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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Like any man, he had his virtues and his flaws but the things he endured are what the rest of us can only imagine. Despite all of that, nobody deserves cancer. Rest In Peace.

It's cool that just yesterday, people were able to say pretty much anything about some youtuber named McSkillet (body count: 4), but the john mccain (body count: yikes) thread gets special treatment because he's an american senator and soldier.

Edit: I'm being flippant here, but I'd really like to think that this new forum born out of one with extremely reactionary politics would do better than institutionally re-enforce existing power structures

Congratulations, this is one of the dumbest posts I have ever seen between the old forum and the current one. If you can recognize you're being flippant then maybe edit out your flippant remark?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
So it seems the majority of ERA will forgive your warmongering, racism, sexism, willingness to look over corruption "Keating Five" so long as you are just slightly, slightly better than your peers.

Funny thing is, I bet if I look at at some of your post histories, you'll be the exact ones who get insanely mad at leftists for infinitely minor transgressions. Not all of you! Just some.

Is this a troll post? Because if I look at your post history you seem to be totes cool with a lot of those same things, just as long as they aren't coming from politicians (or maybe we're just yelling at clouds).


All my mates are excited for this, getting behind strong behind our son KSI

It's obviously absurd and stupid but also quite funny if you stop yelling at the clouds


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't respect his entire political career, but he has put in great work towards improving America. Rest easy.


Oct 27, 2017
Seeing the word "hero" being thrown around here and elsewhere so loosely is laughable.

I don't celebrate the death of anyone, but just because the man is dead doesn't mean his legacy deserves any ounce of whitewashing.

That's your opinion though. To me and to many others he is a hero.

What's laughable is that you're so dismissive of other people's opinions.
Oct 25, 2017
The seminal moment in american politics to me was the crazy lady in red who said "Obama is an arab" and McCain rejected that. You can criticize him for implying that arabs can't be decent men but I believe he didn't mean that.

Too bad America sided with the crazy lady.


Oct 27, 2017
Most of them did not joke about bombing Iran after we knew we had killed 100K+ Iraqi civilians.

Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about. Link?

I am indifferent to his passing, not "grateful." He flat out mocked the idea that a mother's health is anything to talk about.

Yea people say bad stuff. I still have some respect for him because he was a POW that didn't want to be released until the others were. He kind of knew how to put others before him, which you aren't going to see AT ALL going forward with the Republican party. A lot of Dems respected him for coming into the isle. You aren't getting any of that with the new guard. I just don't have it in my heart to say, "i don't really care x or y died because they had different opinions than me." Well....I'm lying. I don't have that sympathy for Hitler nor would I for Trump.

You admit that McCain has blood on his hands but somehow you also respect him? How is this even a thing?

Honestly, who doesn't have blood on their hands?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rest In Peace. As always, f cancer. It's always cancer.. so sick of the deaths to it.


Oct 28, 2017
Is this a troll post? Because if I look at your post history you seem to be totes cool with a lot of those same things, just as long as they aren't coming from politicians (or maybe we're just yelling at clouds).
What on earth has my post in the Logan KSI thread got to do with anything? Reaching so sooo hard


Oct 25, 2017
Reading through this thread it's sort of scary how much more effective and destructive Donald Trump could be if instead of a loudmouth, buffoonish jackass he were merely more civil, classy and "presidential". Seems like an incredibly low bar.


Oct 27, 2017
So it seems the majority of ERA will forgive your warmongering, racism, sexism, willingness to look over corruption "Keating Five" so long as you are just slightly, slightly better than your peers.

Funny thing is, I bet if I look at at some of your post histories, you'll be the exact ones who get insanely mad at leftists for infinitely minor transgressions. Not all of you! Just some.
Nah man, it's just about respecting a man who did his best for his country.
Oct 27, 2017
As far as "pro life" is concerned, that isn't going away. That will always be a dividing issue in our lifetime. No reason to be grateful one is dead because of that belief because there is another to replace him. As far as the wars, even someone like Obama doesn't have clean hands(drone strikes). Most politicians have some blood on them.

The War on Terror had a 98 vote yes to 1 vote no. I mean it was the almost the entire Senate


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about. Link?

Yea people say bad stuff. I still have some respect for him because he was a POW that didn't want to be released until the others were. He kind of knew how to put others before him, which you aren't going to see AT ALL going forward with the Republican party. A lot of Dems respected him for coming into the isle. You aren't getting any of that with the new guard. I just don't have it in my heart to say, "i don't really care x or y died because they had different opinions than me." Well....I'm lying. I don't have that sympathy for Hitler nor would I for Trump.

Honestly, who doesn't have blood on their hands?
"Who doesn't have blood on their hands" doesn't mean that those who do should have their history whitewashed when they die.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Rest In Peace. I've always respected John McCain, especially in recent years as conservatives have gone to a really dark place. John McCain was one of the only republicans to stand up to Trump in a meaningful way, and we could use more politicians like him. I hope whoever takes his place in the senate has half his courage.


Oct 25, 2017
Rest In Peace. I've always respected John McCain, especially in recent years as conservatives have gone to a really dark place. John McCain was one of the only republicans to stand up to Trump in a meaningful way, and we could use more politicians like him. I hope whoever takes his place in the senate has half his courage.

Did he? Because it seems like he actually voted in lock step nearly every time with a man who made fun of him for being a POW.


Oct 27, 2017
"Who doesn't have blood on their hands" doesn't mean that those who do should have their history whitewashed when they die.

Well, no it doesn't. He did some bad shit and we can talk about it. However, people saying "rest in piss" and whatever are being super juvenile. Those same people probably are beloved to Obama, but ignore the drone strike talk.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Did he? Because it seems like he actually voted in lock step nearly every time with a man who made fun of him for being a POW.

He torpedoed the senate's god awful Obamacare repeal last year, and publicly repudiated Trump a number of times. That's more than I can say about almost any other republican in Congress. The difference between McCain and a worm like Cruz is striking.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, no it doesn't. He did some bad shit and we can talk about it. However, people saying "rest in piss" and whatever are being super juvenile. Those same people probably are beloved to Obama, but ignore the drone strike talk.
We are, but you keep deflecting and being reductive about just how bad the shit McCain did was. The more exaggerated responses are justified.


Jul 24, 2018
Rest In Peace. I've always respected John McCain, especially in recent years as conservatives have gone to a really dark place. John McCain was one of the only republicans to stand up to Trump in a meaningful way, and we could use more politicians like him. I hope whoever takes his place in the senate has half his courage.

He never stood up to him in a meaningful way.
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