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Oct 25, 2017
revolution kicked ass

i watched with a bunch of casual friends who have ZERO connection to the elite... and they MARKED OUT for hangman, darby and orange cassidy. it was great!


The Million Post Man
Oct 25, 2017
AEW road report

-good arena, few blocks from my favorite venue downtown so i scored easy free parking and walked a bit
-nice setup for the show
-Yuka/Riho vs. Britt/Penelope wasn't anything amazing but I was very happy to see Yuka (who my close, personal friends in the seats behind me referred to as "pokemon girl")
-SCU/Dark Order was garbage. SCU fucking sucks. Dark Order entrance is cool, I like them
-Hager/Dustin was embarrassing. Big yikes lads
-Sammy/Darby was extremely good shit. King Darby, wrestling megastar. Unbelievably satisfying to see him in his current state, albeit he almost ate shit again on another stupid dive idea. we stan
-Bucks vs. Page and Omega was amazing. Not much else to say. I was worried in the beginning parts that it was going to be some self indulgent family struggles nonsense at the expense of violence but as soon as they got into it it was everything I could've wanted from that. Pretty much perfect, other than the fact that this prrrrrrrobably shouldn't have been this low on the card
-Nyla/Stat were sent out to die and Stat was very obviously sick/off her game. Some really rough stuff at the beginning but Stat saved it with the hanging handstand escape and the rest of the match was pretty good outside of the mad dangerous super moves towards the end
-Cody/MJF, in the context of their long build and all of the crazy well-received work they've done on TV this year, was a fucking failure. From the stupid band intro that overstayed its welcome as they played the whole song, to working a brutal blood feud match with a bunch of dumb kooky spots, and a stupid fucking neck tattoo. Garbage. The fucking "Chairman" Shawn Spears had a better match with no build and no one giving a shit
-PAC/Orange Cassidy was everything I wanted it to be in the exact spot I wanted it to be. Incredible shit given all the time it needed. Perfect match
-Mox/Jericho was..............fine? The finish was great but this was a real nothing match even by Jericho standards. Fake blood man, fuckin nerd shit

Overall, it was a PPV.

Oh yeah people need to learn to sit the fuck down. I'm all for standing for big moments, entrances, going to the outside, whatever, but people in my section were legit standing for minutes at a time during the matches. Like bro you can see everything sit the fuck down.
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Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
Sometimes you remember some of the dumbshit gimmicks that have actually gotten airtime



Oct 27, 2017
Cody liked Pillman's post about the tattoo.

Fuck. Cody is going to fight us on this, isn't he?


Oct 25, 2017
Well what do you know, you can make this move look good.



Oct 27, 2017
Other than the one match that everyone knew was gonna be awesome (Tag title match) AEW Revolution ranged from okay to very good. I don't know why MJF bladed. It added nothing once so ever to the match. Very underwhelmed by that match. But the strap spot was a nice touch. Darby scarred the hell out of me when he La Parka'd himself into the barrier. Glad he alright. Insane 450 through the table, good match. Nyla/Stat had the worse position to be in but the match wasn't really that good anyways. I'm just never gonna get the appeal of Orange Cassidy, It's like a joke that no one clued me into. Nice stuff but in no way worth the 6 months of doing nothing for OC. Mox and Jericho had a match......that's pretty much all my thoughts on that. A good 3.5 star match but nothing noteworthy.


Oct 26, 2017
Just started watching Revolution and Hager vs Dustin was baaaad. Even worse as an opener.

Did they just name a PPV after that Vince blood and guts comment? 🤣


Oct 25, 2017
When it's all said and done, we're probably gonna get used to that dumbass tattoo eventually.


Oct 27, 2017

TJPW starting a "no people" head to head war with Stardom. They're gonna get outdrawn big time. Seriously choose Stardom, who know when we'll ever get a true live stream from them again.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was a great ppv, I even didn't mind Dustin/Asshole. I felt real bad for Statlander who you could see in closeups was really fucking sick still. Cody and his terrible tattoo had a pretty nothing match. Orange Cassidy finally proved for those who never saw his indie matches that he's actually really fucking good with some of the crispest flying ddts and the best superman punch of all time. Mox and Jericho was decent and I think the rambling Mox promo after elevated the match.


Oct 25, 2017
Going through Revolution and holy cow does AEW treat blood like NXT treats big finisher kick outs.

Like did blading even add anything to Cody/MJF at all?

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
Wish they'd continue the Sonny Kiss team.
Kiss from a Rhodes needs to be a team out there. Currently the tag division is a bit bloated but they need more trios for the rumored trios titles imo. Maybe keep pairing Sonny and dustin with various folks till you find em a solid third.
Really hoping Laredo Kid shows up with Lucha bros before then. Thatd be my pick for trios champions. I feel like hybrid 2 and a solid frontman would be great in a trios division as well. Lotta experience from mexico doin those things I'd say. Just find some way to elevate em. They're too talented to shelve this much.

Seraphis Cain

Oct 25, 2017
Just saw close ups of Cody's tattoo and holy shit what kind of hack tattoo artist did he go to? That linework is trash.
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