
Dec 1, 2017
Which happened because sanctions were crippling Iran to the point of dissent becoming more open. They elected a leader with specific intentions of negotiating.

But North Korea is already crippled by sanctions, so what's the play there?

Oh you just making shit up now? South Korea was blindsided by this. They're not about doing that at all.

How about you get banned from this thread like the 8 others you did in the past?



Oct 27, 2017
Maybe not. But maybe something else could happen. Maybe NK allows a little bit of trade, a little bit of travel so people can see their family members across the border. Maybe some American media makes its way into North Korean civilians' hands. Maybe it could be like glasnost and perestroika, and small concessions to liberalization open up possibilities for regime change. We should at least be trying.

These are all possible terms for this very summit yet Trump decided to forgoe all of this and is focusing on nukes that NK will never surrender.


Apr 17, 2018
Trump is gonna be President for two more years (at most.) This process will take decades. It would be a mistake to look at it through the lens of American party politics.

Do you think that "Jap" is racist

Given its historical context, yes. I have never heard "Nork" before. Does it have widespread derogatory usage or a violent history attached to it?


Dec 1, 2017
So you deny that one of the most important Nork policies is getting propaganda wins to further cement their control over the populace?

Yes or No?

So, first, I'm finding your vocabulary pretty offensive, your obnoxious forum-lawyer tone slightly less so.

Anyway. North Korea is a completely closed society. The leaders are already presented as invincible demigods. The North Korean public isn't watching MSNBC and going "hmm wow Kim got a real win there, I'm gonna vote for him next election"

These are all possible terms for this very summit yet Trump decided to forgoe all of this and is focusing on nukes that NK will never surrender.

That's true, but also, maybe we all need to lower our guns slightly before we actually extricate ourselves from this standoff.


Apr 4, 2018
The ultimate irony is that all of these "how DARE you be against denuclearization you warmonger" is that it buries the lead. NK having nukes is the only thing stopping Trump and the REAL warmongerers around him like Bolton and Pompeo from going to war with them tomorrow. They would pursue the Lybia solution without any hesitation.

Which is why NK will NEVER EVER EVER give their nukes up.


Apr 4, 2018
The Iran nuclear deal negotiations were very very different than what is going on here so far.

Because with Iran a deal was actually being negotiated. Unlike here where things began and ended with a photo shoot.

The people in here arguing that "well at least this is a first step!" are arguing the geopolitical version of thinking an unpaid internship getting people coffee is the first step on the path to being a super star movie actor.


Dec 1, 2017
Given its historical context, yes. I have never heard "Nork" before. Does it have widespread derogatory usage or a violent history attached to it?

It has the history only ever being used by American warhawks describing North Korean people, who do not self-identify as 'Norks' and who to my knowledge don't use it among themselves even when speaking English. It's a dehumanizing epithet for a group of people, like "skinnies" or "ChiComs" or "Japs."

Here's a thread from an alt right shithole where people passionately argue that the word isn't racist, though


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Yes...who to believe....

This is what I figured. The decapitation drills will cease (for now), but regular exercises will continue. If that's accurate, I'm ok with that.

Trump should have been significantly more clear on the matter... what else is new.
Oct 27, 2017
It has the history only ever being used by American warhawks describing North Korean people, who do not self-identify as 'Norks' and who to my knowledge don't use it among themselves even when speaking English. It's a dehumanizing epithet for a group of people, like "skinnies" or "ChiComs" or "Japs."

Here's a thread from an alt right shithole where people passionately argue that the word isn't racist, though

So, I find the term, "neoliberal" to be an epithet. Please avoid using it.

You're taking this pretty far to avoid answering simple questions


Dec 1, 2017
Of course not, this is how a coward reacts when they know they just spewed BS.

Nork is best known as an Australian term for a breast and a Warhammer character

And a racial slur. That you gleefully keep using, because a lot of your position on North Korea comes from orientalist dehumanization of an oppressed people.

The Iran nuclear deal negotiations were very very different than what is going on here so far.

Yes, and the geopolitical contexts are every different too. Iran was never a 'hermit kingdom'

Yes, internal propaganda doesn't matter to the Norks, which is why they don't bother doing it....

Do you think that the Kim regime would have somehow been overthrown by a popular movement if this photo op had not happened


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
All 8 people in the room watched it?

Very high ratings. 100% viewership for the night.

Take that Sam Bee.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe we can get away from the name calling and get back on the subject of the thread? The ignore function exists for a reason after all.

On topic, I think folks should read this twitter thread from the former director of Government Ethics (yes it's a real thing):



Apr 17, 2018
It has the history only ever being used by American warhawks describing North Korean people, who do not self-identify as 'Norks' and who to my knowledge don't use it among themselves even when speaking English. It's a dehumanizing epithet for a group of people, like "skinnies" or "ChiComs" or "Japs."

Here's a thread from an alt right shithole where people passionately argue that the word isn't racist, though

That... is a thread. The Homefront article helped frame it for me as well, I'll avoid the usage of that term.


Oct 26, 2017
I believe that any kind of lasting peace has to begin with people talking to one another.
Sure, but we can talk without going all the way and sending the President there for a 1:1 that he didn't even bother to prepare for and in which we gave up important bargaining chips for essentially nothing. And we can also talk without the President offering up effusive praise for a brutal dictator while parroting their propaganda points almost verbatim. Trump gave Un a wealth of material to propogandize.

Besides that, NK has offered a whole lot of talk to the outside world about "denuclearization" over the years and have signed similar agreements (actually with stronger verbiage than what Trump got here) only to go back on them with no second thought. Their word is about as good as Trump's at this point. I'd like to be wrong about that, but we need to hold Un accountable, not just fold over.

True progress is going to be made with SK, Japan, and China at the table. Trump running his dumb mouth isn't really going to help much. The President should be working to facilitate that kind of summit, instead he's going out there for a PR win and making agreements that he hasn't even run by our allies or the people within our own government. In this instance I believe we need to let our allies in the region take the lead, but for Trump everything has to revolve around him. The progress Moon has made is encouraging and the last thing I want to see is Trump fucking that up because of his ego.

Still curious to know if you really believe NK actually would give up their nukes, too.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
And a racial slur. That you gleefully keep using, because a lot of your position on North Korea comes from orientalist dehumanization of an oppressed people.

Yes, and the geopolitical contexts are every different too. Iran was never a 'hermit kingdom'

Do you think that the Kim regime would have somehow been overthrown by a popular movement if this photo op had not happened
It can be very important.


May 8, 2018
You state they're a rational regime; they also engage in propaganda both internally and externally. They find value in it, so why are you denying it was a gift, for nothing in return but a photo-op?

what effect could NK's propaganda have on anyone outside of NK? No one outside of NK is looking at the situation and going "hmmm, that kim jong-un sure seems like a swell guy who's really got a good hold on his country." Or are you concerned about their propaganda on their own people? You think the people were on the brink of overthrowing the regime had it not been for this meeting?


Oct 25, 2017
Trump leaves the G7 abruptly like a child because Canada reacts to the tariffs HE enacted, admits he didn't prepare at all for this summit, nothing really happens at summit and Trump leaves the summit early. And now, Trumpeters and moderates are both wagging their fingers at any criticism with, "you got to give credit." This is insane.
Oct 27, 2017
what effect could NK's propaganda have on anyone outside of NK? No one outside of NK is looking at the situation and going "hmmm, that kim jong-un sure seems like a swell guy who's really got a good hold on his country." Or are you concerned about their propaganda on their own people? You think the people were on the brink of overthrowing the regime had it not been for this meeting?

You're making the same poor point that dusteatingbug is attempting:

If the regime is rational, as I assume you believe (correct me if I'm wrong), why would they engage in so much propaganda--internally and externally--if they didn't view it as a net benefit to their power over the NK people?

Do you think they're dumb? Or that they spend scarce resources for nothing?

The only way you stay "God Emperor" is by making sure you are never caught bleeding in public


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
A total exercise in bullshit that only gives the NK regime legitimately it oh so craves. And it's fucking Trump, absolutely nothing of worth will come from this.


Dec 1, 2017
You're making the same poor point that dusteatingbug is attempting:

If the regime is rational, as I assume you believe (correct me if I'm wrong), why would they engage in so much propaganda--internally and externally--if they didn't view it as a net benefit to their power over the NK people?

Do you think they're dumb? Or that they spend scarce resources for nothing?

The only way you stay "God Emperor" is by making sure you are never caught bleeding in public

The point is that the marginal utility of this photo op is extremely small, and worth trading for furthering the peace process.

Trump leaves the G7 abruptly like a child because Canada reacts to the tariffs HE enacted, admits he didn't prepare at all for this summit, nothing really happens at summit and Trump leaves the summit early. And now, Trumpeters and moderates are both wagging their fingers at any criticism with, "you got to give credit." This is insane.

IT'S clap NOT clap ABOUT clap CREDIT


Nov 7, 2017
Trump leaves the G7 abruptly like a child because Canada reacts to the tariffs HE enacted, admits he didn't prepare at all for this summit, nothing really happens at summit and Trump leaves the summit early. And now, Trumpeters and moderates are both wagging their fingers at any criticism with, "you got to give credit." This is insane.

We live in insane times
Oct 27, 2017
The point is that the marginal utility of this photo op is extremely small, and worth trading for furthering the peace process.

The point is we got all the same concessions from them in the dozen other times we've been down this road, without having to give Un his propaganda win.

That you assess it to be of marginal value is why I used the term "armchair international negotiators", because the regime sure doesn't view it as a marginal win.


Dec 1, 2017
The point is we got all the same concessions from them in the dozen other times we've been down this road, without having to give Un his propaganda win.

That you assess it to be of marginal value is why I used the term "armchair international negotiators", because the regime sure doesn't view it as a marginal win.

So what, though? We 'gave' him a meaningless token.

Also, again, you are also an armchair international negotiator like every single other person in this thread

edit - and that's not what I mean by marginal utility. I'm saying that North Korea is already in the iron grip of the regime, it is already a society built on Kim propaganda, so there is little additional value added for them to have this meeting. Like, the official NK party line is that the Kim family are all superhuman geniuses who built everything in the country and are essentially gods. It's not like somehow now people will start believing all that because they saw one fat moronic nepotism case shake hands with another.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, stopping military exercises sure is a bigger concession than a photo.

It would be, but it was not a real deal so there is no incentive to go with it. We can never accept that condition and won't.

It was really a waste of time for everyone. People talk about Kim being legitimized but a joint statement with vague wording of intent means absolutely nothing. As dumb as Trump is, what he says and what he does are two different things. It's easy to say something, it's hard work to do something. Therefore, somebody has to do it for him.


May 8, 2018
You're making the same poor point that dusteatingbug is attempting:

If the regime is rational, as I assume you believe (correct me if I'm wrong), why would they engage in so much propaganda--internally and externally--if they didn't view it as a net benefit to their power over the NK people?

Do you think they're dumb? Or that they spend scarce resources for nothing?

The only way you stay "God Emperor" is by making sure you are never caught bleeding in public

How does this meeting not undermine decades and decades of anti-america propaganda? Convince me this is a propaganda win for North Korea. Exactly what course of action would be more preferable than attempting negotiations for peace? Just don't do anything for the next 20+ years until we're forced to invade North Korea militarily?


Oct 25, 2017
The point is that the marginal utility of this photo op is extremely small, and worth trading for furthering the peace process.

IT'S clap NOT clap ABOUT clap CREDIT

Yeah you're right. It's about world peace and all the rational people know Trump is literally making impulsive top down decisions. There is no policy or strategy here. Which is worrying to those of us not drinking the kool aid

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
What? No analogy is perfect, that's kind of the deal with analogies.

Negotiating with 'enemies' without preconditions is a good thing. Obama understood this. That doesn't mean that the diplomatic process with North Korea is going to be an exact 1:1 copy of the process with Iran.
I mean, they're not even comparable in approach/process. Specifying talks with no preconditions with Iranian leadership is not the same as North Korea. Very different actions being addressed. GOP fears of appeasement are not what happened with Iran, but are what has happened so far here.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah you're right. It's about world peace and all the rational people know Trump is literally making impulsive top down decisions. There is no policy or strategy here. Which is worrying to those of us not drinking the kool aid
And this. Trump has shown no ability to negotiate a halfway decent deal, can't even accurately communicate the most basic aspects of what they talked about, and pulled out of a pretty effective nuclear agreement with Iran. Luckily, there were six other nations signed onto that agreement so it's not completely trashed.
Oct 25, 2017
They can, but if the US continues to keep sanctions and continues to keep military presence in the region, then what good does it actually do them?

Un gets to secure himself from dissent showing how he forced the US to see them as equals. Plus that fresh video of Trump calling US/RoK joint exercises "provocation"

Even if NK walks away today they have secured a lasting propaganda victory.


Oct 25, 2017
This last page or so are very strange to read since I've placed the Trumper's on my ignore list. It's just a bunch of people replying to nobody, lol!
Oct 30, 2017
If the ruling family is as paranoid as we've been told of coups and being overthrown, everything that was said by Trump elevating Kim Jong Un is a positive for them to keep people down. Why would this be so controversial?


Dec 25, 2017
So the early take is that North Korea didn't make any concessions that they haven't made before and didn't actually stick to , but this time they got to meet in person with the US president.

In case you don't know, it's a big deal for another world leader that's not considered an ally to meet with the US president. It's major when the world leader is a dictator that's back by China. Major win for North Korea and China today.