
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
As soon as I finish my second playthrough I'd like to jump start a detailed discussion about how the power of Max really works.

I'm sorry, but Max, over the course of the entire game, never really went back to her original timeline. I need to wrap up Episode 5, so I can make my full conclusion.
Oct 27, 2017
Ooh, I wanna post my pointless episode rankings. I won't include Farewell since it doesn't seem fair to compare it to full episodes. I actually enjoyed every episode of LiS and BtS. I'm also one of those weirdos that likes BtS more (I even like episode 3).

1. Brave New World: The Tempest scenes up until the end of the episode is the peak of the series for me.
2. Dark Room: An emotional roller coaster with the alternate timeline stuff, finding Rachel, and the amazing ending.
3. Awake: I loved the character and relationship driven nature of this episode. Also, the scene with Chloe finding William's car is phenomenal.
4. Chaos Theory: The pool scene and morning after is top tier. "I dare you to kiss me."
5. Out of Time: Groundhog Day-esque stuff in the diner was really fun. The ending with Kate was quite moving.
6. Hell is Empty: Suffers somewhat from being rushed/pacing issues, but there are some great sequences: the opening in Rachel's bedroom, the junkyard, Chloe dying her hair, etc.
7. Polarized: Not a wholly satisfying wrap-up, but there were some really creative visuals and horror-esque sequences. The Bay ending is very well directed and as hard to watch as it should be.
8. Chrysalis: Some really awkward dialogue that greatly improved in future episodes. Still did a solid job of setting up the core characters and mystery. Also, the opening title card scene with "To All of You" was amazing and was when I knew that the series had potential.

Again, I don't think any of the episodes are bad and sincerely enjoyed all of them.


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Ok, I've found 3 LiS shirts that I want to get, but I'm only going to buy 2 of them. Which ones should I get?





Oct 28, 2017
I would go for the bottom two.
That second one is really cool. I didn't see that one though, kinda want it too now.


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Ok yeah, I'm going to get the second two, thanks for the input. I think I'll wait til maybe a bit closer to fall and pick up the title logo on a hoodie or something instead, I feel like that would look better on a hoodie than on a t-shirt.
Oct 25, 2017
Episode 3 and 4 of Life is Strange are probably my favourite. The cliffhanger leading into 4 was heartbreaking, followed up by the beginning of ep4 which wrecked me.

I don't think a game hae ever elicited ae much emotion from me as ep4 did.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure I've said this before, but the moment the Insert Coin LiS range goes on sale, I could see myself picking up a few shirts. Specifically, the Raven, Fire Walk and Hawt Dawg ones.

Anyone know if the Insert Coin store is actually going to re-stock sizes once the preorder period is over? Everything except for like XS and XXL sold out of preorders almost immediately in most of the designs I wanted.
Oct 25, 2017
Having finished both LiS and BtS last month, I really want to replay LiS to see the story again. Such a powerful experience.

I'll probably finish Far Cry 5 first then do a replay of LiS to get the remaining trophies.

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Episode 3 and 4 of Life is Strange are probably my favourite. The cliffhanger leading into 4 was heartbreaking, followed up by the beginning of ep4 which wrecked me.

I don't think a game hae ever elicited ae much emotion from me as ep4 did.
Ashly Burch's work in Ep 4 is legit up there as some of the best voice work in all of gaming imo. Just devastating stuff.

Anyone know if the Insert Coin store is actually going to re-stock sizes once the preorder period is over? Everything except for like XS and XXL sold out of preorders almost immediately in most of the designs I wanted.
Unfortunately, I have no idea. The only time I've ever used them was for a T-shirt and some socks for one of my younger brother's birthday. For my gaming-inspired tees, I've always tended to go for something like Qwertee, but I don't think I've ever seen a Life Is Strange design there :(


Oct 28, 2017
And it gets sadder...
If you pick "don't tell", Max tells Chloe she's leaving on the tape at the end, and it's never revealed that Chloe knew all along.

Bumping from an older post, but I've been browsing through this thread since I haven't read the thread in it's entirety.

I had no idea that this was going to be THE day (I missed the photo too), so I just kept postponing it until the very end hoping that both of them would have the best final day ever. Then Joyce walked in with the police officer and I realized that I lost my chance to say it now, and I cried.
The funeral came and I cried more. And then there was the cassette player with Max's message, and I started bawling like a child. Fuck :(
Oct 25, 2017
Having finished BTS, I feel like a lot of my problems stem from the voice actor switch. It took me an episode and a half to get used to everyone sounding off. What I do think it deserves credit for is playing really well with the limitations of being a prequel. The tragic cloud that overshadows all the main characters is absolutely utilized to its fullest, and it makes stuff like David and Chloe talking past each other all the more tragic, because there was a real meaningful relationship that could have cultivated, and didn't.
Oct 25, 2017
Wasnt a fan of Before the Storm's soundtrack initially but Ive really started enjoying it the more I listen to it on spotify.

Through the Cellar Door
Taking You There
Burn it Down
Black Flies

All tracks I really like.


Oct 28, 2017
The OST of BTS is just brilliant. Glad it introduced me to Daughter, and many more bands.

Finished my second run of LiS.

Sacrificed Chloe the first way round. Felt bad for days. Then played BTS and really started realising all the shit she's gone through. Losing her father, losing her best friend, losing Rachel,... No way I could sacrifice her again. She deserves to be happy. :(

Took some shots with the freecam.

Pirates of Arcadia Bay
by Bram's Videogame Imaging, on Flickr

Didn't even notice the carvings on the tree stump before.

Beauty In A Storm
by Bram's Videogame Imaging, on Flickr


Oct 26, 2017
Anyone else have videos in quotes sticking outside the quote box unless you reveal the entire message?


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. But I actually like the title screen from LiS even more. I'd kill for a PSN Theme of LiS
Oh yes. It's fantastic. But we'll have to wait for LiS2 for another good PSN Theme with that music. And I'll say it again: I hope that Jonathan Morali comes back for the next game. He's an amazing composer. And that'd mean some good Syd Matters songs would be included.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished Before the Storm today all in one sitting as it was on sale and never got around to it last year, and yes at the end I cried a little. It's a very special game and I wish I everything could be kept special forever. I wish Chloe and Rachel could live in the moment after the show where
they first kiss
and are so happy. Or even after the entire thing, where Chloe picks her up from school. They look so happy. And it'll vanish too. We all know it and it hurts. It's a very special experience that I will not forget. It's amazing that when I first ever played Life is Strange when it first came out, I hated Chloe as a character.

Now, here we are. I love her and I love Rachel.

I chose to tell Rachel the truth. I remembered when we were in bed and she said that I was one of the only people in the world who she could trust, and I couldn't get it out of my mind. She might lose a dad, she may not. But I think the point is, everyone does bad shit. You adapt, there's no such thing as perfection. You learn to live with your scars. And I am sure she would have.
Oct 25, 2017
One thing that bothers me with the additional detail presented by BTS reframing the first game is that Rachel comes off way worse
having a relationship with Frank the same time she was with Chloe.
It feels like with the first game the original intent was that Chloe and Amber didn't have a physical relationship (although Chloe certainly had feelings for her). While the theme of Chloe not really looking at others' inner lives can still follow in light of that info, Rachel's relationship in light of how much she freaks out at her dad for possibly having an affair seems disjointed and out of character. I guess a lot can happen in two years.