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Oct 27, 2017
We got Last of Us on PS3.
Then a remaster on PS4.
And now you are telling me that we will get a remake on PS5?



Oct 28, 2017
Days Gone was a FUN game, and not only were its sales very good, its sales curve was long and consistent. On top of that remaking TLOU is completely unnecessary and a waste of their talents. And now Sony Bend as we know it is done. I'm just SMH right now.


Oct 31, 2017
Remaking TLOU falls under safe and desperate. I don't know who exactly is involved and leading this, Hulst? Jimbo?, but it doesn't show confidence whatsoever from someone who is a long time PS fan. And why would I give a shit about TLOU?

Explains why Shu stepped down. Who would want to work with these fucking jobbers.


Nov 11, 2017
Sony has gone AAA blockbuster crazy and not in a good way.

Remaking TLOU (one of my favs of all time mind you) over something new doesn't make sense to me.

But on the other hand, if Sony wasn't pushing it to the end on "Cinematic" AAA games, who would? There is not exactly a lot of other publishers doing that thing. I think they see it as their "niche" (or rather, seeing the scale of the niche, their "expertise" or "turf").


Oct 30, 2017
I'm not really bummed about a TLoU 1 remake or Days Gone 2 not happening but I have always liked the "weird", smaller projects from Sony.

They feel essential in between the big hitters, it's what makes PS great, in my opinion.

Big hitters, VR and the diverse genres. I hope that doesn't change.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm all for prioritizing certain games over others, but where exactly does the line get drawn? Taking some risks should be a part of the business, no? How else are we going to get Okami 2. Someone's gotta fund the damn thing at some point.


Oct 27, 2020
Jesus, this is BAD. Really really bad

They really think that a TLOU Remake is a good idea? Why wasting money and talent on a project like that? The original is perfectly fine as it is!!

Also, the way they handled things with Bend and the San Diego studio is horrible, I can't imagine how hard must have been for the people involved and how frustrating for the creatives in both studios (and many of them left, of course)
And we're not even getting a Days Gone 2...Such a shame

This is looking worse by the day, after Japan Studio shutting down, this news is even worse, because it shows a total alienation of PS management from their fanbase. Blockbusters are cool, but they're not the only thing that playstation fans want


Oct 29, 2017
I have to say as someone who's grown up with PlayStation and enjoyed what they've brought to video games over the years, I feel I have less interest in Sony games now than any time previous.

I'm hoping the classic PlayStation creativity will come through in their PSVR games going forwards at least, even if their traditional console games become forever more homogenised and predictable.
Jan 20, 2019
I didn't compare them. Read my post god damn.

What I wanted to convey is that there are those looking critical at the new leadership of PS and then sometimes met with "well they are doing great and breaking records" comments. Sure PS is going from strength to strength commercially. But that doesn't mean criticism from a consumer perspective is unjustified as this reports proof.

There is some good, but also questionable stuff going on at Sony. Not on the same level as the major screwups of Mattricks with his absymal vision for gaming. But I wasn't comparing them anyways.
You didn't get the post right?

Yes you did, you writing "im not" and imediatly making a point when they are comparable doenst change your initial ideia. Again, there is nothing even close to mattrick so your first point is wrong no matter anyway you try to justify.


Aug 17, 2020
There is no point. Jimbo is a the anti-christ in here, the guy has barely put a foot wrong.
Also Hulst seems to have found a studio that was spending too much money and not producing at an acceptable level or pace, and made a difficult decision. It hurts to see DG2 gone but it makes sense if this information being presented is true.

How do you infer what is 'acceptable pace?' From the article, it says even 'crunch time' Naughty Dog had issues finishing TLoU2 on time and they had to rope in the Visual Studios guys to help. And then the TLoU1 remake was taken over slyly by ND in the guise of help.

The rationalizations.....


Apr 5, 2018
They need to be careful not to get a Halo/Gears/Forza-cycle situation. Uncharted is apparently now done by a different studio, so that's good because it means Naughty Dog can finally create something else again. God of War was a pretty dated concept before it got reinvented with the last game. It will surely work once or twice again, but then? The Last of Us Part II will surely be continued in one way or the other, but we're speaking of a game that might come out in 7-8 years. Horizon will get a sequel but I hope this won't be it.

I predict that they'll rely on a lot of third-party deals to make their lineup appealing. But I think we'll see less pure first party games from Sony.


Oct 27, 2017
People like to dunk on Jim Ryan, but to me this sounds a lot like Herman Hulst taking over and providing new direction. Very unfortunate the way things went down. I of course loved The Last of Us, but I don't want a remake at all. I get that it'll likely make bank for Sony, but damn. It is also unfortunate that VASG thought the only way to establish themselves was to develop a remake instead of an original AA game. Remakes are a blessing and a curse for the industry.

Also.. I really wanted Days Gone 2. Let Uncharted rest. At least it sounds like Bend fought it and is (probably) making something else instead. They deserve it. Too bad it came at the cost of losing staff.
Oct 25, 2017
Returnal looks great, but the biggest risk it's taking is launching at full price. As excited as I am to play it, and I am, I'm not going to pretend an alien themed, run-based roguelite is a massive unproven quantity of an idea in 2021.

Well, it's the first AAA roguelite isn't it? With bullet hell shooting. Starring a middle-aged woman, which hasn't really been done before either, certainly not in AAA? And it's a new IP, telling its story in a mostly non-cinematic way, which is also at odds witth 95% of Sony's output.


Oct 27, 2017
Days Gone made a lot of money, right?

PS4 Exclusive Days Gone Makes the List of 2019's Best-Selling Games

Gridlock on the broken road

I think it took a very long time to make, which would have cost a lot of money. Made a lot but also cost a lot. So unsure net profit from the game is what Sony is looking for from that kind of investment. Plus, sequels are always more ambitious and costly. Maybe a risk Sony didn't want to take.


Aug 11, 2019
This is so fucked up, Sony moving mad. They moving on a one way train to regret.

I would however buy TLOU full price if it used new assets from TLOU2, can't even lie about that.


Dec 23, 2017
I'm only sad that we'll see ND new IP at the end of Ps5 life cycle.. when they will finish with Tlou Remake they will do Tlou 3, that's for sure.
Sep 7, 2020
Not surprising given the focus of the AAA big narrative games. It is interesting that a remake of TLOU is already in development, not what I would expect this soon.


Apr 16, 2018
Overall the news are not that bad. For the time it took and reception it got dg2 makes no sense. The biggest dissapointment is that vasg and san diego studios are support instead of making their own games. Also dont care about tlou remake. Still sony has been almost all bad news lately, miss layden and house leadership, sony is still riding on their success and might stumble going further.


Oct 27, 2017
It's an interesting article for sure. It's likely Sony as a publisher might want its internal devs to work on bigger fare as they partner with smaller devs for smaller games, and I don't really see this as some sort of slight against gaming or Sony's legacy or w/e. We'll have to see what sorts of fruits their strategy bears.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well this all sounds pretty depressing… Days Gone had massive potential for a sequel and other than that I really didn't want ND to be stuck making TLOU and Uncharted forever.

The reason I love PlayStation is that they've managed to move on from successful series once they run their course and keep making big new ips.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A remake of TLOU is the type of desperation i'd expect when a console launch is going poorly, but the PS5 is shattering all expectations.

Sony is in a prime position to take risks but they're pivoting hard to the opposite direction.


Aug 20, 2020
You didn't get the post right?

You're drawing an equivalence between a period where one company did so poorly that it's entire business in that arena was almost shut down and one company that is in at the very least tied for first place and is consistently shattering records.

It's a comparison that is so patently absurd that there is nothing meaningful to be drawn from it, even if you are now deciding that actually, you meant a much more tenuous link.

Even that's glossamer.

Find me the concrete, hard, observable data that says the PS5 is failing to meet expectations that was already evident at this point in Mattrick's reign then we'll talk about the similarities.


Oct 25, 2017
We get to see Joel..Sara...Ellie...Henry and Sam again.
Hype is uncontainable.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
"I wish sony keeps focusing on the AAA single player experiences that I love"



Oct 26, 2017
Sony VASG, XDEV and others produce and develop games in collaboration like Returnal, Destruction: Allstars, Sackboy or Death Stranding. The same approach they did starting with the PS1. The difference is that Japan Studios was responsible in Japan for these kind of collaborations.
Not quite. XDEV and San Mateo are Sony's external development studios, supporting externally developed first party games like the ones you mentioned. VASG are another thing entirely, they're a support studio for Sony's studios, external partners and even third parties (they worked on EA/Visceral/Amy Hennig's Ragtag for example) with mo-cap, animation, cinematics and so on, hence why they're the Visual Arts Services Group.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Dissapointed that Visual Arts is a suport studio,

Also I had no idea so many people liked Days Gone. I remenber the review thread and even the avatar thread were so many people trashed the game.
I still hope you guys support Bend new game even if is not DG2. They deserve it.


Puzzle Master
Oct 25, 2017
See, Sony does care about old games...when they can resell them to you for full price.
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