Oct 27, 2017
As someone with family members who still have memories of Japanese occupation, fuck this guy and every other imperialist.

And his recent output aren't even that good anyway.


Oct 26, 2017
Hayama Akito

Hayama Akito

Oct 25, 2017
Guessing Japan is treating him like a complete legend?

I have gay and left-winged japanese friends that are legitimately devastated and sad as fuck right now. He was that big and they don't give a fuck.

He also represents the best memories of the Famicom and the best years of the japanese bubble economic era (when Japan was literally the kings of the world) for so many people there.

It's shocking but oh well... for me Sugiyama was a piece of trash but he is a god there. It's definitely the end of an era basically.


Oct 25, 2017
I love his music! I can only imagine what he must have been like but his music has a place in my heart forever.

Dragon Quest wouldn't be the same without these soundtracks. Out of all the composers of japanese RPGs he made my favourite ones.


Oct 30, 2017
One of my favorite songs from Sugiyama

How can you be a bad person and have such a musical sensibility will forever be a mystery to me.

Thanks for the music anyway, RIP.


Oct 27, 2017
He was one of my favourite composers before discovering his vile views (and active contribution to the denial of Japan's war crimes). It was a pretty hard blow for me to find out he was such a piece of shit. I'm glad he's gone, Dragon Quest (and the world tbh) are in a better place now.


Oct 27, 2017
Koichi Sugiyama, homophobic, denialist and composer of Dragon Quest, has passed away.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
One of those headlines that you read, experience a moment of shock, and are then filled with the most "Yeah. Okay." energy imaginable. I do not mourn or feel anything other than a resounding understanding and acceptance of the fact that he has died. It feels like being hit with a truck of absolutely nothing. Frankly it feels weird as fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
Depends on where you go. There are some places almost as celebratory as here, hope for music rights to free up and DQ to step into the 21st century
Some also argued it was the draconian JASRAC, which Sugiyama is heavily involved in, that's responsible for Japanese music in general have been losing ground on the World's stage


Dec 22, 2017
I've seen Yuzo Koshiro already offer complete condolences to this. Of course, Koshiro is another composer in the industry, so I can understand a level of respect from someone in a similar role in the industry.
1. We propably will see lot's of disappointment in the coming days concerning how his remembrance will be treated by fellow Japanese musicians and fans considering his status in the industry there.

2. Actraiser Renaissance's soundtrack almost sounded like Yuzo Koshiro was already sending S-E his application for the job of the new DQ composer.
Jan 9, 2018
I hope now Dragon quest feel free to add new music and spice the compositions. Even remixed will be welcomed. The last event when they showed the teaser for Dragon Quest XII was embarrassing, every announcement had the exact same DQ music, the same theme even!! I heard DQ main theme like 10 times.

Looking forward to see what new composers can do with such an iconic themes.


Oct 27, 2017
Starting this day with this news and a good cup of coffee, a promising start to the day ☺.


▲ Legend ▲
Mar 16, 2019
Not gonna lie, my first reaction was a big smile and the "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure" quote running through my head.

He was talented and wrote great music. He was also a giant piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
It was such a disappointment when I first read about his disgusting points of view. I won't deny I really like a lot of his work, but hopefully the DQ series can now find new talented composers who are not despicable, bitter human beings.


Oct 25, 2017
I feel at peace. He lived a long life, composed some really good music, and used his success to do some really hurtful and nasty things. As someone who had family living through the Japanese occupation, I could never reconcile being an active DQ fan supporting the games and the music as long as he continued to be involved in the series. Over the decades I have had inconsistent views and often this made me very angry and irrational when talking about DQ. With his passing I am just happy to put all this behind.


Oct 25, 2017
1. We propably will see lot's of disappointment in the coming days concerning how his remembrance will be treated by fellow Japanese musicians and fans considering his status in the industry there.

2. Actraiser Renaissance's soundtrack almost sounded like Yuzo Koshiro was already sending S-E his application for the job of the new DQ composer.

I don't know if people in the industry upset by this are automatically one of "disappointment." One has to remember that he was an influence for many people in the industry, in a positive manner, to be more involved in video games. Of course in the sound/music space, there's going to be a sense of a huge loss. For us on the "outside" we can see the injustices and problematic personhood that was Sugiyama, but for people in the game space, in Japan, he was in a very strong sense, a pioneer. Those in that circle in Japan will be more attached to that legacy and not him laughing on live television about suicide.

In Japan, those upset are upset at the art of Sugiyama. On a forum like this, we're more noticing the person that was Sugiyama, and that's why you're getting a contrast. Condolences from those in the industry is one thing, but I think the real disappointment one should anticipate is how the media will overlook much of the problematic parts, even on stations where he said such things.


Oct 27, 2017
His music was good but it doesn't make up for his views. Age doesn't matter here either, he simply chose to be spiteful.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Sugiyama, Toriyama and Horii are fucking gods in Japan, it should not be a shock at all to people that his death will be a national mourning over there.

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing a lot of hatred for this guy. What exactly did he say?

Laughed at the suicide rates of LGBT people in Japan.
Part of a war crime denial council:


The Sad Story of a Japanese Gaming Legend who Pretends War Crimes Never Happened

Here at Total Recall, we deal in history. Partly because I love my video games, but also because as a graduate in the field I love my history as well. So it saddens me deeply when I see people involved in video games trying to mess with real, actual history.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I feel at peace. He lived a long life, composed some really good music, and used his success to do some really hurtful and nasty things. As someone who had family living through the Japanese occupation, I could never reconcile being an active DQ fan supporting the games and the music as long as he continued to be involved in the series. Over the decades I have had inconsistent views and often this made me very angry and irrational when talking about DQ. With his passing I am just happy to put all this behind.
Indeed. After learning about his mischievous acts and views, it just felt wrong to play and enjoy Dragon Quest games. But as a fan, I can't simply ignore and boycott the games either. This is such a massive relief.


Oct 26, 2017
*reverb fart*

Finally got Thwack'd. Good.

Can't wait to see what the new composers end up making for 12.