
Oct 27, 2017
We were always going to see more cases with more testing. Especially now that we have specific testing centres in certain provinces. There's one by me in Toronto, run by North York General. No appointments needed. It had over 200 people as soon as it opened. The testing centres will help free up emergency and walk-in clinics. The fact that outside of 3 cases, all of them are self-isolating at home is great! Helps keep the ICU's clear for a while longer.

Very true! Hopefully we can keep it up.

I'm a little iffy on BC scaling back on testing. 😥 Not sure why they're doing that. No, not every single person who has a sneeze needs to be tested, but... wonder if they'll switch that back again.

Unfortuantely I think a lot of this is from travellers coming back from the US and/or snowbirds who panicked and are rushing back to Canada.

I hope they are responsible and self quarantine for a period of time.

Also true. And I mean, Canada just put out the "maybe you should come back" notice haha.

My dad was on a trip in Palm Springs, and is returning tomorrow. He's a little miffed, but he'll be quarantining. Not sure about his buddies though... I hope they will be.


Dec 20, 2018
Oh, I meant near me, not run by me. I don't work in healthcare. I work in security. Sorry if I gave you that impression.

Things are generally under control. I mean we still have panic buyers and everything, and stores are getting bare. But our government on all three levels are initiating some good measures, and the shut down of schools/gatherings/major events will help.

Canadian's were worried nothing would be done until it was too late, since our governments are known for dilly-dallying. They seem to have responded well, and that fact that we only have 247 cases over three months is pretty good.

There is more they can do, mainly restricting/closing the US border, as a lot of our cases are travel related and from the States, but that will take time. Also it's a big deal.

Oh ok, don't worry, that's cool. Glad to hear things are going along that way in Canada.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Does relying on herd immunity means they're not implementing any measures at all?

Not exactly. The US States already have better measures than anything the feds have done.

The reality is we lack the testing capacity to treat this even like a typical flu season.

There are lots of states already implimenting social distancing policy.

The question is if it will be enough to stop hospitals from being overun.

My money is on it won't, given our lack of ICU capacity and respirators.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Does relying on herd immunity means they're not implementing any measures at all?

Read it again, it's even more ridiculous than that.

"We have a plan, based on the expertise of world-leading scientists. Herd immunity is not a part of it. That is a scientific concept, not a goal or a strategy. Our goal is to protect life from this virus, our strategy is to protect the most vulnerable and protect the NHS through contain, delay, research and mitigate."


Boris Johnson puts industry on war footing to equip NHS for coronavirus battle ahead

Manufacturers will be asked to make their production lines available to help deliver ventilators to hospitals


Oct 26, 2017
People need to stop ordering so much fucking pizza. There are cases in my own county and yet I still have to deliver to 100+ families a week.

Deleted member 4260

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Question, is it possible to just show symptoms of a runny nose and small cough and still have the virus? I feel pretty fine otherwise, I just thought I'd ask.

not going out either way


Oct 25, 2017
Question, is it possible to just show symptoms of a runny nose and small cough and still have the virus? I feel pretty fine otherwise, I just thought I'd ask.

yes, just like the regular flu, it depends on a ton of factors about your body. some people can get wrecked for 2 weeks from something that might just give someone else mild symptoms. there's a metric fuckton of people (generally younger) walking around with this feeling fine or almost fine, and infecting others in the meantime


May 31, 2018
I feel you. I was so anxious about nobody here apparently giving a fuck for the past two weeks that I couldn't sleep properly. It didn't really help that I have a big project I need to be working on and trying to be productive in any way was a constant struggle.
Now that my country is on lockdown and everything is closed and people are quarantined to their own homes, I feel a lot calmer. I know it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, but at least we're doing the right things and now there's nothing left but wait.

It's the waiting for the shoe to drop that's the worst.

The thing is living in the UK means I won't get that relative calm. I've literally seen first-hand how non-chalant everyone from the government to my close family is about this and I can't simply ignore that. It's like trying to ignore everyone starting to wear red clothes whilst you have a deathly fear of red clothes (terrible analogy but I hope it makes sense).

I need to find something else to find solace in but I honestly don't know what that is.


Oct 27, 2017
People need to stop ordering so much fucking pizza. There are cases in my own county and yet I still have to deliver to 100+ families a week.

Domino's delivery people in Spain are reporting to be threatened to attend work while they're not being given any kind of protection, mask, gloves or anything at all, and I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of services are the same so... I'd ask people to try to limit delivery as much as possible for the safety of those workers and also your own.

Deleted member 4260

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
yes, just like the regular flu, it depends on a ton of factors about your body. some people can get wrecked for 2 weeks from something that might just give someone else mild symptoms. there's a metric fuckton of people (generally younger) walking around with this feeling fine or almost fine, and infecting others in the meantime
Kk. Thanks a lot for the response.


Nov 15, 2017
went out for a kebab to take away, and the police showed up and locked the restaurant. ''everybody go home'. lockdown in spain was announced just a few hours ago, and it's with immediate effect. shit just got real.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it is because there is a certain percentage of the population who absolutely freak out and hoard. Now that they are done stores are restocked.

Someone in here said before that grocery stores/food industry have massive warehouses full of products. It also may just be a matter of stores upping the quantity of certain items they order.


Oct 25, 2017
We are on emergency alert now (Spain). Almost all is closed and movement is restricted (except food or health issues).

Sometimes I do music classes at my home. And a mom of a teen I did classes last year just wrote me:
"Hi I'm A*** mom, from last year. Now that the conservatory is closed, can you teach some classes at your home to him?"

I'm fucking amazed at people. Seriously.
Holy shit, what was your answer? I suppose polite enough, but this people really get me angry.
Oct 28, 2017
I live in WA. How long do you think I have until a federal lockdown? Things are only getting worse and I figure it's just a matter of time.

I'm already stocked up for it. I'm just waiting for that tipping point.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, I will. I just want somewhere that I can go to get actual news on the situation; here felt like the best place but looking now phrases like "The Last of Us/Walking Dead situation," "as many deaths as WW2," and "the most terrifying thing I've ever read." are just dragging me down whether or not they're based in fact. I realise that I've contirbuted to that kind of stuff as well, and I am really sorry about that. I'm just so scared and I guess I want someone to tell me it's going to be all OK, but expecting strangers to do that is just silly.

However I can't simply ignore it because that just feels like it'll make things worse. I just wish there was somewhere I could bookmark to go when I want to find something new about this.

I don't know. I feel like I just need to take some time off from everything, but until things calm down with this crisis and my family is safe I just can't. So I need to find the next best thing and I have no idea what that is.
Yeah, I understand that. I'm not blaming you for feeling like this, mind you - sorry if I came across that way -, but being amidst negativity and fears is not the best environment for people with anxiety. I see it very often with people in my family. So stick to factual sources, find an outlet that actively avoids sounding alarmist and know that eventually things will go back to normal.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
You'd have to let them stay in their rooms. You can't just throw people out into the streets.

which means hotel staff still has to work

I'm wondering if they are going to close our in-room dining kitchen
Do people think this is going to cause the country to become some kind of apocalypse mad max setting or something? People are going to be able to get food. The water and electricity is going to keep flowing. This isnt the end of the world.

well let's look at it this way, the compromise bill doesnt include a majority of Americans, therefore a lot of people will be out of work with no money while still having bills (thankfully some services are waiving due dates temporarily). that will lead to more crime. it won't be an apocalypse, but there will be an increase in crime.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if this was already posted, but it appears that the narrative that the virus is mainly spread through symptomatic people could be false, and that people who are asymptomatic may be spreading coronavirus to a significant degree. Which would call into question most of the current social distancing advice.


But it appears that a Massachusetts coronavirus cluster with at least 82 cases was started by people who were not yet showing symptoms, and more than half a dozen studies have shown that people without symptoms are causing substantial amounts of infection.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm becoming more and more convinced that I had Covid-19 when I was sick at the end of January. All the symptoms line up.

I had a fever, sore joints, the worst cold ever where I could not breathe through my nose even after blowing it. Also three days of no ability to taste and smell. I made the hottest indonesian dish of my life (judging by the ingredients) and still, it was just textures to me. Very weird.

The worst bit was the throat and lungs though.

I have had a sore throat and coughing fits before but not like this. The throat was not sore at all and it was as if the act of coughing almost never had the beneficial effect on the cause that you are used to. Usually it clears away the slime in your throat which was the reason you coughed in the first place. In this case it felt as if the cause came from the lungs. Hard to describe but it was as if something was rattling down there and in some way hindering air coming up/down which sent the "you'd better cough," signal to the brain. The coughing just made the thing down there rattle further which again provoked further coughing. It was exhausting to say the least and for the three worst days of the illness I found it difficult to breathe at times.

I was sick for 14 days straight. Still had a mild cough for five days after that.

One silver lining to this is that my parents caught it four days after me and are recovered so I am less worried about them getting Covid-19 than I would be otherwise. They had an identical experience to mine.

Sounds like you had influenza A especially if this was in January. Like you're making dangerous assumptions here. Don't.


Feb 25, 2018
We're just living in a fundamentally unserious time, where nobody has universal credibility, and we're going to suffer for it. If we learn from it, maybe we can approach huge issues like universal healthcare and climate change with more wisdom and urgency, but it will be a very painful lesson.

When Donald Trump won the election, this popped in my head... So many people voted for him knowing he's a clown, just because. Politics are a joke so I'm voting for him. We can invent a new reality where nothing matters.

And I didn't want it to be true, but there was this thought that kept coming back in my head : Some people only understand something when they suffer.

And I still don't want it to be true. :\

Primal Sage

Virtually Real
Nov 27, 2017
Question, is it possible to just show symptoms of a runny nose and small cough and still have the virus? I feel pretty fine otherwise, I just thought I'd ask.

not going out either way

Yes. It's possible to have no symptoms and still be infected. You might then develop symptoms or none at all and still be a carrier for some time. No hard data on for how long but that is basically what is happening to most kids (though not all) who get it. Can happen to adults too.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit, what was your answer? I suppose polite enough, but this people really get me angry.

People were still trying to "escape" quarantines going to vacation homes and actually expecting to have a vacation as late as this fucking afternoon, according to an article I saw of people in Euskadi going to Cantabria's vacation areas, so that's why we finally got full lockdown in the whole country with immediate effect. You just can't ask people not to be assholes and expect them to comply.


Oct 28, 2017
Are there actually like proven cases where people get it and get through it without even feeling sympomatic? I understand you can spread it while asymptomatic but do we KNOW of casese where you get through it without even knowing it?


Oct 25, 2017
yes, just like the regular flu, it depends on a ton of factors about your body. some people can get wrecked for 2 weeks from something that might just give someone else mild symptoms. there's a metric fuckton of people (generally younger) walking around with this feeling fine or almost fine, and infecting others in the meantime

That's the most scary part. I may already have, my kids, my wife and you just dont know!


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if this was already posted, but it appears that the narrative that the virus is mainly spread through symptomatic people could be false, and that people who are asymptomatic may be spreading coronavirus to a significant degree. Which would call into question most of the current social distancing advice.


But it appears that a Massachusetts coronavirus cluster with at least 82 cases was started by people who were not yet showing symptoms, and more than half a dozen studies have shown that people without symptoms are causing substantial amounts of infection.
Yes, there have been numerous studies and reports on that possibilities since the virus was still mainly residing in China in January/February. However, I'm not sure if it's ever been confirmed or not.


Oct 27, 2017
When Donald Trump won the election, this popped in my head... So many people voted for him knowing he's a clown, just because. Politics are a joke so I'm voting for him. We can invent a new reality where nothing matters.

And I didn't want it to be true, but there was this thought that kept coming back in my head : Some people only understand something when they suffer.

And I still don't want it to be true. :\

Some people are incapable of empathy and only understand suffering once they personally experience it. Before that, it is, best case, something distant that happens to other people, or, worst case, a joke to laugh at.

Primal Sage

Virtually Real
Nov 27, 2017
Sounds like you had influenza A especially if this was in January. Like you're making dangerous assumptions here. Don't.

I would have thought so too but my parents are vaccinated against influenza A and still got whatever I got.

Could of course just be some other form of influenza, no question. The timing just lines up with the outbreak and the symptoms.


Oct 30, 2017
Los Angeles
I've never had a sinus infection where my nose was sore to the touch. My nose is sore to the touch. :( Taking sudafed and laying down. Not leaving my house for a bit.

Hey, does a bottle of peroxide ever expire (age)?


Alt Account
Nov 30, 2019
a good friend of mine living in NY who works on epidemics has fled the country to go back to Scandinavia because the US authorities are handling this pandemic in a very, very dangerous way.

She also told me that the minimum you can do is institute a lockdown. That is the minimum governments should be doing right now
Oct 25, 2017
Norman, OK
Question, is it possible to just show symptoms of a runny nose and small cough and still have the virus? I feel pretty fine otherwise, I just thought I'd ask.

not going out either way

Possible? Yes.

Likely? Not unless you're in a hotspot where the virus is known to be circulating. Considerably more likely that it's a cold or the like.

Still- you're very smart to stay home and avoid contact. Signs of fever would be the first big thing to watch out for.


May 31, 2018
Yeah, I understand that. I'm not blaming you for feeling like this, mind you - sorry if I came across that way -, but being amidst negativity and fears is not the best environment for people with anxiety. I see it very often with people in my family. So stick to factual sources, find an outlet that actively avoids sounding alarmist and know that eventually things will go back to normal.

Can you recommend any? I think my best plan is to stick entirely to the gaming side here (because, frankly, off-topic discussion is COVID-19 discussion at this point...) and bookmark a factual source that I can check up on every day. I need to also have a serious conversation with my family about this, and how they should take it much more seriously than they are right now. I'm also not going to be going into work until at least April (which is literally 6 shifts for me, so it's not that big of a deal anyway); I'll be honest as for the reasons and if they want to intimidate me when I get back like the last time I took a sick day they can get fucked. They're the problem, not me.

As for things going to back to normal, I know they likely will, but to me I'm just so infinitely afraid of losing my Mum this year that I find it incredibly difficult to see that happening. Losing her would destroy me and I'm less ready for it now than I'd be for an impromptu exam on literal rocket science. Things can only be normal when I know she won't die from this.

If things do go back to normal I'm going to give myself a long, long time to 'be kind to myself', future worries be damned. This crisis is just another shitty situation in a series of shitty situations that started in 2016 and then went into maximum overdrive at the tail end of 2018. I've been on near-constant alert since then and that can't be good at all.