Deleted member 68874

Account closed at user request
May 10, 2020


Oct 25, 2017
Our only mission in life should be to act as agents of kindness. Make the world a kinder, gentler place. Respect the emotional makeups of others. Love people for who they are, and only take a stand when they hurt others.

You don't need to be rich or famous to be that agent of kindness.


Oct 26, 2017
Town adjacent to Silent Hill
Good riddance. Dude's a legend, but he's been dead weight for such a long time now. He's been phoning it in for almost 20 years now, with each game relying more and more on arrangements of his old work. Then his abhorrent views were made known to me, and my already dwindling respect just hit rock bottom.

Thanks for the DQ6 symphonic suite. You won't be missed.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I get acknowledging that someone is a bad person , but some yall really celebrating a humans death.

Would you be writing in RIP letters to newspapers when Hitler was declared dead after the bombing of Germany? That's an extreme example, but there are truly terrible people in this world who deserve to have their death celebrated and if you don't believe that, you're just naive, in denial or posting in bad faith.
Oct 27, 2017

I don't like celebrating death so I won't. That being said, this man is horrible and I won't feel bad that he bit the dust.

He had years to learn not to be a piece of shit yet he continued to do so. Hopefully whoever is doing DQ is better than him. As a person.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
are they going to play midi music at his funeral? it would only be appropriate
He died doing what he loved: Holding on to the music rights of Dragon Quest til' the very end.

Seriously, I don't care what people think of his musical contributions to the genre or which songs in Dragon Quest you think slap; Sugiyama was equal parts draconian in his grip on the music rights to Dragon Quest and heinous in his denial of war crimes (of which he's lobbied to try and remove the teaching of Nanking, among other war crimes committed by Japan) and rampant homophobia. His legacy is largely marred by his own actions and I see no reason to try and qualify how I feel about Sugiyama biting it.

Rot. Burn. I don't care which happens to this monster.
Then you're not a true Sugiyama fan
Underappreciated post that deserves to be seen on a new page.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude thought the world would be better off without LGBT people

I think the world is better off without him

Shame he was able to spread so much hate and bigotry before he died


Mar 24, 2020
He had plenty of grotesque views and the music in the latest DQ was god awful. I won't miss him, looking forward instead to a new approach to the music.
Hayama Akito

Hayama Akito

Oct 25, 2017
I just want to add that... I'm reading tweets from Japan and from the rest of the world about this and I've never seen my Twitter timetime sooooo different in my life lol. Is like two different planets.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you allowed to publicly express the boundless joy in your heart regarding this guy's death without fearing a ban? Asking for a friend.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty repugnant that some people are celebrating the passing of an overwhelmingly influential guy who literally laughed at the suicide rates of LGBT people on live television.
Oct 27, 2017
Like the guy was making it his mission to make LGBTQ+ people a living hell and was denying war crimes to hurt a lot of people.
Some of you really need to understand who the fuck you are batting for.

Similarly, most US presidents out there have ruined lives and killed a lot of people. Are you gonna stop people from celebrating when the ones that ruined their lives and created misery are dead?