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Oct 26, 2017
I'm wondering when we can predict Mario Odyssey 2 / Breath of the Wild 2

Are we guessing those will be 2020/2021?

Galaxy 2 came a year after Galaxy
Majoras Mask came a year and a half after Ocarina

Or do we think those may not even be made on Switch?

Galaxy 2 came 2.5 years after Galaxy 1.

BotW2 and Odyssey 2 will come, but expect them to take 3-4 years (leaning a lot closer to 3 years than 4 though). Games take an extremely long time to make these days.


Oct 25, 2017
A tentpole don't need this time either. Smash Bros Ultimate and Let's Go were made in a dev time shorter than that.

Not always, but usually. And both of those games as far as we know will have had at least 2 years by release.

No, they don't, because they actually make it a very GOOD Fall lineup. Because people should buy third party games on the system. Nintendo cannot be depended upon, especially in today's day and age, to suffice their entire audience with every kind of game every year.

In response to your last reply to me, no other platform holder has a first-party developed sports game aside from Sony with MLB The Show, but that's it. Nintendo makes a tennis, golf, soccer, and baseball game starring Mario, and one company I believe makes three of them, so we'll likely get Golf next. Nobody's really thirsty for a Nintendo-made racing game right now. And if they were, they should get Mario Kart. And if they already have it, they should get Trailblazers or Grip coming out later this year. And if those don't interest them...then try them! Or don't.

Bayonetta & Hyrule Warriors are action games, Donkey Kong and Kirby are platforming adventure games. Small puzzle games? You got Captain Toad. I don't understand why Wii U ports are always excluded from their first-party lineup.

The only thing they're missing is the single-player open-world adventure game, in the vein of Zelda or Mario. That's it. That is why people are so mad. And you're getting it from third parties this year anyway.

I agree people should buy third party games on the system. And I think there's a higher chance of that happening with day and date games like VC4 and ToV:DE. But that's not the norm. The norm is stuff like getting Okami HD or DB Fighterz 8 or 9 months after everything else. Sure these games will probably still sell, but the potential audience for them is massively decreased because most people who are interested in those games (and others in a similar boat) will have already bought them. Double dipping does happen, but definitely not for the average user. All that said, there are no third party titles this fall either filling the gap of Zelda or Skyrim or Mario or even a LA Noire. So if the goal is for the third parties to service when Nintendo does not... that is not a goal that is being met.

I am glad the Wii U titles are getting a second life on Switch, but the reason they are a bit more discounted is because many people HAVE already played them. Obviously as Switch's install base grows those titles will sell more and more as well, which is good. But these titles are still ports. They're games that have been out 4 or 5 years. Lots of people have played them. And I have nothing intrinsically against ports, but they should be used to augment new releases, not be holding down months INSTEAD of new releases. I would even be a bit more ok with it if it was some of the time, but there are so many months this year with either "nothing" or "just ports".


Jan 14, 2018
The fact that we might not get animal Crossing until 2020 honestly breaks my heart into a million pieces, it's my most anticipated Switch game behind Pokémon Gen 8, and even then I may be more excited for AC since it's so perfect for Switch. Ughhh
Apr 9, 2018
They'll almost definitely do another Zelda in the BotW engine. Doesn't mean it'll be super similar though.

Mario Odyssey not getting DLC kingdoms yet is maybe an indication that they're doing a sequel there too.

Neither of these are likely to come out before 2020.


Oct 25, 2017
So by your definition, does StarLink count as a big game for the holiday? That checks off a lot of your boxes.
It depends. It's certainly a big third party game, but it's also seemingly targeted straight at younger audiences with the toys to life stuff. The jury is still out also on if it's even any good. Very few people would be paying attention to it if not for the Star Fox collaboration. And that's cool, but I is it worth $75 cool?

I don't know. So the answer on that one is we'll wait and see. It potentially could be. But it doesn't exactly compare to other consoles getting Assassin's Creed as well. A big positive Starlink has going for it is there is no other high profile game on the system like it, at the moment.
Oct 27, 2017
I am glad the Wii U titles are getting a second life on Switch, but the reason they are a bit more discounted is because many people HAVE already played them.

Not the average consumer. To the mainstream, the Wii U might as well not have existed, the 3 people who owned a Wii U on ERA isn't a representative of the general gaming public.

The norm is stuff like getting Okami HD or DB Fighterz 8 or 9 months after everything else. Sure these games will probably still sell, but the potential audience for them is massively decreased because most people who are interested in those games (and others in a similar boat) will have already bought them.

Late ports are easier to swallow on Switch because of the console's portability. Publishers go in with the marketing strategy of "Hey, remember this game you liked a few months back? Well now you can play it anywhere!" It also helps that the ports are good. I want to see more multiplatform games release day and date with the other versions on Switch, but a few late ports here and there aren't a bad thing either, at least from a marketing perspective.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
If you are counting the Fire Emblem mobile direct, the Dragon Quest direct exclusive to Japan, and the Arms and Splatoon directs that are non-general directs and didn't announce games... Then yeah sure. I mean, Nintendo could have done an Octopath direct, a Nintendo Labo direct, a Kirby direct... It would have been the same. It's not because there is a lack of content to talk.
Mobile Direct? We got info on a game teased at the initial Showcase and two completely NEW games announced in addition to that mobile game, so that's doing that Direct a heavy disservice. So you're wrong there to say no games were announced.

And even that's besides the point. You're moving goalposts now. Those were still Directs. Octopath isn't even a first party game, and Kirby doesn't have the swath of new content to even justify a Direct, so moot point there.

The lack of content talk definitely stems from comparatively less Big first party announcements. This year so far we've only received two new and Labo, so it's not hard to see why there have been less announcements. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but I don't see the point in twisting the truth to make a point.

Not the average consumer. To the mainstream, the Wii U might as well not have existed, the 3 people who owned a Wii U on ERA isn't a representative of the general gaming public.
People who say this seem to ignore the actual metrics. Yes Donkey Kong and Bayonetta will outsell their counterparts, but you act as if they're going from a few thousand to millions. Donkey Kong still sold over a million on Wii U, and I doubt the Switch version will get any more than ~2 million, so it's not as if the gap is big enough to ignore Wii U sales like you're doing. Sales are even closer for Bayonetta which sold 30% more iirc which is "more" but a majority of the people probably played one of the first two games. So the numbers aren't matching the implications of posts like this.

Personally I think ports are fine, but it's harder to defend them at this year's output. First party ports to new games are 2:1, so it shouldn't be hard to see why some people aren't as accepting of them.
Last edited:


May 10, 2018
Not always, but usually. And both of those games as far as we know will have had at least 2 years by release.

I agree people should buy third party games on the system. And I think there's a higher chance of that happening with day and date games like VC4 and ToV:DE. But that's not the norm. The norm is stuff like getting Okami HD or DB Fighterz 8 or 9 months after everything else. Sure these games will probably still sell, but the potential audience for them is massively decreased because most people who are interested in those games (and others in a similar boat) will have already bought them. Double dipping does happen, but definitely not for the average user. All that said, there are no third party titles this fall either filling the gap of Zelda or Skyrim or Mario or even a LA Noire. So if the goal is for the third parties to service when Nintendo does not... that is not a goal that is being met.

I am glad the Wii U titles are getting a second life on Switch, but the reason they are a bit more discounted is because many people HAVE already played them. Obviously as Switch's install base grows those titles will sell more and more as well, which is good. But these titles are still ports. They're games that have been out 4 or 5 years. Lots of people have played them. And I have nothing intrinsically against ports, but they should be used to augment new releases, not be holding down months INSTEAD of new releases. I would even be a bit more ok with it if it was some of the time, but there are so many months this year with either "nothing" or "just ports".

That we know of...remember, Doom and L.A. Noire were announced relatively late in the year and close to launch. Plus Nintendo didn't have a first party game in November last year. This year, their first-party game is going to suck all of the air out of the room, as is their game for December. So it's probably smart for a lot of those other games to launch in October or late September, which it seems like they're doing. Dragonball FighterZ and Valkyria will do well, in addition to Mega Man 11, Tales of, StarLink, among others that could pop up.

The argument exists here already but "many people played these games"...really, they didn't. And most people were not part of the ecosystem to even get interest for these titles. Somebody else posted that Donkey Kong won't break ~2 million, to which I say, you underestimate an evergreen Nintendo title on a successful system. I think it'll hit Returns numbers from Wii.

The fact that they're ports/deluxe versions and they're even matching prior console sales is crazy. To my knowledge that's not the norm on other platforms.

Liam uploaded a new podcast about Retro Studios. What does he mention in it?
He mentions that his old contacts from Retro didn't have the same experiences to share as those Glassdoor reviews.


Oct 25, 2017
Odyssey is more on the 64/Sunshine vein than Galaxy and those never had a sequel on the same console.I don't think we'll see another 3D sandbox Mario, maybe another adventure on the vein of 3D World.

Aonuma's team was working on something, so I think its more likely we get Zelda BotW 2 near the end of the Switch's lifetime.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The argument exists here already but "many people played these games"...really, they didn't. And most people were not part of the ecosystem to even get interest for these titles. Somebody else posted that Donkey Kong won't break ~2 million, to which I say, you underestimate an evergreen Nintendo title on a successful system. I think it'll hit Returns numbers from Wii.
But do you think Bayonetta, Captain Toad, and Hyrule Warriors will also reach that number? Because that is highly unlikely. To say "really they didn't" is false when the latter two games still sold over a million on Wii U. That's not a number to scoff at, and likely a large percentage of what the Switch versions will sell. There was my Bayonetta example from before, and we know currently Pokken isn't that much higher than the Wii U version. So you're the one heavily undermining the Wii U sales. Clearly it was no juggernaut, but people are kidding themselves by saying "only three people bought it anyway." No, it's more like 50% or much more of the sales of the Switch version were matched by the Wii U, which is a substantial amount of people who have played these games.


May 10, 2018
But do you think Bayonetta, Captain Toad, and Hyrule Warriors will also reach that number? Because that is highly unlikely. To say "really they didn't" is false when the latter two games still sold over a million on Wii U. That's not a number to scoff at, and likely a large percentage of what the Switch versions will sell. There was my Bayonetta example from before, and we know currently Pokken isn't that much higher than the Wii U version. So you're the one heavily undermining the Wii U sales. Clearly it was no juggernaut, but people are kidding themselves by saying "only three people bought it anyway." No, it's more like 50% or much more of the sales of the Switch version were matched by the Wii U, which is a substantial amount of people who have played these games.
Bayonetta & Hyrule Warriors are not evergreen, and Captain Toad might!


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Bayonetta & Hyrule Warriors are not evergreen, and Captain Toad might!
But that doesn't change the point, and you're ignoring a vast majority of what I said. What you're saying doesn't add up with the reality of the situation.

And as much as I love Captain Toad, please let's be real. Grouping it with Octopath probably enhanced the burn, but there's no chance of selling 7+ million copies. Tropical Freeze likely won't do as much based on its first month and subsequent performance, so that's very much a stretch lol
Jan 10, 2018
I'm wondering when we can predict Mario Odyssey 2 / Breath of the Wild 2

Are we guessing those will be 2020/2021?

Galaxy 2 came a year after Galaxy
Majoras Mask came a year and a half after Ocarina

Or do we think those may not even be made on Switch?

I believe that many of the big first party titles which released so early in the console's life will see a sequel around 2020, when I expect a switch pro to drop, to push the new hardware. My money is on Zelda, Mario, Splatoon and Mario kart; at least two of these four.
I also expect the previous switch to be 100% forward compatible with that switch pro of course; and wouldn't be surprised if the switch pro itself was forward compatible with the next iteration released after 2023, while the OG switch wouldn't. Such system would allow a given hardware to receive compatible games for 6 years, while the frequent hardware refreshes would help not gimping the said games.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
I'm talking about first party titles. This is a topic about first party titles. Why do people keep trying to bring up third party titles as some sort of refutation?
Because it's pointless to talk about the diversity of a console's library and omit anything that isn't a first-party title — any healthy console ecosystem gets that way from a diverse library from a diverse group of publishers. PlayStation owners don't play exclusively Sony first-party games, XBox owners don't play exclusively Microsoft first-party games, yet somehow mentioning third party games on a Nintendo console is apparently some sort of cardinal sin? Bollocks.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
This is the same discussion we had a month ago and will have in a month again. Next direct can't come soon enough, otherwise I fear for some of y'all souls.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This is the same discussion we had a month ago and will have in a month again. Next direct can't come soon enough, otherwise I fear for some of y'all souls.
While I do think it was a legitimate point of discussion months ago, it's harder to argue as much now. The Summer has been pretty great for Switch. Three totally new exclusives (when previously Kirby in March was our only one) and a slew of third parties as opposed to ports and indies carrying us through Q1. Not to mention expansions like the one for Rabbids and Splatoon.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
He mentions that his old contacts from Retro didn't have the same experiences to share as those Glassdoor reviews.

Lmao why am I not surprised. I swear people run with doom and gloom over any BS. Glass door reviews (that are probably fake or exaggerated) don't mean anything, but everyone needed to run with something on their channels. And even if there's disgruntled employees so what? Disgruntled employees are everywhere and they'll voice how they feel too. Nobody is shutting down...


May 10, 2018
But that doesn't change the point, and you're ignoring a vast majority of what I said. What you're saying doesn't add up with the reality of the situation.

And as much as I love Captain Toad, please let's be real. Grouping it with Octopath probably enhanced the burn, but there's no chance of selling 7+ million copies. Tropical Freeze likely won't do as much based on its first month and subsequent performance, so that's very much a stretch lol

How does it not change the point? The logic is NEVER "old game ported to a new system sells more than the old system". This is never ever assumed. Let's say nobody who owned these Wii U games in the past bought them again. They're all tired of ports. Still, every Wii U port is outpacing its original version if not immediately outselling it. So either people are begrudgingly buying games despite not wanting to (which...why would you do that), or these games are finding entirely new audiences that might rope in older players after a potential discount or some disposable income after the holidays. Captain Toad and Hyrule Warriors still sold over one million on Wii U LTD. Neat. How about on an ecosystem where people didn't trade their consoles a year after launch en masse, and that actually like the machine and are hungry for software for it?

By any of this logic, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe should've hit only a couple million, right? Because it's currently the highest selling Wii U game with the highest attach rate, right? And it had three years to build that number. Who cares about the Switch port, people played it already. Deluxe has soared passed it easily in under a year, and this is just the beginning of the Switch's life.

You used Pokken as an example but it's an odd one. It's a Pokemon spinoff that is kind of named after Tekken but is also nothing like Tekken, and really doesn't have much in common with Pokemon besides playing as Pokemon. The fact that it has even beaten the Wii U version without any real marketing is incredible. And there is a difference between this weird mesh of 2 franchises that don't use the best parts of either of them, and a mainline Donkey Kong game that will be pushed during the holidays right next to Kirby and Pokemon Let's Go and Smash and Splatoon 2 and last year's Mario and Zelda. As for Captain Toad, maybe, maybe not! Idk how people will respond to it, but it's relatively cheap, super cute, good for families, and it, along with all of these other ports, has a longer shelf life on Switch than it ever did on Wii U. So the sky is the limit.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
How does it not change the point? The logic is NEVER "old game ported to a new system sells more than the old system". This is never ever assumed. Let's say nobody who owned these Wii U games in the past bought them again. They're all tired of ports. Still, every Wii U port is outpacing its original version if not immediately outselling it. So either people are begrudgingly buying games despite not wanting to (which...why would you do that), or these games are finding entirely new audiences that might rope in older players after a potential discount or some disposable income after the holidays. Captain Toad and Hyrule Warriors still sold over one million on Wii U LTD. Neat. How about on an ecosystem where people didn't trade their consoles a year after launch en masse, and that actually like the machine and are hungry for software for it?

Which once again, does not change my point. If the logic is "no one bought them before" that is blatantly false if the Wii U counterparts still sell a significant portion of the Switch sales, if not nearly matching them. Case in point my examples previously mentioned. The fact of the matter is you're brushing off those sales when often times Switch sales aren't even significantly higher. So if the logic is "no one bought them on Wii U," I can also say "no one bought them on Switch" which takes us back to square one.

By any of this logic, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe should've hit only a couple million, right? Because it's currently the highest selling Wii U game with the highest attach rate, right? And it had three years to build that number. Who cares about the Switch port, people played it already. Deluxe has soared passed it easily in under a year, and this is just the beginning of the Switch's life.
No not by that logic, because that was never the logic I used. I never said "all Wii U games," I specifically named several. Mario Kart is clearly the exception, not the rule when that doesn't apply to any of the other ports.

You used Pokken as an example but it's an odd one. It's a Pokemon spinoff that is kind of named after Tekken but is also nothing like Tekken, and really doesn't have much in common with Pokemon besides playing as Pokemon. The fact that it has even beaten the Wii U version without any real marketing is incredible. And there is a difference between this weird mesh of 2 franchises that don't use the best parts of either of them, and a mainline Donkey Kong game that will be pushed during the holidays right next to Kirby and Pokemon Let's Go and Smash and Splatoon 2 and last year's Mario and Zelda. As for Captain Toad, maybe, maybe not! Idk how people will respond to it, but it's relatively cheap, super cute, good for families, and it, along with all of these other ports, has a longer shelf life on Switch than it ever did on Wii U. So the sky is the limit.

Uh Pokken definitely had plenty of marketing lol. Especially in Japan, but in the West as well and it still barely passed the Wii U release. And thus far Bayonetta, Donkey Kong, Hyrule Warriors, and probably Captain Toad also aren't matching up significantly better, so don't just nitpick one game when I literally said my piece on all of those well before now.

The point is, at the very least currently, there isn't enough of a gap for you to dismiss Wii U sales while acting as if Switch is savior of franchises when the disparity is not even half as much as you and many others are implying. As I said prior, you act as if it went from a couple thousand to multi million sellers, when that simply isn't the case. It looks silly as hell to say Wii U sold to no one in defense when you have games selling 1.26M vs 1.3M or 0.3M vs 0.35M. Compared to games like Kirby, ARMS, and Aces, clearly it's not just "Wii U fans" who feel more tepid about ports compared to new releases.

Deleted member 5535

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I swear Daemon x Machina was stated to be early 2019 somewhere, no?

I thought too but it's only 2019

While I do think it was a legitimate point of discussion months ago, it's harder to argue as much now. The Summer has been pretty great for Switch. Three totally new exclusives (when previously Kirby in March was our only one) and a slew of third parties as opposed to ports and indies carrying us through Q1. Not to mention expansions like the one for Rabbids and Splatoon.

Yeah, I totally agree that the second half is better than the first half.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I thought too but it's only 2019
Yeah, I totally agree that the second half is better than the first half.
The second half is almost strong enough to counter the entirety of 2017 for me personally. You have the big releases with Smash, Party, and Pokemon, substantial expansions (that are half as long if not long as the main game) with Xenoblade, Splatoon, and Rabbids, then smaller exclusives with Toad and Octopath. Then there's third party games and unannounced titles. Some people are vastly underestimating Nintendo's 2018 line up.


Apr 6, 2018
I've decided to compile all the 2019 predictions in this thread for a little competition. I will stop compiling predictions when the next direct is announced (or by the end of August)

1 point for predicting a game comes in 2019, another .5 for the correct quarter and another .5 for the getting the month right. Predictions with probably and maybe are worth half the regular points. Additionally predicting a game that then does not come in 2019 results in -1 points. (if you have any tips on improving the voting system they are welcome)



-Fire Emblem: Three Houses




-Pokèmon Core-RPG

-Mario and Luigi


-Bayonetta 3

-New IP


-Star Fox Grand Prix

-Left-field game

-Animal Crossing / Metroid Prime 4



Jan: empty switch month - Mario & Luigi BiS (3DS)

Feb: New Super Mario Bros Switch

Mar: Fire Emblem Three Houses - Wario World Virtual Boy Remake (3DS)


Apr: World of Pikmin

May: Labo Set 3 - Wonderful 101 Heroes Unite Edition (enhanced Switch port)

June: Animal Crossing Switch - Link's Awakening Deluxe (3DS)


July: Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Mix

Aug - Yoshi Switch

Sept: Xenoblade Chronicles X (enhanced Switch port) - Punch Out 3D (3DS)


Oct: Star Fox Grand Prix - Labo Set 4

Nov: Pokemon Gen 8 - Paper Mario TTYD Plus(3DS)

Dec: Metroid Prime 4



Jan: nothing

Feb: daemon x machina

Mar: Fire emblem Three houses


Apr: Pikmin 4

May: labo set and wii u port

June: Star Fox Grand Prix


July: Animal crossing

Aug: Bayonetta 3

Sep: new ip


Oct: 2d Mario

Nov: Pokémon Gen 8

Dec: Metroid prime 4



Jan: /

Feb: a Wii U port

Mar: Yoshi


Apr: /

May: Fire Emblem Three House

June: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC


July: Third Party Exclusive (maybe a New Monster Hunter from the MH XX team ?).

Aug: /

Sep: another Wii U port


Oct: /

Nov: Pokémon Gen 8

Dec: /



Jan: /

Feb: Metroid Prime Trilogy HD

Mar: Yoshi


Apr: Fire Emblem Three Houses

May: Star Fox Grand Prix

Jun: Xenoblade X port


July: /

Aug/Sep: Daemon X Machina


Oct: Shin Megami Tensei V - Animal Crossing

Nov: Pokemon

Dec: Bayonetta 3



Jan: Yoshi (mabye here or july)

Feb: Nothing/third party thing/Wii U Port - Maybe Xenoblade X

Mar: Daemon X Machina


Apr: Fire Emblem Three Houses - expansion to existing game

May: Pikmin 4 - maybe another Wii U port

June: Smash Ultimate DLC - Mario Golf maybe


July: Yoshi, (Mabye here or Janurary)

Aug: Metroid Prime 4

Sept: /


Oct: Bayonetta 3 - Star Fox Grand Prix

Nov: Pokemon Gen 8

Dec: Animal Crossing



Jan: /

Feb: /

Mar: Yoshi


Apr: Daemon X Machina

May: Fire Emblem Three Houses

Jun: /


Jul: 2D Mario or Mario Sports

Aug: /

Sep: Star Fox Grand Prix


Oct: Bayonetta 3

Nov: Pokémon

Dec: Metroid Prime 4

Niko Amii


Jan: /

Feb: port

Mar: Yoshi


Apr: Fire Emblem

May: Smash DLC

June: Animal Crossing or Mario Maker


July: 3rd party stuff - Daemon x Machina

Aug: 3rd party stuff

Sept: Star Fox Racing


Oct: Metroid Prime 4

Nov: Pokémon Gen 8

Dec: /
Oct 27, 2017
People who say this seem to ignore the actual metrics. Yes Donkey Kong and Bayonetta will outsell their counterparts, but you act as if they're going from a few thousand to millions. Donkey Kong still sold over a million on Wii U, and I doubt the Switch version will get any more than ~2 million, so it's not as if the gap is big enough to ignore Wii U sales like you're doing. Sales are even closer for Bayonetta which sold 30% more iirc which is "more" but a majority of the people probably played one of the first two games. So the numbers aren't matching the implications of posts like this.

I'm more so talking about these games having longer legs than their Wii U counterparts. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe outsold the original version in a year, and is still selling well.

Deleted member 17207

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is the same discussion we had a month ago and will have in a month again. Next direct can't come soon enough, otherwise I fear for some of y'all souls.
You fear for them now?

My fear for these people begins once the Direct IS announced.

"Yo so ready to see Wave Race, Animal Crossing, they HAVE to show Pikmin 4 and Metroid Prime 4, and where's Retro's game? Obviously has to be shown as well. We'll probably get a release date on Breath of the Wild 2 and maybe even 5 more Wii U Ports. OH AND DON'T FORGET VIRTUAL CONSOLE. Also everyone I want better be announced for Smash."


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
You fear for them now?

My fear for these people begins once the Direct IS announced.

"Yo so ready to see Wave Race, Animal Crossing, they HAVE to show Pikmin 4 and Metroid Prime 4, and where's Retro's game? Obviously has to be shown as well. We'll probably get a release date on Breath of the Wild 2 and maybe even 5 more Wii U Ports. OH AND DON'T FORGET VIRTUAL CONSOLE. Also everyone I want better be announced for Smash."


May 10, 2018
Which once again, does not change my point. If the logic is "no one bought them before" that is blatantly false if the Wii U counterparts still sell a significant portion of the Switch sales, if not nearly matching them. Case in point my examples previously mentioned. The fact of the matter is you're brushing off those sales when often times Switch sales aren't even significantly higher. So if the logic is "no one bought them on Wii U," I can also say "no one bought them on Switch" which takes us back to square one.

No not by that logic, because that was never the logic I used. I never said "all Wii U games," I specifically named several. Mario Kart is clearly the exception, not the rule when that doesn't apply to any of the other ports.

Uh Pokken definitely had plenty of marketing lol. Especially in Japan, but in the West as well and it still barely passed the Wii U release. And thus far Bayonetta, Donkey Kong, Hyrule Warriors, and probably Captain Toad also aren't matching up significantly better, so don't just nitpick one game when I literally said my piece on all of those well before now.

The point is, at the very least currently, there isn't enough of a gap for you to dismiss Wii U sales while acting as if Switch is savior of franchises when the disparity is not even half as much as you and many others are implying. As I said prior, you act as if it went from a couple thousand to multi million sellers, when that simply isn't the case. It looks silly as hell to say Wii U sold to no one in defense when you have games selling 1.26M vs 1.3M or 0.3M vs 0.35M. Compared to games like Kirby, ARMS, and Aces, clearly it's not just "Wii U fans" who feel more tepid about ports compared to new releases.

We clearly don't agree so this is the last I'll say about said it yourself in your last paragraph, "at the very least currently". That is my point. The Switch's life is just beginning. That these games in anywhere from 11 to TWO months, have outpaced or outsold their numbers built over the several years they lived on Wii U, is insane. We look at ourselves in the gaming sphere of forums and podcasts a little too much, and we try to predict the expanded audience by looking at ourselves and it doesn't work all the time. These sales are happening despite the dialogue of people tired of Switch being a port machine, so either these people are buying these games again or they're likely not and that doesn't matter. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe could likely become the second best selling Mario Kart of all time. Donkey Kong and Captain Toad will continue to sell for YEARS. Pokken and Bayonetta and potentially Hyrule Warriors have already done their job; and they'll likely continue to sell for a few years. Because the Switch has something the Wii U didn't and that thing is a pulse.

(Also this is not to say that I think every Wii U game launching on Switch will automatically light the world on fire. I didn't Pokken to sell that well in the first place. And a game like Wonderful 101, despite my love for it, I don't think that game sells well anywhere.)


May 10, 2018
Are we getting quarterly sales numbers anytime soon? I forget if we get them every quarter or at only at the start of the second half.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone think we'll get DLC Kingdoms for Mario Odyssey or are we past that?
Well. I never expected a expansion to Splatoon, so I wouldn't rule out new Kingdoms yet.

Then again. Ones a Mutiplayer Shooter, while the other is a single player game, where a DLC announcement perhaps is better suited early in its lifetime.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
I'm giving Odyssey DLC one more direct. We're probably getting a Direct in August and if there's no DLC announcement in that direct, then I'll assume Nintendo has moved on to the next 3D Mario game.
Jan 10, 2018
I would prefer them to invest their resources in a new game. The good thing about having all these great franchises released early in the console life is that we may see second entries on the same machine; I'm still of the opinion that it will accompany the release of a hardware refresh in 2 years, but that those games will be 100% compatible with the OG Switch. I am especially looking forward for a Switch-developed Zelda.
Oct 27, 2017
2 Years ago, Marvel introduced a new policy called "Make Epic Games" which tasks game developers with the rights to any of Marvel's characters to produce the best games they can possibly make from them. Marvel's licensed video game rights to its characters before, often to a certain Osaka-based company who likes pitting their characters against Marvel's in a Fighting game, but this is first time Marvel is taking quality control seriously in the Video Game world. The first game developed with this policy is Insomniac and Sony's "Spider Man" for the PlayStation 4, and word on the street is that Square Enix's Crystal Dynamics is developing an Avengers game.

I had a crazy idea, what if Nintendo got in on the action and developed a Marvel game of their own? I'm not talking getting the Marvel license, then farming a game out to some external developer, I'm talking a full-on, in-house, Nintendo EPD developed game based on a Marvel Superhero. What would your reactions be if one day in a Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announces that it's developing, say, a new Iron Man game for the Switch? I imagine a lot of eyebrows would be raised. Aside from Popeye and Hamtaro, Nintendo's never really been one for licensed games, favoring its own homegrown creations instead. And to some, action packed serious superheroes don't really go well with the cuddly Nintendo look. But I think it'd be interesting to see Nintendo take on a licensed game again, especially one based on a Western property. Knowing Nintendo, I don't expect super serious graphics or realistic character models, but contrary to the stereotype, Nintendo's not sunshine and rainbows. A Marvel game with a cel-shaded comic book style, bright colors, and the trademark Nintendo polish could be a really good game.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
Tbh I wouldn't care. I've been burnt out on superheroes for years. Idc about movies or games or anything superhero related lol.


Apr 6, 2018
2 Years ago, Marvel introduced a new policy called "Make Epic Games" which tasks game developers with the rights to any of Marvel's characters to produce the best games they can possibly make from them. Marvel's licensed video game rights to its characters before, often to a certain Osaka-based company who likes pitting their characters against Marvel's in a Fighting game, but this is first time Marvel is taking quality control seriously in the Video Game world. The first game developed with this policy is Insomniac and Sony's "Spider Man" for the PlayStation 4, and word on the street is that Square Enix's Crystal Dynamics is developing an Avengers game.

I had a crazy idea, what if Nintendo got in on the action and developed a Marvel game of their own? I'm not talking getting the Marvel license, then farming a game out to some external developer, I'm talking a full-on, in-house, Nintendo EPD developed game based on a Marvel Superhero. What would your reactions be if one day in a Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announces that it's developing, say, a new Iron Man game for the Switch? I imagine a lot of eyebrows would be raised. Aside from Popeye and Hamtaro, Nintendo's never really been one for licensed games, favoring its own homegrown creations instead. And to some, action packed serious superheroes don't really go well with the cuddly Nintendo look. But I think it'd be interesting to see Nintendo take on a licensed game again, especially one based on a Western property. Knowing Nintendo, I don't expect super serious graphics or realistic character models, but contrary to the stereotype, Nintendo's not sunshine and rainbows. A Marvel game with a cel-shaded comic book style, bright colors, and the trademark Nintendo polish could be a really good game.
idk but if ninty were to do a licensed game then id want it to be marvel


Oct 25, 2017
Video Games
2 Years ago, Marvel introduced a new policy called "Make Epic Games" which tasks game developers with the rights to any of Marvel's characters to produce the best games they can possibly make from them. Marvel's licensed video game rights to its characters before, often to a certain Osaka-based company who likes pitting their characters against Marvel's in a Fighting game, but this is first time Marvel is taking quality control seriously in the Video Game world. The first game developed with this policy is Insomniac and Sony's "Spider Man" for the PlayStation 4, and word on the street is that Square Enix's Crystal Dynamics is developing an Avengers game.

I had a crazy idea, what if Nintendo got in on the action and developed a Marvel game of their own? I'm not talking getting the Marvel license, then farming a game out to some external developer, I'm talking a full-on, in-house, Nintendo EPD developed game based on a Marvel Superhero. What would your reactions be if one day in a Nintendo Direct, Nintendo announces that it's developing, say, a new Iron Man game for the Switch? I imagine a lot of eyebrows would be raised. Aside from Popeye and Hamtaro, Nintendo's never really been one for licensed games, favoring its own homegrown creations instead. And to some, action packed serious superheroes don't really go well with the cuddly Nintendo look. But I think it'd be interesting to see Nintendo take on a licensed game again, especially one based on a Western property. Knowing Nintendo, I don't expect super serious graphics or realistic character models, but contrary to the stereotype, Nintendo's not sunshine and rainbows. A Marvel game with a cel-shaded comic book style, bright colors, and the trademark Nintendo polish could be a really good game.
this complete blue sky fan speculation that will never come to pass seems more suited to the general nintnedo community thread. not a thread discussing actual first party development/publishing.


May 10, 2018
I'm giving Odyssey DLC one more direct. We're probably getting a Direct in August and if there's no DLC announcement in that direct, then I'll assume Nintendo has moved on to the next 3D Mario game.
I'm with you man. I could've SWORN up and down we'd get DLC kingdoms. But now that we might not, I'm actually kinda happy about it. Makes the game I bought feel more complete in a way that most modern games don't.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm giving Odyssey DLC one more direct. We're probably getting a Direct in August and if there's no DLC announcement in that direct, then I'll assume Nintendo has moved on to the next 3D Mario game.

I still think the fact that we've gotten so much free DLC should be a hint that there's no paid DLC coming.

They could've included all of the various costumes or hint art or Luigi's Balloon mode in a paid DLC if they wanted to make one.
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