Did you like Ghost of Tsushima?

  • Loved it! Sequel please

    Votes: 481 48.8%
  • Liked it. It was fun but nothing too special.

    Votes: 210 21.3%
  • It was alright. Not too interesting.

    Votes: 181 18.4%
  • I didn’t like it. It wasn’t fun.

    Votes: 66 6.7%
  • I hated it.

    Votes: 15 1.5%
  • Please bring back inFamous instead

    Votes: 32 3.2%

  • Total voters
Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
Here's the key to Ghost - it's the game Assassin's Creed always promises to be but never quite gets there.

To be clear, this is a compliment - I'm a big fan of AC but am ready to acknowledge is flaws

Is say Ghost had a few of us those flaws as well. The last third was incredibly repetitive I thought and some of the sections in the snowy areas were unfairly difficult.

I think better combat really helped Ghost and it looked great though AC games often look fantastic

For me the main story in Ghost dragged on and was kinda stuff but lots of the side stones were excellent


Nov 2, 2017
I had a good time with the base campaign, but the DLC soured me on the game. The flashback sections at the start were so tedious I dropped the DLC and never went back. Now that's my memory of Ghost of Tsushima.


Oct 28, 2017
Good game but quite repetitive. It is a very solid 8/10 from me because the gameplay is solid and the world is really interesting. Also, samurai are awesome.


May 28, 2019
Just felt too repetitive and samey, I enjoyed it at first but it didn't take long to turn boring.


Oct 25, 2017
Just felt too repetitive and samey, I enjoyed it at first but it didn't take long to turn boring.
Same. Playing lethal mode, I did Act 1, some side quests and just lost interest. No denying it's technical excellence, and beauty, but the content was too cut and paste. I do need to go back to finish it, but so far haven't had the urge.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
One of my favourite games from last gen (behind only TLOU2 and The Witcher 3).

In particular, I can't say enough good things about the Legends mode, I never expected that to be as amazing as it is. I still play it daily.