
Oct 25, 2017
How about every single man here gets #metoo ed if we're operating on this level of guilt by association. This is fucking preposterous.

I think it was more of a joke on how every guy that speaks up to defend others has women pop up and show how they were part of the problem too.


Oct 27, 2017
The incident with him removing their plastic vagina protectors during a sex scene makes it fair game to me to put him in the creep category with Spacey. That was sexual assault. The genital guards are there to protect actors and actresses during sex scenes, and he removed them without their consent.

Wait he removed it without asking them if it was ok first?? If so, most definitely sexual assault.

For me, it's not about legality or prosecuting them , but about working to eliminate the culture that allows creeps and serial abusers

I hear that.

Sure, there are various definitions of sexual assault and sexual abuse, and these actors being accused of them are obviously not being accused of 100% the same thing (that's not how t works), but abuse is abuse, and Franco and Louis are abusers, and sexual abusers at that.

No disagreement here.

One of the really damaging things when it comes to highlighting sexual abuse is that people have too narrow of a definition of what sexual abuse is, and when victims try to define it, they either get told, "well, that's not that bad," or "hur dur, so, what, I can't even wink at a woman anymore?, hur dur!" We need to open our minds up to the notion hat sexual abuse and assault isn't just raping someone or forcing yourself into someone. It's a wide range of inappropriate and unsolicited behaviors toward a victim that is clearly not interested in sex or sexual things.

Certainly. 110%.

If I walked into my job interview last year, and my interviewer was buck fucking naked, I'd say that was sexual abuse in some way.

Not just abuse, I believe this would be indecent exposure, which is sexual assault.

If they said I'd have to be willing to work with my shirt off or nude in order to get the job, that's still abuse.

No lies detected.

There's no scale ranging from "not that bad - bad." It's all abuse, it's all bad, and they are all abusers

There is no scale ranging from "not that bad - bad" when it comes to sexual abusers but there is most certainly a scale ranging from "bad - extremely bad". <-- This is an obvious truth.

I'm guessing your point is that if we do sort sexual offenders from bad to extremely bad, somehow that list will end up perceived as "not that bad - bad" ?

Hmmm. I can't say for certain it won't. So I can understand your concern.

My concern is that conservatives will cherrypick the least egregious example in the outrage bucket to make the "common man" think we've gone too far with political correctness. They'll say we're trying to make hitting on our coworkers is a crime (tons of people meet their spouses in the workplace).

Do you see my concern?


Oct 27, 2017
"Beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street."

"Ha ha!"

yea... Dude isn't a beacon of progressive ideology.
This is what confuses me about the people posting about how these Franco accusations have ruined The Disaster Artist for them. Like, the movie is already about celebrating a man who is, at best, overtly misogynistic.


Oct 26, 2017
The Salem With hunts were all based on court of public opinion which both men and women lied to accuse their neighbors of actions they deemed unfit for society and look where that got us.

Now almost 150 years later we are doing the same thing and acting no different.
Court of public opinion has never worked and never will. It only creates an illusion of justice.

One glaring difference is that witchcraft magic isn't real, while sexual misconduct is.
Oct 25, 2017
Quantum bro unless there are other allegations you've omitted please edit your post because otherwise erwhise it's misleading as fuck. My heart was about to sink.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just because something is how our justice system works, doesnt mean its justice.

There will be no charges against him. He will be free. Women will be more wary of him for sure. He will assault and harass again.
More stupid fucks will defend him and say "let the courts do it" as more and more women become victims. You really dont give a shit about them.

"Believe Women" is actual change.

Its a system to fight back and change the way harassment works. The amount of innocent men who are damaged by it is a cost worth to paying to change the current system where only 23% of all rapes and assaults are reported to the police(1).

Fuck sexual harrasers and all their ilk. Innocent people in jail? Might as well lock them up for life considering how jail normally works out.


Oct 27, 2017
The amount of innocent men who are damaged by it is a cost worth to paying to change the current system where only 23% of all rapes and assaults are reported to the police(1). Of those that are reported about 16% chance of them spending any time in jail (2)

What a perfect example of how complicated life can be. This kind of thing happens a lot when making policy. I think it's worth taking a moment to meditate on the meaning of the bolded above.

The same could be said of affirmative action in 1961. The amount of innocent white students who are damaged by it is a cost worth paying to change the current system where only 5% of black people attend college.

A lot of "good" policies will have a small amount of victims. It's unfortunate but I don't see it changing...

Krauser Kat

Oct 27, 2017
Fuck sexual harrasers and all their ilk. Innocent people in jail? Might as well lock them up for life considering how jail normally works out.
I don't want innocent people in jail. I also think over 300 thousand sexual assaults and rapes a year is grotesque.
When you think innocent people in jail your aren't thinking about all the innocent people who are hurry by a system that keeps guilty people out of prison. There is a middle ground somewhere. But I don't see that happening with the rates we currently have jail men for sexual abuse.
Oct 27, 2017
James Franco Won't 'Actively Refute' Sexual Misconduct Accusations: 'I'm Just Letting It Be'

Amid sexual harassment allegations against James Franco, the actor says he won't "actively refute" the accusations because he believes in the importance of women being able to share their experiences as part of the #TimesUp movement.

"There are stories that need to get out," Franco said. "There are people that need to be heard. I have my own side of this story, but I believe in these people that have been underrepresented getting their stories out enough that I will hold back things that I could say just because I believe in it that much. And if I have to take a knock because I'm not gonna try and actively refute things, then I will, because I believe in it that much."


Banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 27, 2017
Well Franco, looks like your time is up. At least you made it easier on your victims.


Oct 25, 2017
What a perfect example of how complicated life can be. This kind of thing happens a lot when making policy. I think it's worth taking a moment to meditate on the meaning of the bolded above.

The same could be said of affirmative action in 1961. The amount of innocent white students who are damaged by it is a cost worth paying to change the current system where only 5% of black people attend college.

A lot of "good" policies will have a small amount of victims. It's unfortunate but I don't see it changing...

White students not getting admitted to a particular school is not a comparable instance to an innocent man getting accused of sexual assault.


Oct 25, 2017
What a perfect example of how complicated life can be. This kind of thing happens a lot when making policy. I think it's worth taking a moment to meditate on the meaning of the bolded above.

The same could be said of affirmative action in 1961. The amount of innocent white students who are damaged by it is a cost worth paying to change the current system where only 5% of black people attend college.

A lot of "good" policies will have a small amount of victims. It's unfortunate but I don't see it changing...


Oct 27, 2017
Some of these accusations seem sketchy without any real solid foundation. We don't know all the details.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Of course Deepwater-danna, one is a thousand times worse than the other. Like comparing a real-size car to a hot wheels. For sure. Still, the logic behind is the same.


No the logic is not the same. White students who feel like they didn't get accepted to a school because of affirmative action are not victims, namely being they were not entitled to being admitted. Certainly not on any plane that is comparable to an innocent man convicted of sexual assault. This isn't an issue of difference of magnitude of consequences, it's a faulty comparison based on the premise.

You're basically saying the 20 white students who don't get into Harvard because of affirmative actions are victims because the purpose behind the policy is a net positive. Well, they aren't victims at all. They weren't entitled to those seats, so I'm not sure how that comparison rocks.

I get the overall point you are trying to make but affirmative action is not the analogy to use.


Oct 27, 2017
Some of these accusations seem sketchy without any real solid foundation. We don't know all the details.
There's already five women who have come out accusing Franco. How many more do you want to get before you start believing women?

And sure, we don't know both sides' story, but Franco's could be that he was "just fooling around, not understanding or thinking he was doing anything wrong" which doesn't make any of his actions ok.


Oct 27, 2017
We don't know the scale of what he did. And what we do know isn't really detailed. It's not like he's denying the accusations. Sounds like he's too pushy and goes overboard with demands. Creepy territory.


Oct 25, 2017
Odd——weird——creepy——very creepy——misconduct——assault/rape/molest

On this scale where is he ?


Oct 27, 2017
They weren't entitled to those seats, so I'm not sure how that comparison rocks.

I get the overall point you are trying to make but affirmative action is not the analogy to use.

well i am notorious for picking terrible analogies, so that's par for the course. As long as you get the overall point I'm satisfied.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't want innocent people in jail. I also think over 300 thousand sexual assaults and rapes a year is grotesque.
When you think innocent people in jail your aren't thinking about all the innocent people who are hurry by a system that keeps guilty people out of prison. There is a middle ground somewhere. But I don't see that happening with the rates we currently have jail men for sexual abuse.

Sadly rehabilitation is not profitable so they'd rather the prisoners even when released come back later. I've known 3 girls who got sexually assaulted by vermin and this shit pisses me off to end. I really hope the women see justice and more reports happen no matter what, too many men get away with this shit.

Deleted member 11157

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
"Personally I can only speak knowledgeably to 'The Deuce.' I've checked with all my fellow producers and other personnel. We have no complainant or complaint or any awareness of any incident of concern involving Mr. Franco. Nor has HBO been approached with any complaint.

Simon concluded: "In our experience, he was entirely professional as an actor, director, and producer."
Looks like David Simon is just saying don't shit on my show just because Franoc's in it.


Oct 25, 2017
What a perfect example of how complicated life can be. This kind of thing happens a lot when making policy. I think it's worth taking a moment to meditate on the meaning of the bolded above.

The same could be said of affirmative action in 1961. The amount of innocent white students who are damaged by it is a cost worth paying to change the current system where only 5% of black people attend college.

A lot of "good" policies will have a small amount of victims. It's unfortunate but I don't see it changing...
For what it's worth, white women receive more benefits from affirmative action than any other group.


Dec 18, 2017
I don't want innocent people in jail. I also think over 300 thousand sexual assaults and rapes a year is grotesque.
When you think innocent people in jail your aren't thinking about all the innocent people who are hurry by a system that keeps guilty people out of prison. There is a middle ground somewhere. But I don't see that happening with the rates we currently have jail men for sexual abuse.
Sorry but the middle ground shouldn't be throwing innocent people in jail. That should never be an option. Believewomen is important as a movement in supporting women to speak out against abuse, but saying "innocent men who are damaged is a cost worth paying" is definitely not ok. Are you willing to be the one? Would you be OK if you were labeled as a sexual offender/abuser/predator for the greater good?

Obviously there is a culture of sexual abuse that is widespread in our society, it needs to be addressed, it needs to be challenged, it needs to be changed. But it needs to be done in a way that doesnt compromise basic rights. Civil liberties and human rights need to be protected aswell.