

Oct 25, 2017
This country sucks and he's basically completely right. We're so fucking racist that having a single black president for two terms have pushed us so far back into the red that the only person that will probably be able to win at this point is a white male.
Or you could, like, mobilize the coalition that elected that black president twice and try to gear your policy to help the constituent groups of that coalition.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm a black dude, but I agree with him. I don't think the country is ready for another person of color to be president. While the popular vote was on Hillary's side, it didn't matter because she wasn't popular in the right places. So I'd be hesitant about a non white dude winning 2020. 2024 is different and I think everyone will have a better chance, but I think the unfortunate reality is that he's right

She wasn't popular in the right places because she failed to campaign there and get her message across. Her strategy was wrong, has very little to do with her not being a white man.
Oct 28, 2017
His talk of presidential candidacy were a look at me look st me ploy. He was never serious about it. Sadly I think hes right in that America is more often than not not aware of their own biases, unconscious or otherwise. That doesnt mean the candidate SHOULD be white or male though.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL

While Avenatti's motives behind this may be "make me your king", the point is not one that knee-jerk-Era is seeing. It sucks, but it may be true. Does that mean that the intolerant 'win' if Dems go for this strategy? I don't know.

Fact is, Obama was great, but he didn't kill racism in the country and Trump is what we got as a result.
If there's less voter apathy, international voter influence, and voter suppression in 2016 we don't have Trump as the President anyway. I don't think Michael is correct here at all unless he believes we will see similar levels of voter apathy among young voters in 2020. If that's the case, he will have had a point. I disagree.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I disagree almost completely. Voter apathy had a big influence on the 2014 and 2016 election cycle. I see no reason to believe that will be the case for the 2018 or 2020 elections. In fact, I expect record turnouts for the Dem candidate as long as they aren't extremely weak candidates. White male or not.

I mean, I hope you're right. I would love to have the president be an actual qualified person, man, woman or whatever, I'm just a bit pessimistic because of the whiplash that happened after Obama. I'm cool with being wrong, but at this point that's where I'm at. If a candidate comes in that has "larger than life" presence, than I'll back that


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
I'll never understand the affection this guy got. He's been a sleazy scumbag from day one, Trump basically had him pegged from the start, and he amounted to nothing. I hope this is the final nail in his media coffin.


Oct 25, 2017
He's right about White men being more likely to be listened to but wrong that only a White man can win and I want nothing to do with a party that agrees with this especially after we had Obama, and Hillary Clinton whom was one of the most hated politicians ever of all people win the popular vote.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a black dude, but I agree with him. I don't think the country is ready for another person of color to be president. While the popular vote was on Hillary's side, it didn't matter because she wasn't popular in the right places. So I'd be hesitant about a non white dude winning 2020. 2024 is different and I think everyone will have a better chance, but I think the unfortunate reality is that he's right

Obama himself stated that Hilary lost those areas because she didn't campaign in those places. This also doesn't explain the popularity of progressive candidates like those in areas such as Georgia and FL.


Oct 25, 2017
I have seen the same thing said on ResetERA many times.

People are desperate to overthrow GOP and don't want to gamble with a candidate who will fall victim to the discrimination of a bigoted voter base.

However I don't think we need to resort to that. Hillary carries about as much baggage as a politician can, and she still won the popular vote. The right woman or minority candidate could still win.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
He's not wrong about the words carrying more weight for better or worse. He's also not a politician and has no chance of winning the nomination.


Oct 25, 2017
America isn't ready for a colored President? Too bad. Drag it kicking and screaming until it accepts that colored people will be Presidents. Obama proved it was possible. Don't let racists set back progress.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
There's people in this thread saying "he's not wrong", so there you go.

Just ignore the fact that Hillary won the popular vote and I guess you can say "he's not wrong" lol
He's not wrong with the sentiment that "When you have a white male making the arguments, they carry more weight". It's a symptom of institutionalized racism that's plainly demonstrable.

It's a shit thing to say, of course, and he needs to have a seat; especially as Democrat voters move further left.


Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
lmao some of you just love to be outraged so much it's kinda nuts. he says he wishes it wasn't the case, but it should be obvious that a white male candidate will be seen as more powerful in america. this is a reflection of the american people, not avenatti.

I'm a black dude, but I agree with him. I don't think the country is ready for another person of color to be president. While the popular vote was on Hillary's side, it didn't matter because she wasn't popular in the right places. So I'd be hesitant about a non white dude winning 2020. 2024 is different and I think everyone will have a better chance, but I think the unfortunate reality is that he's right
yeah, this. and it fucking sucks.

Deleted member 8468

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
"When you have a white male making the arguments, they carry more weight," he says, adding that he wishes they didn't.

I feel like the bolded is the part that matters, but everyone will dog pile on the first part. The pessimistic side of me agrees with him. We certainly need more minorities and women in leadership, and need to continue working in this direction if we're to change the public mindset.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
He's not wrong with the sentiment that "When you have a white male making the arguments, they carry more weight". It's a symptom of institutionalized racism that's plainly demonstrable.

It's a shit thing to say, of course, and he needs to have a seat; especially as Democrat voters move further left.
They carry more white for only a portion of the country, and not the portion that the Democrat base is. It's disingenuous.

Edit: that freudian slip lol, I'm keeping it


User-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Obama himself stated that Hilary lost those areas because she didn't campaign in those places.

I know. It's a short post glazing over many details. I'm just saying, I want Trump out at any costabdat thnd is point in time our best bet is a white dude who can bring over those people. Whether or not they campaign there. They'll have a lot more room for failure than a women whose been dragged through the mud for 20 years and a person of color because the country is afraid of us

Edit: my main point is that the stakes are high enough where i'd rather not push identity politics to the forefront in favor of someone who shares most of my liberal ideals but is white, and than move forward. I just think theres too much on the line (like earthwise), to leave it up to chance


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
Yep. I wanna hear from folks on this one because they were going hard for the guy two weeks back.

That "it's true"shit doesn't fly when we've seen a wave for enthusiasm for candidates like Gillum and Abrams.
It's only been about 15 minutes since this went up so I guess they haven't arrived yet, next few hours should be interesting tho cant wait for the responses


Oct 25, 2017
Well by white male he means himself. He's making an argument that he should be nominated.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco


Oct 25, 2017
lmao some of you just love to be outraged so much it's kinda nuts. he says he wishes it wasn't the case, but it should be obvious that a white male candidate will be seen as more powerful in america. this is a reflection of the american people, not avenatti.

yeah, this. and it fucking sucks.
You're ignoring that he said "they better elect a White man. I feel like that's where your perceived "outrage" is coming from and I say deservedly so.

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So Avenatti and Warren are out. Betting Harris or Booker shoot themselves in the foot next.

I don't know why people like to play suspense here. It's quite clear the primaries will be Biden vs Sanders with Biden probably winning easily if he is able to convince women he is not a creep.

Warren isn't out lmao

She is. After her DNA mess she is over. The debates will only make this more clear. She will be out by New Hampshire.

Anthony Mooch

Oct 25, 2017
He isn't wrong though. A white male will have a much easier time than a female or black female. Its about winning the states that matter not what the bernie people in new york or california want. Congrats you won by 96% in new york and california instead of 90% but look you still lost the swing states.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I don't know why people like to play suspense here. It's quite clear the primaries will be Biden vs Sanders with Biden probably winning easily if he is able to convince women he is not a creep.
It's not guaranteed that either of those people are even running so


Oct 25, 2017
I know. It's a short post glazing over many details. I'm just saying, I want Trump out at any costabdat thnd is point in time our best bet is a white dude who can bring over those people. Whether or not they campaign there. They'll have a lot more room for failure than a women whose been dragged through the mud for 20 years and a person of color because the country is afraid of us

Hilary had a ton of baggage and still did well considering. You really took the wrong lessons from 2016 and I'm sorry, but your opinion isn't based on anything but emotion. This is the kind of shit the GOP wants people to believe. I can't say who the candidate would be, and I don't feel that they've got to be black, but if a good black candidate comes along, I'm not going to hope he step asides so the white man can come in and save us. That's weak as hell.
Oct 25, 2017
Not sire where all the outrage on this boards coming from?

White male privilege exists, the guy said he wishes it didnt but it does and so thats their best option given the circumstances.

How is that wrong?
Oct 28, 2017
So Avenatti and Warren are out. Betting Harris or Booker shoot themselves in the foot next.

Whoever it is needs a message first. Until they start fighting on the issues its hard to say who the nominee could be. Both could do it I think. No doubt they are open to racial attacks and I wouldnt put it past some PACs and talking heads to dog whistle Bookers sexuality.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Considering the last few weeks "A scandal ridden white man is more viable then minority or a woman, so let me profit off the work of all these minority women" is what he is saying.