When will the first 'next gen' console be revealed?

  • First half of 2019

    Votes: 593 15.6%
  • Second half of 2019(let's say post E3)

    Votes: 1,361 35.9%
  • First half of 2020

    Votes: 1,675 44.2%
  • 2021 :^)

    Votes: 161 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Oct 25, 2017
Anticipating hype for a console like that doesn't make any sense just look at Project Scorpio, so much hype surrounding the console but it only sells well once it's on sale for 350 - 399.

Hyping hardware one year before is a mistake, simply because hype dies half way waiting for it.

I'd rather have something like the Pro which was announced and quickly released
We already saw that happen with this gen though. PS4 was announced in February and it released in November. That is nearly 1 year. It partially worked because they had event after event to keep the hype rising instead of peaking and then declining.

It is the same idea behind announcing a new IP like Horizon early. Yeah, you could announce it closer to release but then you also don't get numerous chances to increase awareness of a completely new game.


Oct 26, 2017
The end of the Bluepoint Games presentation talks about the benefits of texture streaming. I am no tech savvy but it all sounds like something that an SSD would be transformative for. Being able to load assets into memory with SSD speeds... next gen consoles NEED SSDs especially considering that the need to move 4k assets around.

Go and look Spiderman tech talk, they had to optimize the game so much not only because of the "small" 50GB BD disc, but also because of the slow HDD.

Also, great presentation by Bluepoint. After this engine upgrade they made, I think their next game will also be upgrade of a PS3 game.
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Oct 25, 2017
So Sony doing their own event basically? In the Fall of 2019? Hm.

Ok let's put it this way in simple math/marketing terms -

#1 - January 30th of 2013 is when the PS4 Event Reveal date was announced.

#2 - February 20th, 2013 is when PS4 was Announced.

#3 - PS4 Launched on November 16th of 2013.

So we have same year announcement, same year release.

Now we live in a bit of time now and things do change within the industry on when/how are things officially talked about and what not. However, one thing I've learned is that there is always a general rule of thumb which is a time frame that's usually always in same spectrum.

The difference between February 20th and November 16th is basically 9 months.

If PlayStation 5 is going to be released in March 2020 (As Sony currently was/is planning (unless something internally changed in their strategy or something is lagging behind)

then let's do this - March is the 3rd month of 2020, take away 3 months you're in 2019. Take away another 6 months you're in June. What's in June ? E3. But wait, Sony is NOT doing or attending E3 at any form whatsoever.

Now hypothetically speaking what if I told you that Sony is doing this as bait? Microsoft will obviously have a conference at E3 in and most likely revealing their consoles at this point, they've been quiet vocal about their plans recently and their future stuff for the most part with all these studio purchases, project xCloud and so on.

What if Sony decided to do their own event on same day Microsoft is doing theirs but at a completely different venue and nowhere near E3 but rather once again in New York or whatever they place they want DURING the happenings of E3.

The reality is that sooner or later they will have to make some noise, they can't let Microsoft have the entire show floor to themselves for a whole week of E3. Something needs to happen either during it, or VERY SOON after. This is my 2 cents - take what you will from it.

EDIT - Overall though, if it's not during the Summer, then I would say Fall/Winter (which is still 2nd half of 2019 - it includes June to December) is a very good bet as well and honestly with PlayStation 25th anniversary coming up in December of 2019 which is around same time as PSX then this is pretty much guarantied where they break silence.
I personally don't think it will change much if MS has the spotlight all to themselves. I see the moves MS makes as potentially helping their position but not hurting Sony much at all. When the PS5 is announced, it will bring a massive wave of attention and hype regardless of MS. That is thanks to Sony's position in the market and mindshare. Sony is the only one that can ruin that.

As for a "gotcha!" type move, it wouldn't be the first time Sony pulls some trickery just to get over on expectations of consumers and competition. I don't think it will happen but the possibility is certainly there. I'd be pretty shook lol.

Jeez. Sign of confidence? That would be a ridiculously aggressive move. I have no doubt it would be cheered by gamers everywhere, but what a shitty (and as you said needlessly dramatic) thing to do that would be. Anime betrayal indeed. I can't imagine that would go over well with the other platform holders, though. It would be arrogant Sony throwing its weight around just because it can (or if you have faith in what Microsoft and/or Nintendo and/or Google are doing, desperate Sony trying to salvage some attention). I can't imagine that accomplishing much except getting the other players to team up to take down the bully on the playground.

But yes, I too would laugh if Sony trolled the entire industry for the giggles. (What if State of Play was just to deepen the ruse..)
I mean, you're making it seem as if all of the big 3 need to be considerate or something. They're in competition with one another. They do things to one up each other all the time.


Dec 14, 2018
St Kitts
I actually think that launching before the holidays is smart. The first few months will see great sales anyways so why not enjoy two sale bumps in the first six moths? I'm thinking July or August - Sell everything you've been able to manufacture for a quarter and just when sales go flat, you have the holiday season to bump you up again. I've never really understood why they always launch on November. They are never able to supply demand during launch anyway and when they do, they have to wait a full year for Christmas.
This has pretty much been my stance.

I don't particularly care for a March/April launch... cae more that it should be a good time before the holiday fall season. To me launching in november is just flat out stupid.... they are literally stalling their market potential. They know they sell out of whatever they are able to manufacture for launch and yet they launch at a time when demand is at its highest due to the festive season.

Son Goku

Oct 31, 2017
Let me repeat, what you describe would just be a haven for Scalpers who would basically buy up all the stock for the entire 6 months. The "people who preorder straight away" are a small number compared to the army of scalpers would would drown out the supply. Sony doesn't want Scalpers, Scalpers don't buy games or PS+ memberships. Maximise the quantity released all at once is one of the few ways to ensure most real players could get a console. Slow trickle of machines is a recipe for permanent shortage with not even big sales numbers to show for it.
Just have whatever number you would have ready for a normal November launch but move it up a month or two. I'm not talking spring I'm talking Fall just earlier Fall than literally the season where new consoles will always sell the most anyway

Son Goku

Oct 31, 2017
Never forget this Kaz gem.

Shortly after this, Sony announced The Playstation Event for february... I'm expecting something unexpected from Sony. It worked for them last time and they caught MS off-guard. But MS is definitely more prepared this time around.

But if you're expecting the unexpected then wouldn't it be expected? Therefore the really unexpected thing would be for them to do the expected since you won't be expecting that 🤯


Dec 14, 2018
St Kitts
I dunno,the whole Q1 2020 launch doesn't make much sense to me,Q4 is much more realistic.That said,Sony will be in a tricky situation if their plan is now Q4 2020 launch after MS announces next gen consoles at E3 in June,plus Stadia launch later this year.
It's really puzzling that they left such a huge gap-basically after E3 2018 to some point in 2020.Something is not right.
You really need to get off this 2019 horse.....

How is sony in a tricky situation if MS announce their next gen plans/console at E3 2019 to launch sometime in 2020? Like what difference does that make in any way?

Honestly, what difference does any of what you are saying make at all? Is the PS5 going to sell less because they didn't "talk" about it when MS was talking about theirs?

Sony's position is simple..... we are STILL in the current gen and they have the best selling platform this gen from which they are still making a lot of money. You don't start talking about next gen too early so as you do not cannibalize sales or shift focus from the current gen prematurely. You also don't host shows and conferences with nothing nw to show because all your teams are working on next gen projects and risk losing any momentum you have built thus far. Its better to keep quiet and leave people guessing. MS on the other hand cannot wait for this gen to be over, it can't end soon enough. Its all as simple as that.
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Oct 27, 2017
The only thing that can ruin Sony's momentum with their next gen console is Sony.
And a big part of that would involve Sony being as conservative as possible. Basically, focusing on weaknesses that they need patching up but don't change what wasn't broken.

So for example, update PSN for the new generation, add name change, and have at the very least PS4 BC. Maybe even crossplay if they want to really be adventurous. The point being to soften any potential areas of attack that MS might be able to otherwise focus on. Much like how MS can talk about game streaming all they like, but Sony already has streaming of its own and as such can be comfortable in responding if they needed to. Sony doesn't need to be better than MS at everything, they just need to be good enough.

On the other hand, the price and release/marketing patterns of the console are not something they would have a reason to change.

Deleted member 27315

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Oct 30, 2017
The way TVs do MI creates more lag than the original 30fps video. When you watch video it doesn't matter because who cares about video lagging a few ms after the live broadcast. But in video games? The whole idea of 60fps is a game which is 16.7ms more responsive, if developers will uses the same MI that TVs use it will actually add at least 16.7ms to the lag instead of removing 16.7ms from it. The motion might be smoother but the lag will be closer to a 15fps game than 60fps game.

Honestly I finished many games using mi without any noticeable lag problem. The only issue is some minor distortions on subtitles and on the image when it moves fast.


Feb 22, 2019
And a big part of that would involve Sony being as conservative as possible. Basically, focusing on weaknesses that they need patching up but don't change what wasn't broken.

So for example, update PSN for the new generation, add name change, and have at the very least PS4 BC. Maybe even crossplay if they want to really be adventurous. The point being to soften any potential areas of attack that MS might be able to otherwise focus on. Much like how MS can talk about game streaming all they like, but Sony already has streaming of its own and as such can be comfortable in responding if they needed to. Sony doesn't need to be better than MS at everything, they just need to be good enough.

On the other hand, the price and release/marketing patterns of the console are not something they would have a reason to change.

Yup PS4 BC is important. Peoples libraries are just too big nowadays, especially digital libraries. It is the only way I see Sony being able to "lose" next generation is if they don't do any BC at all and people get outraged (rightfully so). Well same goes for Microsoft but I am certain they will have it. It is my #1 on the list of things I want for PS5.

If the PS5 has BC it will be day1 for me and if it doesn't have BC then it will be a "maybe I buy it as soon as a great AAA exclusive game comes our or later"


Nov 12, 2017
Sooooo, what happens when we have full specs. Seems like the only purpose for our existence is the specs, what comes after the light?

Design? New OS features? Specs for PSVR2?

Dare I say... video games? ;)

This is sound logic and i think it definitely could succeed. But i do think its alot safer to wait until the big annual games release, we saw what cross gen COD/Fifa/Assassins Creed can do for PS4/XB1 when they launched, i expect they would carry the new systems as well if they launched side by side with enhanced versions of those games.

I would be worried that launching in March with enhancements to last years annual games would result in a perception that there's no reason to buy a PS5 right now, and that sort of stigma can be hard to get rid of, even if its not truly accurate.

But i guess if Q1 is stacked next year with a big titles from EA/Activision/Ubisoft it shouldn't be a problem, i agree that you don't need the holidays to launch consoles because they'll sell out for months anyways. The problem is Sony probably wouldn't want to gamble on that when they know for a fact that those titles will be launching in the fall...whether they're ready or not lol

I mean, in the end it's speculation, we're trying to guess at what the populace at large would think. I'm sure if Sony wanted to try this they'll have done secret surveys, and have far more information than we do. Personally I do think this early PS5 would sell very well on brand power and lack of competition alone, but we can't be sure. I agree that a holiday release would probably be safer, but only by a bit.

For what it's worth, I was just outlining this idea to a couple of gamer friends, and not only did they very much like the sound of it, but the more casual one - mostly buys big AAAs, no interest in gaming forums, etc - said that such an early and open commitment to letting him keep playing his PS4 games would make him even more likely to jump in day one. So I am positive about it.


Oct 25, 2017
Dude said many devs have kits now and specifically called out Ubisoft. Neither of those things are true.
Nothing wrong with being skeptical, insiders can be off with certain details, so it's not the worst idea to wait until we have multiple sources confirming all the major third parties have kits.

My only point was we're probably far enough into 2019 that it's plausible that some third parties could have early kits by now.


Oct 27, 2017
I expect PS4 7nm super slim in the Autumn.It will be interesting,i think,if we get 7nm Pro slim at all.
I would say that PS4 Superslim would likely be revealed and perhaps even released on the same day PS5 is announced.

Basically, if they can officially declare full PS4 compatibility on the PS5, then the Superslim would be intentionally marketed to those who don't plan to buy the PS5 anytime soon. A March release of PS4 Superslim, possibly at $199, would be able to keep the hype going until Nov when the PS5 comes out.

Note that historically, the Superslim Playstation consoles tend to be cheap and nasty. But you get what you paid for and I don't think anyone ever complained about the lower build quality at the price offered. It's just a pity that PS3 just couldn't get cheap enough.


Oct 30, 2017
But if you're expecting the unexpected then wouldn't it be expected? Therefore the really unexpected thing would be for them to do the expected since you won't be expecting that 🤯
I still don't know what to expect nor when to expect it. Just looking at past behavior... 🙃
But I'd take an event over a leak any day. Here's hoping they have some real surprises up their sleeve.


Oct 28, 2017
I would say that PS4 Superslim would likely be revealed and perhaps even released on the same day PS5 is announced.

Basically, if they can officially declare full PS4 compatibility on the PS5, then the Superslim would be intentionally marketed to those who don't plan to buy the PS5 anytime soon. A March release of PS4 Superslim, possibly at $199, would be able to keep the hype going until Nov when the PS5 comes out.

Note that historically, the Superslim Playstation consoles tend to be cheap and nasty. But you get what you paid for and I don't think anyone ever complained about the lower build quality at the price offered. It's just a pity that PS3 just couldn't get cheap enough.

I don't think they would have to wait next year to release 7nm PS4/XB1 versions but we'll see.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think they would have to wait next year to release 7nm PS4/XB1 versions but we'll see.
I just think it is easier to market the Superslim, once the full BC on the PS5 is made official.
Sure, they can technically have the Superslim announced and released in time for 2019 Nov, but I just don't think Sony need to do that. They might have a slower Christmas sale, but I instead see it as a good opportunity to basically getting rid of any inventory of PS4 Pro and old PS4s at cost price. THEN they can announce the Superslim in March of 2020 when the old stock of PS4s are basically exhausted.


Dec 16, 2017
I expect PS4 7nm super slim in the Autumn.It will be interesting,i think,if we get 7nm Pro slim at all.

I honestly don't expect any more (major) PS4 revisions. Lack of ROI and Sony seemingly saving up all of their resources for the PS5 push.

I think it'd be too much of a distraction for them now.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't expect any more (major) PS4 revisions. Lack of ROI and Sony seemingly saving up all of their resources for the PS5 push.

I think it'd be too much of a distraction for them now.

Is jaguar even available on 7nm? Wouldn't Sony have to fund that development which would be more expensive than taking an already shrunk product? Combined with the likely sales drop after this year and they probably wouldn't bother. Sales are supposed to drop off already this year (more for Xbox but still for PS4 too) and a shrink would be end of this year so would service maybe this holiday plus next year - not sure the price cut would make it doable


Dec 16, 2017
I respectfully disagree :) I'm sure there will be some cheap super slim $199 PS4 together with $399/499 PS5.

I think they could do a $199 PS4 with the system now and still work out cheaper than a complete redesign. Though that is just a wild guess by me....

I'm sure if Sony can still cost reduce what they already have they will continue to do so.

Is jaguar even available on 7nm? Wouldn't Sony have to fund that development which would be more expensive than taking an already shrunk product? Combined with the likely sales drop after this year and they probably wouldn't bother. Sales are supposed to drop off already this year (more for Xbox but still for PS4 too) and a shrink would be end of this year so would service maybe this holiday plus next year - not sure the price cut would make it doable

No, Jaguar isn't on 7nm AFAIK. I also believe going to 7nm isn't a straightforward (or cheaper?) optical shrink but a ground up redesign?

Also didn't we get both PS4 slim and PS3 slim leaks many months before release? Yet not a peep about a PS4 superslim? They'd be being made at (and leaked from!) Foxconn right about now.


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't expect any more (major) PS4 revisions. Lack of ROI and Sony seemingly saving up all of their resources for the PS5 push.

I think it'd be too much of a distraction for them now.
I respectfully disagree :) I'm sure there will be some cheap super slim $199 PS4 together with $399/499 PS5.
As I mentioned earlier, $199 would likely be achieved by having huge amounts of corner cutting.
Normally i would have expected $249. But the $199 spider-man bundle last year caught me by surprise and convinced me that this is the new Superslim price Sony would be aiming for.
Obviously Sony wouldn't be able to get to $199 from just die-shrinks; I am not even sure there would be a dieshrink at all. I expect so much corner cutting that it would have the build quality of a Chinese bootleg console. But as long as it holds together for two years before falling to pieces, customers would accept it.


Oct 28, 2017
As I mentioned earlier, $199 would likely be achieved by having huge amounts of corner cutting.
Normally i would have expected $249. But the $199 spider-man bundle last year caught me by surprise and convinced me that this is the new Superslim price Sony would be aiming for.
Obviously Sony wouldn't be able to get to $199 from just die-shrinks; I am not even sure there would be a dieshrink at all. I expect so much corner cutting that it would have the build quality of a Chinese bootleg console. But as long as it holds together for two years before falling to pieces, customers would accept it.

Kinda like PS3 super slim,cheap made & ugly and it launched around 1 year before PS4,if i remember well...

Son Goku

Oct 31, 2017
I expect PS4 7nm super slim in the Autumn.It will be interesting,i think,if we get 7nm Pro slim at all.
I think super slim base for $199 and $299 slim pro would perfectly pave the way for a $399-$499 PS5 in fall 2020

Would get them one more huge holiday and would be the first time Sony has gotten below $200 since ps2. Plus when PS5 is announced and later priced I think it will help them keep those sales up as there will be a clear price gap between the older systems because if they're only a little less or similar priced to now and next gen is announced their sales will tank

Deleted member 12635

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Oct 27, 2017
It seems Navi 10 will be 8GB GDDR6 card:

That they use GDDR6 for Navi 10 let me believe (and hope) that they are targeting the 10TF mark with the new PC cards if you follow the rule of thumb: 50Gbps memory speed per 1TF of peak performance (a 16Gbps GDDR5 config with 8 chips is able to reach 512Gbps)..

This would mean that they would be able to target even for a Vega 56 replacement and not just Polaris in the first step.

Damn, I just spend an Alphacool Eiswolf water cooling to my Vega 56 which actually works really well.


Oct 28, 2017
That they use GDDR6 for Navi 10 let me believe (and hope) that they are targeting the 10TF mark with the new PC cards if you follow the rule of thumb: 50Gbps memory speed per 1TF of peak performance (a 16Gbps GDDR5 config with 8 chips is able to reach 512Gbps)..

This would mean that they would be able to target even for a Vega 56 replacement and not just Polaris in the first step.

Damn, I just spend an Alphacool Eiswolf water cooling to my Vega 56 which actually works really well.

You should have waited for Navi 10,it will be out soon ;)
But you got that Vega 56 for cheap,so you are fine for the next few years i guess.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't expect any more (major) PS4 revisions. Lack of ROI and Sony seemingly saving up all of their resources for the PS5 push.

I think it'd be too much of a distraction for them now.
PS3 was revised up until 2012, with Cell and RSX getting a lot of die shrinks. There were even rumors of a 2014 revision with 22nm cell that never materialized. Perhaps those ended up in PSNow servers only?

It comes down to simple economics, and I'm sure Sony would like to sell PS4 for at least a few years after PS5 launches. Perhaps not this year, but a 2020 final revision of the PS4 with 7nm APU doesn't seem out of the question.


Mar 3, 2019
Honestly I finished many games using mi without any noticeable lag problem. The only issue is some minor distortions on subtitles and on the image when it moves fast.
It's cool if you don't notice the lag but developers will never do this kind of thing. A developer would expect you to set your TV to gaming mode, by not only not setting it to gaming mode but to IM mode, you got ~100ms delay vs gaming mode without IM and gaming mode on, depending on your TV. Microsoft actually has a feature since 2018 where the Xbox will try to set your TV to gaming mode if your TV has this feature. If you don't see the difference then go ahead but developers spit blood in order to save 16.7ms and get their game to 60 for maximum responsiveness so 100ms would be blasphemy in their eyes.

You can get an idea of TV lag outside of gaming mode here, maybe even find your model. Some TVs add 40ms, some 100ms, it depends. But remember that IM adds even more lag on top of it. In addition, remember that it's from 60hz and not 30hz so add 16.7ms to every number.

Oh, and something completely unrelated, I'm getting my new 2080RTX tomorrow (actually old 2080RTX, bought it used on Amazon for 530$) and the first thing I'm going to do is play some freaking Quake 2 :)
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Oct 29, 2017
That they use GDDR6 for Navi 10 let me believe (and hope) that they are targeting the 10TF mark with the new PC cards if you follow the rule of thumb: 50Gbps memory speed per 1TF of peak performance (a 16Gbps GDDR5 config with 8 chips is able to reach 512Gbps)..

This would mean that they would be able to target even for a Vega 56 replacement and not just Polaris in the first step.

Damn, I just spend an Alphacool Eiswolf water cooling to my Vega 56 which actually works really well.

what about pricing? Do you think they can make a $250 GPU as a replacement of vega56?

Deleted member 27315

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Oct 30, 2017
It's cool if you don't notice the lag but developers will never do this kind of thing. A developer would expect you to set your TV to gaming mode, by not only not setting it to gaming mode but to IM mode, you got ~100ms delay vs gaming mode without IM and gaming mode on, depending on your TV. Microsoft actually has a feature since 2018 where the Xbox will try to set your TV to gaming mode if your TV has this feature. If you don't see the difference then go ahead but developers spit blood in order to save 16.7ms and get their game to 60 for maximum responsiveness so 100ms would be blasphemy in their eyes.

You can get an idea of TV lag outside of gaming mode here, maybe even find your model. Some TVs add 40ms, some 100ms, it depends. But remember that IM adds even more lag on top of it. In addition, remember that it's from 60hz and not 30hz so add 16.7ms to every number.

fine by me. I finish all shooters in hard mode with no problem so I prefer the huge difference mi brings in some games.

Is there a possibility that we will see in the future mi with minor lag?


Oct 26, 2017
Sony was talking about surpasing (or aiming to) the PS2 numbers with the PS4, so that means a super slim model has to come


Mar 3, 2019
fine by me. I finish all shooters in hard mode with no problem so I prefer the huge difference mi brings in some games.

Is there a possibility that we will see in the future mi with minor lag?
It's actually not that far from per-pixel motion blur that games do today. It can make a 30FPS game feel pretty smooth because the blur acts as a transition from one frame to the next. It's also the reason why a film that is running @24FPS look nice to our eyes, every frame captures a smeared interval of time vs pixel perfect shot in computer graphics so it feels smooth to our eyes. That's why I love motion blur in cinematic games, it's my favorite post-processing effect :)

Sony was talking about surpasing (or aiming to) the PS2 numbers with the PS4, so that means a super slim model has to come
Microsoft is going to do this with the discless Xbox. It's a great idea because it removes the largest part of the console. Just doing that and moving to 12nm or 10nm could create a crazy small box. I'm guessing we are going to see more of that because it seems as if Gamestop is dying so Microsoft and Sony don't have pressure from retail to keep discs alive anymore.

I would think such a card would start at $349. or slightly less. If they want to be disruptive.
You can find Vega 56 for 320$ so I guess they will need to got 299$ or lower :)


Oct 29, 2017
PS3 was revised up until 2012, with Cell and RSX getting a lot of die shrinks. There were even rumors of a 2014 revision with 22nm cell that never materialized. Perhaps those ended up in PSNow servers only?

It comes down to simple economics, and I'm sure Sony would like to sell PS4 for at least a few years after PS5 launches. Perhaps not this year, but a 2020 final revision of the PS4 with 7nm APU doesn't seem out of the question.

Well I would imagine they'd want to sell PS4's for many years to come. Just a couple months ago they indicated they believe the PS4 can sell as many units as the PS2 did:

Sony would not fully comment on whether the PS5 is in development, but did foresee a future for PlayStation beyond the PS4, which is on a ten-year cycle. It continues to believe that the PS4 can sell as many console units as the PS2 did over its lifetime, implying over 150 million units. Sony noted that they have yet to decide how much further to market the current console before launching a new console; the current G&NS targets exclude the impact of PS5. Sony has indicated that the timing of a PS5 has yet to be fully decided and has not yet been factored into Sony's three-year plan.

I would have to imagine that means some sort of revision at some point to keep things chugging along for the next 3, maybe 4 years.


Mar 24, 2018
That they use GDDR6 for Navi 10 let me believe (and hope) that they are targeting the 10TF mark with the new PC cards if you follow the rule of thumb: 50Gbps memory speed per 1TF of peak performance (a 16Gbps GDDR5 config with 8 chips is able to reach 512Gbps)..
This would mean that they would be able to target even for a Vega 56 replacement and not just Polaris in the first step.

I looked at the TF/Memory-Bandwidth literally yesterday, my estimates were that AMD have been going for ~40GB/s per TFlop for a while now. (starving the GPU slightly.)
A 256-bit bus with the 14gbps GDDR6 memory giving 448Gbps should be enough for ~11TF, perhaps more if they improve on their delta color compression.

My guess is that Sony/Microsoft might go for 16Gbps to have enough bandwidth for both GPU and CPU.
They don't need to go for a wider and more expensive memory bus, which is good.
It also means we'll most likely get 24GB GDDR6, anything lower would "require" a separate DDR4 memory pool and additional memory controller.

If Navi has everything they need, is there any reason for them to make it into an APU?
What prevents them from going the cheaper, separate chips route? Memory pool access?
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Deleted member 40133

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
Tum_apsiak hours agoposted specs for a ryzen APU. KOMACHI tweeted it out and said it's similiar to console APU and in brackets put "(xbox one s)". Spoilers, it runs at 2.3. so either it's a Scarlett, the zen runs lower than everyone assumed or MS is putting more into GPU and Sony processor as their were indications Sony's could run as high as 3.2. also apsiak as a "source" on that


Edit: KOMACHI tweeted it's for something embedded he doesn't have more info for, that it looks like an gfx7 gpu
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