Oct 25, 2017
Is there a beginner's guide to this? I love the game but it's sorta hard for me to break into the esports stuff. No real other game I've been into has really made the successful leap to the esports scene.

As the series progresses, it's going to see more plays and strategies born there filter their way through to the matches I play, so I figure I should be across it.

Why do you like the team you're behind? What do you think is great and doesn't need tweaking, and what does need fixing?

Apart from the official coverage, are there any other resources I can look to?

The production value is insane, I'm happy to see it do so well in its inaugural year.

For example, I liked RTSs before they went down this road but drifted away - I'm always relearning Starcraft but it's hard to differentiate between the two topics ie Starcraft as a game to learn and Starcraft as an esport.

Same with fighters, I've just got a fight stick but I don't aspire to go to a tournament :)

So I thought I should test the waters with Overwatch League. I have the OWL app, and have been watching the videos of best plays, the three dudes and their recaps, but I still find it a bit impenetrable.



Oct 25, 2017

^^ Welcome aboard. I used to be a Fighting Game Enthusiast, but got burnt by Capcom so many times and they turned me off their scene. Also, comparing Blizzard and Capcom, I am blown away by the money/production value that is being displayed here.

I'll admit, it's hard to get into OWL, but I would advice to pick a favourite team based on your geo-location preference and start from there. With time, the more you get into the actual game of Overwatch, the more you'll understand and appreciate. the level of play in OWL

Many users here on Era have been following the scene since Overwatch Beta, and have kept up with the storylines over the past 2 years. Here is a detailed preview on all teams done my popular caster Monte Cristo before the OWL started:


The gist of current OWL:

1) Koreans are kings of Overwatch, and while their throne gets shaken more than usual these days, they still sit at top. Best team is NYXL due to having the best players on EVERY SINGLE ROLE.

2) Seoul core used to be the best team in the world, but thanks to misplays from their Tank-line, they slipped out of playoffs and are regarded as one of the two most disappointing teams in OWL.

3) The second most disappointing team is the Dallas core, who used to be the best non Korean team in the world, but got knocked down a lot of pegs thanks to player bans, player mental health issues, and a support staff that used to be under-staffed until Stage 4.

5) Shanghai Dragons never won a game across 40 games (5 months), which is like a record I am sure.

6) Boston was considered a joke team before OWL due to relatively lesser known players, but managed to make playoffs (and go 10-0 in Stage 3) thanks to excellent Coaching, and top down management. They lost their Coach in stage 4 however to San Francisco Shock, and that hurt them quite a bit initially.

7) Pound for pound, London used to be the best team in the league based on player skill, and are considered the only team that if at peak, can beat NYXL. However, due to player injuries, lack of clear coaching vision, and stubbornness in their hero picks, they slipped very hard at the end of the season and let go of a chunk of their team.
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Oct 25, 2017
Houston, Texas
I am going to end up rooting for Valiant and Spitfire.
Btw, you seem like a devout LAV fan. That's awesome, we need people in green and gold to rival the many Gladiators fans here on Era.
No dig against Muma, he's a top 3 NA tank. Me wanting Super is a selfish pick, I wanted to see the young guns playing together in Super and Spacer.
I understand that. I think Super should be in but unfortunately, Aero would actually like to win the OWWC.
Say hello to one more Gladiators fan then.

My avatar is changed, I'm all in on the Gladiators.


Oct 25, 2017
Btw I don't hate the Gladiators, I love Fissure (still is MVP sorry antitrop ) and S4, but I gotta root for the underdog (in terms of fans on ERA) here.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I actually think I like Valiant more than Glads now days. Glads used to be my 3rd favorite team and
I still like Fissure but not really too into the rest of the team.


Oct 25, 2017
Panker, Corey, Gods, and Roolf all need to be on teams next season

Panker could legit be a top 5 MT in OWL


Oct 25, 2017
Besides the great post hate-u did:

Apart from the official coverage, are there any other resources I can look to?

I'd recommend two channels:
  • Blizz Esports Overwatch: They do interviews with the players but their analysis are the best part of the channel
  • Akshon Esports: More recaps, highlights and interviews but they do cool profiles on players.
Also, follow social media of teams you're interested (if it's not for a geographical reason maybe find players you empathize with, almost everyone streams so you can be on the lookout for that), most put out really good content.


Oct 25, 2017
Sleepy and Shaz are probably the two best candidates to actually do that.


Completely throwing with this roster. No reason Sinatraa, Moth, and Rawkus should be in over Sleepy, Danteh, and Elk.

Yes clearly Crusty doesn't know what he's doing and that's why Sinatraa started over Danteh in Stage 4. Aero doesn't know what he's doing either he's clearly intentionally trying to throw their chances of winning it all...


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Danteh and Sinaatra are both monsters. Really, Danteh is too good to sit on the bench, he's a prime candidate for a starter on a new teaming coming into OWL.

Or if Flame knows what's up, he would poach him from Shock. He allows Houston to play every single DPS combo with Linkzr except Pharah and Doomfist.

Parenegade Muma is a top 3 main tank in NA, but I want to see the young guys in Space/Super playing together. Also, Super emulates xQc's style, and guess who used to play off tank to xQc before OWL? SPACE

The same Space, whom xQc said before OWL was the best off-tank in the world.


Oct 25, 2017
lmao super?

Cmon bruh.



You gotta reign it in. Just a little bit.

I just think it's a little presumptuous to say "completely throwing with this roster".
I mean I don't get why you think I meant they are intentionally trying to lose when throwing is just a general term for doing bad lol.

Sinatraa is just so overhyped and his inflexibility was a major problem with Shocks performance in stage 4.

Not even the best Tracers in the world play her that often anymore, yet Shock still do more than any other team because ????????


Oct 25, 2017
Danteh and Sinaatra are both monsters. Really, Danteh is too good to sit on the bench, he's a prime candidate for a starter on a new teaming coming into OWL.

Or if Flame knows what's up, he would poach him from Shock. He allows Houston to play every single DPS combo with Linkzr except Pharah and Doomfist.

I agree with you 100% on everything you just said.

Regardless if its Outlaws or whatever Danteh should not be on the bench. Too talented. Maybe an expansion team?


Oct 25, 2017
*cough* Kariv *cough*. Are all of Valliant underrated? Except for Space and maybe Agilities you guys seem to be sleeping on everyone.

There's a reason they're recognised as the most boring team out of the high placed squads lol.

Regarding Kariv, he's a solid pick to fight for that third spot, I'd bring Bdosin down a peg and even put his undisputed second best Zen spot in doubt.

Kariv and Shaz (especially him) have proven to be consistently better than him on the second half of the League.


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I mean Muma is a legit incredible tank player. He absolutely should be on the starting roster


Oct 25, 2017
Bruh, can Blizzard set the eligibility age to 17 next year?

I want to see WhoRU in OWL already,


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Embrace Inevitability


Completely throwing with this roster. No reason Sinatraa, Moth, and Rawkus should be in over Sleepy, Danteh, and Elk.

Fuck, Sleepy got robbed. And I'm stunned that Sinatraa got the nod.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a beginner's guide to this? I love the game but it's sorta hard for me to break into the esports stuff. No real other game I've been into has really made the successful leap to the esports scene.

As the series progresses, it's going to see more plays and strategies born there filter their way through to the matches I play, so I figure I should be across it.

Why do you like the team you're behind? What do you think is great and doesn't need tweaking, and what does need fixing?

Apart from the official coverage, are there any other resources I can look to?

The production value is insane, I'm happy to see it do so well in its inaugural year.

For example, I liked RTSs before they went down this road but drifted away - I'm always relearning Starcraft but it's hard to differentiate between the two topics ie Starcraft as a game to learn and Starcraft as an esport.

Same with fighters, I've just got a fight stick but I don't aspire to go to a tournament :)

So I thought I should test the waters with Overwatch League. I have the OWL app, and have been watching the videos of best plays, the three dudes and their recaps, but I still find it a bit impenetrable.


Love it! Here we go...

Why do you like the team you're behind? What do you think is great and doesn't need tweaking, and what does need fixing?

Well first of all my team just barely missed the playoffs. However, my secondary team made it in and is actually the #2 ranked team. LA Valiant.

Valiant are a great bunch of guys. I was drawn to them for two reasons. They failed pretty spectacularly during the season with a now-famous incident related to telling a player they had 1 more shot at an In N Out. The thing is they rallied. I love teams that can dig deep after facing adversity and come out on top. The other reason is...well actually it's probably the biggest reason they got better. They added two players. Custa and Space. These guys are two of my favorite players not on my #1 team. I really like the players who are more cerebral and discuss the game at length and that's Custa to a T. Space too.

Apart from the official coverage, are there any other resources I can look to?

Hmm I guess this is technically official coverage but it comes from my favorite OWL player so I'm gonna plug it anyway.


He's doing playoff previews and he has unique insight since he's played against all these teams.

tldr: Go Valiant they're awesome. They also have a good chance at actually winning.


Oct 26, 2017
Why do you like the team you're behind? What do you think is great and doesn't need tweaking, and what does need fixing?
I found it odd nobody wanted to make some advertising about LA Gladiators so I guess I'll try
A friend of mine found this team by chance and liked it because it had a Brazilian player and a Puerto rican(tho this one got benched hard), and we started seeing some matches. Stage 1 was stupidly insane with how inconsistent team was, we had some good talent there but something was lacking, cut to stage 2 and we got reinforcements from London Spitfire, who for some reason decided to sell Fissure, a very talented main tank and shotcaller to the team and after some getting used to and a lot of hardwork the team managed to get it together and go from 8th place on stage 1 to first place in the last stage(and 4th overall).

Honestly, i love them because it feels like cheering for a sports movie team, they have ups and downs, way more than other teams in the top right now, and went to a lot of tie breakers last stage, that almost killed me lol

They also have crazy flexible players that can do a lot of crazy comps, i ain't kidding, there was a game where they had their off support on tracer, their tracer main on widow and their projectile dps on lucio, they also have one of the doomfist mains of the league(tbh the only dedicate one but that'll change with the buffs) I can assure you you'll never get bored watching their games :p


Oct 25, 2017
Man it was so stupid to wait so long for the playoffs lol. There's such diminished hype.

I think it was babybay, at the very least one of his teammates said in an early interview that sleepy doesn't talk much so when he does you should listen.

But in much later interviews I've heard nothing but different stuff about his shot calling capabilities. But the early stuff sticks. I know until I heard those later interviews that's what I thought of him.

I suppose the name doesn't help much either. It's like having your name be oblivious and wondering why people think a certain way about you who don't know you lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Philly is gonna lose...but if anyone can carry them to victory it's Carpe.


Oct 28, 2017
There's a reason they're recognised as the most boring team out of the high placed squads lol.

Regarding Kariv, he's a solid pick to fight for that third spot, I'd bring Bdosin down a peg and even put his undisputed second best Zen spot in doubt.

Kariv and Shaz (especially him) have proven to be consistently better than him on the second half of the League.
I guess I'm just a huge nerd because whenever I watch valliant I just fanboy over their strats. Like their rotations, compositions and sightlines are so crisp. It's beautiful to see the coaching staff's impact in a game. It's the same with NYXL except they kind of just do the same for everyone, whereas watching Valliant counter the NY strats at the end of stage 4 was a thing of beauty and is exactly what high level overwatch should be about. That being said seeing Carpe kill 4 people solo is pretty good entertainment, but I think I am just a huge nerd lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, makes perfect sense, plus this way where they placed in the season that they've been doing for months actually means something.
I mean yeah, it makes sense sure. But its still boring as a viewer. Valiant and XL are too strong of teams to not win it and giving them a bye means nothing surprising is gonna happen.


Oct 25, 2017
I missed the /s on that Muma post. But really watching Contenders, there's some amazing 15 /16 year olds wrecking havoc in the scene.


Yeah Izayaki has been hyped up by Monte and I think Crusty(?)


Oct 25, 2017
I missed the /s on that Muma post. But really watching Contenders, there's some amazing 15 /16 year olds wrecking havoc in the scene.


Yeah Izayaki has been hyped up by Monte and I think Crusty(?)
Yeah..but since we're talking OWL, it made me laugh since it implied basically 18 = young upstart looking to make a name. 19 = looking to retire


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
Day 1 of finals going to be on ESPN proper primetime, schedule at the bottom

Overwatch League is coming to the ESPN, Disney and ABC family of networks, ESPN, Disney and Blizzard Entertainment announced on Wednesday.

The multi-year broadcast deal includes the Overwatch League playoffs -- which begin Wednesday night -- the Season 1 grand finals from the Barclays Center in New York next month, the Overwatch World Cup this fall and Overwatch League Season 2 next year. In all, professional Overwatch will be broadcast in some fashion on the flagship ESPN network, ESPN2, Disney XD, ABC and streaming services for the term of the agreement.
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Oct 25, 2017
That is HUGE.

What happened to Twitchs exclusivity? I'm guessing that was only streaming exclusivity seeing this deal happening.


Oct 25, 2017
Cheering hard for the Gladiators and Fusion. Hopefully someone other than NYXL can take it, as unlikely as that seems.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
Cheering hard for the Gladiators and Fusion. Hopefully someone other than NYXL can take it, as unlikely as that seems.

Unless if half the NYXL team calls in sick or got stranded on an unhihabited island, there's no way they will lose. Unlike for the other teams that started strong but sputtered into the deep end, this team has been consistent since the start.