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Oct 25, 2017
You can look at the man, see he's sick, and understand why he's lashing out. None of that excuses his racism, mind you.
People are trying to minimize it if not outright ignoring it. To some, the racism isn't a big deal, so they'll talk about how terrible this place is because some people here aren't jumping for joy about a racist getting money.


Oct 26, 2017
Where did I imply this in my post? I wouldn't donate money to a charity if I knew it was handing it out to maga assholes.

I don't think charities check twitter feeds before allocating funds :(

You should start your own charity and call it "We selectively give out money based on subjective judgement of needy individuals"


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't give his racism a pass. I grew up around actively racist and hostile people and I don't give them a pass. Some evolved, some didn't it is irrelevant to my own sense of morality when it comes to providing help to anyone in need. If a person wants to act out of unproductive bitterness that's their choice. I just have a problem with them dressing down and feeling the need to deride other people's choices in that regard.

And It most certainly makes them less empathetic. Look up the fucking word. I don't see how you reconcile that.

Definition of empathy

1: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manneralso : the capacity for this
2: the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it


The reconciliation is simple. The understanding and emotional response doesn't preclude someone from also deciding that the more important choice is to protect themselves and their family.

Like Lundren said, I don't wish ill will on the guy. And I don't get any satisfaction from the fact that he's a victim of a horrific health industry.

But self-sacrifice is not a prerequisite for empathy, period.


Oct 27, 2017
People are trying to minimize it if not outright ignoring it. To some, the racism isn't a big deal, so they'll talk about how terrible this place is because some people here aren't jumping for joy about a racist getting money.

There will always be a gulf between the people who can recognize racism and call it out and those who would ignore it when it's convenient to do so.


Dec 10, 2017
$36k now. This asshole going to pay it forward or just going to enjoy the windfall and continue being an asshole?

And again, why are people still donating to this? Surpassed the goal, got 7x the amount now. If the goal was only to help with his medical bills - DONE! But nope, it's a morality play and celebrity worship. I've asked Patton to take down his tweets on this so people will stop donating, we'll see what kind of a guy he is.


Oct 27, 2017
$36k now. This asshole going to pay it forward or just going to enjoy the windfall and continue being an asshole?

And again, why are people still donating to this? Surpassed the goal, got 7x the amount now. If the goal was only to help with his medical bills - DONE! But nope, it's a morality play and celebrity worship. I've asked Patton to take down his tweets on this so people will stop donating, we'll see what kind of a guy he is.

Patton has asked him to pay it forward. By the tone of the tweet, I don't think he's expecting much.



Dec 10, 2017
Patton has asked him to pay it forward. By the tone of the tweet, I don't think he's expecting much.

Yeah this was posted last night when the GoFundMe was only at like $6k. Patton really needed to take down his tweets on this so people would stop donating past what was requested at the very least. This guy is not going to pay this money forward at all.

So you're going to judge him negatively if he doesn't? Because that would be pathetic if so.
Yup! If the goal was to pay this guy's medical bills, it's been done. If Patton wants to keep people donating to worthy causes he needs to find another person and take down his tweets on this guy because this guy doesn't need any more money. This is a morality lesson for Patton, so yes I will judge him for this.


Oct 26, 2017
Yup! If the goal was to pay this guy's medical bills, it's been done. If Patton wants to keep people donating to worthy causes he needs to find another person and take down his tweets on this guy because this guy doesn't need any more money. This is a morality lesson for Patton, so yes I will judge him for this.

I am so very sure that he will not miss a wink of sleep based on your failed "morality lesson", however, there is no actual moral imperative for him to remove the tweets. Besides, it's already been covered by multiple news outlets, should those news outlets remove their stories as well?

Should this thread be deleted?

Should Jack remove his Twitter?


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of greats have said it,
beat hate with love.
Speaking purely for myself, I just don't believe the world works that way and that blind altruism can save us. Some can change (especially if you can catch people early on in their teens or early twenties and stop stuff from getting ingrained in them) but a lot are just bad people.

You have to fight back and protect the innocent. I'm more concerned with protecting victims of people like this and making them the priority while challenging rather than appeasing conservatives.

In a lot of cases you have to demand progress when you're under someone's heel, you won't be given it by asking nicely.
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Nov 19, 2017
And on the other side we have Candace Owens and Kanye West.

No wonder change is so slow.
But we're the arseholes preventing racial healing when we get mad.
I've given up on white culture effecting positive change in regards to racial politics.
It's too well embedded.
I hope this guy changes for the better. Doubtful.


Oct 25, 2017
Interesting how many rush to defend another white celebrity helping out fellow whites with abhorrent views. First it was Jamie Lee Curtis with those Covington shitheads and now Patton Oswalt with this? WTF is happening in this world?


Nov 22, 2017
It is always the same case, normal and good people helping toxic assholesn when will we see toxic assholes helping good normal people?


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Just give people healthcare already so GoFundMe isn't the primary method by which people are told they're going to live or die.

This whole thing is so fucked up.

I agree with this. You can take the measure of a society by how it treats its sick, and we've had decades worth of change jars on the counter at Dairy Queen with a sick kid's picture taped to it. And now the digital equivalent, Gofundme.


Oct 25, 2017
For anyone interested I'll insult and harass you in exchange for monetary compensation. I take pay pal, bitcoin, and checks as well. If you pledge to a high enough tier of my patreon I'll even doxx you!
Oct 25, 2017
America proves again that all that matters is the attention you get. Good or bad? Doesn't matter, just get people looking at you for success.

Dude's nearing 45k now.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Meanwhile, there's a topic about an teenager who's donating his lifetime supply of peanut butter to government workers who AREN'T ASSHOLES and the "nice warriors" aren't posting in that topic.

Hmmm, it's so weird. Why is it that the topic about someone donating something they love (and from the sound of it kind of addicted to it) to people who aren't assholes don't get spammed by the "nice warriors" but they're going to bat and want everyone to sympathize with a bigoted asshole who hasn't cut off gofundme yet?

HMMMMMMMM. It's so weird. It's almost as the "nice warriors" are not actually nice but "nice" and want us to sympathize with other "nice" people.


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing this asshole getting almost 10 times the money he was asking for while plenty of people in the #TransCrowdfund are still ignored and struggling to even get half of their goals is honestly disgusting.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Here's my thing I don't care what Patton does with his time or money, or others, what I care about is framing all this shit as feel good hopeium

Because the reality is, you shouldn't have to be rude and bigoted to the right celebrity to afford health care. I don't feel more inspired by reading this.. it's fucking dystopia framed as inspiration and that's actually horrifying.

Not to mention all the people who don't troll twitter to shit on liberal celebs and minorities who are currently sick and won't get treatment.

I also don't think it's more or less moral to do what Oswalt did than it would be to have just blocked the guy and moved on.

I pray be like Patton does not become another Darryl Davis thing... though at least Patton is actually a good person.
Oct 25, 2017
Here's my thing I don't care what Patton does with his time or money, or others, what I care about is framing all this shit as feel good hopeium

Because the reality is, you shouldn't have to be rude and bigoted to the right celebrity to afford health care. I don't feel more inspired by reading this.. it's fucking dystopia framed as inspiration and that's actually horrifying.

Not to mention all the people who don't troll twitter to shit on liberal celebs and minorities who are currently sick and won't get treatment.

I also don't think it's more or less moral to do what Oswalt did than it would be to have just blocked the guy and moved on.

I pray be like Patton does not become another Darryl Davis thing... though at least Patton is actually a good person.

Yeah, I don't think Patton is a bad guy by any means, just naive as fuck.


Oct 27, 2017
Meanwhile, there's a topic about an teenager who's donating his lifetime supply of peanut butter to government workers who AREN'T ASSHOLES and the "nice warriors" aren't posting in that topic.

Hmmm, it's so weird. Why is it that the topic about someone donating something they love (and from the sound of it kind of addicted to it) to people who aren't assholes don't get spammed by the "nice warriors" but they're going to bat and want everyone to sympathize with a bigoted asshole who hasn't cut off gofundme yet?

HMMMMMMMM. It's so weird. It's almost as the "nice warriors" are not actually nice but "nice" and want us to sympathize with other "nice" people.
Doesn't this go both ways? The thread doesn't have many posts period. Probably because there's nothing controversial to discuss.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's my thing I don't care what Patton does with his time or money, or others, what I care about is framing all this shit as feel good hopeium

Because the reality is, you shouldn't have to be rude and bigoted to the right celebrity to afford health care. I don't feel more inspired by reading this.. it's fucking dystopia framed as inspiration and that's actually horrifying.

Not to mention all the people who don't troll twitter to shit on liberal celebs and minorities who are currently sick and won't get treatment.

I also don't think it's more or less moral to do what Oswalt did than it would be to have just blocked the guy and moved on.

I pray be like Patton does not become another Darryl Davis thing... though at least Patton is actually a good person.

Dystopia framed as inspiration and that's actually horrifying...



Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Here's my thing I don't care what Patton does with his time or money, or others, what I care about is framing all this shit as feel good hopeium

Because the reality is, you shouldn't have to be rude and bigoted to the right celebrity to afford health care. I don't feel more inspired by reading this.. it's fucking dystopia framed as inspiration and that's actually horrifying.

Not to mention all the people who don't troll twitter to shit on liberal celebs and minorities who are currently sick and won't get treatment.

I also don't think it's more or less moral to do what Oswalt did than it would be to have just blocked the guy and moved on.

I pray be like Patton does not become another Darryl Davis thing... though at least Patton is actually a good person.
Not a single thing to disagree with in this post.

It's why I never felt good about this story.


Oct 26, 2017
Except it's the easiest way to show them they're wrong and hopefully impact change, as Patton Oswalt's situation has shown.

You may as well stop right now.

If you think Im going to buy, that the only way to help the racist assholes who hate me and more is to treat them like kings and do whatever is within my power to help them in their personal times of need, while they spit on me in mine.... You can just stop. That shits NEVER going to happen. Ever.

This guy and Patton pulled it off, good for him. But Im sick of people punching down and being told the only way to fix things is to kiss my oppressors ass in just the right way in the hopes of changing their minds.
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