
Oct 28, 2017
Why even consuming a media if content not feeling like part of said media is something positive?

I could understand if something feels immersive enough to look like you were living it instead of simply consuming a product, but praising it for feeling like literature kind of makes me wonder why someone with this standard even bother with videogames, for starters.

Don't wanna be confrontational, i'm legit curious. What's the value of a game as a game if it's good because it doesn't feel like a game? :p


Oct 27, 2017
I think Noah Caldwell-Gervais said it best that you have to think of yourself as an actor playing the characters through the gameplay, and the script is set in stone, but how you approach the destination is all up to you.

I loved the moment to moment gameplay, outside of some pacing issues where early on is when you get a lot of massive, wide areas to go to, and it seems to narrow as the game goes on. All finely crafted, but a moment like Seattle Day 1 (Ellie section) when you have the map and have the option of exploring the different sections could have been repeated later on.

It's great when the QTEs make sense too, they aren't completely random and you have time to react to them, which is great with some of the actual boss battles you get later on. Fuck, those are intense.


Oct 28, 2017
I was enjoying it, well past *halfway*, trying to grab as many items as possible, then this classic scenario happened:


And I couldn't go back, got pissed and haven't played it since. I will return to it someday eventually though. But overall I would say it's very video game-y, annoyingly so.


Feb 4, 2020
I dunno, the crafting menu and controller always kinda gave it away for me, lol.

TLOU2 is an awesome game, but.. come on, lol.
Oct 27, 2017
Did you forget it was a game while waiting for the triangle button prompt to appear near every cabinet/drawer for like 10 hours of the total playtime? That was not very movie like I'd say.
Jun 23, 2019
I wouldn't say I ever forgot I was playing a video game, but it was such an experience that I had to stop playing every one and then because the game is just so oppressively heavy.


Oct 23, 2019
Bingo. It's my game of the generation, period. No game can match this game IMO in all aspects. Dev's need to strive for this goal and quality next gen. I think naughty dogs engine is the best engine available. Period.
I like ND's games quite alot but I am of the opposite opinion, this is the direction I feel devs should be moving away from. The increased cinematization of the hobby is a negative for me, especially so since they all seem to focus on big budget Hollywood cinematic sensibilities. It wouldn't be so bad if we saw the variety of world cinema reflected in cinematic videogames but this tendency to adhere to the same philosophy en masse is just frustratingly reductive for me.


Mar 8, 2020
It's not really weird that video game industry is looked down on when the people who actually love it make this subconscious belittling posts about it.


Senior Games Artist
Dec 10, 2018
Los Angeles
Yep, absolutely. Folks love to downplay this significance of its storytelling capabilities, but it truly hit a new benchmark for me. It was definitely the first time I was moved outside of the games ecosystem and was fully immersed in its story telling, feeling engrossed at times like I do with really great shows/films ect. The community discussion around this game perfectly prove this as well: people are consistently arguing and passionately discussing the games story/experience, you don't really get that in typical game releases.

Those that dismiss it rarely if ever have any examples of what "did it better"... while I don't declare this to be the pinnacle of game story-telling, it's another step in a direction for having this medium be an engaging story telling medium right along side others.

Yall have to understand, game story-telling is still extremely new... we just VERY recently got believable-ish facial/emotion capture. Honestly I'd say this game is the first to achieve a new layer of subtle character emotions that is needed to tell more complex stories. It's only going to get better.

I forgot it was a game too, it felt like an horrible nightmare.
This playthrough of the first one felt like a series on it's own. Recommended if you didn't played the first one and do not plan to play.
That is a really cool idea! Never seen that.


Dec 25, 2017
Jos , Nigeria
I agree that the game is a masterpiece at making players feel different emotions. That why it's my game of the year.

But I was constantly reminded it's s game specifically by the NPCs. The reoccurring NPCs that appear and the ridiculous shouts when they are killed that gets repeated time and time again. It instantly brings me back


Oct 27, 2017
This game actually teaches people why revenge is a bad idea. It has a powerful message and it delivers it in the best, most impactful way possible, which happens to be rubbing your face in your stupidity in a video game until you cry uncle. The only issue with it is that because of the message, it's not always enjoyable. By design. And this is also a success.

Op is right. The game is a special, amazing art piece.


Oct 27, 2017
Kinda agree. During the cutscenes, I was absolutely engrossed. It was as good as a really good TV/movie drama. I remember having to ease the grip on my controller I was so in to it.

Once the gameplay started, I knew I was playing a video game. The best video game of the year, and one of the best of the generation.


Oct 30, 2017
I wish a game had such a profound effect on me. The most I've been entranced by a game was games that weren't very cinematic or games where I'm actually allowed to engage with the cinematics through choices or actions. TLOU2 is about as scripted as games come, and its realism is sold through acting, animation and graphics, but to me those features are not enough to convince me that what I'm playing has a real consequence. Any time I walk forward and trigger some special moment I can tell I'm being hamstrung by a designer. It's been like that since Uncharted with this company, and I beg to differ on TLOU being any different than that. We've definitely hit a high bar for visual fidelity and realism of animation. That's it.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish a game had such a profound effect on me. The most I've been entranced by a game was games that weren't very cinematic or games where I'm actually allowed to engage with the cinematics through choices or actions. TLOU2 is about as scripted as games come, and its realism is sold through acting, animation and graphics, but to me those features are not enough to convince me that what I'm playing has a real consequence. Any time I walk forward and trigger some special moment I can tell I'm being hamstrung by a designer. It's been like that since Uncharted with this company, and I beg to differ on TLOU being any different than that. We've definitely hit a high bar for visual fidelity and realism of animation. That's it.
I think for a lot of people, that fidelity and especially the facial animations are what put it over the top at that next level. TLOU2 has by far the best facial animations in any game yet, to the level that it makes the characters actually seem like real people. That added on top of the entire narrative, writing, and direction already there.


Oct 8, 2020
No piece of media has ever made me feel the way the last of us part 2 did. It's comfortably game of the year for me and naughty dog really outdid themselves.


Oct 8, 2020
We will not. The gameplay especially is generations ahead of any game out there.
Now I'll say this is a bit of an exaggeration but naughty do not get the credit they deserve for gameplay especially for this game. You'll have your people saying the make glorified movies and such and I'm here thinking what the hell are they playing because this game plays like a dream.


Oct 27, 2017
it definitely plays well (most of the time) but it really overstayed its welcome and as a narrative the first one had way more impact


Oct 25, 2017
The entire game and especially the final hours are beyond anything i have ever experienced in a game(or movie,book etc).


Oct 29, 2017
To me, the game was too long for it's own good and really drove home the fact it was game as I went on. Things got extremely repetitive with the "go to next area, clear out enemies, explore for loot" formula and the middling shooting mechanics in the 2nd half. Top notch presentation and writing really elevated it however.


Oct 27, 2017
I am just sad that probably no one will be as brave, as original and as talented as ND to make games like this. I am sorry but every other game last gen, even GoW, felt flat compared to tlou2 story, emotional impact and characters.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think this is really a good thing, great gameplay should be just as impressionable as a good story.

I don't want games to make me forget they are games. I want the gameplay and level design to wow me.

This just reads like striving to not feel like a game is something to be proud of, it's weird


May 24, 2019
My absolute favorite game of the Gen, and I'm not sure what else really comes close for me personally. Love love love this game

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
I agree, no game has had me as immersed and invested in its characters. Part II was a brutal roller coaster of emotions, and I loved every second of it. So far my GOTG but Cyberpunk might eclipse it. Amazing game though, can't wait to see what they do next.


Oct 30, 2017
TLOU2 has by far the best facial animations in any game yet, to the level that it makes the characters actually seem like real people.
Hey, if anyone had an amazing experience with that then yay. I personally think the facial expressions are on par with games like Detroit Become Human and God of War, not really better than it. But Naughty Dog does have a good animation unit. I'm a bit concered that some key talent started bleeding during TLOU2's crunch in that regard though.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think this is really a good thing, great gameplay should be just as impressionable as a good story.

I don't want games to make me forget they are games. I want the gameplay and level design to wow me.

This just reads like striving to not feel like a game is something to be proud of, it's weird
The gameplay is also great, I don't think OP got the point across of what they were trying to say. The gameplay itself blends extremely well with the overall story and between cutscenes.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry, but it's really disappointing when people act like the peak of video games is a video game just no longer being a video game. There has to be a better way to praise a game than to just say "It's like it was a completely different medium". I don't mean to say that you shouldn't be super enthusiastic about the game because I'm sure it's amazing, but I think framing the discourse that way just isn't doing the game or the medium much of a service.

I haven't played The Last of Us Part II, but I did really enjoy the first game. I was also aware that I was playing a video game the entire time. It was just a very good video game with great cutscene direction. It would be a fundamentally different experience if it were a movie, especially its ending moments. That game takes advantage of being a video game to reach its heights. I imagine what had a lot of people gripped was the cutscene direction. The Last of Us had amazing cutscene direction that I guess we can compare to film because it's just a cinematic, but those moments are hardly the only thing that made that game great.
Nov 20, 2019
Why even consuming a media if content not feeling like part of said media is something positive?

I could understand if something feels immersive enough to look like you were living it instead of simply consuming a product, but praising it for feeling like literature kind of makes me wonder why someone with this standard even bother with videogames, for starters.

Don't wanna be confrontational, i'm legit curious. What's the value of a game as a game if it's good because it doesn't feel like a game? :p
Lol maybe to take games to a higher standard. It still is a game but feels higher quality than any game I've ever played tbh and I've been gaming for years....
Nov 20, 2019
I think for a lot of people, that fidelity and especially the facial animations are what put it over the top at that next level. TLOU2 has by far the best facial animations in any game yet, to the level that it makes the characters actually seem like real people. That added on top of the entire narrative, writing, and direction already there.
This exactly, ND graphics engine.. takes it up a notch.


Oct 26, 2017
This will probably sound pretentious but I never felt so immersed in a game world before.