
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I must have listened to a different album though if people say this sounds like Demon Days lol
I'd say D-Sides more than Demon Days if we're going that era. That was the part of those sessions that featured more of the trippy rock cuts. Though I guess Demon Days did have White Light.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
This is being presented like a "making-of" for an album that's coming down the line. I wonder if each "Season" of Song Machine results in a studio EP collection & master of these songs/sessions/episodes.
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Oct 25, 2017
Song is actually perfect.

i don't like this untraditional rollout though. I'd just prefer an album.


Oct 25, 2017
Also who is the vocalist at the beginning? The one with the earring that isn't Slowthai.
This rollout allows for infinite gorillaz with complete freedom to experiment without sticking to one style for an album.

I love it
I'm just greedy and would prefer all the completed material at once.


Dec 15, 2018
Yeah I can't say I enjoy the once a month method either. As long as season 1 is collected in something at the end I guess it's fine.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think the approach makes perfect sense for the "digital age" and with the approach Damon has had for songwriting lately. Humanz had an extremely scrappy production that structurally resembled a Gorillaz-curated "playlist" that was mainly held together by its interludes, and a lot of the fictional band appeal was treated as secondary. You can tell just how much "material" they were pumping out around this time since it didn't even take two months for them to put out Sleeping Powder (which was written in three days) and for Damon to write an entire new album on tour with the sole purpose of having new live material. The last time Gorillaz ever attempted to approach more of a high concept album was with Plastic Beach which was such a moneysink for them and which put a strain on Albarn and Hewlett's partnership which soured them on the whole notion of making more with the band (which is a shame since that album's aged like fine wine). Instead we're back to the more scrappy self-titled days when Gorillaz was a big deal on MTV and when the album was basically a goof which was held up by smart marketing.

That said I agree that there's something much more "immediately gratifying" in getting an album that's structured, finely tailored and conceptually loaded, and it does make for more of a spectacular "event" release. Who knows if the experiment will pan out in the long run; it's possible that planned "second season" could end up just being an album. I know that when Nine Inch Nails worked on the Not The Actual Events series it was meant to be an EP series, but the Add Violence EP was less positively received/more troubling in production, and Trent was really annoyed at how EPs generally got shit for exposure (especially with services like Spotify burying them under albums), hence why they made Bad Witch as an album.

Things could change, but for the time being it seems Gorillaz are just content with putting out more material and having fun with it, which is really all I can ask for. There was a time I was concerned that Damon would rather work on Blur or any of the other bands that didn't require so much pre-planning, conceptualizing and budget. Establishing a "production company" that isn't just Hewlett's Zombie Flesh Eaters shows a seeming commitment to the band as a concept though, and it's not something I expected. Interestingly the Song Machine releases are licensed under "Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett" rather than "Gorillaz Partnership".
Mary Celeste

Mary Celeste

Oct 25, 2017
Humanz was very structured, cohesive and gratifying but everyone wrote it off as a "mixtape" just because it has a lot of voices on it. I can't blame Damon for hearing that response and going "ok then" and doing exactly that


Traded his Bone Marrow for Pizza
Oct 25, 2017
Well I ended up listening to the song all day, so that happened.


On relitigating Humanz: still trash garbage


On Plastic Beach:


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
actually PB is bad and Humanz is good ty for your time

I love you Hugh but this is just plain nasty, To Binge is one of Damon's most beautiful songs, I know it's not a perfect record but it has very high highs.

On topic, while I agree infinite Gorillaz is great, waiting a month to get another track I fear will make it stale, I'd rather wait till they have it locked down enough to release one every two weeks at least and then wait a bit for the next season... But I'm always up for more (though Infinite Gorillaz probably means no blur ever which depresses me to no end)


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
This has a real "self-titled" feel to me, some hints of Demon Days too. I love the energy it picks up as it goes, feels totally off the wall. I'm probably on 20+ listens at the moment. It's an instant hit for me.

Plastic Beach and Humanz are also both 10/10 albums, I have spoken, don't @ me.
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Mary Celeste

Mary Celeste

Oct 25, 2017
I love you Hugh but this is just plain nasty, To Binge is one of Damon's most beautiful songs, I know it's not a perfect record but it has very high highs.

On topic, while I agree infinite Gorillaz is great, waiting a month to get another track I fear will make it stale, I'd rather wait till they have it locked down enough to release one every two weeks at least and then wait a bit for the next season... But I'm always up for more (though Infinite Gorillaz probably means no blur ever which depresses me to no end)
To Binge is solid. It's placed pretty weirdly on the record though, makes no sense at all where it's at.

Really PB's biggest issue is that it's structurally a total fucking mess. Plenty of good-to-great songs on it, but also a LOT of chaff and its all sequenced so haphazardly, it never quite gets into a groove for me. But clearly I'm in the minority on that, which is cool! I like that people enjoy things

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
oh man just listened to this. I loved everything about it. It sounds like something out of DD and a good sign for things to come.


Oct 27, 2017
Really dig this and am looking forward to the next album. Does seem to lean more Humanz than The Now Now to me if I'm only considering their more recent stuff, but I love Humanz.
actually PB is bad and Humanz is good ty for your time
The real take is that both albums are really great.
Except for Sweepstakes. I don't really care for Sweepstakes.


Oct 28, 2017
welcome, nowhere
I've never been enchanted by Gorillaz. They always seemed to be just fine.

Here they're again just fine. It's not punk enough to just be raw and in your face like the bands they're emulating. (It's more like The Clash, not that that is even hardcore.) And it's not really captivating.

It's good for a random Spotify playlist kind of thing. It fits in well enough, and then onto the next track.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Plastic Beach is probably my favorite album from them by far. Although I like another album just as much lol. I just wish that Phase 3 had actually been finished.

On this song, first time I was pleasantly surprised but on the second listen on I absolutely love it. Reminds me of THPS for some reason. Like I'm playing the old school Tony Hawk games lol.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
Not impressed but I also don't hate it.
I'm excited to see where they will take it from here. though.


Dec 15, 2018
Plastic Beach is definitely lacking in the structure department, and I say that with that album as my favorite Gorillaz album followed by the self titled. I also need "Pirate's Progress" and "Three hearts, Seven Seas, Twelve Moons" added to the end of PB or it just isn't the same. Honestly I know everyone loves Demon Days, and it has some absolutely stellar songs, but I think it's a bit overrated.
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Oct 25, 2017
Sweepstakes is great.

Listened to Humanz today for the first time in a while and yeah not a huge fan hey. There's a couple of legitimate good songs but the rest are just real hard for me to like.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of that song at all on the first listen. I'll have to play it some more this weekend and see if it grows on me.

Deleted member 2779

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Big tune, but I wish it went really balls to the wall at the end. Didn't even notice the screaming until my third listen.

Random thought: Alex Cameron would be super comfy on a Gorillaz track.


Dec 15, 2018
Since I'm on a Gorillaz binge rn, I think Humanz might be the best structured album they have. Looking at the lyrics of each song and the interludes as well there's a definite through-line throughout the whole album. Obviously Demon Days has the better ending tracks, and Plastic Beach has a really strong start, but Humanz feels very consistent the whole way through.

Thematically Humanz certainly capitalizes the best. It's no coincidence the album titled "Humanz" has the most features on it. There's something interesting in how 2D interacts with the human features on the track that I feel like is lost in a lot of the discourse around this album. For example in "Ascension" Vince Staples and 2D are seemingly at ends with each other due to 2D's final lines. It's also no coincidence "She's My Collar", 2D's biggest track on the recored, is right before "Hallelujah Money", a completely featured artist track. My biggest gripe with Humanz is that the ending tracks don't really flow well. The transition between "Hallelujah Money" and "We Got The Power" is pretty abrupt. It's weird because the lyrical content of the bonus tracks would fit pretty well between these two ending songs and I wonder if they were originally meant to go there.


Oct 25, 2017
It feels more like a song featuring 2D and less like a Gorillaz song

I really don't like it


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who greatly prefers The Now Now to Humanz I am enjoying that this song is also less...portentous? I enjoy Gorillaz more when there's a bit less thematic heft. My favorite album of theirs remains Plastic Beach, which also seems less hung up on what a Gorillaz album needs to be.


Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't too sure how I felt about it first time I listened to it, but now I fucking love it