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Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Eh I wouldn't be so fast to believe that. Anyone can take 'credit' for this until something official.

So far the sanest explanation seems to be the one where it's about games that have explicit content that goes against Steam's ToS unlockable with patches, where the explicit content/assets are still delivered with the 'censored' version... just locked away instead of the patch actually including the explicit assets.

I have no idea if this is true for all 'targeted' games so I dunno.

it seems all over the place, looking at Hektor's picture. bear in mind, Valve personally approved some of those games. If it is about underage characters, Valve was fin with it for years....


Oct 25, 2017
Someone on twitter started compiling a list of the hit games


It's not complete yet, but the only common factor seem to be tags thus far (tho there also have been games like Ladykiller with these tags that have not been hit)

Why valve just can't give these devs are precise statement as to what's the reason is seriously beyond me.
It's diretide all over again.

Valvetime + happened overnight (in the US) + weekend + almost-certainly automated Takedown/Warning emails meaning actual people haven't looked at this yet.

Which is not to say Valve shouldn't have released a statement already, just that, if this were physical retail, the combination of the above (minus Valvetime) would make people less antsy. Businesses can be slow to respond, even to other business enquiries, in this kind of situation.

I'm expecting a response/statement Monday, maybe Tuesday.


I keep getting disk write errors when updating games since a few weeks. This is so annoying. I had to copy around, delete and redownload so many games already. I have 4 harddrives and only 1 of them is old. The error happens on all of them occasionally. Even the new M2 SSD that I just installed a few months ago. I refuse to believe that all my hard drives are faulty all of the sudden. Is there some way to fix this?

You need to check for SMART errors, try looking in the bios at hard drive health.


Oct 26, 2017
Elsewhere for 8 minutes
After finishing BATTLETECH earlier, a bargin at $39.99 let alone from the amazon price mistake(?) I decided to try something from a recent bundle, Action Henk. Simple but fun runner but worryingly, after starting out with 50+ people on my friends list at each level by halfway through only Wok and Nabs remain! Doesn't bode well for it's longevity.

Crap, two levels after that, Wok gave up too!


Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever
Ah yes, nothing enhances your serious dystopian world and brings out the horror elements like a stupid ass waifu MC.

Pesonally speaking, I don't care. Motoko Kusanagi hot af, and didn't ruin Ghost in the Shell or any of it's cyberpunk/seriousness/philosophy ravings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Besides, there might be an argument for making a purposefully attractive character and then submitting them to horror? Like if somebody considered it their waifu or whatever wouldn't they have a vested interest in her care?

Well, that said, are you basing such criticism only on her looks? If you have a problem with the style you could just say that.
Nov 6, 2017
Pesonally speaking, I don't care. Motoko Kusanagi hot af, and didn't ruin Ghost in the Shell or any of it's cyberpunk/seriousness/philosophy ravings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Besides, there might be an argument for making a purposefully attractive character and then submitting them to horror? Like if somebody considered it their waifu or whatever wouldn't they have a vested interest in her care?

Well, that said, are you basing such criticism only on her looks? If you have a problem with the style you could just say that.

Its one thing to be good looking and fit with the tone, atmosphere and idea of cyberpunk like Makoto and its another to have lifeless huge boobs mannequins walking in a cyberpunk setting. But hey, whatever tickles your pickle I guess. To me personally, thats the ugliest "thing" I've seen recently. Guess we're never going to have a great proper cyberpunk indie game.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Pesonally speaking, I don't care. Motoko Kusanagi hot af, and didn't ruin Ghost in the Shell or any of it's cyberpunk/seriousness/philosophy ravings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Besides, there might be an argument for making a purposefully attractive character and then submitting them to horror? Like if somebody considered it their waifu or whatever wouldn't they have a vested interest in her care?

Well, that said, are you basing such criticism only on her looks? If you have a problem with the style you could just say that.

Kusanagi is more or less generic hot badass lady, with the exception of her stealth scenes. If she had spent the entire movie in that look with her tits seemingly looking like they're about to announce "!liftoff!" like in that kickstarter, it would certainly undermine the rest of the plot.

Waifu was probably too charitable a word. The character looks more like just fapbait. She looks like that Haydee game character.

What else could I base it upon but her looks? The character to her right on the cover looks relatively normal on the Hot Lady To Protect scale. The MC's design is practially inhuman, and not in a "oh that works with being a cyberpunk game."


Oct 29, 2017
Mt. Whatever
Its one thing to be good looking and fit with the tone, atmosphere and idea of cyberpunk like Makoto and its another to have lifeless huge boobs mannequins walking in a cyberpunk setting. But hey, whatever tickles your pickle I guess. To me personally, thats the ugliest "thing" I've seen recently. Guess we're never going to have a great proper cyberpunk indie game.

Observer is pretty good indie cyberpunk.

VA-11 HALL-A is excellent if you care for games with more reading than playing.

If I was home lookin' at my Steam library pretty sure I could list some more good cyberpunk indies, it's my favorite setting after-all.
Nov 6, 2017

Observer is pretty good indie cyberpunk.

VA-11 HALL-A is excellent if you care for games with more reading than playing.

If I was home lookin' at my Steam library pretty sure I could list some more good cyberpunk indies, it's my favorite setting after-all.

Haven't played VA-11 HALL-A but yean I enjoyed Observer. Forgot it was indie for some reason. Theres also that Red Strings Club game that I still havent bought but I'd rather have something along the lines of Observer, visually speaking, non-pixelated.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Pesonally speaking, I don't care. Motoko Kusanagi hot af, and didn't ruin Ghost in the Shell or any of it's cyberpunk/seriousness/philosophy ravings. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Besides, there might be an argument for making a purposefully attractive character and then submitting them to horror? Like if somebody considered it their waifu or whatever wouldn't they have a vested interest in her care?

Well, that said, are you basing such criticism only on her looks? If you have a problem with the style you could just say that.

The Major's overrated.


Oct 26, 2017
Someone on twitter started compiling a list of the hit games


It's not complete yet, but the only common factor seem to be tags thus far (tho there also have been games like Ladykiller with these tags that have not been hit)

Why valve just can't give these devs are precise statement as to what's the reason is seriously beyond me.
It's diretide all over again.

What if the explaining factor is not listed among these columns? What if the list of games is not exhaustive? With enough effort, wouldn't it be possible to invent/cherry-pick a non-existent rationale which explains whichever correlation can be found in this dataset? Unless the rule is sufficiently simple, which is obviously not the case, this kind of reverse-engineering shouldn't provide the real reasons, but an irrealistically complex combination of rules.

What if it is based on the Steam Hub of each game? What if it is based on reports received for screenshots of these games?
Last edited:


Nov 2, 2017
What's everyone's opinion on the Humble Monthly sub? Is it worth it? I'm eyeing it because of Destiny 2 even though I don't know if I'd have anyone to play with.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I feel like that list is also a tad bit dishonest. I'm sure Lupiesoft might not list the ages of their characters but given this character is featured prominently in their news section for a kickstarter they are doing:


I'm not sure how much good faith that list is being made in.

Edit: NVM, the underage characters N mark was on Roommates.


Oct 27, 2017
Politically correct PR:
"The evolving legal landscape is putting pressure on Valve to dissociate content targeted at minors from content aimed at adults."

What really happened:
This sudden action by Steam, owned by Valve, comes after a two year campaign by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation which included naming the company was named to the Dirty Dozen List, and most recently a heightened week-long grassroots campaign, which began on May 10th, where individuals from around the country requested Steam to remove sexually exploitive content.
Apparently, as part of said campaign, a number of individuals took it upon themselves to go through steam catalogue and report to Valve any VN with anime-tag game that wasn't up to their religious beliefs/moral standards contained sexually explicit imagery.

If I had to guess, I'd say they probably reported hundreds more titles other than those who have reported getting notices from Valve, but so far only those games actually shipped with questionable assets in their steam version are affected.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure that org is just claiming credit for it. They appear to be relative nobodies. They're just trying to make themselves look important.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, that org actually posted a "call to arms" and a pro forma email for activist followers to use on the 10th of May:

So, whilst, yes, organisations do take credit for things that benefit them which may not have actually been caused by them, it's not altogether impossible that they are responsible. But, really, we have no idea - we don't even know, for example, how many "this product is pornographic" reports it takes to trip the (what seems to be automated) Takedown Warning. And that's the thing which has started all this stress for developers.

It's at times like this that I wish the WaPo did more than just games reviews.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
And as long as Valve doesn't say anything, this group has no one that says otherwise.


Oct 25, 2017
Are the Nekopara games going to be affected by this? Aside from Kindred Spirits, they are the only games of this type that I'm interested in, I want to know if I should pick the last episode up ASAP or not.
And then the character design got rid of any attention that got
For real. I can get behind the pink haired one, but the girl with the giganormous boobs bursting out of her shirt while her nipples drill their way out and the stupid shorts? Heck, no.


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder if they will delist the Nekopara OVA as well as the games?

Whoever spent the $10k on the Kickstarter to get their Original the Character a speaking role in the anime is going to be pissed.

It totally wasn't me.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if they will delist the Nekopara OVA as well as the games?

Whoever spent the $10k on the Kickstarter to get their Original the Character a speaking role in the anime is going to be pissed.

It totally wasn't me.
Not sure Nekopara titles will be affected. The fact that there is no official patch might be the reason. (Steam version is all ages. Adult version is a completely separate purchase you have to do, elsewhere)


Oct 26, 2017
I played the filthy smut version of Nekopara Vol 1 with a patch but then the devs blocked that one - so they could sell you their own filthy smut patch off their website.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
I wonder if they will delist the Nekopara OVA as well as the games?

Whoever spent the $10k on the Kickstarter to get their Original the Character a speaking role in the anime is going to be pissed.

It totally wasn't me.

Puncher the Ban-Girl will never now get to shovel down KFC and crack open a tinnie while insulting poms.

Have you seen this totally real and believable E3 leak


You heard it here first

2b or not 2b. That is the question.
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