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Oct 25, 2017
Worried about this bit;

their liberal use of slurs definitely made me feel like I was back in high school, though personally, that's not a feeling I'm keen to recapture.

Curious what the mean and how off putting this aspect really is.
I mean, you are playing as a shitty fuck-up of a cop. The curses-and-drinks-like-a-sailor down-on-his-luck detective isn't exactly a rare character trope

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I mean, you are playing as a shitty fuck-up of a cop. The curses-and-drinks-like-a-sailor down-on-his-luck detective isn't exactly a rare character trope

Yeah, but it depends on where the go with it. The character won't be likeable to me whatsoever and I won't particularly care for roleplaying this character tbh. Dealing with folks like that is tiring, don't need it in my hobby.
Oct 25, 2017
Worried about this bit;

their liberal use of slurs definitely made me feel like I was back in high school, though personally, that's not a feeling I'm keen to recapture.

Curious what the mean and how off putting this aspect really is.

In that interview I linked, that kind of stuff is expanded upon a bit: trying to copy paste on mobile is annoying but below think got it

It's the setting too, it has to be that because – it's not our world, but – it's a modern world. It has very similar problems to our world, but perhaps they're greater or more extreme. It's something we have to kind of do. I hope a lot of people aren't going to be upset by it. We never force you to do it.

I hope we can signal it before this happens, like if you don't want to talk to a charater to Cuno, because the first thing he says is a homophobic slur, you can just say goodbye and go away.

Plus, there's an option to chastise him.

Yeah, we've even written it into our Thought Cabinet mechanic

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
In that interview I linked, that kind of stuff is expanded upon a bit: trying to copy paste on mobile is annoying but below think got it

Thanks for that. I was looking for more context about that, their reasoning is totally fine. I'm really hopeful that the team nails it, because if they fall flat, it probably won't be a good look.


UI/UX Game Industry Veteran
Oct 26, 2017
Because it's not just the US? The UK is trying to make online porn really difficult to get ahold of, even if you're over 18. Muslim countries can be very sensitive. Basically, their legal costs would sky-rocket - at least in the short-term - as they determined what was legal in every country in the world.

Yup. This is similar to all the privacy changes due to the EU's policy. It's actually way more work to have tons of different rules per region so most platforms will just use a global solution which still is a lot of work.

As you get more popular as a platform you become a target. That's why public companies tend to shy away from this stuff sadly. It is true there has always been a double standard when it comes to violence vs porn especially in the USA.

Also some regional laws can extend to citizens even abroad. EU's new privacy policy protects their citizens even if they are on US soil for instance so instead of writing complicated code for all the use cases , most companies are applying the GDPR requirements globally because the penalties are high.

Smaller companies who don't have bandwidth to meet the guidelines will simply be pulling their products from marketplaces as they definitely cannot afford to pay any EU fines.

It's possible Valve has a heads up to some new requirements similar to how companies have known and been preparing for GDPR for the past year.

I created the managing new releases thread:

keep our fingers crossed it will not degenerate into a shitshow.

I just use this app called Tizoc

I have finished Super Lucky's Tale, which is on the Microsoft Store (the store which asks you to reinstall Windows in order to install a game if you ever uninstall the store application). The game is mostly aimed at kids, or people who have a bit of nostalgia from the old days of 3D platformers, although the final boss is not a piece of cake.

The game engine is nice, I like how you can zoom-in in almost situations, and the variety of gameplay (3D, 2.5D, oblique perspective, etc.). I read that it is a sequel of a VR game with the same protagonist, so this might be the reason why.

It is like a little Mario for people who do not own Nintendo hardware. The inspiration for level design in my opinion mostly comes from Crash Bandicoot though. Jumping feels nice. The little fox can dig holes and move underground. It is fun and creative. You never feel truly lost.

Sounds fun. And I wouldn't call it a sequel really to the VR one , given that would be odd as both games are locked in different ecosystems. Then again there is always a first time for everything.

I thought it was odd when announced and wondered if it was supposed to have a VR mode at one time given the series debut focus.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Australia
But I've been pre-ordering games on Steam left and right all these years.

Do you mean for certain publishers only?

Pre-orders have to be set up by Valve. The Steamworks documentation says "For these reasons, we do not support running a pre-purchase except in a few rare cases with partners with which we have a well-established relationship and that have a proven track record on Steam", but, really, it's just a matter of asking. Case in point: This $1 indie game.


Oct 25, 2017
Pre-orders have to be set up by Valve. The Steamworks documentation says "For these reasons, we do not support running a pre-purchase except in a few rare cases with partners with which we have a well-established relationship and that have a proven track record on Steam", but, really, it's just a matter of asking. Case in point: This $1 indie game.



Oct 25, 2017
Western Australia



Oct 26, 2017

In brighter news, jeez-louise Crookz is awesome.

Textbook definition of a B-tier release done right.

What a gem.

Aaron is correct. Crookz is very fun. I had to quote you, because I never thought I'd run across someone else who knew Crookz existed. Bought it randomly in a sale, not expecting much. I 100%'d the game and beat all the challenge missions too. This is closest you can get to playing Ocean's Eleven. Only downside is the missions eventually get quite lengthy, which might put off some people.

To compare it vaguely to a recent game people might actually know. I'd say if you enjoyed Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, you'd enjoy this too. Although it's fairly different, it's sort of in the same wheelhouse. Pulling off cool shit with your crew!
Oct 29, 2017
There are these areas called volatile nests in Dying Light. There are always some volatiles in there and on nightmare I just cannot do enough damage to kill them. Then there are alpha volatiles which you cannot stealth around.

Now I have a side quest back log because I cannot beat these damn nests. Some stupid person wants me to clear a tunnel. I hope they die now. I hope everyone in this game dies.


Oct 27, 2017
There are these areas called volatile nests in Dying Light. There are always some volatiles in there and on nightmare I just cannot do enough damage to kill them. Then there are alpha volatiles which you cannot stealth around.

Now I have a side quest back log because I cannot beat these damn nests. Some stupid person wants me to clear a tunnel. I hope they die now. I hope everyone in this game dies.
Oh, wow. For the longest time, I didn't even think you could kill volatiles...

Good luck!


"This guy are sick"
Oct 26, 2017
Not only did trying to order Battletech via not work, it got my Amazon account locked for 5 hours. Woops.


Oct 25, 2017
I am thinking about buying RAGE. Am i making huge mistake? XD

I have a key lying around here I can give you for free. I got it for free myself from a magazine.
PM me if you're interested.

Awesome, I'm here, I got it and I redeemed it, it's already downloading.


Oct 25, 2017
So the sex-games banning on steam really was partially LGBT focussed?

I would think that a right wing "moral group" would target LGBT first and foremost.
But they say that they are also working on banning Witcher and mass Effect.
Eh I wouldn't be so fast to believe that. Anyone can take 'credit' for this until something official.

So far the sanest explanation seems to be the one where it's about games that have explicit content that goes against Steam's ToS unlockable with patches, where the explicit content/assets are still delivered with the 'censored' version... just locked away instead of the patch actually including the explicit assets.

I have no idea if this is true for all 'targeted' games so I dunno.


Self-Requested Temporary Ban
Oct 25, 2017
So the sex-games banning on steam really was partially LGBT focussed?

I would think that a right wing "moral group" would target LGBT first and foremost.
But they say that they are also working on banning Witcher and mass Effect.
It still doesn't seem particularly likely to me, and this doesn't really change anything because:
  • We don't know if it's actually true, or if the group is just claiming credit since Valve hasn't commented on it. It's why both of those threads were locked.
  • If it is true, the group in question doesn't seem to particularly care about that. A quick glance at their site makes it clear they just really hate porn in general so it seems unlikely they would limit themselves to LGBT content. A brief search of their website seems to confirm this, and their videogames section has this to say:
Videogames are often a fun outlet for children and adults like to explore, build, and create.

Unfortunately, videogame creators are increasingly promoting content that gamifies pornographic, hypersexualized, or sexually coercive themes.

Games like House Party, Porno Studio Tycoon, Mass Effect: Andromeda, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and more are normalizing sexually explicit and exploitive themes in mainstream gaming.

When videogames include sexually graphic and degrading themes the user is not only a voyeur but an active participant in staging the scene. As our society suffers from the consequences of campus sexual assault, military sexual assault, and rising child-on-child sexual abuse, we see that normalizing the sexual use (and often abuse) of others in videogames is irresponsible on the corporate and social level.

So if this group is behind this, it seems unlikely they would target LGBT content first and foremost. If anything, their videogame page seems to take particular issue with House Party (which yeah, that's actually something I'd agree with), so games like that would be a much more obvious starting point for them.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Someone on twitter started compiling a list of the hit games


It's not complete yet, but the only common factor seem to be tags thus far (tho there also have been games like Ladykiller with these tags that have not been hit)

Why valve just can't give these devs are precise statement as to what's the reason is seriously beyond me.
It's diretide all over again.


Nov 30, 2017
I keep getting disk write errors when updating games since a few weeks. This is so annoying. I had to copy around, delete and redownload so many games already. I have 4 harddrives and only 1 of them is old. The error happens on all of them occasionally. Even the new M2 SSD that I just installed a few months ago. I refuse to believe that all my hard drives are faulty all of the sudden. Is there some way to fix this?
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