
Oct 27, 2017
I think "and grooming" should be added to the title just to let everyone know how severe these new accusations are.


Nov 15, 2017
It's so crazy that all of this came about because of emily saying that chugga was treated as a "green flag" type of person
(not trying to dismiss just using their exact words)
the skeletons in some peoples closets man


Aug 16, 2020
Jeez, this somehow just keeps getting worse and worse. Incredibly fucked up.

I know that accusations like this, once somewhat steps forward, tends to snowball as other victims feel more comfortable speaking up but man, he's been in the youtube game for like 15 years now - that is ancient by internet standards, and the most recent information posted goes back like a decade right? How the heck did he manage to keep his squeaky clean reputation for so long?


Feb 5, 2023
Oh my fucking god

I could not make it through that entire conversation that werster posted on Twitter.

I am positively repulsed.


Jul 15, 2020
It's scary how all of this was seemingly allowed to go ignored for so long until the most recent incident.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
oh Jesus Christ, those chat logs are like… self-aware grooming? what the fuck

i doubt this is the only time he's done this with a fan, too


Oct 25, 2017
The very start of the chat was him saying how he talks with many fans it definitely could be not just a one off.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh jesus...when it rains, it pours.

Yeah, he's done after that last one. Theres no coming back from that.


May 26, 2023
Crazy how the p-word even come up in the convo multiple times and he's like "Nah, let's continue, it's no biggie.".


Feb 6, 2020
No matter if the female counterpart is 15 years old, 25 years old or 45 years old, you simply just don't ever ever ever ever type the R-word (the four-letter one) in a text chat with all CAPS.

Sick stuff. Hopefully all the victims will get the support they need and hopefully all Chuggaa's associates will cut ties with the guy or at least get him the help he truly needs.


Nov 2, 2020
Something I just realized that makes Emile's behavior even more disgusting, if you can believe it:

He had a reputation for being naive to sexual innuendos , "accidentally" saying them and getting called out for his ignorance. It's clear now that was an act. That he would work THAT hard at building an innocent persona speaks volumes about the depths of his predatory behavior. Also throws out the idea his behavior was due to awkwardness or his autism (which we should always remember is a SPECTRUM and not a set of rules people on it are bound to)

What a disappointment. I hope his victims get the support they need, that TRG dumps him and can move on without him, and that maybe one day Emile can truly improve himself and make amends… but that last one looks less likely by the day
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Haven't completely caught up with this thread but I'd just like to say that not all autistic people struggle with social cues. I'm not saying that couldn't have been a factor but I wouldn't give him the benefit of the doubt either. Either way he didn't take responsibility for what he did in that apology.
I think we've seen enough evidence at this point that what Emile was doing was deliberate and can't be waved off as a result of his neurodivergence. I've seen too many of his defenders claim that he couldn't help to act this way because of his autism and that just drives me up the wall.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Something I just realized that makes Emile's behavior even more disgusting, if you can believe it:

He had a reputation for being naive to sexual innuendos , "accidentally" saying them and getting called out for his ignorance. It's clear now that was an act. That he would work THAT hard at building an innocent persona speaks volumes about the depths of his predatory behavior. Also throws out the idea his behavior was due to awkwardness or his autism (which we should always remember is a SPECTRUM and not a set of rules people on it are bound to)

What a disappointment. I hope his victims get the support they need, that TRG dumps him and can move on without him, and that maybe one day Emile can truly improve himself and make amends… but that last one looks less likely by the day

The amount of grace that fans, friends and even victims like Emily gave to Emile to "do better" when these accusations started dropping tells me that he did a really good job cultivating this image of a naive dude who doesn't understand social cues. He was the friendly Nintendo YouTuber with "nothing but green flags" for over a decade while he was silently preying on fans and fellow content creators alike.


Mar 17, 2018
The amount of grace that fans, friends and even victims like Emily gave to Emile to "do better" when these accusations started dropping tells me that he did a really good job cultivating this image of a naive dude who doesn't understand social cues. He was the friendly Nintendo YouTuber with "nothing but green flags" for over a decade while he was silently preying on fans and fellow content creators alike.
I get the feeling had he actually came clean and honestly apologized instead of still playing the "Sorry. I'm just a little guy" character in his responses, things might not have escalated as much.

But, from what others in the know have said, he's done the insincere apology thing before and then continued to go after fans and peers.

Either way, screw this guy. Had the chance not to continue being a creep, but kept at it.


Oct 25, 2017
Straya M8
I saw some of the chat logs while mindlessly scrolling.

What an awful day to have eyes.

But, I sincerely hope that he gets help, and doesn't come back. It's the best thing for everyone at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
Is this what the younglings call "rizz"? Holy shit what a weirdo lmao


Rizz means you are able to pull people your way. My daughter say they call that W-Rizz. Those who try and get friend zoned or just outright turned down instead have L-Rizz.

Kids would say that Chug is the latter.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm stunned, I was one of the more "give him a chance to grow" people when this started... but I can't say that in good faith anymore. I do hope he grows and learns from this, but the damage is done. Emile is so tainted it ruins all his old content for me, which especially hurts since TRG helped me get through some rough spots in life.

Ultimately this isn't about me, it's about the many victims over a decade who've had to live with the trauma of what happened to them, and I hope they can finally begin to heal.
Oct 25, 2017
Tim reported that Emile is "someplace safe" that isn't home, and he has no access to his phone. He's been discreet about him getting "very serious help".
And later, Emile's GF talked to him, and said he sounded "heavily medicated".

Speculation but it sounds like Emile tried to off himself and he's been hospitalized. That would not be a good ending to this...

Also reported that ProtonJon no longer follows him on Twitter. The Runaway Guys is likely dead now.


Oct 25, 2017
Tim reported that Emile is "someplace safe" that isn't home, and he has no access to his phone. He's been discreet about him getting "very serious help".
And later, Emile's GF talked to him, and said he sounded "heavily medicated".

Speculation but it sounds like Emile tried to off himself and he's been hospitalized. That would not be a good ending to this...

Also reported that ProtonJon no longer follows him on Twitter. The Runaway Guys is likely dead now.

Yeah saw the reddit posts. :/


Oct 27, 2017

The mods of his subreddit have announced they want nothing to do with him anymore and will be locking/archiving the subreddit permanently.

It really is wild just how south this has gone, how much of his public persona truly feels now to be a full-on lie. It was only a couple days ago that I was writing him off as a dumbass man-child unable/unwilling to control his fetish. And now it's abundantly clear that even that was being too kind to a man that knew exactly what he was doing, a performance so disarming that it lured so many into a false sense of security with him, all for his own twisted indulgence.

I feel so sorry for everyone hurt by him, all of his friends that cared about him and all his fans who loved him. I was for the most part only aware of him through some older TRG stuff but even then his dynamic with NCS and ProtonJon and the way he stood tall in the LP community were apparent. And now that's not only burned down but it's radioactive to boot. And it makes me sick.

Tim reported that Emile is "someplace safe" that isn't home, and he has no access to his phone. He's been discreet about him getting "very serious help".
And later, Emile's GF talked to him, and said he sounded "heavily medicated".

Speculation but it sounds like Emile tried to off himself and he's been hospitalized. That would not be a good ending to this...

I heard some frame it as "institutionalized" and thought he had been taken into to like a mental facility or something.

I don't want this man dead but he definitely needs to go away. Even if he gets help for how sick he is he still hurt people willingly to the point where he should be in a jailcell if not in a facility.


Oct 28, 2017
There's a lot to see/unpack that I think some additional threadmarks are really needed for those who haven't already read through the entire thread.

This whole thing has snowballed hard.

Something I just realized that makes Emile's behavior even more disgusting, if you can believe it:

He had a reputation for being naive to sexual innuendos , "accidentally" saying them and getting called out for his ignorance. It's clear now that was an act. That he would work THAT hard at building an innocent persona speaks volumes about the depths of his predatory behavior. Also throws out the idea his behavior was due to awkwardness or his autism (which we should always remember is a SPECTRUM and not a set of rules people on it are bound to)

What a disappointment. I hope his victims get the support they need, that TRG dumps him and can move on without him, and that maybe one day Emile can truly improve himself and make amends… but that last one looks less likely by the day
You are so right. That innocent/naive persona he built up was all to obscure his predatory side to everyone, even those who associated with him (I recall several years back, someone that I think had slight involvement with Emile [or maybe was just a fan at a convention?] jokingly gave him a book about sex as a response to how he keeps making sexual innuendos by "accident"). All to the point that people in that Reddit post Emily referenced had people seeing him as a "green flag".

If it weren't for Emily telling her story, this persona wouldn't have been shattered, and so many victims that have been uncomfortable or even preyed upon by him from past experiences wouldn't have gotten their piece to share, with Masae's being the biggest one given her history with him.

Tim reported that Emile is "someplace safe" that isn't home, and he has no access to his phone. He's been discreet about him getting "very serious help".
And later, Emile's GF talked to him, and said he sounded "heavily medicated".

Speculation but it sounds like Emile tried to off himself and he's been hospitalized. That would not be a good ending to this...

Also reported that ProtonJon no longer follows him on Twitter. The Runaway Guys is likely dead now.
I really hope it doesn't come down to that speculation. In a perfect world, I'd rather have everyone distance and break from him and he learns that he has to change as a person and move on to be better for the next few years, but the grooming part highlights that he should just not be around people at all and stay in a facility.
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Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I've found it morbidly striking to see how quickly this has snowballed. It's amazing that it just took one strong voice for all of Chuggaaconroy's victims to feel comfortable finally exposing him. Yet, at the same time, it's so sad to learn that are evidently so many people who have been preyed on by him, and that they've had to keep to themselves the pain he inflicted for so long. Truly, he is someone who is reaping what they sowed.


Oct 25, 2017


Sep 12, 2023
I've found it morbidly striking to see how quickly this has snowballed. It's amazing that it just took one strong voice for all of Chuggaaconroy's victims to feel comfortable finally exposing him. Yet, at the same time, it's so sad to learn that are evidently so many people who have been preyed on by him, and that they've had to keep to themselves the pain he inflicted for so long. Truly, he is someone who is reaping what they sowed.

Dude did too much of a good job at cultivating his "awkward videogame-loving manchild" persona. Any accusations of it being a facade or being used for perversive purposes were unfortunately always gonna be credible only from someone super close to him or that was previously part of his inner circle of friends.

Not that saying that Emily's accusations didn't sow doubt on people, but there's is a pretty good reason why Masae's words on the matter had such a huge impact on how credible the former's allegations were.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
So can someone update me on all that's happened?
since the original stuff?

Chugga made an apology that didnt land with people who have known him for a while, LadyEmily especially found it lacking and discounted parts of it as lies (ie, saying they previously worked things out privately)

it's caused several others to come out and say that they are not associated with/are distancing from him

most have been keeping things vague out of respect to their own privacy, but some new screenshots came out of him at the age of 19 chatting with a 15 year old fan in a very gross and grooming way, continuing long after being told their age

since then things shifted even more dramatically, anyone who defended him before has basically left

he may have tried to overdose on pills, but that doesnt seem confirmed yet (or at least if sommit came out i havent seen anything), only that he's being kept somewhere where he can be watched over and is being medicated

if i left sommit out or got sommit wrong feel free to correct me


Jul 25, 2021
Man those logs go places.

Also I don't think I've ever seen a case of *does thing* where it's not made my skin crawl.


Oct 26, 2017
I had a hunch that this situation would snowball into something worse, because once an accusation is made public it rarely stays the only one because others who were abused rightly feel empowered to tell their stories, but holy fuck, did this snowball quickly and more importantly into something waaay more sinister. God damn.


Mar 4, 2019
since the original stuff?

Chugga made an apology that didnt land with people who have known him for a while, LadyEmily especially found it lacking and discounted parts of it as lies (ie, saying they previously worked things out privately)

it's caused several others to come out and say that they are not associated with/are distancing from him

most have been keeping things vague out of respect to their own privacy, but some new screenshots came out of him at the age of 19 chatting with a 15 year old fan in a very gross and grooming way, continuing long after being told their age

since then things shifted even more dramatically, anyone who defended him before has basically left

he may have tried to overdose on pills, but that doesnt seem confirmed yet (or at least if sommit came out i havent seen anything), only that he's being kept somewhere where he can be watched over and is being medicated

if i left sommit out or got sommit wrong feel free to correct me
IRCC she told him she was 15 and he continued when he was 19?