
Oct 26, 2017
I'm with them. It's so annoying now how many games just don't shut the hell up and let you play. Especially if they have a tag-along character like a lot of modern video games.

Dynamite Cop

Oct 25, 2017
The counter argument of "I dont like silent protagonists" is bullshit because not every thought needs to be said out loud by the main character. When you go to the grocery store, you sure as hell aren't talking out loud about everything you're taking off of the shelf to buy.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's overdone, but the frequency is fine; it's more that Deacon has two or three emotional levels, and in cutscenes we almost never see the level of unhinged he routinely gets to during gameplay. I wouldn't call it bad, exactly, but there is a disconnect between the behaviour he displays in the various parts of the game.

But I can also see a justification for it: in gameplay he's alone. In cutscenes he's usually not, and generally he's with people he can't or wouldn't be openly hostile to. The one exception I've run into so far, he approaches that level of unhinged.


Jul 21, 2018
The counter argument of "I dont like silent protagonists" is bullshit because not every thought needs to be said out loud by the main character. When you go to the grocery store, you sure as hell aren't talking out loud about everything you're taking off of the shelf to buy.
Like I guess I get what your saying but this is a really stupid comparison because when you're at a grocery story you're in your own head thinking not you know controlling a fake person on a TV screen lol


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
it is overdone, one could argue it is because he is crazy or insane or whatever but i don´t think that this was the intention at all because the cutscenes don´t support this theory. he is another person there. and i don´t think he is schizophrenic because that would also need some support in the cutscenes to make it really believable.

it is especially hilarious when he screams while sneaking around in a camp. in general, i don´t like babbling protagonists at all, it was annoying in Tomb Raider, it was annoying in Horizon and it is annoying in Days Gone.


Nov 30, 2017
This reminds me of how in L.A. Noire, Cole would randomly get pissed at people insulting his driving skills. At first it was annoying, but after like the 100th upturned telephone pole, it was a great bit


Oct 25, 2017
it is overdone, one could argue it is because he is crazy or insane or whatever but i don´t think that this was the intention at all because the cutscenes don´t support this theory. he is another person there. and i don´t think he is schizophrenic because that would also need some support in the cutscenes to make it really believable.

it is especially hilarious when he screams while sneaking around in a camp. in general, i don´t like babbling protagonists at all, it was annoying in Tomb Raider, it was annoying in Horizon and it is annoying in Days Gone.
There is a ludonarrative dissonance but psychotic Deacon sounds more interesting.
It's legit one of the worst parts of the game. It doesn't help that a lot of the line delivery is terrible. Skipping the shitty truther radio sections is a real hard choice to make. You either hear the shitty radio or Deacon randomly yelling "NOT TODAY COPELAND, I'M HAVING TOO GOOD A DAY FOR YOU TO RUIN IT WITH YOUR BULLSHIT" in one of the worst line deliveries I've ever heard in a videogame.
I don't know about the execution but NOT TODAY COPELAND sounds like a great line 😆


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
But games arent deep. At all. We dont need to hear some thoughts about generic themes like parent-child relationships or zombies.
but they can be? And they should try to say something more beyond gameplay loops. Thematic elements tied to gameplay and characters , when done right are fantastic and enrich the whole experience .


Nov 21, 2017
I took a while to realise this was about Days Gone's Deacon St John, and not Queen in the recording studio. "Shut up John Deacon!"

Did it.

Will always come down on the side of quieter protagonists especially those you have to spend a long time travelling with.


Oct 27, 2017
Funny thing:

When Deacon found Sarah, he stops talking to himself. I realized that his thoughts filled the silence, and I missed it... I was very attached to the character at that point.

So... No! You can talk anytime you want, Deacon!


Dec 27, 2017
But then how would I bitch about a valid criticism of a game I like?!

Because Days Gone largely received middling reviews and as a result a certain subset of people who really enjoy it feel like every criticism of it is a personal attack against them.

It's less that he does it more that he does it far far too much. It also doesn't reveal much beyond "he likes killing things."

Basically all of this. It's annoying as hell and comically overdone. I lost track of the number of times I missed recordings and stuff because Deacon was screaming over them, while I was stealthing around. In another thread, I called Deacon one of the worst characters this gen - this is part of the reason why.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it isn't that he says stuff it's the way he says it, sometimes he just yells out dialogue while he's killing people and he comes across as even more insane than the rippers. Though come to think of it that's probably what they were trying to convey anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
protagonist-cool-voice is so grating to an adult. nero's shouting whispers in dmc5 just sound so forced and stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
Deacon is a trash tier character (as well as every other character in this game), and I agree, he talks way too much and the delivery is... not good. So awkward, predictable and done to death. That unearned "somber song #14" bike ride with Bulldozer or w/e the fuck his name is was cringe.

I like the game though, the sandbox and open world is nice actually. Mechanics get better and feel tighter as you get better weapons and such. Def. gonna beat it, but the characters and narrative are piss poor compared to every other Sony 1P game.
People love to go on and on about immersion this is a major part of that,I am tired of silent characters or characters that never comment on the situation they are in.
This. I'm reading these comments about how some are annoyed at Aloy or deacon's constant rambling and how it breaks immersion or what and I'm just ??? Like a silent android who doesn't say or react to anything is not immersion breaking? I like it when my characters talk.... shows they have personality.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
This. I'm reading these comments about how some are annoyed at Aloy or deacon's constant rambling and how it breaks immersion or what and I'm just ??? Like a silent android who doesn't say or react to anything is not immersion breaking? I like it when my characters talk.... shows they have personality.
people dont complain as much about nathan drake, geralt, joel or AC protagonists and they talk a lot and have very defined characters ,but theres a balance, a middle ground compared to nearly non stop commenting on shit in DG and HZD. It is only an issue if the execution is spotty at best. In this thread I only saw one or two people preferring silent protagonist , the other who agree with the article or in general want a middle ground and better writing/va whatever.


Oct 28, 2017
This. I'm reading these comments about how some are annoyed at Aloy or deacon's constant rambling and how it breaks immersion or what and I'm just ??? Like a silent android who doesn't say or react to anything is not immersion breaking? I like it when my characters talk.... shows they have personality.

Why must a character either talk non stop or be completely silent! It's such a straw man that people who dislike highly yappy characters want their character to say nothing at all. I want my character to say things I just don't want a motormouth.


Oct 25, 2017
I was going to come in and say it didn't bother me at all and liked a lot of it thinking I'd be berated for it. Glad others enjoy it as well.


Nov 4, 2017
Love the game and actually like Deacons rumblings, but man the voice/radio play is super fucked up in this game.
One of it's biggest flaws.

It's almost as Bend didn't have enough time left to actually place the audio in the right situations.

Treasure Silvergun

Self-requested ban
Dec 4, 2017
I'm with them. It's so annoying now how many games just don't shut the hell up and let you play. Especially if they have a tag-along character like a lot of modern video games.
I could never enjoy the GBA Mario rereleases because of the added voices.

Also you don't know how obnoxious a tag-along character can be until you've played Puppeteer. The main character being completely silent in that game isn't even a blessing because that thing that follows you for the whole game talks enough for an entire cast, and never utters a phrase that's not supremely annoying at the best of times.


Oct 26, 2017
I love when characters talk alone. It grants them so much more personality and it is fun.


Jun 9, 2018
First we had OCD Nathan Drake touching everything he walked by, now we have schizophrenic Deacon yelling at everything around him.

I'm hoping Last of Us 2 has some interesting tech advancements.


Oct 25, 2017
people dont complain as much about nathan drake, geralt, joel or AC protagonists and they talk a lot and have very defined characters ,but theres a balance, a middle ground compared to nearly non stop commenting on shit in DG and HZD. It is only an issue if the execution is spotty at best. In this thread I only saw one or two people preferring silent protagonist , the other who agree with the article or in general want a middle ground and better writing/va whatever.
Thank you, that's exactly it.


Writer at
Oct 28, 2017
I'm more concerned by the SHITTY stealth missions, walking missions and overall extremely poor missions.


Oct 27, 2017
You can tell who actually read the article based on their comments. People do realize that there is a middle ground from non-stop talking and Silent Protagonist.


Oct 25, 2017
There's a weird disconnect between Deacon in the story segments and during gameplay. In cutscenes he's kind of an asshole, during gameplay he comes off as a straight up psychopath.
There's no disconnect. Characters even comment on his bloodlust and unhinged thrill at killing Rippers, bandits, and freakers. He just don't show that around people, and his commentary and behavior around others makes it pretty clear that he's deliberately trying to be calm around them. It shows in how awkward he is or how he'll have aggressive violent moments like pulling a gun on people he's trying to ask for help

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
There's no disconnect. Characters even comment on his bloodlust and unhinged thrill at killing Rippers, bandits, and freakers. He just don't show that around people, and his commentary and behavior around others makes it pretty clear that he's deliberately trying to be calm around them. It shows in how awkward he is or how he'll have aggressive violent moments like pulling a gun on people he's trying to ask for help

I don't think they pull it off nearly as effectively as you're making it sound here, mainly because the combat/exploration-dialogue is way overdone for my tastes. But I also wasn't a fan of Aloy commenting on every single thing.


Jul 14, 2018
The exact same thing was one of the reasons I stopped Horizon so early. Looks like I wouldn't enjoy this game either.