. You can see throughout the decades mentions of "this generation is super left! When they grow up were going to be in a super left country" and it literally never pans out, as a generation's voter participation increases, so does their share of conservatives.

No, what NEEDS to fucking happen is that we get the Senate through GA add every single possible state and pass every single possible voter rights law to make it so the GOP has to become less batshit insane so they cause less damage when they win and win less.


Oct 25, 2017
Stopped at wawa this morning. This dude comes in and starts telling a worker there that trump was declared winner last night because he won PA and AZ after they found hundreds of thousands of votes from dead people.

Had such a strong desire to throw my coffee at his head.


Mar 11, 2019
So many people on facebook that are running away (leaving the platform) because they feel that they're being bullied for their opinion on the voter fraud.

Yeah, I suppose most people would tell you how wrong that is, but let me circle back to the 4 years of "He's your president! Deal with it!"
Feb 9, 2018
It's currently fucked pretty hard, yes.

There is an older generation of Americans who can't think for themselves. They have been raised to be Republican and religious at any cost, and no matter what facts or evidence are presented before them, if anything contradicts those two positions they resist it completely. It's a trained & reinforced split second reaction, almost instinctual and without thought. Cult like mechanics and behavior is the closest comparison to how much of the older half of America lives, and that is a difficult barrier to work against with regards to politics. The Republican party actively reinforces this along with venues like Fox News propagating it as well.

Fortunately there is a younger generation of Americans who have been raised with the internet who are much more open minded and critical thinking. Having been raised with information available at their fingertips has "shielded" most of them from the environment which their parents were raised, and thus they've been able to escape the cycle of the "cult".

As the older generation dies out and the younger generation takes over we will see a shift in America away from "conservative" principles and more towards a "government for all" position. It's happening now around most of the civilized world, and it's begun to happen here in America but at a much slower pace due to the Republicans fighting against it with all of their being.

As the Republicans flail about in their death throes we'll see them get more and more desperate to hold onto power, thus willingly putting criminals like Trump on the ballot and lining up behind him, hence tactics like gerrymandering, corruption of our democracy and such. At some point as the populace ages they will lose enough power and support where they will run out of tactics and the balance of power will shift hard in America.

Until then, yes the country is fucked. Hard.

I wish that were the case, but there is some evidence that younger voters do become more conservative/Republican-leaning as they age. If CNN exit polls are to be believed, in 2008 voters aged 18-29 broke 66%-32% in favor of Obama over McCain, while the 30-44 demo voted only 52%-46% in favor of Obama.

This year, those 18-29 voters from 2008 are now aged 30-41, supplanting most of the voters who were 30-44 twelve years ago. What was the vote split of the current 30-44 demo this year? 52%-46% in favor of Biden, exact same as the Obama-McCain split from 2008. This indicates that a lot of those young voters in 2008 who favored Obama turned Republican at some point and now favor Trump.

Yes, there are indicators that Americans are trending more progressive over time on many issues. Yes, GOP presidential candidates have only won the popular vote once in the past 30 years. But that does not necessarily mean that voters don't still tend to be more likely to vote Republican as they age. Most people's ideologies tend to stay where they are, but there will always be a non-trivial portion of the electorate that moves rightward (or leftward) the older they get. Gallup polls suggest that the percent of Americans identifying as "conservative" has remained relatively stable in the 35-40% range since the early 90s (and no obvious trend in that line), this despite most under-30 voters tending to break heavily for Democrats. The only way this can happen is if at least some young Democrats switch parties as they age.

Those same Gallup polls show that the overall portion of Americans identifying as "liberal" has increased over time, from 17% in 1992 to 26% as of mid-2020. However, most of that has been among self-identifying Democrats. Back in 1994, the liberal/moderate/conservative split among Democrats was 25%/45%/25%. As of June 2020, that split is now 53%/35%/11%. The Democratic base used to be predominantly moderate, and with just as many liberals as conservatives. Now a majority identify as liberal, with clear declines in the percent of moderates and conservatives.

Republicans had a big head start when it came to moving away from the center, though. In 1994, the conservative/moderate/liberal split (that is reverse order from the previous paragraph) of the GOP base was 58%/33%/8%. So, 26 years ago they were slightly more conservative than the Democratic base is liberal now. Now the split is 73%/20%/5%.

Independents have remained relatively stable, though, with self-identified moderates constantly being the largest group, averaging around 45% since the 1990s. Meanwhile, liberal independents have averaged in the low 20s while conservative independents have averaged around 30%.

This means that, assuming the trends continue they way they've been, the odds of an actual progressive winning the Democratic primary increases over time. It didn't happen this year, but it could happen in 2028. However, this also means that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party will have to be on point with messaging to appeal to independents, who have not been trending more liberal over time. This also means finding effective ways to counter right-wing propaganda, which still makes heavy use of red-baiting, something that's going to remain effective at least as long as the Cold War is part of living memory, if not longer (see also "argumentum ad Venezuela").
Nothing Loud

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017


My mother-in-law posted some bullshit and I had to respond because she was calling out my people (scientists/engineers) lol. I'm probably getting blocked today but I couldn't be silent any longer.