
Oct 28, 2017




Oct 28, 2017
Chaos2Frozen, thanks for the thread title. Great stuff. Big thanks to everyone else who suggested one as well! Lots of good suggestions here, it was a tough choice.
Left Alive | OT | No not the zombie one, you're thinking of Days Gone
Left Alive |OT| Caution: The Enemy Is Approaching
SE's Murdered at Retail series title #2
Left Alive | OT | then left for dead at retail

don't actually use this
Left Alive |OT| Dead Right
Left Alive |OT| Weapon to surpass Metal Gear(?)
Left Alive |OT| A Solid Metal Gear
Left Alive |OT| Metal Kusogear Solid
Left Alive |OT| A Wanzer to surpass Metal Gear
For maximum snark...

Left Alive |OT| Front Mission, Evolved
Left Alive |OT| Dead (TO) Rights
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God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
I was wondering when this would pop up! Can't wait to play it tonight.


Nov 10, 2017
I was really looking forward to the game despite the bad press, but I just played to the third chapter and my feelings are sadly mixed.

It is so hard although i am playing on easy. You have all these tools to take out the enemies, but nothing is silent and all the enemies get alerted all the time. It is very similar to Tenchu so why is there no silent kill method like a knife? I literally just rolled through the second chapter, after dying for two hours while trying to take out the enemies, because there are Wanzers, Drones and Soldiers everywhere.

But i must say that i like the story so far and chapter 1 and 3 where also nice to play, even if there is much repetition. Also i got some floating enemy bugs, but I couldn't care less about the graphics, because not everything has to look state of the art.

All in all, there is something there which gives you a thrill while playing the game, but it's not quite there yet, i hope some patches will help. Like working on the enemies hp. Two explosives for one enemy? Thats just crazy sponge time!


Nov 10, 2017
I was really looking forward to the game despite the bad press, but I just played to the third chapter and my feelings are sadly mixed.

It is so hard although i am playing on easy. You have all these tools to take out the enemies, but nothing is silent and all the enemies get alerted all the time. It is very similar to Tenchu so why is there no silent kill method like a knife? I literally just rolled through the second chapter, after dying for two hours while trying to take out the enemies, because there are Wanzers, Drones and Soldiers everywhere.

But i must say that i like the story so far and chapter 1 and 3 where also nice to play, even if there is much repetition. Also i got some floating enemy bugs, but I couldn't care less about the graphics, because not everything has to look state of the art.

All in all, there is something there which gives you a thrill while playing the game, but it's not quite there yet, i hope some patches will help. Like working on the enemies hp. Two explosives for one enemy? Thats just crazy sponge time!

man, how do you screw up stealth that badly. pretty disappointing. hope you didn't pay full price, mate :) ...


Nov 10, 2017
man, how do you screw up stealth that badly. pretty disappointing. hope you didn't pay full price, mate :) ...
Mhm nope payed full price... Wanted to support the front mission universe/ square enix to make an srpg again. But yeah, half price would have been less painful. Still as far as i can tell until chapter 3, its not a sooo disappointing like everyone says, but the stealth part needs to be patched.


Oct 26, 2017
Nice OT. I'll be playing the game at some point this year, just definitely not this month. I will be keeping an eye on this thread though.


Nov 4, 2017
This game is getting bombarded with bad reviews in japan. I've been trying to cancel my order but SE already sent it and I can't cancel it when its on its way.
Oct 25, 2017
I'll admit I was excited for this - and the part I was most excited for, the narrative, seems to have actually delivered what I was looking for - but the actual game part sounds like it may be just too clumsily executed to the point where I wouldn't be able to enjoy playing it. A real pity, especially as this is the sort of game I'd like to see more of.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll get the game tomorrow and review it here this week. Doesn't seem like anyone wants to buy or review it.


Oct 27, 2017
This game is getting bombarded with bad reviews in japan. I've been trying to cancel my order but SE already sent it and I can't cancel it when its on its way.

Yeah this fear me too, BUT i'm trying to convince myself that one of the main biggest complain is about how hard the game his even on easy mode, could explain these amazon score. The game doesn't look super good, but i've seen worse...

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
This game looks like quirky fun. I miss these sort of B Japanese releases. I definitely want to get it, but at $60 on the same week as DMC5, I'll have to wait on it.


May 29, 2018
I'm looking forward to seeing people's impressions in this thread and if they patch the issues reported in Japan. Not getting this at launch but if it sounds like it'll be worth my time for the right price I'm happy to support more Front Mission and Square-Enix taking more risks on lower budget titles.


Oct 27, 2017
As mentioned in the other threads I'm actually really looking forward to it. It's that kind of that janky mid-tier PS2 game I've been missing and craving for a long time now (also please make a new actual Front Mission game, Square-Enix!). That being said: The bad reviews the game receives in Japan are telling me that it might actually be worse than just a janky "kusoge". I won't be able to pick it up on launch day anyway, so I might as well wait until it dropped in price. I will most definitely get it then, though.

Kaz Mk II

Oct 27, 2017
I'm looking forward to hearing impressions.

The animations I saw in that 14 minute feature were SUPER janky for the stealth. 3rd person gameplay also looked pretty uninspired.

Maybe it can enjoyable despite this. I liked Front Mission 3 and I'm interested in returning to that universe.


Oct 30, 2017
Can't wait to hear impressions on the PC version!

If it's not TOO broken, I'll grab it tomorrow.
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Oct 25, 2017
This OT is absolutely gorgeous - incredible work. Super excited to check this game out, Shinkawa's art style is always so beautiful. Looking forward to all the impressions, I hope it turns out great.


Oct 25, 2017
Did anyone pick up the Japanese guide+artbook that came out last week? I'm trying to find out how much of it is artwork and how much is of it is the guide.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
Lets hope its more like this gen's Binary Domain. A solid average game.

I was hoping for this as well but I don't think it's going to happen.

Here are some early impressions of the game after completing the first two chapters. I play kind of slow so my time thus far is 2 & 1/2 hours:

The "jank" is real. Everything from settling into cover (when it lets you), aiming, and melee fighting has too high a degree of snappiness to it. It's the main reason I avoid combat, alongside limited resources (but don't worry they still put you into forced fights hooray) and the enemies being bullet sponges.

The enemy AI is pretty flippant. I've been seen through solid cover twice and had them see me from a distance of 20 or so yards when I popped my head out to peek for literally half a second.

Of course there was also the time when a bad guy tried to flank me...but took a really long path...and ran into fire...and would have burnt to death had I not mercifully ended it.

My mines have refused to go off, the molotovs/grenades are pitifully weak, and the lack (as far as I know) of a stealth takedown is just baffling.

There's really a litany of other issues too and a somewhat major bug that almost made start over Chapter 2 right as I was at the end. It's probably a miracle I scraped by.

Again these are still pretty early impressions since I have yet to play as one of the three characters, there's 14 chapters total, and I've yet to get into a mech*.

Yeah you do pilot one at the end of Chapter 1 but it can't move so it really might as well be a turret sequence.
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Oct 27, 2017
I got the game early last week and made a post about it here. Basically I hated it and gave up after the first couple of levels. In short:

- Enemies have way too much health, and your own abilities are underpowered. Shooting is useless, all your explosive weapons are weak to the point of feeling unbalanced (three IEDs to kill one basic enemy?), and you don't even have a silent stealth kill. The second level is this MGSV-sized area with a thousand dudes and multiple mechs you're expected to sneak through with basically no useful abilities.

- Enemy AI is laughable. You can literally drop molotov cocktails on them, and once they've effortlessly shrugged them off they just stand there pointing their guns at where they think it might have come from.

- Your iDroid analogue says the line "Caution: The enemy is approaching" every ten seconds or so any time you're standing near enemies, which you almost always are. It's absurd; I don't know how anyone could get through the whole game without going insane.

It's a shame because if this had just been a bad action game or a bad cover-based shooter I would have happily ploughed through it to see the story. The characters and the presentation in what I played had that great PS2 action game quality we never see any more, all villains with oversized personalities and comically clueless protagonists. But a bad stealth game is a special kind of awful that I just can't force myself through, and this is a BAD stealth game.


Oct 25, 2017

Got mine. Played a bit. It's indeed pretty bad! Will give more impressions after suffering through some more. But yeah, this isn't a B-tier game, more like D-tier. The true jank!


Dec 23, 2017
- Your iDroid analogue says the line "Caution: The enemy is approaching" every ten seconds or so any time you're standing near enemies, which you almost always are. It's absurd; I don't know how anyone could get through the whole game without going insane.

I especially like how the developers are aware of that fact and mix things up a couple hours in so the droid says "The enemy seems to be approaching" every once in a while so things don't get stale :D


Jan 27, 2018
I got the game early last week and made a post about it here. Basically I hated it and gave up after the first couple of levels. In short:

- Enemies have way too much health, and your own abilities are underpowered. Shooting is useless, all your explosive weapons are weak to the point of feeling unbalanced (three IEDs to kill one basic enemy?), and you don't even have a silent stealth kill. The second level is this MGSV-sized area with a thousand dudes and multiple mechs you're expected to sneak through with basically no useful abilities.

- Enemy AI is laughable. You can literally drop molotov cocktails on them, and once they've effortlessly shrugged them off they just stand there pointing their guns at where they think it might have come from.

- Your iDroid analogue says the line "Caution: The enemy is approaching" every ten seconds or so any time you're standing near enemies, which you almost always are. It's absurd; I don't know how anyone could get through the whole game without going insane.

This sounds so up my alley lol. For real, I am picking up this game at some point but right now where I live it's 60 bucks.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
Oh no, these impressions are making me regret getting the mech edition. I thought it'd at least be like... B-tier tolerable levels of fun jank in an EDF sort of way.

I couldn't resist that cool figurine though. Guess I'll see how much I regret it later tonight.