
Oct 25, 2017
Where my store is located has the most cases per 10,000 people in the county and our District Manager doesn't give a single flying fuck. We don't have plexiglass, they haven't provided masks, we've got those shitty food grade latex gloves and that is it. An employee at a different shop about 20 minutes from us tested positive and the health department straight up shut them down for 2 weeks, I'm just waiting to hear our DM's reaction when one of us eventually tests positive. They've done nothing to help us during this time other than promise us a $300 bonus come May if we don't miss a day of work.

Wow - are you at a chain store?


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
So here's an interesting tid-bit... maybe I am overthinking it....

I live in New Jersey, where the first case of Coronavirus was documented in March.

In early January I became extremely ill, the worst I've ever been sick in my entire life by far. Fever, diarrhea, weakness, body aches, loss of appetite, shortness of breath; these symptoms lasted over a week but my cough and shortness of breath continued for nearly 8 weeks. After about 2 days of these symptoms I went to see my doctor and was tested for the flu because I had all the usual symptoms, I waited a few days and the test result came back as negative for influenza. I thought this was very suspicious, but I continued to take my medication and eventually recovered.

I would love to know if is at all possible that back in January someone in NJ could have had the COVID19 virus. Many of my coworkers also became very sick around the same time, one even with a dangerous case of Pneumonia. Also my mother in law who I was in contact with also had a case of Pneumonia shortly after I recovered.

I tried to reach out to Hackensack hospital because they are performing blood tests for recovered patients. Apparently there are antibodies in the blood that can be used to help other patients recover. Sadly because I never tested positive for the virus (tests were not being done in January), I cannot receive this blood test nor donate blood to help patients recover...

I guess I'll never really know for certain.
Oct 27, 2017
I just want to talk about this with my wife, sister in law and brother in law, but they are just exhausted and don't want to hear any more bad news.

I have no outlet to converse about this.
Converse with them about all the non-covid stuff, they will feel heard, and then they will want to hear you out on your concerns too. Everyone has a limit for how much they can tolerant of this. Its natural to want to come up for air every now then, false hope or not.
Oct 25, 2017
So here's an interesting tid-bit... maybe I am overthinking it....

I live in New Jersey, where the first case of Coronavirus was documented in March.

In early January I became extremely ill, the worst I've ever been sick in my entire life by far. Fever, diarrhea, weakness, body aches, loss of appetite, shortness of breath; these symptoms lasted over a week but my cough and shortness of breath continued for nearly 8 weeks. After about 2 days of these symptoms I went to see my doctor and was tested for the flu because I had all the usual symptoms, I waited a few days and the test result came back as negative for influenza. I thought this was very suspicious, but I continued to take my medication and eventually recovered.

I would love to know if is at all possible that back in January someone in NJ could have had the COVID19 virus. Many of my coworkers also became very sick around the same time, one even with a dangerous case of Pneumonia. Also my mother in law who I was in contact with also had a case of Pneumonia shortly after I recovered.

I tried to reach out to Hackensack hospital because they are performing blood tests for recovered patients. Apparently there are antibodies in the blood that can be used to help other patients recover. Sadly because I never tested positive for the virus (tests were not being done in January), I cannot receive this blood test nor donate blood to help patients recover...

I guess I'll never really know for certain.

I would guess you just got a false negative for flu. It would have been at its peak around then and the past couple years the flu has been particularly nasty symptoms-wise.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
What's with the recent France numbers?
They've changed to reporting deaths in care homes as well as hospitals since last week. Other countries (the UK for sure) are only reporting verified C19 hospital deaths, so a lot of deaths go unreported.

The Italian figures are a bit worrying. Deaths are falling much slower than they increased. Most death projections like that Washington model predicted a roughly symmetrical sinusoidal curve, which is likely to be inaccurate. I suspect we'll see significantly more than the projected 20 thousand deaths in Italy.


Oct 25, 2017
They've changed to reporting deaths in care homes as well as hospitals since last week. Other countries (the UK for sure) are only reporting verified C19 hospital deaths, so a lot of deaths go unreported.

The Italian figures are a bit worrying. Deaths are falling much slower than they increased. Most death projections like that Washington model predicted a roughly symmetrical sinusoidal curve, which is likely to be inaccurate. I suspect we'll see significantly more than the projected 20 thousand deaths in Italy.

And this sort of gets at the issue that is so depressing. We've focused so much on flattening the curve that so many people think life will be normal and deaths will precipitously fall after that. It's important to maintain hope but I hope people are ready for this to drag on for months. Opening the economy in the US in early May sounds disastrous


Oct 28, 2017
My dad is a right wing news follower, despite my best efforts to get him off of it, but the right wing has picked up the "May 1, everything should be open again."

We're gonna start to flatten the curve and everything will re-open. Just have a feeling.

Right-wing media are upset that it might even be that long. They've been back to pushing the idea that this is a joke hard recently.


Oct 26, 2017
I remember when everything was saying "just till the end of March". Yeahhh most of use knew that a solid 2 weeks sure wouldn't do much, especially since tighter restrictions took a while to happen in some regions.


Oct 25, 2017
Where my store is located has the most cases per 10,000 people in the county and our District Manager doesn't give a single flying fuck. We don't have plexiglass, they haven't provided masks, we've got those shitty food grade latex gloves and that is it. An employee at a different shop about 20 minutes from us tested positive and the health department straight up shut them down for 2 weeks, I'm just waiting to hear our DM's reaction when one of us eventually tests positive. They've done nothing to help us during this time other than promise us a $300 bonus come May if we don't miss a day of work.
Honestly, put in a call to your local Health Department. My company got ahead of this, but in OH they've stated clearly that if they are not making it a safe work environment they want a call.


Feb 5, 2019
Epic Universe
Sort of a weird question, but what would happen if someone was kicked out of their parents house during all this? Like, they turn 18 or whatever and their parents force them to leave?


Oct 26, 2017
Massachusetts update for today:

• There were 7447 new tests conducted for a total of 94958. • There are 2151 new cases for a total of 18941. • 70 new deaths were reported for a total of 503.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, college football starts in September, right? We should be relatively in the clear by then. It won't be completely gone, but no way will we still be in intense lockdown in September unless something goes very, very wrong.
full lockdown... no.
we still likely won't be able to have gatherings over 100 people or so though.

Once we have rapid testing up and running, and we can test every player, ref, coach ect before every game we can open up things like this for the players to play in empty stadiums though.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't speak for everywhere, but Texas and Florida are already experiencing summer weather, and this isn't slowing down in either state. So I doubt summer will have much of an impact on this thing.


Oct 25, 2017
My job will remain closed through the end of May. I have no fucking idea what to do with my time.

I'm sorry to hear about your furlough.

I was fired from a job in 2018, and knew I had a job lined up, but it didn't start for 6 weeks. I found a new hobby and dug into that. I also did some things around my house I'd been putting off.


Oct 25, 2017
Hence "relatively". It shouldn't be this bad in September unless we completely fucked up.
I mean, we have been mostly fucking up in the US.
but ignoring that it's completely possible that the virus mutates to the point where our bodies again don't recognize it or that it's strong enough that immunity doesn't last more than a few months ( It's far too soon to say with any certainty that we will be in the clear at any point before the vaccine at this point. I hope we will be able get things under control, but it's not a sure thing.

They should be. I'd imagine that they'd make the classes smaller as a precaution, but they'll definitely keep going.

A lot of colleges will likely be online only classes this fall still. I would expect them to still make an exception to have football players there though as they make too much money off of them.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm sorry to hear about your furlough.

I was fired from a job in 2018, and knew I had a job lined up, but it didn't start for 6 weeks. I found a new hobby and dug into that. I also did some things around my house I'd been putting off.
I've already been off work for 3 weeks and I hate it. There's no reason to wake up without a job tying things together. I wake up, play video games and then go to bed. Another month and a half is crazy to me.


Feb 16, 2018
A lot of colleges will likely be online only classes this fall still. I would expect them to still make an exception to have football players there though as they make too much money off of them.

My sister heads the COVID tracking and quarantine at a major university. She thinks universities should just close until 2021. Also having kids at Ivy league or similar schools, she wasn't excited about paying 50 grand for online learning from them.


Oct 27, 2017
I would guess you just got a false negative for flu. It would have been at its peak around then and the past couple years the flu has been particularly nasty symptoms-wise.
On the other hand, the length of the disease and certain symptoms aren't indicative. Aside from that, the US has seen a relatively light flu season this year as the B-strain Victoria is the dominant. As this one tends to mutate very slow, it hits hard in kids but is unlikely to hit older people hard as we all have some immunity.


Feb 5, 2019
Epic Universe
Hi, welcome to America. We're probably going to be in the second wave around that time.

(apologies if you're not an American.)
Nah, I'm an American.

I'm just really scared, not of the virus really, but of my mental health and the mental health of everyone around me. Nobody is taking this well, some are falling into themselves like me. What's going to happen to us if it'll still be like this several months from now?


Oct 27, 2017
Holy hell, theres too much that could be said about this lol i saw the guy fawkes thing growing a bit on twitter a few days ago but thought it was a joke...



Oct 25, 2017
Nah, I'm an American.

I'm just really scared, not of the virus really, but of my mental health and the mental health of everyone around me. Nobody is taking this well, some are falling into themselves like me. What's going to happen to us if it'll still be like this several months from now?
We will adapt.
It will continue to be stressful and scary, but humanity has shown time and time again across history that we are great at adapting.
It's going to take time, but we will eventually get through this.

Even when the virus has a vaccine though normal isn't going to return overnight. It's going to take a while to rebuild our world economy no matter what Trump likes to say.

Primal Sage

Virtually Real
Nov 27, 2017
At my work my new boss removed our weekly work from home day three months ago. Me and my colleagues were all very unhappy with this decision.

...This is karma on a cosmic level.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Left my job yesterday. The company who was a client of the company I was working for reached out to me immediately to offer a better paying job in the exact same location, only I'd be under their management now, which means I'd still only be a five minute walk from home and already familiar with everyone on the job. On top of that, I've seen how the management company treats their employees, and they always have PPE on hand for all of their workers on top of any other necessary needs, and are accommodating of people's personal schedule throughout this crisis.

Probably going to go for it since I'd feel far safer being an essential worker in those circumstances than I was before. Finally some sort of decent news for me throughout everything.


Oct 29, 2017
So here's an interesting tid-bit... maybe I am overthinking it....

I live in New Jersey, where the first case of Coronavirus was documented in March.

In early January I became extremely ill, the worst I've ever been sick in my entire life by far. Fever, diarrhea, weakness, body aches, loss of appetite, shortness of breath; these symptoms lasted over a week but my cough and shortness of breath continued for nearly 8 weeks. After about 2 days of these symptoms I went to see my doctor and was tested for the flu because I had all the usual symptoms, I waited a few days and the test result came back as negative for influenza. I thought this was very suspicious, but I continued to take my medication and eventually recovered.

I would love to know if is at all possible that back in January someone in NJ could have had the COVID19 virus. Many of my coworkers also became very sick around the same time, one even with a dangerous case of Pneumonia. Also my mother in law who I was in contact with also had a case of Pneumonia shortly after I recovered.

I tried to reach out to Hackensack hospital because they are performing blood tests for recovered patients. Apparently there are antibodies in the blood that can be used to help other patients recover. Sadly because I never tested positive for the virus (tests were not being done in January), I cannot receive this blood test nor donate blood to help patients recover...

I guess I'll never really know for certain.

I'm in the same boat although not as severe. Started off with pain in my upper chest, almost like when you have anxiety. This then turned into a feeling of someone standing on my chest and this burning feeling in my upper lungs. Could not stop clearing my throat, but it wasn't my throat...almost felt like it was seeping into my chest. I went to the walk in, given prednisone. Did a chat a week later with my VA doc who told me it doesnt sound like Covid. This shit lasted for nearly THREE goddamn weeks. Never in my life!


Oct 27, 2017
Since I've moved I've been overdue for dental, eye doctor, and yearly physical exams. Am I right to assume that I shouldn't be doing any of these while the pandemic is going on, seeing as none of them are critical?

My only concerns is that I'm almost out of my acid reflux prescription (though I'm pretty sure I can still get it OTC), and I'm afraid I may lose my LASIK warranty if I don't get my yearly exam. But those concerns are pretty minor overall.


Nov 5, 2017
New Zealand
Logic? We simply can't be in a mega-lockdown for a half a year or more, and we shouldn't be unless the virus somehow manages to keep accelerating for months. College football can be done in empty stadiums.

If restrictions on gatherings of 100 people or more remain (or are put in place where they don't exist), then no, you can't have a game of college football, even in an empty stadium, unless you completely strip back the rosters and support staff. Basketball, soccer, volleyball maybe. Even then, the physicality and pseudo contact nature of most team sports is going to mean they are under immense pressure not to proceed because of the additional risk that would put on the athletes in a world where stringent hygiene practices and some form of casual social distancing is still expected.

Things are not going back to completely "normal" until a vaccine exists, or populations develop herd immunity organically which is probably going to be late in the year at the earliest. Large scale gatherings will be the last thing allowed back.


Feb 5, 2019
Epic Universe
We will adapt.
It will continue to be stressful and scary, but humanity has shown time and time again across history that we are great at adapting.
It's going to take time, but we will eventually get through this.

Even when the virus has a vaccine though normal isn't going to return overnight. It's going to take a while to rebuild our world economy no matter what Trump likes to say.
Some of us will. Some of us won't. Some of us can't due to the situations we're in (mostly talking about the people stuck in abusive households or the people who view tourism and travel as their lifeline like me). There's also the nurses who will have PTSD after all this, the people who lost their jobs and will make rash decisions in their anger and stress.

I literally just got out of an abusive household three months ago. I did everything I could to stay away from the house, because I was depressed, angry, and sometimes borderline suicidal every time I was there. And that was in a house where it was mostly emotional abuse and neglect, not physical. Thank god I'm not there now. If I hadn't been taken in by a close friend, if I was forced to stay inside the house, it's clear that I would have gone over the edge. I still feel like I will sometimes. But I was lucky. Some of my friends and old family members aren't. I got friends admitting that they're extremely depressed. I know for a fact that my some of my old family members are turning to alcohol and weed constantly to get through the day. It's fucked.

I understand this is sort of a personal rant, maybe a little needless, but it's not as simple as adapt and overcome. A lot of people won't come out of this.

Kingpin Rogers

Oct 27, 2017
This whole situation really isn't helping my insomnia :/ I'm currently staying up till like 6-8 am, I just find myself either unable to sleep before around that time or if I do fall asleep I'll wake up a couple hours later and be unable to get back to sleep. Whilst in lockdown I've pretty much given up trying to sort it, though I wasn't having much luck before the lockdown either tbf.