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Banned for misusing pronouns feature
Oct 30, 2017
Thank you for your elaborate response, kind sir ;)


Now in a more serious tone, we don't have that many info about the SSD. There are some patents online and few theories based on some tech sony is developing (outside of playstation branch) but that's about it.

Red Tapir

May 10, 2019
This is an easy statement to make, but I think the burden of proof with consumer sentiment data is going to be hard to come by.

For example, my recollection of 2013 is paper spec warring, forced Kinect, and no used game. I don't recall a single person saying they're going with Sony simply because Infamous and Killzone look better.
The thing is that Sony built an image of being the place for cinematic, visually stunning games over the course of the generation, though that didn't happen right at the start.

Even after the X released, and Sony lost the power crown, it still retained that image of having "visually impressive" games.
It's similar to how you more closely associate PS4 with Japanese games, even though many of those eventually released on XO too.

This could very well happen with PS5 exclusives vs X2 cross-gen upgrades.


May 30, 2019

Now in a more serious tone, we don't have that many info about the SSD. There are some patents online and few theories based on some tech sony is developing (outside of playstation branch) but that's about it.
I've read somewhere that both parties will use some kind of custom SSDs. Not sure if the reason to do that is cost efficiency or performance. Welp, gotta wait for official reveals of PS5 and Scarlett to find out.


Oct 17, 2019
This is the problem I have with gaming. Each generation people come up with all sorts of reasons why a new gen or some new tech will make earlier tech obsolete. The gaming market is not going to change just because we have SSD, just the same way that it did not matter that Sony had moved to Blu Ray when everyone else remained on lower capacity discs. We still have a lot of PC's being sold with HDD's, and there are a lot of people that are not going to be changing just so that they can game, this is not how the real world works. Developers and publishers know this too.

Third party developers, developers that make games cross gen do that because there is a huge install base that they can cater to and not just the 10 million or so gamers that will buy into a certain new console. That is the justification that they use when it comes to making such decisions and not whether it will cost them several more million to make a game run on a lower model.
Base games look better on the PS4, that is a function of hardware capability and not some magical prowess.
Games look better on the X than they do on the Pro, again, this is a function of hardware capability.

It has nothing to do with marketing. This is why you could see Sony making a big deal of graphical difference when they had an advantage, and the same applying to Microsoft when they released the X. And just to show just how bad this take is, there is a game called Ryse: Son of Rome that was a launch title that is one of the best looking games out this generation, or something like The Order:1886. You are talking what perception is, I am talking about what reality is.......the latter is a more compelling debate than some statement you make but will not substantiate.

Finally, Nintendo's approach is something that makes analyzing the business side interesting. They are not trying to be Sony or Microsoft, and that is something reflected in the games that they put out too.

You sir are smart. Sounds like somebody has a mind for business or went to college for a business major.
A lot of people are ignoring that only like 2%-3% of PC gamers have rigs that will be comparable to next gen consoles per Steam.
95% of PC gamers run a Microsoft OS. For Microsoft to ignore the 1 billion+ of PC gamers in favor of releasing true next gen graphics would be leaving potentially 10s of billions of dollars on the table. Like Klee has said a few times here it will be years before we see true next gen games that fully utilize the hardware.
Microsoft trades spots with Apple every other week as the most valuable company in the world, their Market cap is over 1 trillion dollars more than Sony's. Microsoft is looking at the big picture this upcoming gen which includes not locking out 50 million Xbox one/s/x and over 1 billion PC gamers, yes BILLION. I'm sure they will be a few titles locked to next gen and have high PC spec barrier just to make people transition faster but the vast majority of devs want the biggest slice of pie possible and that means making games that can be played on old hardware. The PC gaming market is estimated to be at 1.2 billion gamers. Quite a bit more than the 100 million PlayStation base. If Microsoft can get just 25% of those PC gamers (300 million) to subscribe to the Game pass ultimate at $15.00 per month they will pull in $54 billion dollars a year. Microsoft is playing 4d chess out here while the competitors are fiddle fucking around it seems.

Red Tapir

May 10, 2019
You sir are smart. Sounds like somebody has a mind for business or went to college for a business major.
A lot of people are ignoring that only like 2%-3% of PC gamers have rigs that will be comparable to next gen consoles per Steam.
95% of PC gamers run a Microsoft OS. For Microsoft to ignore the 1 billion+ of PC gamers in favor of releasing true next gen graphics would be leaving potentially 10s of billions of dollars on the table. Like Klee has said a few times here it will be years before we see true next gen games that fully utilize the hardware.
Microsoft trades spots with Apple every other week as the most valuable company in the world, their Market cap is over 1 trillion dollars more than Sony's. Microsoft is looking at the big picture this upcoming gen which includes not locking out 50 million Xbox one/s/x and over 1 billion PC gamers, yes BILLION. I'm sure they will be a few titles locked to next gen and have high PC spec barrier just to make people transition faster but the vast majority of devs want the biggest slice of pie possible and that means making games that can be played on old hardware. The PC gaming market is estimated to be at 1.2 billion gamers. Quite a bit more than the 100 million PlayStation base. If Microsoft can get just 25% of those PC gamers (300 million) to subscribe to the Game pass ultimate at $15.00 per month they will pull in $54 billion dollars a year. Microsoft is playing 4d chess out here while the competitors are fiddle fucking around it seems.
My PC can't run Half-Life 2, but I guess it's nice MS is considering me and not forcing me to buy an SSD /s


Oct 25, 2017
New Phil Spencer quotes about Scarlett. Nothing crazy

You had talked about new future Xbox consoles plural. But I think you're talking about Project Scarlett in the singular now. We've heard about this Scarlett lite, or Project Lockhart. Can you put this to bed and say you are definitely not making that? Are you still doing new Xboxes plural, as you've said in the past?

Phil Spencer:
Will I say I'm not doing something? We're focused on Project Scarlett and delivering a high performance console. There's no doubt about that. I will never remove options for us. When we launched Xbox One, would I have predicted S would have come? Or X would have come? Or the All-Digital edition would have come, which frankly is doing well, which is good to see. We also did just ship the development kit, which is another console.

But you know what I mean when I say Xbox consoles plural.

Phil Spencer:
I know what you're saying, but I will say from the team's perspective, shipping the dev kit is as much work as shipping a retail product. You're shipping thousands of them out to partners. It is a dedicated piece of plastic they're gonna plug in and develop for. It's just a tonne of work. So I won't remove options from the future.

I will say, from the launch of Xbox One, I've definitely learned that being too expensive and not powerful enough is not a great place to be. And price and performance are gonna be important, and we're very focused on both of those things.

Mark Cerny, talking about PS5 and the price of silicon and SSD costs now, you're looking at a potentially high price for the console. But you're suggesting you're gonna be aggressive when it comes to pricing, that this is something you've learnt from the Xbox One launch - that you're somehow going to deliver such a generational leap but also keep it reasonably priced.

Phil Spencer:
If you remember at the launch of Xbox One, we were $100 more expensive and less powerful. So, I won't be in that position. There's no doubt about that. As an industry that's growing so fast, we do think about price. We do think about performance as well. I'm not going to sacrifice performance for the sake of price

The big XO19 interview: Xbox boss Phil Spencer on Game Pass, streaming and Project Scarlett

At Microsoft's big XO19 event in London yesterday, Xbox boss Phil Spencer told the gathered press all about Game Pass, …


Oct 28, 2017
This is a really great interview with Phil Spencer, which includes Project Scarlett talk that is certainly relevant here -
Great interview overall.
We also did just ship the development kit, which is another console.
Must be a new devkit, I wonder how recent this was?
I'm not going to sacrifice performance for the sake of price.
Sounds good to me!

Regarding cross-gen games: I don't think there's anything wrong with a transition period moving from one console to another. I do think we'll see the cross-gen period last longer going into this gen than previous generations. But, to me it seems many people in this thread are arguing as if cross gen would continue through next gen for Scarlett (with no Scarlett console exclusives), and that PS5 will feature zero cross game first party games. So the measuring stick has now transformed into who has less cross-gen games (or games that could possible utilize an HDD on PC)? If the capability is in the box I expect it to be utilized, regardless of what other platforms that game may be on. And I fully expect to see next gen only titles at launch for each platform (between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party).


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
Berlin, 'SCHLAND

None of these settings affect performance?
No. They do not affect the performance of the streaming/how the world is built.

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
Not having exclusives to show off next gen would be silly, however what would be interesting to see how far games can scale, if a studio was willing to do some custom work with certain types of games (racing) they could make a current gen version look completely different to the next gen version E.g in a racing game the next gen version could complex 3d crowd models, ray traced lighting, higher textures etc

I will also say bootys comments could apply to the 360 > X1 situation.
So it's kinda funny ppl leaning to a "scarlett will be all about cross gen but ps5 wont" narrative.

Third party games will be cross gen not first party game.

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
Pretty sure Microsoft will have a lot of cross-gen games from first party for a while.

Some third parties already have confirmed next-gen only games in development.

I speak about Sony not Microsoft they just say they will have cross gen games. They said it.

"When Scarlett launches, there will still be the Xbox One S and Xbox One X out there. We need to approach that family of devices in the same way that we approach PC, where the content scales to meet the device"


Oct 25, 2017
It's amazing how many people in this thread use any news to turn against MS.

Right now my gut feeling is that Sony will beat them on SSD, but MS will have a slight edge everywhere else.

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
It's amazing how many people in this thread use any news to turn against MS.

Right now my gut feeling is that Sony will beat them on SSD, but MS will have a slight edge everywhere else.

I don't know how you can be more precise than what Matt Booty said. Cross gen games will never look as good as the true next-gen game. This is not gut feeling.

"When Scarlett launches, there will still be the Xbox One S and Xbox One X out there. We need to approach that family of devices in the same way that we approach PC, where the content scales to meet the device"


Oct 26, 2017
It's amazing how many people in this thread use any news to turn against MS.

Right now my gut feeling is that Sony will beat them on SSD, but MS will have a slight edge everywhere else.
We'll just have to wait and see. Right now none of the information we have from credible sources states that.


Oct 25, 2017
It's amazing how many people in this thread use any news to turn against MS.

Right now my gut feeling is that Sony will beat them on SSD, but MS will have a slight edge everywhere else.

Turn against MS ?
People have been against cross gen games from first party since last year this is nothing new.
If anything people in this thread turn against Sony faster and it has been that way since the start .
It amazing that some people don't see what is happen in this thread.


Oct 25, 2017
I will be ok with a 9 tflops Lockheart for $399. as long as the $499 model is 13-14 tflops. Make Lockheart the 1080p console and use the remaining on pushing pixels. 4kcb might be possible with an extra 4-5 tflops.


Oct 26, 2017
lol Lockhart.

If they're talking about multiple consoles, then it's Scarlett and Scarlett Pro.


Apr 4, 2018
I will be ok with a 9 tflops Lockheart for $399. as long as the $499 model is 13-14 tflops. Make Lockheart the 1080p console and use the remaining on pushing pixels. 4kcb might be possible with an extra 4-5 tflops.
Honestly i hope they will go for only 1 console, not 2 with different specs. Then maybe 3 years after release PRO model
Feb 10, 2018
I don't know how you can be more precise than what Matt Booty said. Cross gen games will never look as good as the true next-gen game. This is not gut feeling.

Yes but ppl are taking what booty said to mean =

Scarlett = Cross gen galore
PS5 = AAA next gen exclusives only

So basically using this info to paint ps5 in a more positive light and scarlett in a more negative one.


Oct 25, 2017
There is no Lockheart.
did you read the interview? he literally wouldnt rule it out despite the interviewer practically begging him to.

You had talked about new future Xbox consoles plural. But I think you're talking about Project Scarlett in the singular now. We've heard about this Scarlett lite, or Project Lockhart. Can you put this to bed and say you are definitely not making that? Are you still doing new Xboxes plural, as you've said in the past?

Phil Spencer:
Will I say I'm not doing something? We're focused on Project Scarlett and delivering a high performance console. There's no doubt about that. I will never remove options for us. When we launched Xbox One, would I have predicted S would have come? Or X would have come? Or the All-Digital edition would have come, which frankly is doing well, which is good to see. We also did just ship the development kit, which is another console.

But you know what I mean when I say Xbox consoles plural.

Phil Spencer:
I know what you're saying, but I will say from the team's perspective, shipping the dev kit is as much work as shipping a retail product. You're shipping thousands of them out to partners. It is a dedicated piece of plastic they're gonna plug in and develop for. It's just a tonne of work. So I won't remove options from the future.

I will say, from the launch of Xbox One, I've definitely learned that being too expensive and not powerful enough is not a great place to be. And price and performance are gonna be important, and we're very focused on both of those things.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes but ppl are taking what booty said to mean =

Scarlett = Cross gen galore
PS5 = AAA next gen exclusives only

So basically using this info to paint ps5 in a more positive light and scarlett in a more negative one.

Positive or negative is up to you to decide .
Fact is from what we know MS plan to have there games be cross gen that goes for AA to AAA we not certain for how long ( this will depend on certain factors )
We have to wait and see what Sony does but chances are we won't see there new first party games on PS4 .

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
Yes but ppl are talking what booty said to mean =

Scarlett = Cross gen galore
PS5 = AAA next gen exclusives only

So basically using this info to paint ps5 in a more positive light and scarlett in a more negative one.

Sony was precise too they want people to transition to next-gen faster than the other transition, it means sold through more than 18,5 million PS5 first year and sold through more than 35,9 million PS5 after two years. It means you need first-party exclusives game to do it, not cross-generation PS5 first-party game. And Sony told multiple times they believe in generations the first time it was Mark Cerny just after revealing the PS4 Pro. Third-party can continue to sell cross-gen games on next-generation consoles but Sony's objective is to make people do the transition from PS4 to PS5 as fast as possible.

Sony: We still believe in console generations

Sony is gearing up for the launch of its PS4 Pro mid-generation upgrade (set for November 10), and PS4 architect Mark C…

Sony is gearing up for the launch of its PS4 Pro mid-generation upgrade (set for November 10), and PS4 architect Mark Cerny has stressed that the Pro console is just that; he and Sony are still of the mindset that having full console generations matter.

EDIT: Funny fact the work on PS5 R&D begins one year before PS4 Pro release, he told to Wired it begins four years before. When he talks to gameindustry in 2016, they had a good idea of how they want to continue with full console generation.
Last edited:


User requested ban
Dec 16, 2017
There is only one high end Xbox Scarlett development kit, which is on par with the PlayStation 5 in terms of performance

MS(and Sony for that matter)*may* be able to play with bigger/smaller SSDs to deliver cheaper SKUs but that's about it.

There is no lower performance "1080p centric" Lockhart or PS5 lite because developers aren't making games for this imaginary spec.

In fact, Microsoft is broadcasting this to you when Matt Booty talks about their policy of supporting Xbox One and PC

If your policy allows all those SKUs which caters to different customers, why spend the time, effort and money in Lockhart.

Think about it.
Feb 10, 2018
Positive or negative is up to you to decide .
Fact is from what we know MS plan to have there games be cross gen that goes for AA to AAA we not certain for how long ( this will depend on certain factors )
We have to wait and see what Sony does but chances are we won't see there new first party games on PS4 .

The thing is this could happen, and matt booty would not lying. So it's good news for xbox.

Scarlett launch
Halo infinite cross gen
Forza next, scarlett + PC only
Compulsion games = Cross gen

PS5 launch
Hzd2 = ps5 only
Japan studio = 1 Cross gen games


Dec 16, 2017
There is only one high end Xbox Scarlett development kit, which is on par with the PlayStation 5 in terms of performance

MS(and Sony for that matter)*may* be able to play with bigger/smaller SSDs to deliver cheaper SKUs but that's about it.

There is no lower performance "1080p centric" Lockhart or PS5 lite.

In fact, Microsoft is broadcasting this to you when Matt Booty talks about their policy of supporting Xbox One and PC

If your policy allows all those SKUs which caters to different customers, why spend the time, effort and money in Lockhart.

Think about it.

So why is Phil dancing around the question then? Makes no sense. Just put the thing to bed if it isn't happening.

chris 1515

Oct 27, 2017
Barcelona Spain
You're talking about less than 10 first party titles when it comes down to it. Is that enough to drive platform choice?

The first year buyer will mostly choose a company for exclusive games or for the brand. If the third partys do cross-gen games too during the launch period this will be the role of first-party games to sell the system compared to the current-gen system, particularly after the first 6 months. This is important and more now than you have mid-gen consoles.


Aug 11, 2018
1) I never disputed this, in fact it's been a constant since my first post

2) Yes, companies get recognised for the kind of game they make, so again you're making a disagreement up

3) I'm not talking about power, I repeatedly mentioned how MS's approach will affect their marketing, with the assumption that both will be close anyway.

Thinking that marketing is just the strongest platformsaying "we strong" is a very childish and shallow approach.
More impressive titles will undoubtedly help, almost certainly more than upgraded cross-gen titles.
1. What makes people think that cross gen games will not look the part when it comes to Scarlett? Why are people behaving as if we have not seen PS4 Pro and XB1X? Cross gen games coming in prior generations?

Why are people behaving as if third party developers working on the same game, largely similar hardware, almost the same capability will not achieve the same results? Or that we will rarely see generation defining games in year one?

2. Sony put out three Resistance games and two Killzone games out last generation. Why? And why the change this generation after Killzone: Shadow Fall? Why the change in stance when it came to arcade style racers?

3. Microsoft is more interested in pushing subscriptions. They will market Game Pass and Xcloud, that much has been evident since they launched Game Pass. What Sony does is up in the air

MS seems excited to talk about Scarlett!
Technically, next year is a month and a half away.
Feb 10, 2018
Sony was precise too they want people to transition to next-gen faster than the other transition, it means sold through more than 18,5 million PS5 first year and sold through more than 35,9 million PS5 after two years. It means you need first-party exclusives game to do it, not cross-generation PS5 first-party game. And Sony told multiple times they believe in generations the first time it was Mark Cerny just after revealing the PS4 Pro. Third-party can continue to sell cross-gen games on next-generation consoles but Sony's objective is to make people do the transition from PS4 to PS5 as fast as possible.

Sony: We still believe in console generations

Sony is gearing up for the launch of its PS4 Pro mid-generation upgrade (set for November 10), and PS4 architect Mark C…

EDIT: Funny fact the work on PS5 R&D begins one year before PS4 Pro release, he told to Wired it begins four years before. When he talks to gameindustry in 2016, they had a good idea of how they want to continue with full console generation.

This might be the case but it does not necessarily mean PS5 will have more next gen exclusives.
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