
Oct 25, 2017
Do Microsoft IPs announced for Xbox usually end up on PC?
As huge fan of the original game and a PC owner, I'm wondering what are my chances.


Oct 28, 2017
Was wishing this was a 3rd person splinter cell type game with an epic story but i would happy for it to be the same but in first person.


Oct 27, 2017
I find it interesting how much I did not care about the trailer till the end and realized it was Perfect Dark...


Oct 25, 2017
100% will have a PC release.
Every single xbox first party game comes to pc.
Between 99.9 and 100 percent.
You'll be playing it on PC day one via Steam or Game Pass.



Oct 28, 2017
Hey look at that - another CG trailer for a MS exclusive that'll come in 2022 or 2023. Ugh.

That said, I'm sure the game will be great when it does arrive.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Do Microsoft IPs announced for Xbox usually end up on PC?
As huge fan of the original game and a PC owner, I'm wondering what are my chances.
PC is Xbox now. Whole reason they invested in retooling their Dev environment, to support PC and Cloud.


Oct 27, 2017
Never played PD but I like the look of the IPY
Still, a cgi announcement is lame 😒


Oct 27, 2017
This happens in literally every PD thread. Someone inevitably wants to turn PD into a third person game. I've explained it so many times, so I'm not going to do it again, but PD is not, never was, and never should be, a third person game.

Hell, you've got someone calling for it to be a Splinter Cell-style game. Why?!?!?! Why not kust use the goddamn Splinter Cell IP instead of attempting to twist PD into something it isn't.

I'm not so sure the voiceover isn't British. I was thinking the same thing but I think the accent is there, just really subtle.
It actually kind of sounds like it will be like Splinter Cell but in first person according to the developers.

Which actually sounds cool.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
CG trailer with zero gameplay. Ok thanks? It's hard to get excited. It's like you guys forgot PDZ also looked cool in trailers...

Wing Scarab

Nov 1, 2017


Jan 24, 2020
As someone who hasn't played PD, is there a reason people are excited for this IP specifically? From my understanding it had a good release on the N64 which is close to unplayable now, and an extremely mediocre release on the 360 and that's it? Not much of a history to generate hype?

Sounds like the studio has a lot of big names which is cool, but it's just another CG trailer. Yet another game from XGS that is years away :(. Gonna have to wait to see actually content.


Oct 28, 2017
I love Perfect Dark, it was one of my favourite games on N64 and I still think it does things no other games do. A true Masterpiece

I'm not seeing the essence of that in this promo reveal trailer, but it's early days. The interview comments didn't inspire much confidence either so I'll keep expectations low and we'll see in 2 years


Jan 14, 2018
If I never played Perfect Dark, is it still worth getting the version from the Rare collection of Perfect Dark Zero on my Series X? Is it something that holds up well, or did you 'have to be there'?


Dec 11, 2018
As someone who hasn't played PD, is there a reason people are excited for this IP specifically? From my understanding it had a good release on the N64 which is close to unplayable now, and an extremely mediocre release on the 360 and that's it? Not much of a history to generate hype?

Sounds like the studio has a lot of big names which is cool, but it's just another CG trailer. Yet another game from XGS that is years away... :(
It really was a trailblazer for console shooters alongside Goldeneye and Halo. People love the world, characters and style closer to that of an immersive sim than a traditional FPS.


Dec 11, 2018
If I never played the original at the time, is it still worth getting the version from the Rare collection on my Series X? Is it something that holds up well, or did you 'have to be there'?
It holds up damn well IMO. Just play with the modern Call of Duty or Halo control options and try to aim more from the hip.


Jul 11, 2019
So basically insiders were wrong on every count?
- not third person, already confirmed FPS by Microsoft
- not just "set in the universe", it's straight up perfect dark
- seasonal thing TBD I guess but based on track record...

I always wonder whether these people just make shit up or what lol
On the one hand, "seasonal" could have been some kind of code word for the environmental aspect. Kind of a pun that ended up getting taken literally.

On the other hand, consider this: Maybe they're looking to make a huge, 50-60 hour game. And maybe the plan is release the game in four chapters (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter), and each chapter will take place in a new location and provide a campaign of about 12-15 hours plus some location-specific multiplayer for each season.

This is exactly the kind of thing that fits in really well with Gamepass, and is consistent with what they've been saying about Halo Infinite and how it's going to be an ongoing game. I could defnitely see them approaching something like Perfect Dark and thinking of it as a seven-year project, where they spend four years working up the engine, characters, story, art design, gameplay, etc. to put out the first installment, and then spend the next three years releasing the successive installments.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I'm sitting here looking at my game shelf and I have 5 (FIVE) Third Person Sony exclusives next to each other on it from THIS past generation. (Most of which I enjoyed very much)

I see a total of 1 (ONE) Microsoft First Person shooters on the shelf from this past generation. What year are some of you from? 🤣

I'm also like 10 hours into Control now.

Perfect Dark is one of my favorite games of all time, all you delusional people let us Perfect Dark fans be excited for this and the fact that it's first person, LOL.

Paper Wario

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
So basically insiders were wrong on every count?
- not third person, already confirmed FPS by Microsoft
- not just "set in the universe", it's straight up perfect dark
- seasonal thing TBD I guess but based on track record...

I always wonder whether these people just make shit up or what lol

The "not quite" was about it being 3rd person. People assumed it was in reference to it not exactly being a PD game
FarSight XR-20
Jan 4, 2018
As someone who hasn't played PD, is there a reason people are excited for this IP specifically? From my understanding it had a good release on the N64 which is close to unplayable now, and an extremely mediocre release on the 360 and that's it? Not much of a history to generate hype?

Sounds like the studio has a lot of big names which is cool, but it's just another CG trailer. Yet another game from XGS that is years away :(. Gonna have to wait to see actually content.

I made a thread for the 20-years anniversary:

Perfect Dark (Rare) was released 20 years ago on the Nintendo 64

This month is the 20th anniversary of Perfect Dark which was released on 22 May 2000 by Rare on the Nintendo 64 (and remastered on Xbox 360 and in Rare Replay). Despite a troubled development (by the end of 1998, half of the team left to form Free Radical Design), the game is one the ten...

PDZ was not as good as the first game (the single-player campaign was bad) but it still got good reviews and was a great multiplayer game in 2005-2006 and had a killer soundtrack in my opinion.


Honest Work
Oct 27, 2017
Anyone got a nice wallpaper for Joanna Dark yet from the trailer?


Dec 4, 2019
Damn, can this week get any better! First Cyberpunk 2077 finally releases, now Perfect Dark announcement! Come on MS, give me a triple AAA open world Shadowrun game!!!