Oct 27, 2017
I've followed Kevin on Twitter for years now and every time I see him tweet I wonder what he thinks about Olivia Munn going on to become a well known celebrity whilst he struggling to remain relevant at all.
I'd say well known is a bit of a stretch. Her biggest thing has been a throwaway mutant in a bad X-men movie


Oct 25, 2017
I've followed Kevin on Twitter for years now and every time I see him tweet I wonder what he thinks about Olivia Munn going on to become a well known celebrity whilst he struggling to remain relevant at all.
He probably doesn't care. She always was more popular, and it's not like she's an A-list actress now.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't even know he was doing a follow up up to AOTS, I would've watched it. I've never even seen a tread for it!

Sucks but maybe he should switch to YT?


Self-requested ban
Jan 11, 2018
If I had hear of this before today I totally would have watched (might still) I loved AOTS and am in desperate need of a TV show style format to distill the biggest "nerd" news. It's gotten way too difficult to keep up with everything I'm interested anymore via forums and twitter. I wouldn't hesitate to sub if it was on youtube.


Oct 26, 2017
Wtf I used to watch AotS all the time back in the day, didn't even know this existed. But at least he didn't try and make up any excuses.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
Are the streamers that are saying racial slurs or worse getting banned too?

If not then this totally unfair for something stupid.


Dec 11, 2017
He should just become a studio drummer. Have you ever watched his drum-off on AotS? The guy is a beast on the skins.

Sad though that he had to come to viewbots to stay relevant in the public eye.


Oct 25, 2017
She played a pretty significant role on The Newsroom which was very popular. Also dated Aaron Rodgers for a while. Obvioulsy she's not a superstar or anything but well known.
Yeah she also has a new show coming and is gonna be in the new predator movie.

He could've at least gotten Tiffany Smith to do shout out on her Instagram for his show, jeez word of mouth is super important and he failed at it.


Oct 27, 2017
I though Munn was legit good in the newsroom. As far as Kevin goes, it must be hard for a straight laced guy like him to make money simply by being a personality. I mean unless you are a gaming pro playing the hottest fotm game or you are some edgy meme lord the market is probably brutal. Or you live super cheap and do a 1 man operation.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
He should just become a studio drummer. Have you ever watched his drum-off on AotS? The guy is a beast on the skins.

Sad though that he had to come to viewbots to stay relevant in the public eye.
Best content, in my opinion, The Attack channel produced were the late night drum sessions Kevin would do.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
He was on a Kinda Funny podcast a while ago and he promoted The Attack several times, I tried to tune in the next time the show was supposed to be on and it just... wasn't on. Totally forgot about it after that. Definitely feels bad for whatever staff/employees he had, but Kevin should be fine; he's on a show on TruTV called Hack My Life.

Sleve McDichael

Oct 28, 2017
That sucks, I used to really like Kevin on G4.
I checked out The Attack on Twitch a few times to see what he was up to, but it seemed like he was almost never actually on the show.

View bots is kind of a shitty thing to do, but you would think a warning (or something) would be issued before an outright ban. I mean, if they're going to ban people for doing that, they should at least take a look at the racist, sexist, toxic shit that people spew in chat.
Hope everything works out for him.

Deleted member 3853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't feel bad for him, and you know he's hardly the only one. I'd wager more than a few of the threads made here about various events with great amounts of people watching had view bots in them to boost the numbers dramatically.

Events like major tournaments or games done quick don't need extra numbers since they're going to be #1 for whatever game they're streaming and usually get featured by twitch anyways. Viewbotting is more for the streamers who want more visibility but can't pull the several hundred viewers legitimately. It's pretty bad because it fucks over the streamers playing by the rules by pushing them further down the list and taking away viewers which takes away potential subs or donations.

Obvious to tell who viewbots anyways. Soon as they go live there's already the average number of viewers watching and they never talk. You'll never see a legit stream with like a thousand viewers and only a few of them ever saying anything.
Oct 27, 2017
For those that don't know, ViewBots basically help falsify the real viewer count for a given stream. The benefit to the person using this method is that their view count goes up, which could potentially help with adverting by making it seem like they have a ton of perspective viewers (i.e. customers for the advertiser).

Also, like a popular club, more people will enter a club that is full, more so than one that is empty, so a harmful side effect to this for other streamers is that potential viewers decide to go to this full club (streamer using ViewBots) rather than their own stream, thus making it harder for the honest streamers to gain a foot hold.

It's just a shitty untruthful method and people are always apologetic once they get caught. He knew exactly what he was doing.

So what is the negatives? Like why would you intentionally plague someone else with a viewbot? Because I talked to someone the other day on Twitch support who was helping me with some issues I was having and they told me that someone must have viewbotted their stream or something because their viewers spiked exponentially all of a sudden and it was doing so almost as soon as they logged on. They would spam the stream chat with all kinds of stupid stuff. He contacted Twitch and they couldn't do anything about it. They just told him to ignore them saying if it wasn't a bot they would go away. Well they didn't and he said the only thing he was able to do was change his Twitch name. That worked and they haven't been back.

Just wondering because I'm about to start to try to stream regularly and this bot stuff sounds like a nightmare.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel bad for Kevin and crew. This "Attack" idea with a whole production crew must have been such a black money hole it's insane. Still, I've been aware of the show and 'followed' on twitch for years, yet I never watched it. I guess partly because timezone issues, but also I didn't really like Alex (sorry).


Oct 25, 2017
Should have shown some cleavage and done some exercises on stream to get some views

People joke about this all the time but I don't think it really helps, the people who consistently get high view numbers on twitch have only one thing in common: they stream A LOT. Like 6-12 hours a day, 4-6 days a week. About 90%+ (95%?) are also young guys. If you only stream a few hours a week you have to have something else IRL that gets you twitch famous. Even people who are moderately famous IRL don't get massive twitch streaming numbers because of inconsistent stream times - for example Rampage Jackson is a successful MMA fighter and streams occasionally but his numbers are always in the low hundreds at best, because he only streams pubg (i think) and has no real set times.
Oct 27, 2017
That sucks, I used to really like Kevin on G4.
I checked out The Attack on Twitch a few times to see what he was up to, but it seemed like he was almost never actually on the show.

View bots is kind of a shitty thing to do, but you would think a warning (or something) would be issued before an outright ban. I mean, if they're going to ban people for doing that, they should at least take a look at the racist, sexist, toxic shit that people spew in chat.
Hope everything works out for him.
He was a host initially but he stepped aside to let Alex run the show as he wanted to give him a chance.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Come on Kevin, you're better than that.

That's disappointing to hear.

EDIT: Disappointing to hear that he did it, not disappointing that they got banned. If you cheat, you'd best prepare for the consequences.


Jan 24, 2018
I'm going to be honest, I don't much care if people viewbot on Twitch, the platform has a very severe discoverability issue and there are countless good streamers out there that never get the attention they deserve. At this point it isn't even worth becoming a streamer unless you're ridiculously good at a particular game because the days of being able to casually pick up 30-50 viewers with a bunch of friendly regulars just from having some fun are long gone. The viewbots haven't done anything but raise visibility of his channel in the same way that paid advertising would, it is still up to viewers if they enjoy the content long enough to stay around, chat, subscribe or become a patreon. Twitch may not like it, but the problem wouldn't exist if they'd put some effort into helping small channels grow rather than trying to quickly push them into the cycle of begging for money and taking a nice 50% cut of it.

The two aren't exactly the same; if someone's hardcore viewbotting, and you go into that channel that's got, say, 5000 viewers, but only a couple dozen are consistently chatting or chatting at all....you're naturally going to be suspect about that and bring up viewbotting within that chat.


Oct 25, 2017
Was this there first offenses?. How do you get permanently banned on twich for view botting when other streamers are arguably doing way worse shit and getting away with nothing more then a temporary ban.

Tension Mask

Oct 28, 2017
I'm going to be honest, I don't much care if people viewbot on Twitch, the platform has a very severe discoverability issue and there are countless good streamers out there that never get the attention they deserve. At this point it isn't even worth becoming a streamer unless you're ridiculously good at a particular game because the days of being able to casually pick up 30-50 viewers with a bunch of friendly regulars just from having some fun are long gone. The viewbots haven't done anything but raise visibility of his channel in the same way that paid advertising would, it is still up to viewers if they enjoy the content long enough to stay around, chat, subscribe or become a patreon. Twitch may not like it, but the problem wouldn't exist if they'd put some effort into helping small channels grow rather than trying to quickly push them into the cycle of begging for money and taking a nice 50% cut of it.

Viewbotting hurts exactly the people you're taking up for.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder why no one wanted to watch this sho-



User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
I wonder if he could get in contact with Leo LaPorte to try to get the show on TWiT.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to be honest, I don't much care if people viewbot on Twitch, the platform has a very severe discoverability issue and there are countless good streamers out there that never get the attention they deserve. At this point it isn't even worth becoming a streamer unless you're ridiculously good at a particular game because the days of being able to casually pick up 30-50 viewers with a bunch of friendly regulars just from having some fun are long gone. The viewbots haven't done anything but raise visibility of his channel in the same way that paid advertising would, it is still up to viewers if they enjoy the content long enough to stay around, chat, subscribe or become a patreon. Twitch may not like it, but the problem wouldn't exist if they'd put some effort into helping small channels grow rather than trying to quickly push them into the cycle of begging for money and taking a nice 50% cut of it.

Those under 100 streamers with friendly regulars still exist. Lots of them do. I sub to some.

Anyway, Attack of the Show failed because you can't do a show that's only on for an hour or whatever three times a week. You can't. Twitch is about hanging out for many hours in a row every day. That's sort of how it operates. You can only get a lot of eyeballs on something that's only on for a few hours a week if you have a ton of popularity and fame outside of twitch, which he doesn't

Sub Level

Oct 25, 2017
Don't get into twitch streaming as a business for money. It should be something you do for fun. The odds of making it big are slim as hell. Best you can realistically hope for with a consistent schedule is a solid recurring audience of 20 - 120 viewers, and even that takes work and dedication.

Tension Mask

Oct 28, 2017
Those under 100 streamers with friendly regulars still exist. Lots of them do. I sub to some.

Anyway, Attack of the Show failed because you can't do a show that's only on for an hour or whatever three times a week. You can't. Twitch is about hanging out for many hours in a row every day. That's sort of how it operates. You can only get a lot of eyeballs on something that's only on for a few hours a week if you have a ton of popularity and fame outside of twitch, which he doesn't

Also, the show was early in the day, guaranteeing that a ton of people could never watch it.


Oct 27, 2017
So what is the negatives? Like why would you intentionally plague someone else with a viewbot? Because I talked to someone the other day on Twitch support who was helping me with some issues I was having and they told me that someone must have viewbotted their stream or something because their viewers spiked exponentially all of a sudden and it was doing so almost as soon as they logged on. They would spam the stream chat with all kinds of stupid stuff. He contacted Twitch and they couldn't do anything about it. They just told him to ignore them saying if it wasn't a bot they would go away. Well they didn't and he said the only thing he was able to do was change his Twitch name. That worked and they haven't been back.

Just wondering because I'm about to start to try to stream regularly and this bot stuff sounds like a nightmare.
Hmm, doing it to someone else, Im not sure about. Maybe spamming the messaging can kill any decent conversation and real viewer decide to leave because of it, thus affecting them in the long run.

I guess I was talking about people who use bots to up their own count, which helps themselves directly.


Oct 28, 2017
The weird thing is, that Kev had a really good relationship with Twitch and their corporate guys. Even if the views werent coming, I'm sure he couldve gotten front page promotion.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I guess when it comes to Twitch culture viewbotting is seen as a very big deal. I don't care that much either, to be honest though.

Kevin Pereira just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Twitch culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on YouTube where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you viewbot on Twitch, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is Twitch viewers, after hearing about this, are not going to want to watch The Attack, nor will they watch any of Pereira's future content. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Kevin Pereira has alienated an entire market with this move.

Kevin, publicly apologize and cancel The Attack or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Jan 15, 2018
View botting pushes the people who are legimatly trying to up their viewer numbers down the list it fucks noone cheaters over so that is why twitch perms the assholes who do it.

Tension Mask

Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, earlier in the show's run, there was a time they were getting on the front page, and indeed, they were getting a lot more viewers then. But apparently even that wasn't enough to make them profitable (bad sign).


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I fail to see how this is a big deal. I mean you shouldn't do it but like...who cares?
Edit: After seeing the above post it makes more sense, clearly the staff would be mad. Then again it kind of sounds like the writing was on the wall anyway
I can see why Twitch would treat this seriously as it's essentially stealing ad revenue. At the very least the show's perceived value would be inflated.


Nov 9, 2017
I had no idea this was even a thing... I would have definitely watched it.

Also I think one of the bigger mistakes was that initially Kevin was a host but then he passed it off to another host(Alex) and while he's fine, he's no Kevin pereira

This. I found Kevin to be really witty and enjoyable to watch back on G4/AoTS. I tuned into the Twitch show a couple of times and he was never on, so I stopped watching.

I've followed Kevin on Twitter for years now and every time I see him tweet I wonder what he thinks about Olivia Munn going on to become a well known celebrity whilst he struggling to remain relevant at all.

Probably remembers the good old days..... (they really did have great chemistry on that show)



Oct 30, 2017
Dam. Didn't even know this existed :/. Kevin seemed like a really cool guy when I watched him on G4. Hope the best for him cuz this doesn't really seem that bad to me.


Oct 27, 2017
wasn't aware the show exists but my first reaction is AotS is probably grandpa stuff to most twitch viewers. just not a good fit for the platform


Oct 27, 2017
I knew about The Attack, but he was hardly ever on it. Nothing against Alex, I would have watched it more if Kevin was on it consistently.


Oct 28, 2017
Seems like everyone does it so whatever I guess. It's an issue on YouTube as well. It's sad people feel they have to do it to compete.