Guts Of Thor

Oct 25, 2017
A Plague Tale Requiem

Too fucking long and very tedious to play. The game should've been 8 hours max not 20+.


One Winged Slayer


The base game is obviously great, but what a crushingly disappointing port it turned out to be. Terrible framerate (the emulated version from the PlayStation Store runs better; ffs), and the prerendered backgrounds are extremely poorly upscaled, which in 2022 is just pathetic.

And, of course: total radio silence since release. No patches, no updates...nothing. They released it, and they forgot it. It's up to modders to fix it on PC; anyone who has this edition on anything else is out of luck.

At least we finally got an official translation/release of Radical Dreamers after 26 years, I guess?


Sep 12, 2022
Gran Turismo 7. I wanted a campaign similar to GT1-GT3. What I got was nothing but rolling starts with PP limitation slapped onto it. It's the worst GT campaign I've ever played.


May 6, 2022
New York
Bayonetta 3. I kept picking it up, hoping that it would click if I just gave it one more chance… but no.

Between the awful Jeanne missions, the switching to a parry-based character, the clunky demon mechanics, and the big aimless levels, it just doesn't work for me. Decided to drop it for good after 7 or 8 chapters.


Oct 25, 2017
I really need to get around making a thread about how broken or near broken games seem to be launching these days.

It's becoming a huge problem.


Oct 27, 2017
Gotham Knights. I was hungry for a bat universe game after finally playing Arkham Knight on PC in 4k. The fact that it's both an awful game and runs like shit on all the systems is a disgrace. I'm trying to keep hope alive for Suicide Squad, since it will be Rockysteady with the better track record.


Jul 10, 2018
As much as I liked Elden Ring it was also the one that disappointed me the most. Some excellent locales connected by am empty boring open world and I wanted the combat to be more than Dark Souls 3.5


Oct 29, 2017
Horizon Forbidden West

It's still a great game overall, but they dropped the ball hard with the main story/villains. I fucking hated the direction where they took the story.


Oct 27, 2017
GOW Ragnorak has a lot of mentions in this thread. I'm about 12 hours in and enjoying the gameplay but not finding the story grabbing my attention in any way. Im excited to see where it goes and will most certainly finish it in the coming weeks. I don't know if the
Thor and Odin scene with the Thor fight
was too soon because it feels like not a ton has happened since then. It doesn't help that I immediately chose to do the optional content which I thought was an odd design decision so early in the game.


Oct 26, 2017
Agreed with all the Ghostwire Tokyo mentions. Very cool art and graphical style but a completely middle of the road open world shooter. Huge downgraded from The Evil Within series and I hope Tango goes back to what they are good at which is tightly crafted environments and intense combat.


Oct 25, 2017
Switch Sports and Pokemon Scarlet/Violet.

The former just is lacking in so much variety and depth that the series had prior. The latter is a technical dumpster fire.


Oct 25, 2017
Pokemon Legends had some things I didn't like, but overall I thought it was a great step. Pokémon Violet, on the other hand, bleh. It's not a shit game, but as someone who was extremely disappointed with Sword/Shield, having another disappointment 2 main games in a row is a slap in the face. SV's open world is pretty shit.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
After waiting damn near a decade for either a sequel or reboot, the new Saints Row crushed me. I don't know who thought this was the way to reboot the series, but it was such a chore to get through with buggy gameplay, awful characters, and very dated graphics.

Callisto Protocol is my runner up as that game just became less fun to play as I went along and more frustrating than anything.

Honorable mention to Gotham Knights. This was pretty much DC's version of the Avengers game. It felt like an amateurish imitation of the Batman Arkham games.
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Jan 28, 2019
Bayonetta 3 for me. What a train-wreck of a game for my tastes. The first two games are leagues better.

I was also disappointed by Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and bounced super early due to the mechanics and story ( I didn't finish it so less time invested to be disappointed here)


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
I was sad for the Callisto Protocol turn out, really wanted the release by the ex-Dead Space people to hit the ground running in a good state.

A PC version in that state simply should have been delayed. How was getting eviscerated on launch day the better option? I just don't understand the inner working of gaming development.

I haven't been paying much attention to the rerelease because I'm in a buying freeze until my new job starts.

Would you mind telling me about your gripes with the game?
There is a level cap on your group of characters which is tied into whatever the assigned level of the current objective is. I found it incredibly stifling to be unable to level up, replaying completed levels yeilds little. I felt forced to simply march towards the next main mission objective because there was nothing else constructive to do. I dropped it once I realized this.


Oct 25, 2017
Callisto's reviews and impressions from streamers I follow were enough to disappoint me. I'll still jump in eventually. But not at 60 dollars.


Oct 27, 2017
Bayonetta 3. combat feels like a downgrade from the previous game, bad enemy/stage design, and the game runs like garbage. dropped it after 4 or 5 chapters


Aug 31, 2019
Bayonetta 3 for sure. After so many years you'd think it would be the biggest and best one yet but it just seemed like a hot mess on every conceivable level.
Oct 25, 2017
Has this year had an oddly large number of hyped games generally being considered a disappointment?

Not by the general public I think. Games like Ragnarok, Forbidden West and Bayonetta 3 were well-received by press and public.
The Callisto Protocol seems the one with the most disappointing reception, despite the pedigree of the people who made it.


Oct 26, 2017
Boyonetta 3. Such a strange game and hated that half of the time I can't even see what's happening on the screen.


Oct 25, 2017


Nov 25, 2019
Horizon forbidden west. Boring Ubisoft-like open world filled with bland and forgettable characters is not a great mix.
Not surprised it got 0 Goty awards from media outlets.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
God of War: Ragnarok - While I mostly quite enjoyed the game, I was shocked by how disjointed everything felt, and the pacing is just messy. Some of the level design is infuriatingly linear yet confusing at the same time, and there are too many invisible walls. The traversal is inconsistent, and Kratos should be able to get around much quicker than he does, but I think it's hamstrung by their desire to feed you dialogue and retain the stupid strict single shot camera. To top things off, the ending section was rushed, and it ends on a bit of a whimper.

Immortality - After seeing the critical acclaim, I was excited to jump in on this one, especially since it was a day one Game Pass title. While I can admire the amount of work that went into the acting, it's ... well, to be blunt, I thought it was absolute rubbish as a game. The gameplay loop, if you can call it that, is just so meandering. Boring. Clumsy. I tried to stick with it for multiple hours, but man, I just can't do it.

Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope - I enjoyed this one well enough, but it was a disappointing follow-up to the original, which I felt had a lot more heart and whimsy. Sparks of Hope is severely lacking in difficulty, and it doesn't offer you much of an incentive to play more carefully or retry levels like Kingdom Battle. It's one of those enjoyable but ultimately very forgettable games. Shout out to Rabbid Mario for being hilarious, though.
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King Dodongo

Oct 27, 2017
Sadly, Mario strikers.
Shelved that crap after an hour of really forcing myself.
It really shouldve been a 10$ release at most.
Jan 13, 2022
Mario Strikers Battle League. It's fine but so content bare.

Same. Gameplay was really fun, but with zero content, I bounced off of it after maybe two weeks at most.

Sports Story being released in a messed up state is up there too, but I'll just hold off on it until they patch it. I guess Golf Story had a bunch of issues too and looks like a patch came out a little over a month later.


Tries to be a positive role model
Apr 30, 2019
Has this year had an oddly large number of hyped games generally being considered a disappointment?

I wouldn't say that at all. HFW, ER, GoWR, Bayo 3 and Xenoblade 3 have all been very well received according to reviews. Personally I enjoyed all the games I was excited for and bought. Granted I'm pretry easy to please when it comes to games that fit my tastes. Last game I'm playing from 2022 is Sonic Frontiers and so far its pretty good.


Nov 15, 2017
GoW Ragnarok only because it kept hard crashing my ps5. Every other game I've played runs fine.

I had this same issue with it, the game was overheating the PS5. I crashed completely to the point where I had to turn the console off at the mains to restart it, probably around half a dozen times in total. After taking the side panels off and thoroughly removing dust, as well as a few patches that explicitly mentioned crash fixes, the crashes went away.


Oct 30, 2017
Callisto Protocol for me as well.

They just got their priorities all wrong, they weren't ready for AAA - if they'd just focused their first game on gameplay with a reasonable story fleshing out the world and background themes, it would have been so much better.

Instead they had to crunch to create an extremely pretty game with actors and lots of hype around it, but it wasn't really fun, ran horrifically on PC at launch, took a bunch of ideas from Deadspace but left them half-baked, or generally not making sense, and left a boringly obvious cliff hanger at the end lining up DLC. All for £55, making it one of the most expensive games I've seen on PC.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I think Pokemon SV is the best 5/10 game I played this year, and while I know Game Freak doesn't have a good technical track record, I found this one to be absolutely appalling that they let that actually release. It's kind of a "free space" since it's been discussed to death so I will go with something else.

Soul Hackers 2. I liked the game, I think it's a good 7/10 type of game, however it really felt like they allocated the budget in the wrong places. The idea of a Soul Hackers sequel being in the Devil Summoner universe still, but being entirely separate from the first game wasn't a bad idea, and actually a good one in all honesty. Trying to recreate the vibe of the first game even if you magically had the same team that worked on it back then would just feel fake and forced. However some things the first game excelled in really fell off here. Dungeons were pretty bad with all except for one using the same music track when the first game had some absolutely amazing atmospheric tunes in it's dungeons and they didn't reuse music. They also repeated two of the dungeon backdrops and there were only three others, four if you count the DLC, and did very little to stand out. One of those I counted was the Soul Matrix, which felt like map layouts they had for a dungeon but didn't have anything else to go around it and they wanted to use it somewhere.

The story was a mixed bag. I actually did like Ringo, letting you play as the "Nemissa" of this game was the right call. Let's be honest here, Nemissa was the real protagonist of the first one and no one gave a shit about the protagonist. There was a particularly problematic aspect of a character's backstory that I won't detail due to spoilers, but Ringo doesn't even give it any sideeye and is basically like "Yeah that's cool".

This is me being an armchair game director, so my opinion isn't worth a shit: I think the budget shouldn't have been focused on the fancy mo-cap cutscenes and instead focused on things like dungeons. Fans of Soul Hackers were plenty used to talking portraits with occasional cute 90s CGI. Having mostly of 2D portraits with occasional animated stuff would have probably been fine if more focus could be on dungeons. The game obviously didn't have that Persona budget or even mainline SMT budget, but plenty of spin-off games in the franchise didn't have that kind of budget and still put out a great product utilizing what they had.


Oct 27, 2017
AAA: Horizon
Indie: Salt and Sacrifice

Both games are prime examples of taking aspects of the first game that just needed polishing, and just throwing them away entirely for some reason.

Big Yoshi

Nov 25, 2018
Bayonetta 3's story, and I liked Viola .
and before you say "oh that isnt our bayonetta that died" while it may be true the in game story did not state that clearly AT ALL. Bayonetta should NEVER DIE, the story other than that can be conolete nonsense and wouldnt feel out of place but instead we are left with a game where bayonetta does nothing but die over and over again. Complete insanity!
Game was still REALLY good though.

Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't buy it, but I really really wanted to get excited for Mario Strikers: Battle League, but I just couldn't. The game just didn't feel right from the demo.

Slick Butter

Oct 25, 2017
But you knew going in it'd be open world so how would you be disappointed?
Not the same person, but I realized after playing it I realized that I am not looking for an open world experience from Souls games specifically. I much prefer the more tightly structured worlds of previous games. Though I still enjoy Elden Ring a lot.


Oct 27, 2017
Horizon Forbidden West.

Was expecting a 9/10 game at the very least, but instead got a 7/10 okay game. The biggest issue I have is the changes they've made to combat. I would love to meet the genius who decided to nerf the shit out of the dodge, because it made the combat significantly worse for me compared to Zero Dawn.