
Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
You don't think it's weird that people want to hold his feet to the fire because he, a black man, was speaking up against oppression that uniquely affects him as a black man?

What's being black gotta do with anything? Pop and Kerr were almost as pathetic in their responses. LeBron is getting more heat because he is the worldwide face of the game, this isn't his first time doing this in regards to China, and his comments went above and beyond just not saying anything, he outright condemned Moreys statement, which is just an awful look.

It has nothing to do with skin color, it has to do with the fact that the NBA is, far and away, the most outspoken group of people in the sports world when it comes to social issues and yet when it comes to China they are consistantly dogshit.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Other league players throwing shots at bron while simultaneously neglecting to offer their thoughts on China is peak hypocrisy and unless Bogut plans to give a press conference about why China is horrible he should shut his ass up.

To be fair, there's hypocrisy on both sides.

Mostly white politicians from both parties slamming the NBA for protecting their future revenue growth and capitulating to China despite their human rights abuses, but they take no stand on America's own abuses of its black and brown populations.

LeBron and other players or coaches like Pop and Kerr, who speak out about our racist-ass president and policing but who want to sell shoes in China so they want Morey punished, won't address the human rights issues over there, and so on.

I don't see a lot of good, consistent takes from public figures around this incident. I'm disappointed all around.


Alt account
Sep 9, 2019
Demanding from yourself what you want out of others is being a defense force now?

Sounds like you're just talking out of your ass at this point.
Not being a hypocrite isn't talking out of my ass. Did you demand receipts from people criticizing Kerr or Silver? Lebron said some stupid shit and he's rightly getting called out for it. The people doing that don't need to express their own opinions prior to doing so for their criticisms to count. Demanding that is disingenuous bullshit and you know it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Not being a hypocrite isn't talking out of my ass. Did you demand receipts from people criticizing Kerr or Silver? Lebron said some stupid shit and he's rightly getting called out for it. The people doing that don't need to express their own opinions prior to doing so for their criticisms to count. Demanding that is disingenuous bullshit and you know it.

"You speak as if you know so and so personally"

Yeah, I already acknowledged what he said wasn't ethical but I am not gonna play this bullshit game and get into these silly arguments.

Anyone can talk the talk.

Wes D. Mess

Aug 11, 2018
Breh would have been better off saying no comment. The fuck was you thinking Bron lol

This isn't that surprising tho if you pay attention to his actions in the past. He's done a lot of good for inner cities and yeah he's spoken out about social issues pertaining to black americans, but he's only spoken out when others have already done so and he doesn't have much to lose. When it comes taking charge and speaking out on issue that is a genuine risk to his finances and status (Darfur, Tamir Rice, Hong Kong/China in general), he's pretty quiet.

And that's not really a knock against him. Most pro athletes are the same. Not everyone can be an Ali, Kaepernick, Tommie Smith, John Carlos.


Oct 25, 2017
Lebron has proven himself to be a great advocate for social justice in the US. People quick to throw that back at him are in the wrong imo. I think him and his team are very aware of how to successfully brand his "wokeness" if that makes sense, but there's nothing wrong since it's for a good cause. Lebron's school in Cleveland alone is a more impressive feat of giving back than most athletes.

That being said, it makes it all the more disappointing that he couldn't even attempt to say the right thing here. He doesn't need to be informed, but he came out against Morey tweeting in support of Hong Kong. I thought his silence was deafening, but this statement was shockingly tone deaf. To be clear, Lebron is towing the company line for his own profit, which is objectively shitty and disappointing.

Let's not reiterate shitty conservative talking points against lebron though.
Oct 26, 2017
You don't think it's weird that people want to hold his feet to the fire because he, a black man, was speaking up against oppression that uniquely affects him as a black man?

I don't doubt that there are MAGA-types here shitting on Lebron just because he's a black man speaking out, but for me, the content of what he said (or rather, refused to address) speaks louder than that.

I thought he would be more sympathetic considering that China is doing exactly what he was speaking out against in the USA. Muslims are facing discrimination and persecution such that they are being tortured and used for organ-harvesting. And people are facing extreme police brutality to disincentivize speaking out against the Chinese Government's ridiculous overreach of governance (which includes police brutality).

To minimize one man's photo tweet as "misinformed"/"not educated" and suggesting that he was selfish to even post that (like what the fuck?) and ONLY focusing on ramifications while being completely blind to the ramifications of his own words, revealed his true colours. And that's worth criticizing, because it makes him a hypocrite and only aware of social issues if it's beneficial to his agenda, and that's not the bar that should be set.

People have it both ways on this site on the fucking time.

What a joke.

There's a difference between forum posters + an athlete who is broadcasted 24/7, uses the NBA as a platform to help effect change, and actually takes the time to speak out against these issues.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
The "clarification" is very weak.

Disappointing take from Lebron James, a guy who is probably very ignorant about this subject and easily cooed by billion dollar Chinese shoe contracts. It's one of those issues where, maybe if you don't have an informed opinion you should just say "Sorry, I don't have an informed opinion about this to comment," and take the heat for genuinely not having an informed opinion.

There's nothing wrong with just being ignorant about this. Two weeks ago 98% of NBA fans in the United States were ignorant about it, 99% of players, the majority of coaches and GMs. Now, I get everybody is supposed to watch VOX's explainers and get informed over night, but I don't have a problem with an athlete not having a well formed opinion on something and then choosing not to share it -- even if Lebron is known to advocate for human and civil rights in other aspects of his life, I'll give him a pass on knowing the ins-and-outs of Chinese brutality in Hong Kong, the propaganda campaign that China has waged, and the stakes of commenting about it. But if someone asks you about it, just say you're ignorant and you don't know. Sure, you'll take heat from some people who expect you to know at this point, being the face of basketball and an advocate for human rights, but it's better than criticizing someone else for "not knowing the ramifications of something" when you yourself as making a more ignorant statement with that criticism.
Last edited:


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
OK just checking. Y'all quick to crucify LeBron on this while he's been setting an example as a black athlete when it comes to using his platform to bring light to issues concerning his community and his country, issues that rich and influential people like Morey could actually make a difference on, but again, it's easy to just send a tweet about what's going on in another country, remember Kony?
If he was gonna get hit in the wallet would he still use his platform to support his community? His actions currently bring that into question. It's a one off this time but it has definitely dented his integrity as far as I'm concerned.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
There has always been a gap for Lebron and many others (including most regular people) when it comes to domestic politics and geopolitics. It's knowing your lane.

You can tell when Lebron is out of his lane; it's messy, it's wrong usually. This is definitely it, but i do hope he does better in the future.

The score settling though is some whack shit, and doesn't do much of anything for the people of HK either. Being critical isn't about that; you should be able to elevate this problem toward the NBA at large. Instead of using this moment to defend Jordan, or worse, say athletes shouldn't talk about issues like police violence. THAT is some fuckshit.


Oct 28, 2017
To be fair, there's hypocrisy on both sides.

Mostly white politicians from both parties slamming the NBA for protecting their future revenue growth and capitulating to China despite their human rights abuses, but they take no stand on America's own abuses of its black and brown populations.

I really don't like this false equivalency being made between the States and China.

I demand a lot of things to be changed but I'm happy I don't have to worry about constant threats of being rounded up by government lap dogs. I don't have to worry about other Americans being routinely stripped of their natural born citizenship because they couldn't pay a fucking fine their parents incurred for giving birth to them.

There are serious life damaging effects the US has inflicted on various communities but I look at China increased influence on geopolitics as an escalation in regression to human rights abuses that outpaces this country significantly. There is an extra layer of abuse with how China does things.
Oct 27, 2017
If he was gonna get hit in the wallet would he still use his platform to support his community? His actions currently bring that into question. It's a one off this time but it has definitely dented his integrity as far as I'm concerned.
Not really, only for people looking to concern troll. Facts are is that Lebron is a black American and not from Hong Kong. To say that would he step up of it hurts his wallet regarding black people is offensive and I'm tired of seeing it


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, there's hypocrisy on both sides.

Mostly white politicians from both parties slamming the NBA for protecting their future revenue growth and capitulating to China despite their human rights abuses, but they take no stand on America's own abuses of its black and brown populations.

LeBron and other players or coaches like Pop and Kerr, who speak out about our racist-ass president and policing but who want to sell shoes in China so they want Morey punished, won't address the human rights issues over there, and so on.

I don't see a lot of good, consistent takes from public figures around this incident. I'm disappointed all around.

people expecting others in the NBA to fall on the sword when Morey himself decided that his job was worth more than speaking up is asinine. why defend somebody who decided the money was worth more than speaking up?

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017
people expecting others in the NBA to fall on the sword when Morey himself decided that his job was worth more than speaking up is asinine. why defend somebody who decided the money was worth more than speaking up?
maybe because it's about more than just morey at this point. who gives a fuck if he deleted his tweet? does that mean everyone should just move and ram that genie back into the bottle?


Oct 25, 2017
Can't criticize Lebron unless you show your own receipts? The defense force is working overtime.

Notice how I was very specific about others in the league. I don't see what standing you have as another player in the league to criticize Bron when you (Bogut) won't say anything about it either.

I wasn't speaking on people in general, I thought his statement was stupid and he would have been better off not saying anything at all.

maybe because it's about more than just morey at this point. who gives a fuck if he deleted his tweet? does that mean everyone should just move and ram that genie back into the bottle?

I do think its unfair that people are targeting people like Kerr, Pop, and Bron so they can nail them to the wall on an issue the *entire* league isn't willing to lose money over. And then play into this rhetoric of "I guess they're not so woke after all".


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like a lot of people have been waiting to get at LeBron on something. Forget the fact that he was one of the few who spoke on Black Lives Matters, Trump, Trayvon Martin shooting, or that he opened a whole ass school in his neighborhood, you fuck up China? None of it matters.

Newsflash, China isn't going anywhere and most of us can't do anything to slow them down. All of y'all are hypocrites as well, playing games on your consoles made in China and having arguments on your phones made in China. We all need China.


Oct 25, 2017
Won't someone think of the extremely rich people!?

I think the thing that gets me is the "'difficult week" part. What a weak justification.

Also, being mad at human rights abuses in china *and* in the US are not mutually exclusive things. In fact, they shouldn't be exclusive at all!


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Sounds like a lot of people have been waiting to get at LeBron on something. Forget the fact that he was one of the few who spoke on Black Lives Matters, Trump, Trayvon Martin shooting, or that he opened a whole ass school in his neighborhood, you fuck up China? None of it matters.

Newsflash, China isn't going anywhere and most of us can't do anything to slow them down. All of y'all are hypocrites as well, playing games on your consoles made in China and having arguments on your phones made in China. We all need China.

Like clockwork.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
Not really, only for people looking to concern troll. Facts are is that Lebron is a black American and not from Hong Kong. To say that would he step up of it hurts his wallet regarding black people is offensive and I'm tired of seeing it
Offensive to who? As you say hes not from Hong Kong so just no comment it. The only reason he waded in is because it impacts him financially, for me this brings into question his integrity and i couldnt be sure that he would pass the test if he was gonna be financially penalised. Does it mean the stuff he has done in the past isn't meaningful? Hell no. But it's definitely a disappointing stance to take and I'd expect more empathy from him.


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like a lot of people have been waiting to get at LeBron on something. Forget the fact that he was one of the few who spoke on Black Lives Matters, Trump, Trayvon Martin shooting, or that he opened a whole ass school in his neighborhood, you fuck up China? None of it matters.

Newsflash, China isn't going anywhere and most of us can't do anything to slow them down. All of y'all are hypocrites as well, playing games on your consoles made in China and having arguments on your phones made in China. We all need China.
We all know China doesn' t go anywhere, this isn't about that. This is about LeBron speaking out about what happened and the fact we can legitimately criticize him for what he said even though he does a lot of good.


Oct 27, 2017
I like Lebron as a player and for the good he has done for his community but on this one I gotta say fuck him.

"Social issues and such are all good...until you assholes start fucking with my money."
Nov 9, 2017
Sounds like a lot of people have been waiting to get at LeBron on something. Forget the fact that he was one of the few who spoke on Black Lives Matters, Trump, Trayvon Martin shooting, or that he opened a whole ass school in his neighborhood, you fuck up China? None of it matters.

Newsflash, China isn't going anywhere and most of us can't do anything to slow them down. All of y'all are hypocrites as well, playing games on your consoles made in China and having arguments on your phones made in China. We all need China.

Lebron needs China in order to become a billionaire, not to survive. He already has more money than he could ever need. I thought a very popular opinion on this forum is that billionaires are corrupt and should not be admired. He is literally selling out basic human rights in order to try and become a billionaire and we should be praising him?


Sep 3, 2019
Oct 26, 2017
I am well aware of Lebron's privilege even while being black.

But this just sounds like another excuse for people to go unchecked on their own hypocrisy and lack of taking action.

But I digress. We can agree on somethings and disagree on others. It's fine with me.

Other people's hypocrisy doesn't negate Lebron's hypocrisy. It's still there.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
people expecting others in the NBA to fall on the sword when Morey himself decided that his job was worth more than speaking up is asinine. why defend somebody who decided the money was worth more than speaking up?

I agree with this, and I wasn't defending Morey (I think my post came off like I was). What I'm saying is that I'm disappointed in just about every public figure on how they've handled this. The whole thing has turned into a shitshow, predictably.

"Woke brands" and their mouthpieces are only woke until it costs them money, is the takeaway here.
Oct 28, 2017
Notice that when LeBron talks about harm that Morey's tweet could have caused, the first thing he talks about is money and financial harm. Speaks volumes.


Oct 25, 2017
I agree with this, and I wasn't defending Morey (I think my post came off like I was). What I'm saying is that I'm disappointed in just about every public figure on how they've handled this. The whole thing has turned into a shitshow, predictably.

"Woke brands" and their mouthpieces are only woke until it costs them money, is the takeaway here.

The only real modern exception is Kap, who was vilified from the very beginning


Oct 25, 2017
On the court, yes, but off the court Jordan and Lebron are equal shitheads. This is Lebron's, "Republicans buy shoes too" moment.
Jordan makes it clear that he's all about that paper.

Lebron has always been very two-faced about it - He's open about wanting to be a billionaire and loves to put his charitable work and ambassadorship in the spotlight, which I've always suspected is more about building goodwill. It's why he's had several of these mini-PR blowups over his career; every now and then he slips up and lets both his faces show at once.

Would much rather he just own it than act like a steward for righteousness and justice.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
san jose, ca
Sounds like a lot of people have been waiting to get at LeBron on something. Forget the fact that he was one of the few who spoke on Black Lives Matters, Trump, Trayvon Martin shooting, or that he opened a whole ass school in his neighborhood, you fuck up China? None of it matters.

Newsflash, China isn't going anywhere and most of us can't do anything to slow them down. All of y'all are hypocrites as well, playing games on your consoles made in China and having arguments on your phones made in China. We all need China.
so we can't be disappointed in lebron? because his comments about china definitely do not align with his moral compass


Oct 28, 2017
Sounds like a lot of people have been waiting to get at LeBron on something. Forget the fact that he was one of the few who spoke on Black Lives Matters, Trump, Trayvon Martin shooting, or that he opened a whole ass school in his neighborhood, you fuck up China? None of it matters.

Newsflash, China isn't going anywhere and most of us can't do anything to slow them down. All of y'all are hypocrites as well, playing games on your consoles made in China and having arguments on your phones made in China. We all need China.
It's because we're black that we should be more understanding and empathetic. I respect the good he's done but he rightly needs to be called out on his bullshit here.

You seriously gonna look at everything China has done and say with a straight face,"our need for entatainment is bigger than your lives?" Damn thought era was better than that.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The whataboutism in this thread it laughable.

And I don't know about every NBA player, but Andrew Bogut re-tweeted Hong Kong protestors drop kicking a police officer to stop from getting arrested and before that retweeted a series of tweets talking about how insidious China has been in taking over and portraying themselves as the good guys. It's pretty clear where he stands, you'd never seen those tweets on 99% of NBA affiliated timelines.

"Woke brands" and their mouthpieces are only woke until it costs them money, is the takeaway here.

Yep. Their caring is directly related to how much money it's going to cost them, and the NBA has more fans in China than in the U.S. so they're gonna do the same weak ass dance they did before Bejing.