When will the first 'next gen' console be revealed?

  • First half of 2019

    Votes: 593 15.6%
  • Second half of 2019(let's say post E3)

    Votes: 1,361 35.9%
  • First half of 2020

    Votes: 1,675 44.2%
  • 2021 :^)

    Votes: 161 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Oct 27, 2017
Regarding "contingency plans" or multiple development paths: No. At least not in the way I assume you mean (which is to actively parallel-path different options). That's simply not economically feasible because in essence you're developing multiple different consoles and incurring all the costs and risks associated with both. The chip itself is only one part of the program, and the entire system is usually built around the chip. So doing more than one is really not possible. You do have multiple options for achieving your goals which is discussed with the vendors (e.g. AMD), but assuming I'm interpreting the question correctly - you chart one course and go. As I've said, adjustments can be made during development but I would not consider that "contingency plans" in the way I think you mean it. There is a lot of risk involved. It's scary - but remember AMD is a partner long-term for both Sony and Microsoft, so by the time work is being done, and contracts are in place, there is a high degree of confidence from all involved that the plan can happen.

On Cerny's comment on the final form. Obviously I can't speak to Sony's timing and I don't know how much he is involved in system design vs. just chip design. The simplest answer (based on what I know) is that the entire system design is done in Japan so it's simply possible that he was not involved in the console ID. He's not a Sony employee AFAIK, he's a consultant I thought, so that could be more of an organizational decision then a timing one. I do know that "seeing the final" and "seeing work in progress" are also not the same thing. So it's very likely he had some idea of the overall form, but simply wasn't privy to the final ID until after the system integration was done. Again, I don't know but I don't think it is counter to any of the timelines I've talked about.

Finally - I'm not intending to suggest that Brad is lying, or being fed bad information (on purpose). I think people who are leaking may be credible sources and just don't know the whole plan. He is likely likely getting small snippets of information then extrapolating that into a spec, or the people giving him the information only have part of the story and are doing the same thing. The only thing I was reacting to was the impression that these console specs are fluid, they haven't been decided, and so everything is still up-in-the-air. That's likely not the case. Someone knows exactly what the plan is.

I have yet to see anything that is accurate to what I was aware of before I left. The infinite monkey theorem suggests that maybe someone, somewhere has figured it out exactly. But so far nothing I have seen is 100% right. Of course, things could have changed as it's been 9 months since I left so it's possible the plan has changed slightly. And if someone did have it right, I would never say.

Your posts are definitely welcome and bring some sanity to things around here too I think :)


Oct 28, 2017
Regarding "contingency plans" or multiple development paths: No. At least not in the way I assume you mean (which is to actively parallel-path different options). That's simply not economically feasible because in essence you're developing multiple different consoles and incurring all the costs and risks associated with both. The chip itself is only one part of the program, and the entire system is usually built around the chip. So doing more than one is really not possible. You do have multiple options for achieving your goals which is discussed with the vendors (e.g. AMD), but assuming I'm interpreting the question correctly - you chart one course and go. As I've said, adjustments can be made during development but I would not consider that "contingency plans" in the way I think you mean it. There is a lot of risk involved. It's scary - but remember AMD is a partner long-term for both Sony and Microsoft, so by the time work is being done, and contracts are in place, there is a high degree of confidence from all involved that the plan can happen.

On Cerny's comment on the final form. Obviously I can't speak to Sony's timing and I don't know how much he is involved in system design vs. just chip design. The simplest answer (based on what I know) is that the entire system design is done in Japan so it's simply possible that he was not involved in the console ID. He's not a Sony employee AFAIK, he's a consultant I thought, so that could be more of an organizational decision then a timing one. I do know that "seeing the final" and "seeing work in progress" are also not the same thing. So it's very likely he had some idea of the overall form, but simply wasn't privy to the final ID until after the system integration was done. Again, I don't know but I don't think it is counter to any of the timelines I've talked about.

Finally - I'm not intending to suggest that Brad is lying, or being fed bad information (on purpose). I think people who are leaking may be credible sources and just don't know the whole plan. He is likely likely getting small snippets of information then extrapolating that into a spec, or the people giving him the information only have part of the story and are doing the same thing. The only thing I was reacting to was the impression that these console specs are fluid, they haven't been decided, and so everything is still up-in-the-air. That's likely not the case. Someone knows exactly what the plan is.

I have yet to see anything that is accurate to what I was aware of before I left. The infinite monkey theorem suggests that maybe someone, somewhere has figured it out exactly. But so far nothing I have seen is 100% right. Of course, things could have changed as it's been 9 months since I left so it's possible the plan has changed slightly. And if someone did have it right, I would never say.

Fascinating,thanks for all this info Mr Penello!

I am curious if you can comment on MS strategy to announce new console year and a half in advance,like you guys did with Scorpio back in 2016?(and it seems it will happen again at this E3 in June)


Oct 25, 2017
I think you are being disingenious here. Stop trying to get outraged over something so commonly used on forums. When Dark Souls 2 came out and it ended up being a disappointment, and people found out Myzaki wasnt involved, people openly blamed it on the "B" Team. When Andromeda came out and people realized it was an entirely different studio that made it, and that the A team was working on Anthem, people blamed the B team.

If the games ended up being great and not massive disappointments then you wouldnt hear people call them B teams. GG Cambridge made Mercenary and everyone here was begging Sony to let them work on Killzone full time. They used to be the B team and people loved them. Treyarch was once the B team and they are now by far the most popular CoD devs.

You need to stop getting so worked up over this. Calling posters abhorrent for using terms being used going back all the way to DMC2 is ridiculous. Leads in video games matter. If most, if not all the major leads are working on Horizon or Santa Monica's new IP or The Last Of Us or Bloodborne then other games suffer. U3, GoW Ascension, Dark Souls 2, Killzone Shadowfall all didnt live up to expectations because they didnt have the best talent working on them. Thats the cold hard fact. No one is calling devs lazy. They did the best they could.

But if we are literally getting to the point where we cant say a game as flawed as Killzone Shadowfall wasnt made by their best devs then we reached a new level of insanity.

But KZSF was made by there best people .
It problems came more from having being launch game than anything else.
GG made that game fast while not on final hardware in 2 years 9 months .
For eg Eric Boltjes was lead designer on past KZ games and HZD plus they hired talent for HZD .

On Cerny's comment on the final form. Obviously I can't speak to Sony's timing and I don't know how much he is involved in system design vs. just chip design. The simplest answer (based on what I know) is that the entire system design is done in Japan so it's simply possible that he was not involved in the console ID. He's not a Sony employee AFAIK, he's a consultant I thought, so that could be more of an organizational decision then a timing one. I do know that "seeing the final" and "seeing work in progress" are also not the same thing. So it's very likely he had some idea of the overall form, but simply wasn't privy to the final ID until after the system integration was done. Again, I don't know but I don't think it is counter to any of the timelines I've talked about.

Well on PS4 he was console's lead architect the same for Pro and most likely PS5.
If i remember right he had hands in a lot of things for PS4 when it was being made from since the beginning .
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
"Simmah down nah" means calm down, thanks for the link and the info. I'm still utterly confused about how I "misrepresented" you, or your responses in general tbh. All I did was respond to you with the Sams video about the "leak" were he talks about it as you were unsure about what he said, but I was clearly mistaken as I did not remember the response in that other video. I also see nothing wrong with me saying "There is no reason to doubt Sams (or "making things up"), given his track record and Thurrott as a whole", I don't think he has made anything up given his track record and thurrott as whole. I also don't think there is any reason to doubt Sams, he (or Thurrott) wouldn't have their track record if they were being fed false info. They wouldn't be doing their job properly if that was the case, I pointed out in my second response that he had checked with three sources clearly to avoid such a thing from being reported. So I don't think anything was made up, I also don't think he is being fed false info as he is doing his job as a journalist well which is a given due to his track record. I'm really finding it hard to understand what your taking issue with.

It's pretty clear, man. I think you chose not too. But I'm willing to blame it on the fact that I'm not an english native speaker , and adding to that the fact that is hard ro express nuance on the internet something clearly was lost in translation

Regarding the point I was trying to make, Isee where you stand now, you think he is 100% right.

I was just wondering in my intial posts, that if he is not correct in some of his assertions, why that might be.

And I did question myself that because Albert Penello addressed that in the very first point of his post; that the hard stance Sam had regarding specs not being finalized went against his past experience (I think he said counter or something to that effect).

In any case let's not derail the thread further and pay attention to the new Albert post that just popped up, which I'm sure is much more interesting

Edit: Thanks to Albert Penello for clarifying in his post what he meant regarding Brad Sams.
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Oct 28, 2017
Do you guys think Sony/MS will stick with Blu-Ray for next gen or move to 4K Blu-Ray for gaming?* I'm not sure what the average size game will be but I would have to assume if Gears of War4K is 110GB installed next Gen is going to be 200GB Plus.

*far as I know, MS has not shipped any 4K Blu-ray games.
Oct 25, 2017
Games like Gears 4 and RDR2 are edge cases though, yeah? I'm sure there will continue to be such games next gen and that they storage penalty will be even worse, but I'm not expecting 100GB to become the norm.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty clear, man. I think you chose not too. But I'm willing to blame it on the fact that I'm not an english native speaker , and adding to that the fact that is hard ro express nuance on the internet something clearly was lost in translation

Regarding the point I was trying to make, Isee where you stand now, you think he is 100% right.

I was just wondering in my intial posts, that if he is not correct in some of his assertions, why that might be.

And I did question myself that because Albert Penello addressed that in the very first point of his post; that the hard stance Sam had regarding specs not being finalized went against his past experience (I think he said counter or something to that effect).

In any case let's not derail the thread further and pay attention to the new Albert post that just popped up, which I'm sure is much more interesting

Edit: Thanks to Albert Penello for clarifying in his post what he meant regarding Brad Sams.
No I don't think he is guaranteed to be 100% right, I don't think he is making anything up or is being fed false info out of those two options. That doesn't mean his verified sources can't be mistaken or have lost something in translation or the info is outdated, thats to be expected with a lot of leaks/rumours as you don't have the whole picture. If my post came across to you as misrepresenting your point I apologise, that definitely was not my intent at all. Thanks for correcting me on the SSD situation.
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Regarding "contingency plans" or multiple development paths: No. At least not in the way I assume you mean (which is to actively parallel-path different options). That's simply not economically feasible because in essence you're developing multiple different consoles and incurring all the costs and risks associated with both. The chip itself is only one part of the program, and the entire system is usually built around the chip. So doing more than one is really not possible. You do have multiple options for achieving your goals which is discussed with the vendors (e.g. AMD), but assuming I'm interpreting the question correctly - you chart one course and go. As I've said, adjustments can be made during development but I would not consider that "contingency plans" in the way I think you mean it. There is a lot of risk involved. It's scary - but remember AMD is a partner long-term for both Sony and Microsoft, so by the time work is being done, and contracts are in place, there is a high degree of confidence from all involved that the plan can happen.

On Cerny's comment on the final form. Obviously I can't speak to Sony's timing and I don't know how much he is involved in system design vs. just chip design. The simplest answer (based on what I know) is that the entire system design is done in Japan so it's simply possible that he was not involved in the console ID. He's not a Sony employee AFAIK, he's a consultant I thought, so that could be more of an organizational decision then a timing one. I do know that "seeing the final" and "seeing work in progress" are also not the same thing. So it's very likely he had some idea of the overall form, but simply wasn't privy to the final ID until after the system integration was done. Again, I don't know but I don't think it is counter to any of the timelines I've talked about.

Finally - I'm not intending to suggest that Brad is lying, or being fed bad information (on purpose). I think people who are leaking may be credible sources and just don't know the whole plan. He is likely likely getting small snippets of information then extrapolating that into a spec, or the people giving him the information only have part of the story and are doing the same thing. The only thing I was reacting to was the impression that these console specs are fluid, they haven't been decided, and so everything is still up-in-the-air. That's likely not the case. Someone knows exactly what the plan is.

I have yet to see anything that is accurate to what I was aware of before I left. The infinite monkey theorem suggests that maybe someone, somewhere has figured it out exactly. But so far nothing I have seen is 100% right. Of course, things could have changed as it's been 9 months since I left so it's possible the plan has changed slightly. And if someone did have it right, I would never say.

Thanks you so much for responding to my questions, and deepening everyone's insight!


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
Games like Gears 4 and RDR2 are edge cases though, yeah? I'm sure there will continue to be such games next gen and that they storage penalty will be even worse, but I'm not expecting 100GB to become the norm.

I just hope we get options.
> optional multiplayer (like Uncharted)
> install "default HD" files first so you can start playing, install other "4k" high res files in the background
> only install language packs you need


Dec 14, 2018
St Kitts
Didn't he say Dev Kits weren't supposed to be out until after GDC?

I don't think he was referring to devkits when he talks SSD, but the final SKUs

Edit: In any case you all missing the point of my post, the point was that the specs + price is the first thing that are decided, as per Albert Penello, so it doesn't make sense to plan for an SSD and then expect that it drops as much as it did.

So for the PS5 at $399 wouldn't make sense, and for the Lockhart either.

On the other hand if they planned it for Anaconda, which would make sense, now they can make it cheaper than they thought, which in turn liberates some money.

Although it's probably hard to invest that money on the sku now, this late in the game, I'm sure they can tweak some things etc
I don't think the use of an SSD is that complicated.

All they really have to do is make sure they are using a SATA 3 interface for their storage solution and an IO bus that fully supports it this time around. Then allocate a budget fr storage of like say $50.

If a OEM pricing they can get a 1TB SSD in there for $50 for lunch then they go with an SSD. If they can't they go with a 1TB HDD and embedded nand flash storage.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you guys think Sony/MS will stick with Blu-Ray for next gen or move to 4K Blu-Ray for gaming?* I'm not sure what the average size game will be but I would have to assume if Gears of War4K is 110GB installed next Gen is going to be 200GB Plus.

*far as I know, MS has not shipped any 4K Blu-ray games.

Figure that would come down to cost .
Wonder how much more expensive UHD drive is and how much more UHD disc cost compare to blu ray .
Companies already have you downloading big updates anyway .
A few years ago i would have said UHD drive in next gen systems now i not to certain since we moving to DD faster than ever.
Oct 25, 2017
Fingers crossed!

I just hope we get options.
> optional multiplayer (like Uncharted)
> install "default HD" files first so you can start playing, install other "4k" high res files in the background
> only install language packs you need

Options would be key, and that goes for PC as well. I had no interest in the Gears 4 campaign after one run, or in DOOM's MP after the beta, yet had both of them taking up space on an SSD.
Oct 28, 2017
Games like Gears 4 and RDR2 are edge cases though, yeah? I'm sure there will continue to be such games next gen and that they storage penalty will be even worse, but I'm not expecting 100GB to become the norm.

100 GB seems within reason if they ship on 4K -Blu-Ray and I don't know why Sony wouldn't include one this gen.

Figure that would come down to cost .
Wonder how much more expensive UHD drive is and how much more UHD disc cost compare to blu ray .
Companies already have you downloading big updates anyway .
A few years ago i would have said UHD drive in next gen systems now i not to certain since we moving to DD faster than ever.

If the Xbox One S and X have a UHD drive I can't see any reason the NextBox wouldn't include them. Digital Only is not a feasible expectation for next gen. In 5 years sure but 2019/2020 is too soon.


Dec 14, 2018
St Kitts
Regarding "contingency plans" or multiple development paths: No. At least not in the way I assume you mean (which is to actively parallel-path different options). That's simply not economically feasible because in essence you're developing multiple different consoles and incurring all the costs and risks associated with both. The chip itself is only one part of the program, and the entire system is usually built around the chip. So doing more than one is really not possible. You do have multiple options for achieving your goals which is discussed with the vendors (e.g. AMD), but assuming I'm interpreting the question correctly - you chart one course and go. As I've said, adjustments can be made during development but I would not consider that "contingency plans" in the way I think you mean it. There is a lot of risk involved. It's scary - but remember AMD is a partner long-term for both Sony and Microsoft, so by the time work is being done, and contracts are in place, there is a high degree of confidence from all involved that the plan can happen.

On Cerny's comment on the final form. Obviously I can't speak to Sony's timing and I don't know how much he is involved in system design vs. just chip design. The simplest answer (based on what I know) is that the entire system design is done in Japan so it's simply possible that he was not involved in the console ID. He's not a Sony employee AFAIK, he's a consultant I thought, so that could be more of an organizational decision then a timing one. I do know that "seeing the final" and "seeing work in progress" are also not the same thing. So it's very likely he had some idea of the overall form, but simply wasn't privy to the final ID until after the system integration was done. Again, I don't know but I don't think it is counter to any of the timelines I've talked about.

Finally - I'm not intending to suggest that Brad is lying, or being fed bad information (on purpose). I think people who are leaking may be credible sources and just don't know the whole plan. He is likely likely getting small snippets of information then extrapolating that into a spec, or the people giving him the information only have part of the story and are doing the same thing. The only thing I was reacting to was the impression that these console specs are fluid, they haven't been decided, and so everything is still up-in-the-air. That's likely not the case. Someone knows exactly what the plan is.

I have yet to see anything that is accurate to what I was aware of before I left. The infinite monkey theorem suggests that maybe someone, somewhere has figured it out exactly. But so far nothing I have seen is 100% right. Of course, things could have changed as it's been 9 months since I left so it's possible the plan has changed slightly. And if someone did have it right, I would never say.
Well that settles it....... we can just throw out all our speculations and start again.

Thank you sir!


Oct 25, 2017
If the Xbox One S and X have a UHD drive I can't see any reason the NextBox wouldn't include them. Digital Only is not a feasible expectation for next gen. In 5 years sure but 2019/2020 is too soon.

I am not saying digital only just saying they could go with blu ray again and make you download the rest or split the game in parts MP and SP.
The big companies already around 40% DD if i remember and that only going to grow in the upcoming years .


Dec 14, 2018
St Kitts
Do you guys think Sony/MS will stick with Blu-Ray for next gen or move to 4K Blu-Ray for gaming?* I'm not sure what the average size game will be but I would have to assume if Gears of War4K is 110GB installed next Gen is going to be 200GB Plus.

*far as I know, MS has not shipped any 4K Blu-ray games.
Pls don't call it that then next thin everyone else starts calling it that too.

Its not 4k blu-ray. Its BDXL discs and a BDXL drive. Right now BDXL discs have a max capacity of 100GB but can be as high as 128GB.

And I think games that are that big are only that big due to duplicate files. Probably stores textures for 1080p and 4k in the same game file or something.

I am not saying digital only just saying they could go with blu ray again and make you download the rest or split the game in parts MP and SP.
The big companies already around 40% DD if i remember and that only going to grow in the upcoming years .
No. That is pretty much impossible. You can't have every physical game require a mandatory download to et the complete game. Splitting the game though is possible but not worth the headache of having every dev have to do that. And what happens when you have single player games that take up around 100GB?


Oct 29, 2017
I do wonder, when Cerny does his tour of the different developers to get their input on what they want on the next console what sort of timeframe is that done in? Does it happen in the early days when initial plans are still being formulated or later on once there's a decent roadmap in place but smaller changes can still be done? Or is it both?


Oct 25, 2017
No. That is pretty much impossible. You can't have every physical game require a mandatory download to et the complete game. Splitting the game though is possible but not worth the headache of having every dev have to do that. And what happens when you have single player games that take up around 100GB?

You just put it on 2 disc .
The question becomes if two blu rays disc is cheaper than one BDXL disc .
Plus all that time DD will be growing making it less of a issue .


Jan 25, 2019
United Kingdom
I do wonder, when Cerny does his tour of the different developers to get their input on what they want on the next console what sort of timeframe is that done in? Does it happen in the early days when initial plans are still being formulated or later on once there's a decent roadmap in place but smaller changes can still be done? Or is it both?

If i was a betting man then probably the same time-frame he and Kojima went around the world to different 1st party studios finding a game engine for death stranding.

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Feb 19, 2018
I do wonder, when Cerny does his tour of the different developers to get their input on what they want on the next console what sort of timeframe is that done in? Does it happen in the early days when initial plans are still being formulated or later on once there's a decent roadmap in place but smaller changes can still be done? Or is it both?


That article says that Cerny has been on the road talking to devs already, and the article is from April 2018. So now I'm too lazy, but I'm sure someone could look up comments from maybe 2016 on about what devs want in a system and work from there lol


Jan 25, 2019
United Kingdom
So according to 343's studio head Bonnie Ross during an interview with IGN, Microsoft will be talking about Halo: Infinite's game engine at E3 2019, now given that multiple publications have speculated that the Halo: Infinite E3 2018 trailer could be our first glimpse into a next gen Xbox game and that they will be discussing the games technical aspects, kind of coincides with the recent next gen rumour of Microsoft revealing their next generation family of Xbox's, the Lockhart and Anaconda during E3 2019.

Kind of an unofficial confirmation of next gen machines at this years E3 or i'm just picking on straws here.
Feb 10, 2018
So according to 343's studio head Bonnie Ross during an interview with IGN, Microsoft will be talking about Halo: Infinite's game engine at E3 2019, now given that multiple publications have speculated that the Halo: Infinite E3 2018 trailer could be our first glimpse into a next gen Xbox game and that they will be discussing the games technical aspects, kind of coincides with the recent next gen rumour of Microsoft revealing their next generation family of Xbox's, the Lockhart and Anaconda during E3 2019.

Kind of an unofficial confirmation of next gen machines at this years E3 or i'm just picking on straws here.

def looks like something made for this gen.

To be honest though current gen engines are capable of making next gen looking games, there is a lot more room for improvement with this gens engines.
Oct 25, 2017
Infinite strikes me as an early next-gen title. Volumetric lighting and draw distance are a good step above what you could expect to see on current hardware, if what we're seeing is meant to be representative of gameplay.
Oct 25, 2017
On the X sure but looks a little too high detailed to be running on the OG Xbone without some major downgrades.

But that's how games are marketed nowadays. No one is putting out trailers using their base consoles anymore. And there's still conjecture about whether some of Sony's announced PS4 games are infact stealth PS5 launch games - despite confirmation they're running on Pro hardware.


Jan 25, 2019
United Kingdom
Yeah of course, Sony and ms use there mid gens to show stuff.

Speaking of mid gens, spec wise i'm seriously hoping that the next gen consoles will be packed with enough power to last us for another 5 to 6 years before the 9th gen starts showing it's age and some mid gen refreshes are warranted.

But that's how games are marketed nowadays. No one is putting out trailers using their base consoles anymore. And there's still conjecture about whether some of Sony's announced PS4 games are infact stealth PS5 launch games - despite confirmation they're running on Pro hardware.

I'd be shocked if both the Last of us Part 2 and Death Stranding aren't on the PS5, not just as a remake but as a cross gen title.

Son Goku

Oct 31, 2017
Speaking of mid gens, spec wise i'm seriously hoping that the next gen consoles will be packed with enough power to last us for another 5 to 6 years before the 9th gen starts showing it's age and some mid gen refreshes are warranted.

I'd be shocked if both the Last of us Part 2 and Death Stranding aren't on the PS5, not just as a remake but as a cross gen title.
I wouldn't mind that but I do want a big exclusive PS5 only title around launch. Should be a new IP those do well on new gens


Oct 27, 2017
Manchester, UK
I wonder if we might see low capacity SSDs in the cheaper NG consoles. If 1-2Tb drives are prohibitively expensive, it might be wiser to include a 500Gb SSD drive, supporting user-upgrading. That would give all the benefits of SSD for all users, at a perhaps more reasonable price, with the downside of limited capacity, although using an external HDD for general storage might mitigate that for power users (who may well have an external for current gen games anyway).

As prices drop over time for SSD drives the capacity would go up, but devs could guarantee the SSD benefits would be there for every system.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think the use of an SSD is that complicated.

All they really have to do is make sure they are using a SATA 3 interface for their storage solution and an IO bus that fully supports it this time around. Then allocate a budget fr storage of like say $50.

If a OEM pricing they can get a 1TB SSD in there for $50 for lunch then they go with an SSD. If they can't they go with a 1TB HDD and embedded nand flash storage.

How about a 2TB HDD?

No I don't think he is guaranteed to be 100% right, I don't think he is making anything up or is being fed false info out of those two options. That doesn't mean his verified sources can't be mistaken or have lost something in translation or the info is outdated, thats to be expected with a lot of leaks/rumours as you don't have the whole picture. If my post came across to you as misrepresenting your point I apologise, that definitely was not my intent at all. Thanks for correcting me on the SSD situation.

Don't worry man as I said I'm sure the fault lies in my lack of ability to capture the nuance of the internet in another language :)

I wonder if we might see low capacity SSDs in the cheaper NG consoles. If 1-2Tb drives are prohibitively expensive, it might be wiser to include a 500Gb SSD drive, supporting user-upgrading. That would give all the benefits of SSD for all users, at a perhaps more reasonable price, with the downside of limited capacity, although using an external HDD for general storage might mitigate that for power users (who may well have an external for current gen games anyway).

As prices drop over time for SSD drives the capacity would go up, but devs could guarantee the SSD benefits would be there for every system.

But that seems strange in the sense that the cheaper console target audiences are not the ones that would feel confortable changing a hard drive on their console. I really don't see Lockhart with an SSD, but the rumours are there so maybe theres something to it


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
I do wonder, when Cerny does his tour of the different developers to get their input on what they want on the next console what sort of timeframe is that done in? Does it happen in the early days when initial plans are still being formulated or later on once there's a decent roadmap in place but smaller changes can still be done? Or is it both?

Buddy of mine used to work at Havok, they got a questionairy pretty soon (lets say, 6 months after they got their first PS4 devkits). So it wouldnt surprise me if Sony has polled certain developers periodically regarding their wishes.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll be surprised if MS allows user supplied hard disks (aside from external). They've done 4 consoles now (all of them, counting X but not S), actually hostile to doing so, not merely unsupported. The opposite Sony, who for as long as they've had hard disks (PS2 onwards) have allowed it to be user provided any compatible model, and easily accessible.

edit: with recent news, do we now assume the Bink video and Unreal Engine codename were both Project Yeti?


Aug 12, 2018
So according to 343's studio head Bonnie Ross during an interview with IGN, Microsoft will be talking about Halo: Infinite's game engine at E3 2019, now given that multiple publications have speculated that the Halo: Infinite E3 2018 trailer could be our first glimpse into a next gen Xbox game and that they will be discussing the games technical aspects, kind of coincides with the recent next gen rumour of Microsoft revealing their next generation family of Xbox's, the Lockhart and Anaconda during E3 2019.

Kind of an unofficial confirmation of next gen machines at this years E3 or i'm just picking on straws here.
You really do think this is the kind of graphics we're gonna see on next-gen xbox?!


it doesn't even look near as good as RDR2, Horizon ZD and Days Gone!


Jul 28, 2018
Oslo, Norway
Um... the PS4 Pro has USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports

Which is exactly the same as USB 3.0.

sorry, only remember the speed and assumed it is the same.
3.0 5Gb/s
3.1 Gen 1 5 Gb/s

Yes, they're the same. The terms USB 3.0 and USB 3.1 Gen 1 are synonymous as the USB-IF decided to absorb the USB 3.0 spec into USB 3.1. It's confusing and USB 3.2 will try to amend the confusing naming somewhat.

Deleted member 12635

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Which is exactly the same as USB 3.0.

Yes, they're the same. The terms USB 3.0 and USB 3.1 Gen 1 are synonymous as the USB-IF decided to absorb the USB 3.0 spec into USB 3.1. It's confusing and USB 3.2 will try to amend the confusing naming somewhat.
USB 3.0 = USB 3.1 Gen 1 = USB 3.2 Gen 1 (5 gbps)
USB 3.1 Gen 2 = USB 3.2 Gen 2 (10 gbps)
USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 (20 gbps)


Oct 28, 2017
You really do think this is the kind of graphics we're gonna see on next-gen xbox?!


it doesn't even look near as good as RDR2, Horizon ZD and Days Gone!
I personally disagree. We don't know the full technical details of that trailer, and it's hard to compare a trailer to a full released game, but I think what is shown in the trailer looks better than any existing game on console.
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