Oct 27, 2017
This is why theocracy is B A A A A A D idea

you're gonna piss off a l o t people and they might be heavily armed or willing to start gun battles all over the country


Oct 27, 2017
Alexandria, VA
It appears to have been a drone attack:


Drone attack hits Iran ammunition factory – reports

Blast that defence ministry says did minor damage comes amid tensions over nuclear pact and arms for Russia

Drones have been used to attack a military plant in Iran, with Iranian news agencies reporting a loud blast and showing a flash of light at what was said to be an ammunition factory.

Emergency vehicles and fire trucks were shown at the plant in central Isfahan province. It comes amid tensions over Iran's nuclear programme, as well as the supply of Shahed drones to Russia that have been used in the war against Ukraine.

Some reports said several facilities were hit around Iran within a period of a few hours. The Guardian was unable to confirm those reports, but Iran's IRNA news agency reported a fire at an oil refinery in the northern city of Tabriz, saying one person was injured. It did not say what caused the fire or if it was related to the incident in Isfahan.

Iran's defence ministry claimed the drone attack was "unsuccessful", with one drone shot down by air defence and two blowing up when they were "caught in defence traps". There was "minor damage to the workshop's roof".
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God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017


Isfahan is near to the geographical centre of the country, well inside the Zagros mountains. Either those drones are intensely local or they flew a hell of a long way without being intercepted


Oct 27, 2017
That can happen regardless of political system. Theocracy sucks because of widespread corruption, wanton abuse of power and mass indoctrination.
if you have a position called supreme leader or a ruling party that worships one person, that government is not going to work for the people.
Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit. If drones can get in that deep, either Iran's air defense is garbage or it came from somewhere very nearby. Wonder what's the air defense around the Supreme Leader's palace, wonder how viable it is for a drone to strike his complex and take him out.


Oct 27, 2017
Alexandria, VA

Isfahan is near to the geographical centre of the country, well inside the Zagros mountains. Either those drones are intensely local or they flew a hell of a long way without being intercepted

If they belong to an external actor, then I'm honestly at a loss to even been figuring out where they could possibly have been launched from to strike a target located essentially the dead center of Iran.
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Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit. If drones can get in that deep, either Iran's air defense is garbage or it came from somewhere very nearby. Wonder what's the air defense around the Supreme Leader's palace, wonder how viable it is for a drone to strike his complex and take him out.

Joe Biden's ears just perked up when he heard this

that's also an act of war you don't want that
Oct 27, 2017
I hope one day Iranians gain their freedom from this shitty regime. I would LOVE to visit in my lifetime without worrying about being kidnapped by the government for BS reasons to gain concessions from the West. The suppression of the Green movement was really hard on the Iranians I knew in high school since their families were harmed by it.


Sep 7, 2018
Reports of ground gunfire might indicate more is going on than just a remote strike by another power.

Good luck to the Iranian people.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I get that details will be sparse given the circumstances, but damn I really would like to know wtf is going on.


Sep 7, 2018
Where did you see that report?

In the Ukraine thread, forgive me for having to quote another user but I'm not familiar with Twitter links etc.

On the one hand a drone attack would make a lot more sense from a state actor like Israel (hence editing my original post to tone down the weight of credibility).

On the other, the above does seem to indicate small arms fire.

As always, best to wait for more information, but I am wishing Iranians the best.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
In the Ukraine thread, forgive me for having to quote another user but I'm not familiar with Twitter links etc.

On the one hand a drone attack would make a lot more sense from a state actor like Israel (hence editing my original post to tone down the weight of credibility).

On the other, the above does seem to indicate small arms fire.

As always, best to wait for more information, but I am wishing Iranians the best.
The thing is I can't really see Israel doing something like that on its own. Meaning it would be done in unison with someone else or with certain guarantees from someone else.

This is why we need more info. I wanna if these reports are accurate.


Oct 27, 2017
Alexandria, VA
Oct 27, 2017
Gotta say if there's running gunbattles and attacks on police stations AND IRGC bases

that might be a little bit more involved then drone striking the shit out of some drone factory

but yes I do want independent verification but that tweet really is eye opening


Oct 27, 2017
Alexandria, VA
I simply don't believe that there are running gunbattles or attacks on police stations or IRGC facilities.

It's more than likely IRGC jumping at their own shadows and firing at the sky.


Sep 7, 2018
I simply don't believe that there are running gunbattles or attacks on police stations or IRGC facilities.

It's more than likely IRGC jumping at their own shadows and firing at the sky.

Or at their own citizens, sadly.

I'm also not sure a revolution starts at ammo production facilities either, so I definitely am tempering expectations.

Good to see the people chanting in defiance, though. The spirit is still there.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Or at their own citizens, sadly.

I'm also not sure a revolution starts at ammo production facilities either, so I definitely am tempering expectations.

Good to see the people chanting in defiance, though. The spirit is still there.
Well to be fair if they are attacking the facilities in order to GET the ammo then that would be an explanation.

I hear bullets are pretty valuable in a potential revolution.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
The longer this goes without any major confirmed reports the more I think this may be not nearly as huge as we first thought.


Oct 26, 2017
Holy shit. If drones can get in that deep, either Iran's air defense is garbage or it came from somewhere very nearby. Wonder what's the air defense around the Supreme Leader's palace, wonder how viable it is for a drone to strike his complex and take him out.

View: https://twitter.com/natsecjeff/status/1619469772747309060?s=46&t=8t4gGVT2NMgt_NIsJtZQbA
Based on this my guess is that it was Mossad working locally with rebellious elements using these micro drones.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
? It's Israel.


WSJ News Exclusive | Israel Strikes Iran Amid International Push to Contain Tehran

Israel carried out a drone strike targeting a defense compound in Iran, as the U.S. and Israel look for ways to contain Tehran’s nuclear and military ambitions.

Having looked for an alternative without the pay wall, seems like even the US is currently speculating:

Was Israel behind drone attack on Iran military installation?

Iranian foreign minister criticised the drone attack as ‘cowardly’ and aimed at creating ‘insecurity’.

But either this would mean operatives operating in the country - not without precedent, giving the Natanz incident or the 2020 assassination - or that Israeli drones flew across two other countries along the way without being picked up, along with them having the active willingness to send loitering munitions in to attack to begin with. Which is... not great, putting it mildly


Oct 30, 2017

Israel appears to have been behind drone strike on Iran factory, U.S. official says

Israel appears to have been behind an overnight drone attack on a military factory in Iran, a U.S. official said on Sunday.

Israel appears to have been behind an overnight drone attack on a military factory in Iran, a U.S. official said on Sunday.

Iran claimed to have intercepted drones that struck a military industry target near the central city of Isfahan, and said there were no casualties or serious damage.

A spokesperson for the Israeli military declined to comment. Arch-foe Israel has long said it is willing to strike Iranian targets if diplomacy fails to curb Tehran's nuclear or missile programmes, but it has a policy of withholding comment on specific incidents.

Pentagon spokesperson Brigadier General Patrick Ryder said no U.S. military forces were involved in strikes in Iran, but declined to comment further.


Oct 28, 2017
As much as I dislike the Iranian regime, Israel is every bit as revolting...anyone but them...still would be better if there was internal mobilisation against the regime...although war is horrible, this regime needs to go somehow.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm leaning towards Israel mostly because there's nary a peep of these attacks on mainstream media sites. If it was suddenly coming from internal strife it seems like it'd be plastered everywhere instead of barely being mentioned in passing.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/AlinejadMasih/status/1630214123773468677

So yeah, she used to cut her hair standing with Iranian women and now she is glad to see the same people who kills, rape and torture Iranian women. Also majority of world leaders today sat at UN human rights council and listened to Islamic republic's FM calling protesters terrorists.

Meanwhile, school girls in Iran are being attacked by nerve gases and getting poisened by "unknown" people in Qom, one of the regimes stronghold cities, trying to scare girls from going to school. More than 60 schools have been attacked so far and thousands school girls have been poisoned.

Meanwhile the head of IRGC aerospace division says explicitly in an interview that they are looking to kill Trump and Pompeo to take revenge and IRGC head today says their missiles have the range to reach EU and they better be carefull.

And people ask what western world leaders could do to help. Maybe start with not giving these murderes a platform, stop shaking hands with them and designate IRGC as a terrorist organization and cut their ties with the modern world.


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017


Oct 26, 2017

Iran installs cameras to find women not wearing hijab

Police say women seen not covering their hair will receive texts warning them of consequences.

Iran is installing special cameras with the unique purpose of identifying women not complying with hijab restrictions.

Feels appropriate to post here. Are these protests over then? Certainly put of the news cycle


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017