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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think Dexter in his dodgeball exo-suit would make for a great character overall.



Oct 25, 2017
That's it.

We need Ash Williams in MvS.

Come on WB, after the epic failure of the DLC in MK11, you owe us.
He's not a WB property, is he? If I were WB, I wouldn't want to work with him after that. Wasn't Campbell as much of the problem?

Plus, this spans so much more content still under the WB umbrella that make for wild IP crossovers, that there's less need for them to go outside it, in their eyes.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
He's not a WB property, is he? If I were WB, I wouldn't want to work with him after that. Wasn't Campbell as much of the problem?

Plus, this spans so much more content still under the WB umbrella that make for wild IP crossovers, that there's less need for them to go outside it, in their eyes.

WB is producing the new Evil Dead stuff.

Bruce isn't a problem, he made it into every other game that wanted him lol.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Southern California
or literally their regular offices decoration =P
Actually. I take that back. This isn't Sakurai 4D chess theory. Those aren't purple and yellow chairs. They've been intentionally hinting and teasing the whole time. It's their M.O. Tony literally tweeted about "liking Hockey" as a Jason nod. So whether or not those hint at future characters, it's still a part of their marketing game.

Giga Man

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Jason will probably get a lot of people excited, but not me. Looks like I'm still without a character I can really be excited about. Still wishing for Samurai Jack to show up eventually.


Oct 27, 2017
Actually. I take that back. This isn't Sakurai 4D chess theory. Those aren't purple and yellow chairs. They've been intentionally hinting and teasing the whole time. It's their M.O. Tony literally tweeted about "liking Hockey" as a Jason nod. So whether or not those hint at future characters, it's still a part of their marketing game.

Yeah PFG is totally into this stealth teaser shit. They shoved the PPG in the corner for the Joker trailer, Tony explicitly used "buttercup" during the Discord Q&A, and they did all those banana-related tweets before revealing Banana Guard including a "look at the first letter of each word" tease. They are, to put it kinda unkindly, this kind of obnoxious, and intentionally so...even if it's blown up in their faces more often than not.

What made the whole chair theory dumb is that it doesn't fit Sakurai's profile to do that kinda shit. For some reason we've given him this reputation of being this master troll when in truth Sakurai's pretty straight-laced - playful, self-aware, and to some degree self-deprecating, but he doesn't actually do all this guerilla marketing stuff people think he does. Tony Huynh, meanwhile, has shown that he's totally into that shit, and that's an attitude that funnels all the way down.

So yeah, I can see these being Matrix and Watchmen teases. IIRC the Matrix stuff we knew beforehand just came from datamining so if anything I'm taking that as further proof.

Rorschach seems like a no-brainer, or Dr. Manhattan if they can cover his blue dong.

It would be hilarious if they gave Dr Manhattan a fig leaf or just a mosaic blur.

Dr. Manhattan had a black speedo for when he was doing "official superhero" stuff that'd make sense as a default.



Jan 16, 2022
I wanted to ask, cuz I'm not really sure. Is Jason an "angry" character? Cuz I remember one of the devs said one of the new characters is always angry.
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