
Oct 26, 2017
I don't blame you! Always feels good to see your game fill up. Fingers crossed I get in.
Sounds like something scum would say.
Dr. Monkey

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Ambo the most active retired player I have ever seen lol

(gooooood, let the mafia continue to pull you innnnn)
Dr. Monkey

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
If there is space/interest that doesn't interfere with scheduled games, I will run a mini sometime this fall. Just let me get settled in the new semester and I'll put something small and normal together for interested parties.

A Wild Shark Appears

One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
Ambo the most active retired player I have ever seen lol

(gooooood, let the mafia continue to pull you innnnn)
Well when I decided to retire it was because I thougjt I had reached the limit of what I was capable of in mafia. Last game I feel like I was able to slightly get past some of the internal obstacles that were holding me back. I want to see if I can replicate that.


Oct 26, 2017
Well when I decided to retire it was because I thougjt I had reached the limit of what I was capable of in mafia. Last game I feel like I was able to slightly get past some of the internal obstacles that were holding me back. I want to see if I can replicate that.
All you needed was confidence mate and that's bolstered by kicking ass, and sending peeps to the ICU.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I would like to informally change my sign-up to spec chat please
i played enough last 2 games


Jul 16, 2020
Hey I'm in the same boat :D High five for being two hard working tired as fuck mafia girls

let me get in on this as i am dying in a pre-semester haze of one extra class/everything is covid/kids are back in school/world is on fire

High five to you both! I knew that it would get tougher to play when my work started being more in-person, because everything now takes twice as long and is confusing because nobody knows the constantly-changing rules of how to do things, so we're just always navigating this cloud of ambiguity. It's already difficult to deal with, but it would just be the cherry on top if it also made me give up mafia.


The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
High five to you both! I knew that it would get tougher to play when my work started being more in-person, because everything now takes twice as long and is confusing because nobody knows the constantly-changing rules of how to do things, so we're just always navigating this cloud of ambiguity. It's already difficult to deal with, but it would just be the cherry on top if it also made me give up mafia.
Yep basically this.

I went from playing mafia while working part time at a job I largely got to be on the computer to being in a job where I am largely traveling around or working without a computer, and when I'm on the computer, I'm only doing work because I want to keep my computer secure.

This is also why I'm gone so long when game running and why i'm so glad we have our beautiful game watches and my best buddy Vere.


Oct 26, 2017
Yep basically this.

I went from playing mafia while working part time at a job I largely got to be on the computer to being in a job where I am largely traveling around or working without a computer, and when I'm on the computer, I'm only doing work because I want to keep my computer secure.

This is also why I'm gone so long when game running and why i'm so glad we have our beautiful game watches and my best buddy Vere.
Dr. Monkey

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
what if we rose up and threw off our capitalist chains so we could play more mafia




Nov 29, 2018
[He/Him] Natiko|Nat - UTC-4
[He/Him] EvilChameleon|EC - UTC-4
[He/Him] Randomless|Rando - UTC-5
[He/Him] HPSauce|HP - UTC+1
[He/Him] Z-Beat|zbeat - UTC-8
[He/Him] Verelios|Vere - UTC-5
[He/Him] Maolfunction|Mao - UTC-7
[He/Him] MrHedin|Hedin - UTC-4
[He/Him] TheChuggernaut|Chuggs - UTC-5
[He/Him] A Wild Ambulance Appears - UTC-6
[He/Him] Feign - UTC-7
[He/Him] Blargonaut - UTC+8
[He/Him] anexanhume|Anex - UTC-4
[She/Her] lokiduck|loki - UTC+8
[She/Her] Hawthorn - UTC-4
[He/Him] Kyanrute - UTC+3
[He/Him] Mazre - UTC-4
[He/Him] Neki - UTC-7


[He/Him] nin - UTC+1
[They/Them] Aeleus - UTC+1
[She/Her] Dr. Monkey - UTC-4
[He/Him] BoJack Horseman|BoJack - UTC+1
[He/Him] Stuart444|Stu - UTC+1


Jul 16, 2020
Excited for this one. I hope I have time to throw off the chains of capitalism before playing.


Asked Politely
Oct 26, 2017
Someone wants to replace out in order for me to take over ? Pretty please :)


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If you've requested Spec access for The Thing, you should have it. If you don't, let me or CaptainNuevo know.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey y'all can I get an invite to the discord server? I've been using discord more lately, and would like to join :)


Dec 7, 2018
We have had some talk about having a set community gaming night and so I have created a form to help us figure out what the best night would be for that. This would be a dedicated night every week or two weeks where we get together and play group games together whether that be Among Us, Phasmophobia, or whatever else we might be interested in at the moment. The idea is that we have this set day and time and if you want to play you just show up in Discord and something will (hopefully) get going. Apologies in advance to our friends in the EU and other regions as the times are US centric, I will cop to being a selfish American. I also did not include Friday and weekend nights as I know a lot of people tend to be busy during those times but if enough people want me to add those in I would be happy to.
Dr. Monkey

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Just a note re: the games I was reviewing: barring any unforeseen problem, I'll be back from my mafia work hiatus next week. Sorry for bailing but things have been particularly rollercoastery!


Nov 29, 2018
Might be a bit late... but fantasy star and fate mafioso have been added to the games spreadsheet (Fate mafioso has such an insane list of roles it's great)


Dec 7, 2018
We have had some talk about having a set community gaming night and so I have created a form to help us figure out what the best night would be for that. This would be a dedicated night every week or two weeks where we get together and play group games together whether that be Among Us, Phasmophobia, or whatever else we might be interested in at the moment. The idea is that we have this set day and time and if you want to play you just show up in Discord and something will (hopefully) get going. Apologies in advance to our friends in the EU and other regions as the times are US centric, I will cop to being a selfish American. I also did not include Friday and weekend nights as I know a lot of people tend to be busy during those times but if enough people want me to add those in I would be happy to.

We have gotten a lot of responses already but if you are interested and haven't voted please do so in the near future.


Dec 7, 2018
The results are in from the game night poll and based on the responses that it looks like Wednesdays from 8pm-12am EST/5pm-9pm PST/ 12am-4am Thursday UTC is the time that most of the respondents (12/19) are available for a game night. So that means any Wednesday that you would like to play some games with the community you will just need to hop into the Looking for Group channel in the Discord and see what is going on. The idea is to be freely drop in and drop out so don't feel like you have to be there right at the start and it can feel free to head out whenever you need to.

And yes I do realize that the time frames are titled to US availability and will likely exclude a lot of our European friends. Unfortunately given the differences in time zones I was not smart enough to think of a system that could equally include both continents (as well as our other members around the world). If anyone does have an idea how to make that work please feel free to suggest it. Also just because we will hopefully be playing games on Wednesdays it does not mean that people cannot get together and organize additional days to play either.


Oct 25, 2017
Just gonna post it here so it doesn't get lost in the Discord hustle and bustle; Ty4on and I are looking at adding some new eyes to the game we're building, as we're kind of stuck, so if you're interested, let one of us or RetroMG know and we'll get you added to the board!


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Just gonna post it here so it doesn't get lost in the Discord hustle and bustle; Ty4on and I are looking at adding some new eyes to the game we're building, as we're kind of stuck, so if you're interested, let one of us or RetroMG know and we'll get you added to the board!
I can review your game if you want, I promise it won't be insane


Oct 28, 2017
Wait, you guys are doing one for Russian Doll?!

I once got drunk and binged the entire thing in a night. Great show!