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The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Mar 17, 2018
Okay so is this worth 30 bucks if I have a ton of games to play but am interested in the game? No problem waiting for a polish patch in a few weeks or whatever, but I think this team deserves a couple more sales.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok - fuck it!! I'm shelving my PS4 version and deleting off hard drive, and buying digital for my X right now lol. I want to play the damn game and that seems the best way by far on consoles. One of the most disappointing games I've experienced on my PS4 Pro re: graphics and performance especially silly after an update where it was a lot better previously.

This IS one of the main reasons I bought an X though; to play some 3rd party games that will be better there is at least i'm getting use out of my X :)

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Decided to just stick to my existing character, but it seems all of my technology upgrades for everything have been made redundant and have turned into technology modules.

Doesn't bother me, but what do I do with these modules? It's rather vague as to its flexible use it has to offer.

EDIT: Nevermind. Found it's use. Building new technology.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be cool. I want to reach out to HG at some point and see if there's anything cool we can do. Just not sure on how much is allowed so need to run it by the Era admins first.

Yeah..I ran the OT on GAF, but we never had anyone from HG pop up. Hopefully now that Sean said he wants to interact with the community more we might get some interaction here.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Craft some stuff to gather more stuff to travel to more planets to gather more stuff to craft more stuff to gather more stuff.
It's cool, definitely isn't for everyone though you can reduce a lot of games like that too. Diablo 3 is just killing stuff to get better stuff to kill more stuff. Still think it's a fantastic game though.

Yeah..I ran the OT on GAF, but we never had anyone from HG pop up. Hopefully now that Sean said he wants to interact with the community more we might get some interaction here.
100%. I'll contact the admins this weekend then hit you up to bounce ideas around if there's a green light (and what parameters we might be allowed to work within).


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wait, what?

I thought it was only purposeful Co-Op.

That's... kind of a big deal then, right?
As long as you don't intentionally go into the solo/offline mode you can definitely get randoms joining you, I've experienced it myself. I'm guessing in solo you only get the orbs + voice comms but normally if you are online it seems like you can get people that use the "join random players online" and they'll be the full coop characters (which can be good and bad I guess depending how nice they are.)


Oct 26, 2017
The gameplay loop seems mostly untouched which is really disappointing to me - it's still gathering the game :(

Craft some stuff to gather more stuff to travel to more planets to gather more stuff to craft more stuff to gather more stuff.
I guess? Pretty easy to sum up most games in a similar way when you paint a picture in broadstrokes like that though. Don't forget the last major update focused heavily on a linear story progression for players that wanted that, and base building came before that update for players who love crafting. This update is heavily focused on the planet generation, so explorers have a reason to stay engaged. What do you think it's missing?

Man the PC performance still sounds pretty iffy.
Yeah, it is. Always has been sadly. I assume it's a CPU issue for me at least. I'm not sure what kind of CPU you'd need to run this game at a locked 60fps that literally never dips. I fluctuate from 30-60fps constantly in this game, with little rhyme or reason. I can literally take a single step forwards and the game will drop 20fps for a second or two before bouncing back up lol. It's that stutter and fluctuation that really bothers me. If I could lock it at 45fps I'd be happier than 30-60fps.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder how many ps4s this game is gonna kill. Or is the rocket noise my ps4 makes supposed to be part of the environmental sounds


Oct 27, 2017
So is this 'borked' on PS4 PRO? Reading varying reports of the jet engine and graphics quality.

I haven't played this new update yet, but I know when I tried to play one of the prior updates on my Pro I was scared by how loud the fans were. I briefly thought I was going to damage the PlayStation.

Turns out that it defaulted to an uncapped frame rate. Once I turned that off, the fans settled down to normal speeds.

Perhaps this is what others are experiencing?


Oct 27, 2017
I've ran into two people randomly so far. In photo mode their characters still move. Also I've experienced different jet pack behavior on a certain planet.


Oct 25, 2017
Got home from work a little bit ago to discover that my PS4 had not downloaded the update in rest mode. *sigh* I took a shower and ate dinner and now it's ready to go. When I left the game last night, pre-NEXT, I was on a space Anomaly station. Let's see if that holds.


Nov 15, 2017
Anyone else on PC got the bug where when you exit and then try and restart the game through Steam, nothing happens? It just stays on ''preparing to launch'' and i have to cancel that and try again a couple seconds later. I think the same bug was present at launch as well if i remember correctly.
Yep, I had the same bug. "OpenGL unable to open launch window". I had to exit Steam reboot and it was fine again.
Mar 17, 2018
Well I just picked up a key and will be hopping in at some point. I think the new community missions and what not will give the game some extra life. I feel like Hello Games deserves some reappraisal here. I think one more big patch and this game will be really damn good.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it is. Always has been sadly. I assume it's a CPU issue for me at least. I'm not sure what kind of CPU you'd need to run this game at a locked 60fps that literally never dips. I fluctuate from 30-60fps constantly in this game, with little rhyme or reason. I can literally take a single step forwards and the game will drop 20fps for a second or two before bouncing back up lol. It's that stutter and fluctuation that really bothers me. If I could lock it at 45fps I'd be happier than 30-60fps.

I was getting a locked 110 on my first planet (volcano wasteland planet?) when I played for a bit earlier, but I have an i9.

Maybe it's the grass and foliage and stuff that kills perf?


Nov 1, 2017
Booted this up this morning after patching (Aus) and loaded my old/current save.
Man, my ship looks different and not as cool. Oh well.
Get out in to space and, hey, the framerate is super bad. Begin to use my pulse engine and the frame. are. crawling. Try to land and bam, crashed my PS4.
Reboot PS4, try again.
Same frame issue, and even jist talking to a Korvax on the station I was on dropped my frames from about 10/s to about 1/15s and another crash.

I guess I will wait for 1.51.

Edit: Non-Pro PS4 BTW
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Oct 25, 2017
My god the PC version is where it's at. i7700, 32GB, 1080 runs it beautifully. Shame the PS4 Pro version needs a lot of work.


Oct 25, 2017
The PS4 Pro crashing has begun. Was fine for 5 1/2 hours, but now I've landed on a moon and it crashes consistently either while on the moon, or while trying to take off.

Guess I'm waiting for a patch lol. Kyuuji will probably have that starter FAQ up by then which will be nice!
Oct 25, 2017
So should I be waiting for another patch on my Pro to even start this?

Edit: judging by the few posts above me: probably. Shame. Oh well. I've waiting like 4 months to start playing, what's another while.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
So is the Refinery at the base. I had a base but it's been a while since I played. I guess I need to find a base computer on any planet? Have not seen one of those yet.
It should just be in the list of things you can build anywhere.
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Nov 8, 2017
Played on PS4 Pro waiting for Steam to update. Performance was pretty garbage, even with scaling turned off. PC crashed once on me, but looks great.
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR


Oct 26, 2017
New York
So for the X do you think it's better to lock FPS or no? I set it to no and seems smoother for the most part. I turned motion blur off too but should I keep that on to mask some of the hitching?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Guess I'm waiting for a patch lol. Kyuuji will probably have that starter FAQ up by then which will be nice!
Yup. Definitely getting the core parts of what to do when you set foot on your first planet, most commonly asked questions and general tips (scavenging, melee boosts and the like).


Nov 10, 2017
Game is a little rough between graphical glitches, audio buzzing, shadows flickering. Other than that I'm really digging the update.
Too many new elements and objects though, it's a bit disheartening after years of mining the usual stuff; I'll probably start a new game to familiarize with the new additions.

Question: Hyperdrive upgrades that carried over don't seem to stack anymore (there's no colored outline around them), is that normal? Should I rebuild them?


Nov 2, 2017
ok so if my wife and I both start a new save, how do we get to playing together? One of us gets off our home planet and goes to the other one? How can I find her? is there parties or anything?
If you start a new game and then she does too and joins you, it will put you both in the same planet with your starter crashed ship in the same area. At least, I just did that with a friend on PS4.


Oct 25, 2017


That's the second planet I landed on. That mesa is gigantic. I also could see it on the approach to the planet which was awesome.

Edit: Image won't embed for some reason.
I wonder if there's a runway on the other side and alien craft coming and going...


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Another tip for new joiners:
Use the analysis visor to scan destructible elements (like rocks) to have a chance of yielding additional materials from them.

Kernal 64

Oct 28, 2017
I tried searching the thread, but I didn't find the answer to my question, so here goes...

Does anyone know what happened to our other owned ships? I had 5 ships stashed in the hanger bay of my freighter and they're all gone. I'm freaking out here because I had 1 of each type, all S class except for the fighter class. I also had a beater ship that I used for black holes and now... all gone, seemingly.

On a positive note, I don't seem to have any issues on my PS4 Pro. Fans are fine and the game seems to run normally with no graphical issues. On the PC side, the only issue I had was a CTD when changing the in game AF setting.
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