Oct 25, 2017
So you're allowed to call me dumb, question my motives, and accuse me of being a a troll, and this is all okay?
Hey guys, you have a blatant racist, he has dropped numerous videos about saying the N word with the hard R.

Hey yall, when can we forgive someone for their past?

Hey, have you seen this video from a fucking week ago where he said Dyson isn't black because the pigmentation of his skin? Oh, I'm going to ignore that one.

Just asking questions. No seriously, you keep dodging the video. Have you watched it? So, should we take this apology seriously?

Because it's not a thread about forgiveness, its a thread about Joe Rogan trying to fake apologize so he can keep his content on Spotify after getting called out. If you want to make a thread on forgiveness then do that.
All the damn while he is STILL dropping racist material.


Oct 25, 2017
Because it's not a thread about forgiveness, its a thread about Joe Rogan trying to fake apologize so he can keep his content on Spotify after getting called out. If you want to make a thread on forgiveness then do that.

I honestly don't understand what's going on in this thread. It's literally an apology video, how could it not be about people's veiws on forgiveness?

Recently banned for trolling and you walk in two posts since then with the most obvious troll. Low energy 😩


Trevor Noah interviews Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R) about CRT, Climate Change, Immigration, Cancel Culture

This popped up on my YouTube feed today and it was not the pairing I expected to see. I was wondering if anyone else had watched this and what their take aways were. It's pretty rare to see a republican leader trying to have an eloquent position on these issues (even if I still find them flawed...

Really I trolled somebody in that thread? Because I disagreed with calling people evil, that's trolling?


Movie Aficionado
Oct 25, 2017
Snoop needs to ask for that jacket back.



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
But yeah, the timing of this and the Awkwafina responses coming in such close proximity to each other are so illuminating. They've done publicly racist stuff for years now and are only just now getting around to "apologizing" because a brighter light is getting shone on it. Of course, in Awkwafina's case she's more so trying to create excuses for why she should be given a free pass while Rogan, you can tell it's not a legitimate apology because just fucking last week he was still carrying on his headass racism.


Oct 25, 2017
He didn't apologize and he didn't ask for forgiveness. He is a POS that does not deserve anyone's forgiveness.


I never said he deserves forgiveness. All I asked was how people view forgiveness and it's very clear that most people did not actually read what I posted originally, other than a a couple that actually responded with how they viewed forgiveness. What is wrong with you people?


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't understand what's going on in this thread. It's literally an apology video, how could it not be about people's veiws on forgiveness?

Really I trolled somebody in that thread? Because I disagreed with calling people evil, that's trolling?
Congratulations, the thread is now about you.

It has been explained to you quite clealry now.by multiple people. If you truly are not trolling then you need to take a step back and have a think about it when you:re less focused on being called out.


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't understand what's going on in this thread. It's literally an apology video, how could it not be about people's veiws on forgiveness?

Because it is not, it is about Joe Rogan as the thread title suggests. The fact that you refuse to make a separate thread about, according to you, a totally unrelated hypothetical that doesn't involve Joe Rogan, says everything we need to know.

You want to start a general discussion about forgiveness, but one that has nothing to do with Joe Rogan, yet claim it is on-topic in a thread solely about Joe Rogan.

Oct 25, 2017
I never said he deserves forgiveness. All I asked was how people view forgiveness and it's very clear that most people did not actually read what I posted originally, other than a a couple that actually responded with how they viewed forgiveness. What is wrong with you people?
If I have years worth of material, in which I called you a piece of shit, then apologized after getting called out on it. Yet, kept putting out material, as of last week where I called you a piece of shit, would you be asking about forgiveness.

Just curious.

...and gone.


Oct 25, 2017
Congratulations, the thread is now about you.

It has been explained to you quite clealry now.by multiple people. If you truly are not trolling then you need to take a step back and have a think about it when you:re less focused on being called out.
When you're asking the same exact concern trolling question that you were already banned for in another thread specifically about a known racists doing their racist thing, it is most definitely not coming from a sincere place. He got his answers in the last thread with his question of "so tell me, WHAT DO WE DO WITH THESE PEOPLE, so we just kill them, huh, tell me?!"


Oct 28, 2017
When untold millions of dollars are on the line, among other things, you have to expect these types of apologies.

He's done and said so much wrong for such a long time it is really hard to take what he says seriously.
Oct 25, 2017
Now back to the topic at hand:

Fuck Joe Rogan
Can you please add the video from Jordan Peterson in the OP, it provides a great deal of context to this. I had only passing knowledge of Rogan before the Covid stuff and I think some might feel his 'apology' is somehow sincere. You cannot 'apologize' for years of wrong doing, say it was all taken out of context, etc. and then do basically the exact same thing a week ago.


Joe Rogan apologizes for past use of racial slurs: 'It makes me sick'

This should be added in the OP that he still does racist shit like questioning the blackness of someone with this trolling about skin tones. This is from January 25th, 2022...


Oct 25, 2017
It's so weird to be me people get so defensive about Joe Rohan of all people. It's like they can't handle any criticism of him.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Can you please add the video from Jordan Peterson in the OP, it provides a great deal of context to this. I had only passing knowledge of Rogan before the Covid stuff and I think some might feel his 'apology' is somehow sincere. You cannot 'apologize' for years of wrong doing, say it was all taken out of context, etc. and then do basically the exact same thing a week ago.


Joe Rogan apologizes for past use of racial slurs: 'It makes me sick'

This should be added in the OP that he still does racist shit like questioning the blackness of someone with this trolling about skin tones. This is from January 25th, 2022...
I ain't about hijacking if I don't have to.

ThisThingIsUseful it's your thread. You wanna?


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
It's so weird to be me people get so defensive about Joe Rohan of all people. It's like they can't handle any criticism of him.

because rogan says things they say or would like to say. criticism of rogan is criticism of themselves by proxy and/or criticism of the ideals they support.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Genuine curiosity here; what would it take to forgive somebody for past behavior? I get that actions are louder than words and right now it's all just words, but for most people in this thread who hate Joe Rogan, is there any path towards forgiveness? What would he have to do to make you change your mind about him?
For me to forgive someone for past behavior, first they need to ask to be forgiven after they've figured out what they done wrong and have changed their behavior. They also need to take action to undue/mitigate the past damage they did if possible. Then I want to know that they're making an effort to make things right with others they harmed with their behavior.

For Rogan specifically it might look something like this:

1.Dude needs to stop using his platform to give voice to racism and other bigotries, and other deadly far right propaganda/misinformation, while also calling out and denouncing/apologizing for all the terrible things he's promoted.

2. Purge his channel of that shit.

3. Do something positive with all of the money he made while profiting from that content.

Whether or not any individual chooses to forgive someone is their own business though. It's not my place to forgive him for being racist towards black people, or spreading hate towards people who are trans, or a number of other grievances. I just want him to be a decent human being who isn't using his position to harm others.


Jan 28, 2022
I already saw somebody do it on reddit.

"this is so stupid. He wasn't saying Black people ARE ACTUALLY APES. He was just saying that they looked like apes, because, let's be honest, they have very dark skin. He was just saying what most all of us White people would think in that exact situation. He says what he thinks and that's why he's the best!".

It was a quick reminder on why I need to stop reading the comments section there. That ahole was banned at least.

Goddamn! that's still racist. Joe Rogan defenders will defend anything.
Oct 25, 2017

Oh fuck me, oh fuck me. Spotify, how much, yall?!

BoboBrazil This seems unfair, have you researched the context of this conversation? Cause, yah, I don't think context matters.

I can't tell you how many times I heard shit like "he's just a meathead" or "yeah, but his Jake the Snake interview tho" in defense.
That is seriously who I thought he was which is why I never even gave him listen. No offense to the meatheads out there, ya'll do that wrestling/UFC/whatever thing!

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Genuine curiosity here; what would it take to forgive somebody for past behavior? I get that actions are louder than words and right now it's all just words, but for most people in this thread who hate Joe Rogan, is there any path towards forgiveness? What would he have to do to make you change your mind about him?

I know you're banned, but it bears saying, you didn't fool anyone.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
And for anyone lurking who legitimately are wondering "well what do you have to do to be forgiven" I will just say it point-blank; actions speak louder than words. It's not enough to just give a simple apology and expect to be let off the hook. You have to show active effort in changing your behavior in the way you act moving forward.

A bit of an eye-rolling comparison is incoming but look over at Game Grumps. Arin is someone who got flack for both using slurs and racist humor. His response when he did finally legitimately apologize? He actually went back and deleted the offending videos from his account without actually being pushed to. And he's shown a pretty consistent change of behavior in his videos. That doesn't necessarily make him forgiven by everyone either but it's still an example.


Apr 23, 2021
hey guys completely honest, legitimate, and definitely in good faith question
what would it take to forgive henry kissinger? just asking

So you're allowed to call me dumb, question my motives, and accuse me of being a a troll, and this is all okay?

Buh-bye now.

Now back to the topic at hand:

Fuck Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan is a piece of shit and Spotify is a garbage fire of a platform.


Nov 26, 2017
I read some posts on Reddit's main page about this, including one in the subreddit dedicated to his podcast.

Then I immediately started getting posts about guns, conspiracy theories and ufc fights in my feed. 🤔


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
And for anyone lurking who legitimately are wondering "well what do you have to do to be forgiven" I will just say it point-blank; actions speak louder than words. It's not enough to just give a simple apology and expect to be let off the hook. You have to show active effort in changing your behavior in the way you act moving forward.
This, yeah. Step 1 is making good on the wrong. You have to actually do stuff, before you can even ask for forgiveness. Work to make it right, acknowledge what you did wrong, lay out what you'll do in the future to avoid doing wrong again, and then you can say sorry and ask to be forgiven. "Oh sorry I fucked up" is simply not sufficient, and never has been.


Oct 27, 2017
Lex Fridman came to Joe's defense lol

I knew this dude sounded like a bit of an idiot on his podcast.