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Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Anyone that is complaining does not understand about network infrastructure and maintenance. I dont know much to be honest, but I know they are using every second of this downtime to work out bugs and issues. And when they fix one another will pop up, and another. Sure, they could have put a timer on this, but let the them do their work. This is not just a screensaver - there is a ton of work going on behind the scenes to get everything right

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Anyone that is complaining does not understand about network infrastructure and maintenance. I dont know much to be honest, but I know they are using every second of this downtime to work out bugs and issues. And when they fix one another will pop up, and another. Sure, they could have put a timer on this, but let the them do their work. This is not just a screensaver - there is a ton of work going on behind the scenes to get everything right
Alternatively, it's also giving a lot of people in their Raleigh offices a day off off. I think people are really underestimating how many people can take a day to rest before a new season kicks off because the game isn't currently live.


Oct 28, 2017
It's more of an expensive trick, given lost revenue. I don't know why people are so uppity over a creative marketing decision in today's stagnant games industry marketing.

I guess people would prefer another Mister Caffeine.
The only people being "uppity" are the peeps dogpiling because someone has the audacity to call a gimmick a gimmick.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Definitely one of the oddest publicity stunts in gaming. Literally have an event "delete" the game for 24 hours or more is definitely pretty bold for sure. Wonder if there's also technical reasons why they couldn't just roll out a patch like always (a major engine update maybe?).

Error 52

Nov 1, 2017
Honestly what they doing not making the black hole orange smh

Definitely one of the oddest publicity stunts in gaming. Literally have an event "delete" the game for 24 hours or more is definitely pretty bold for sure. Wonder if there's also technical reasons why they couldn't just roll out a patch like always (a major engine update maybe?).
Pretty sure the game's been offline for longer than this before


Oct 27, 2017
This isn't over yet? Wow, thought they'd finish whatever they have to do in a day.

24h maintenance times, even if infrequent, are not unheard of in the MMO scene especially with big updates and/or major rewrites of the game engine. Taking into account this is probably the most played online game right now, and the infrastructure has to support players from PC, 3 different consoles and 2 mobile platforms, I see this as totally normal.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly what they doing not making the black hole orange smh

Pretty sure the game's been offline for longer than this before

I'm not sure. And even so it wasn't part of an event per se, it was an actual downtime. This time they played their cards showcasing that the point of the event is that they destroyed the whole game. Clearly a huge new chapter is starting, probably a bigger upgrade than we've had since like Season 3 and possibly even much bigger than that. It's certainly generating enormous media attention right now, and the hype they're building kinda implies this will be THE update. Largely improved engine? A meta that completely changes (maybe no more buildingspam?)? Proper PUBG-esque usage of vehicles? The shooting gets a long overdue overhaul? Who knows. The longer they wait the bigger things the community will expect, which of course can cause the season to fall flat in people's eyes if it's not as good as they were hoping.


Oct 27, 2017
If you're very close and they're not moving then yeah, now and again you might hit them in that situation at the cost of massive amounts of ammo.
You were speaking about shooting blindly. You can see enemies behind walls so you just have to aim at the enemy you can see in the box and you'll get shots in. I acknowledge turtlers are a bit more annoying in Solo mode but in team modes, it's not wise to hole up in a box. It's a losing strategy, like, 97% of the time and doesn't take all that much ammo to melt people inside a box if you tackle them together.

Turtlers might be a bit annoying at times but, again, with some skill & tactics, it's not all that much effort to nail them. You do put yourself in some risk with some tactics but that's not a bad thing. Ultimately turtling is a perfectly valid (though bad) tactic, not grounds for completely overhauling a really fun, fast-paced building mechanic just because it frustrates people like you.

The notion that all possible changes would make it worse implies Fortnite is flawless.
It doesn't. Fortnite isn't "flawless" but to try to argue that building is fundamentally broken and it was a mistake to do it this way is laughable. Some minor turtling "issue" (which is a shitty tactic, not a legit flaw in game design) isn't enough to outweight all of the great things about the building mechanics & meta of Fortnite. The building is an incredibly well designed & executed, super unique mechanic. It has balance issues but there's not a single competitive game in existence that doesn't have some balancing issues (except maybe, like, Chess or something).

My ultimate preference would be to see them try limit the ability to replace a broken piece. They've gone a small distance in that direction recently but not nearly far enough in my opinion. I'd personally be happy for building pieces to become harder to destroy in general so long as, once it is destroyed, you get a meaningful window to do damage/move through that space. A significantly longer delay would be one option, an increasing delay (where the delay gets longer with each replacement) might work too though it feels a bit messier. I'd also like to see them go a step further with rebalancing materials to make stone/metal more useful by reducing the starting health of wood, and again I'd be okay with the maximum health of stone/metal being increased to further differentiate them.
They have already tried things like these and it just made the game far shittier in many situations. All it does is give huge advantage to the one who is on the offensive at first (when they already have an advantage) and make weapons like minigun ridiculously overpowered and they make fights were you are outnumbered totally impossible to handle. Being able to shield yourself is the only thing that makes it possible to handle some 2-v-1 & even 3-v-1 situations, occasionally. Add any kind of delays and you simply will not be winning against any half adequate duo alone because they will so easily fuck you up when you can't defend yourself in any way. Fortnite is fun because the building makes it possible to win in bad situations.

Balancing changes to how easy/hard some materials are to break with different weapons is fine but that's mostly just minor changes that would not change anything in regards to your complaints. Making structures MUCH harder to break sounds like a horrible idea. Being able to quickly break stuff is a good thing that keeps everyone on their toes.

There are very few games which approach perfection to the point where it's not worth trying changes, and Fortnite is nowhere near perfect.
Sure, but when it comes to building, it's imperfect in the way football is imperfect. Overly defensive play can be frustrating to the opponents & boring to viewers but that doesn't mean they should make some rule changes that forbid/punish for defensive play. It just wouldn't work. Making the kind of changes you suggested have already been tried before and it made the game far shittier and overly skewed towards the already advantaged first attacker & groups. Ultimately you cannot win if you don't shoot back and turtlers will be the losing party most of the time.

What Fortnite should do is add stuff like the Grappler & Shockwave grenade. Those already counter builders really well but they also require some skill to use, so they aren't an auto-win like minigun would be when they introduce delays in structure building.

This is a false recollection of history (and it's funny how many defend Fortnite on the back of the same false recollection). Fortnite was a gigantic success prior to the building mechanics becoming completely out of whack. Fortnite was a gigantic success before Turbo Building, for example. A large part of Fortnite's ultimate success was in being the first free accessible, multi-plat, polished, kid friendly Battle Royale game. The building is a net positive for the game's success no doubt but the idea that the game became a breakout success because of its building mechanics forgets what the game was like for the first six months.
It was successful before but stuff like the builder pro mode did make it far more accessible. Of course it opened even more opportunities to pro players but how is that a bad thing? Expert players were already doing some pretty crazy stuff before turbo building/builder pro that helped them completely eviscerate n00bs (I would know, I started playing just before Builder Pro became available and was constantly outplayed because having to scroll through different parts was just too cumbersome). Once they added the Builder Pro mode, the game became far more accessible to a lot more people and even plebs like me have a chance against better players thanks to the ease of building.

You calling it a mistake is just ludicrous. It unarguably made the game better. Turtling isn't a flaw just because it can be a bit annoying. A lot of games have some occasionally annoying aspects but they aren't grounds for removing/completely nerfing key aspects of gameplay.


Jan 12, 2018
They delayed the season for 1 week, so clearly they gave devs more time mate

They delay the end of each season all the time, it's pretty much expected for "Overtime" challenges so I highly doubt it's purely that. I gotta agree with those calling it a cheap (expensive) trick. I just want to play, enough with the theatrics. It's a holiday for most and I understand the angst/anticipation. It just seems poorly timed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Almost 24 hours since the event started and the only thing we've got so far are random numbers.

Epic is really going with the full silence treatment with the next season. I guess they want to surprise people somehow.

I just want to see the halloween costumes. Is that too much to ask!?


Feb 28, 2018
Just think of the millions of kids going through withdrawal today.
Dude....this must be THE talk of the town across schoolyards. I feel like you are only going to see vids of ckids acting like spoiler jerks and not the tons of kids out their talking about the mystery of it all. This seem like "You can catch Mew in Pokemon Red/Blue" turned up to 11.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude....this must be THE talk of the town across schoolyards. I feel like you are only going to see vids of ckids acting like spoiler jerks and not the tons of kids out their talking about the mystery of it all. This seem like "You can catch Mew in Pokemon Red/Blue" turned up to 11.
Gotta imagine this is true. I adore my childhood trends and shit. I was all about trading pokemon on the playground.

But this must be pretty damn cool too. They will likely remember this event for years to come.


Jan 23, 2019
They delay the end of each season all the time, it's pretty much expected for "Overtime" challenges so I highly doubt it's purely that. I gotta agree with those calling it a cheap (expensive) trick. I just want to play, enough with the theatrics. It's a holiday for most and I understand the angst/anticipation. It just seems poorly timed.
Wow... you'll survive man


Oct 28, 2017
They delay the end of each season all the time, it's pretty much expected for "Overtime" challenges so I highly doubt it's purely that. I gotta agree with those calling it a cheap (expensive) trick. I just want to play, enough with the theatrics. It's a holiday for most and I understand the angst/anticipation. It just seems poorly timed.
If you send them a schedule, I'm sure they'll time the next update around your time off.


Jan 12, 2018
If you send them a schedule, I'm sure they'll time the next update around your time off.

So people would prefer to entertain a pointless guessing ARG that keep millions of people on their toes rather than transparent update/downtime times as might be standard? It's fine that it's more than likely standard maintenance but don't pretend this is a fun, quirky little promotion.


Oct 28, 2017
So people would prefer to entertain a pointless guessing ARG that keep millions of people on their toes rather than transparent update/downtime times as might be standard? It's fine that it's more than likely standard maintenance but don't pretend this is a fun, quirky little promotion.
Man, loosen up. It's clearly downtime/marketing for the new season. Just because you don't know exactly the second you'll get to play again, doesn't mean it's some huge affront.


Oct 28, 2017
There should be a gun like the one in No Man's Sky that destroys structures built by other players instantly.


Editor-in-chief at
Oct 28, 2017
So people would prefer to entertain a pointless guessing ARG that keep millions of people on their toes rather than transparent update/downtime times as might be standard? It's fine that it's more than likely standard maintenance but don't pretend this is a fun, quirky little promotion.

Arkham Knight got delayed and launched 3 days after my wedding, meaning I couldn't play it for a full 3 weeks after launch. Shit happens.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Building downtime into the narrative of an event and making it all mysterious and ARG-like and all is pretty awesome.

(Very different situation and scale, but I really wish I was around for FFXIV 1.0's "finale.")
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