Deleted member 283

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Oct 25, 2017
Lebron just looks terrible here, even in the cleaned up version. Because even in the cleaned up version, his overall point is still that apparently he knows better than Morey, that he thought about things Morey didn't... But if Lebron seriously thinks the players' safety was ever at risk, that anything more than money was ever in play here (because there was never any chance at all that the PRC was ever going to risk an international incident by holding NBA players hostage or anything like that, the PRCis crazy but not that kind of crazy, so using that to lecture Morey/garner sympathy for himself and the other players doesn't really work and just makes Lebron look like he's on an unearned high-horse instead, making himself look like a victim when he never was), it's clear that he's the one who has no clue what he's talking about and is completely in over his head here, so he has absolutely no place to talk about Morey not considering this or that and is the one who needs to step back a bit here. Lebron's whole point is nonethless that Morey didn't consider something that he would have if he were in Morey's shoe. But that thing that Morey didn't think about according to Lebron isn't really true, so for Lebron to be trying to lecture Morey here when it's Lebron that doesn't seem to have an understanding of the situation in this case doesn't really work.


Oct 28, 2017
Always a warm fuzzy feeling when someone you respect says "hey are I know people are dying and all and China is being authoritative, but you didn't have to speak against it. Who's gonna pay me , if you stand up for people by exercising your right to free speech and you piss off papa china?"

Even with the clarification, there is no way he comes out of this looking good.

You fell off man, go educate yourself .....
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Oct 25, 2017
It China murdered LeBron James, who would do something about it?

A white man put teams of majority Black players in hot water in China and of course it's on us to sacrifice ourselves like MLK.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy how much power 1 country can have if they unite like this. They are making people completely turn their back on their own moral code because of his much they control the money. Scary, shocking stuff.


Jul 22, 2019
It is weird how it is only now gaining traction. The Hong Kong issue has been going on for a while now.

I guess before Morey's tweet people didn't know much about it and only afterwards did people in the US start learning about it?
Oct 27, 2017
It is weird how it is only now gaining traction. The Hong Kong issue has been going on for a while now.

I guess before Morey's tweet people didn't know much about it and only afterwards did people in the US start learning about it?
Americans will gladly turn a blind eye to genocide and general fascism, but the one thing that the American public absolutely will not stand for is being told what to do.


Oct 25, 2017
It is weird how it is only now gaining traction. The Hong Kong issue has been going on for a while now.

I guess before Morey's tweet people didn't know much about it and only afterwards did people in the US start learning about it?
I think it's because it involved a popular sport. Alot of people who do not pay much attention to news probably got interested and began learning how deep the China rabbit hole is.


Jul 22, 2019
I think it's because it involved a popular sport. Alot of people who do not pay much attention to news probably got interested and began learning how deep the China rabbit hole is.
Yeah, and also the Blizzard situation. So I guess it brought in people from the sports and videogame world that would otherwise not really pay much attention to all this.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
Did Daryl Morey ever once make a public statement about how minorities are treated in America?
What has this got to do with anything? Come to think about it, did he ever make a statement about trans rights? About the Syrian crisis? About famine in Africa? Clearly he is being disingenuous with his support of Hong Kong because he isn't constantly talking about all the other injustice in the world.

Deleted member 9932

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Oct 27, 2017
It is weird how it is only now gaining traction. The Hong Kong issue has been going on for a while now.

I guess before Morey's tweet people didn't know much about it and only afterwards did people in the US start learning about it?

china has been an issue since almost ever, way before anything hk-related (especially in humans rights issues). There's a lot of degrees of hypocrisy in this whole thing how people are only looking at china problems now (when the president of the us has a big agenda against them). Even so, Bron comments, especially after this has been debated for a few days, are kinda insane.


Sep 22, 2019
It's odd that he would even issue a statement but it's not surprising he would support China.
Money changes everything for a person usually greed. We see it all the time.

Deleted member 38573

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Jan 17, 2018
i like how in walking back his previous statement he's implying that the chinese government is so oppressive about cracking down on dissent that even an innocuous tweet like morey's would cause concern for the safety of the players / staff over in china

Exactly. He knows China ain't doing shit over Moreys tweet. But now he's gotta protect his woke credentials.

You gotta be the stupidest mf'er to believe this spin.
Oct 25, 2017
Don't worry, I'm sure LeBron will resume speaking out against social injustices when he finds a cause that won't hurt his wallet.

A true hero.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Haha, what's great about this is if Morley made a 'misinformed' tweet that has fanbase implications, Lebron just did the same thing by his awkwardly said and explained reasonings, lol. He gonna reprimand himself next


Oct 28, 2017
I lost a lot if respect for Lebron reading this. It's disappointing to say the least. And as such, his glowing record of social good takes a hit coming out here with this poor take. It seems it's only misinformed when money is on the line.


Oct 28, 2017
Wow. I have read the initial response and the clarifying/backtracking. The statement "I believe he was misinformed and not educated on the situation," sounds like something he was fed to say and was certainly crafted to attack the message of stand with Hong Kong imo. Lebron is a dumbass though so he just said it without thought.

The clarifying statement saying that it was in regards to the safety of the players makes no sense. The sentence in that regard just doesn't fit. Even if it is how he says and he spoke a sentence that made no sense because reasons, everything he said around that was weird. Then his tweets afterwards were a mess. This is what happens when you have to compromise truth, you end up sounding like a pr man or a rambling idiot.

Imagine being wealthy beyond belief and STILL not standing up for what is right. So in conclusion he is a hypocrite bootlicker and a coward.


Oct 27, 2017
He was an athlete I thought would have the PR people, and the social justice intelligence to have the right outlook on things and make a good stand based on him speaking out in the past.

I was obviously wrong.


Oct 25, 2017

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
i don't see how the clarification makes it any better and doesn't even seem to fit with was originally said. i give this backtrack 2/10 jordans.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
Can you imagine the shit storm if China kidnapped LeBron and other NBA players? It'd be a civil war in China, a war with the US and a massive international incident. China ain't gonna do that shit for that comment LOL.


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
I don't know what's more predictable - that he and his team would try to clean up his original awful statement or that some people would buy it. And not just buy it, but also attack others for not being gullible.


Oct 26, 2017
how the FUCK did this man's PR team not craft a better statement than this.

For a guy that loves to control the narrative, he did a pretty shit tier job here. The only explanation is that this was straight from Nike or some other entity that lines his already fat wallet.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
all you have to say is; I am not educated enough on the situation to give an opinion


Feb 25, 2018
My take is that he felt the tweet put him and his teamates in danger. Still not a good look, knowing all the shit China is doing.

But shouldn't the NBA just boycott China instead of going there in the first place?


Oct 30, 2017
Ya know, this is the sort of thing that Maverick Carter, Rich Paul etc. should be shielding Lebron from or at the very least, advising him of a proper response.
Nov 9, 2017
He's going to be a future owner (sorry Governor) of an NBA team or a future Comissioner. He has to think about what can come back to him.

He just gave the politically correct answer.

Is it really PC to lie down for China, not support the free speech of a colleague, and minimize the struggles of the people of Hong Kong? We need to redefine what PC currently is then if that is the case.

Also if you really believe the country you are doing business with is so oppressive they may take away your freedoms while working for them, what in the hell are you doing profiting off of them and using your fame to advance their cause?


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
Is it really PC to lie down for China, not support the free speech of a colleague, and minimize the struggles of the people of Hong Kong? We need to redefine what PC currently is then if that is the case.

Also if you really believe the country you are doing business with is so oppressive they may take away your freedoms while working for them, what in the hell are you doing profiting off of them and using your fame to advance their cause?
Lebron, his PR team and his sycophantic fans didn't put much thought into the cleanup.