
Oct 25, 2017
Is he doing this unironically? He went full nazi now? I thought past stuff like the "kill al jews" was trying to be a joke (those kind of "jokes" were popular in yt in 2012).

Well, that's his thing. Dancing around a thin line and "blurrying everything" by doing stuff and just saying "I'm joking !"


Jan 15, 2018
Colour me shocked. I have to say it's rather worrying how brazen these nazis can be and still be protected by the fact that the US doesn't have hate speech laws.


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
Colour me shocked. I have to say it's rather worrying how brazen these nazis can be and still be protected by the fact that the US doesn't have hate speech laws.
I find it more surprising that they are allowed to keep their accounts on YT. Its one thing to be protected by free speech laws, but that doesn't mean that any given private company is obligated to allow you to use their platform.


Oct 28, 2017
This is meme culture in a nutshell.

People don't care about politics. Think caring about social issues is "lame". Big youtubers act like they are "apolitical" and don't think about what do they promote. And all this "apolitical" fans are then taken over by alt-right nutjobs who laugh at liberals. And the circle continues.

*Yes, I truly don't think Pewdiepie is a nazi. He is just totally unresponsible person who doesn't do any research and doesn't care about how his "let's meme all the liberals" affect his viewers. "Oh, haha, what a nice memes on this chanell, I'll recommend it".


Oct 25, 2017
It's not like that.
I'm French and here, we don't care as much about the meaning of some words. It's much more of an american thing.
I understand that saying the N-word isn't something to do and I wouldn't do it.
But also, It's such a cultural thing that it's hard for me to actually understand why a certain word could mean so much to people.

I don't know if I worded that correctly or not.

Hello, I'm french too.
"We don't care as much as the meaning of the words here"
Sorry, it's wrong.
Have you ever heard anyone on French TV or media saying the N-word ?
Heck Jean-Marie Le Pen or Marine Le Pen are CONSTANTLY being called out for subtle use of words.
When Jean-Marie Le Pen said gaz chambers were a "detail of history" or when Marine Le Pen talked about "occupation". Sorry but we're in the top list of countries being EXTRA careful on words usage.
Heck, ffs, Macron had to justify himself so many times on his own word usage such as "pognon de dingue" or "tu m'appelles pas Manu" or "Jupiter".
Whenever it's about racism or anything else, we care a LOT about word usage.

I dont know if it's a cultural thing, but I know one thing for sure: In French, we CLEARLY understand the impact of some words. :)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Seeing PewDiePie go downhill and constantly double down was just terrible to witness. I was there during his first amnesia videos and seeing him just degrade as a person over time until you couldnt defend him anymore was the saddest fucking thing. Money really does change people, or I guess makes them more bold to what they ware hiding in the first place? Either way this doesnt even surprise me anymore.

Deleted member 426

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Hello, I'm french too.
"We don't care as much as the meaning of the words here"
Sorry, it's wrong.
Have you ever heard anyone on French TV or media saying the N-word ?
Heck Jean-Marie Le Pen or Marine Le Pen are CONSTANTLY being called out for subtle use of words.
When Jean-Marie Le Pen said gaz chambers were a "detail of history" or when Marine Le Pen talked about "occupation". Sorry but we're in the top list of countries being EXTRA careful on words usage.
Heck, ffs, Macron had to justify himself so many times on his own word usage such as "pognon de dingue" or "tu m'appelles pas Manu" or "Jupiter".
Whenever it's about racism or anything else, we care a LOT about word usage.
Isn't he saying there are certain words that carry more weight in the US than the rest of the world, rather than just the French don't care about words? That's how I read it, and he's right (although I don't know about France specifically).

I'm from the UK though, and it's basically the same as in America, with the exception of the c word which is somewhat more acceptable in certain circles (although even that's changed in recent years).


Oct 25, 2017
Well, at least he is super consistent, I'll give him that!

It's scary that people like this have such a hold on the younger generation. Even if only 1 in every 1000 kids actually grows up to be as much of a shit-stain as these guys, that's one too many....


Nov 25, 2017
I look at PDP, and comparing him to actual nazis with political beliefs and groups, it's a bit of a stretch. Trump and many other modern Republicans are basically defacto Nazis. Some of them are dumber than others, but have no doubt, they are deeply racist/sexist/fascist shitheads through and through. PDP doesn't seem like a sincere member of that group. Rather, he seems like an imbecile who thinks he is being cool/ironic/rebellious, but with zero sincerity on anything like those actual Nazis.

He's a weird dude, and I don't get him at all. His sense of humor is garbage, it feels like he's trying to be a modern Andy Kaufman, but somehow even more aggressively unfunny.

I do honestly believe he doesn't realize that what he's doing can be really harmful, but ignorance is no excuse. I don't know where he lost his way, but in his really early days he was an average if not slightly annoying let's player who was about the games. Then somewhere he changed into something that seems like a continuous, insincere 24/7 troll job. It's baffling to me that he became ever more popular with his antics. If anything, cranking out thousands of empty headed unfunny videos of nonsense would in any sane world result in total obscurity.

YouTube gets shit on for the many awful popular channels, while there are many absolutely awesome ones that get next to zero views by contrast. The History Guy for example, I use it to start conversations about cool lesser known events with my 11yo son.

As for PDP, are his 15 minutes up yet? I feel that him getting the hell off of social media/streaming would be a nice victory against the onslaught of nonsense we've seen. It's not like there aren't actually decent let's play people out there, like Markiplier, who is a really decent guy and is self aware enough to realize his responsibilities to his (mostly younger) fanbase.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't he saying there are certain words that carry more weight in the US than the rest of the world, rather than just the French don't care about words? That's how I read it, and he's right (although I don't know about France specifically).

I'm from the UK though, and it's basically the same as in America, with the exception of the c word which is somewhat more acceptable in certain circles (although even that's changed in recent years).

What I'm saying as a whole is France is a champion country on spending weeks talking about X person saying Y word and analyse it.


Oct 27, 2017
I just wanted to say that the death note review is about how sjw ruined death note.
Only watched the first half of part 1 but he complains about that most Hollywood writers/ directors are to liberal and because of that they can't make good movies.
Oct 29, 2017
These YouTubers and online supremacist groomers are basically the new Hitler Youth. It's the exact same bloody tactic of indoctrinating the young that the Nazis used.

If this carries on, you're gonna have a whole generation of white supremicist Neo Nazis growing up out of them... Make no mistake, these guys know exactly what they're doing...


Nov 7, 2017
This is meme culture in a nutshell.

People don't care about politics. Think caring about social issues is "lame". Big youtubers act like they are "apolitical" and don't think about what do they promote. And all this "apolitical" fans are then taken over by alt-right nutjobs who laugh at liberals. And the circle continues.

*Yes, I truly don't think Pewdiepie is a nazi. He is just totally unresponsible person who doesn't do any research and doesn't care about how his "let's meme all the liberals" affect his viewers. "Oh, haha, what a nice memes on this chanell, I'll recommend it".
This post is spot on. Pewdiepie is just grossly negligent but I personally strongly doubt he's an actual white supremacist.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
The OT thread for this kinda made me spiral to a real cynical, bad place on this, just thinking about how much companies have casually completely fucked up the internet, and through it our society, and it's hard to leave that pit.

They will never face the consequences they deserve for this. YouTube allowing these people to just directly influence children without a care. Twitter for allowing hate groups to propagate. Facebook for all this and so, so much more in every possible horrible direction. Not even touching data collection and all that sort of thing, of course, just how they were wildly irresponsible with their platforms because of sheer apathy. Or of caring more about making money. Not sure which is worse.

I realized earlier that it actually feels hopeless for me in a way that even horrible politics does not? I don't think things will improve in the government at anywhere near the pace they need to, and so many people will suffer as a result, but I can see a potential future where eventually, eventually, we have more victories than losses.

I just cannot believe anything will ever change about this, there will be no financial or legal or even just social ramifications, and if there ever are it will just be for some small selfishly punished part of the much worse wide-spread whole.

This is why socialism is the answer for you and many others.


Jan 15, 2018
I find it more surprising that they are allowed to keep their accounts on YT. Its one thing to be protected by free speech laws, but that doesn't mean that any given private company is obligated to allow you to use their platform.

Companies care about one thing alone. Making money for their shareholders don't be surprised when they show no morals.


Oct 26, 2017
have you guys considered how hard it is not to promote nazi channels? like i literally went to get a coffee and pressed the wrong button on the machine and now i liked a bunch of white nationalist stuff on youtube.

don't be so hard on felix.


Oct 31, 2017
This post is spot on. Pewdiepie is just grossly negligent but I personally strongly doubt he's an actual white supremacist.

If he is leading people, specifically young, impressionable people, to channels that are white supremacist neo-nazis it does not matter if he himself also believes those things, he is taking an active role in spreading it and that is more than bad enough.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Even the most generous take where Felix is just sharing this video to be edgy, it's still incredibly irresponsible. The fact that channel now has 20,000+ new subscribers, most of which will be children is terrifying


Dec 6, 2018
My dad went over D+2 and fought nazis though France,Belgium,Netherlands and Germany(well not nazis,more like regular German army but you know what I mean)and seeing these You Tubers constantly pulling this shit is really starting to grate on me.

These people have young impressionable audiences and they keep doing this stuff like it's clever or something!?!

They could be doing content about literally anything.....doing positive stuff to educate and entertain their young fans....but no,lets make 'jokes' about nazis.

I guess this guy is the biggest show in town on You Tube so gets a free pass.......bollocks!!


Nov 7, 2017
If he is leading people, specifically young, impressionable people, to channels that are white supremacist neo-nazis it does not matter if he himself also believes those things, he is taking an active role in spreading it and that is more than bad enough.
I agree. That's why I said he is grossly negligent.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
This is meme culture in a nutshell.

People don't care about politics. Think caring about social issues is "lame". Big youtubers act like they are "apolitical" and don't think about what do they promote. And all this "apolitical" fans are then taken over by alt-right nutjobs who laugh at liberals. And the circle continues.

*Yes, I truly don't think Pewdiepie is a nazi. He is just totally unresponsible person who doesn't do any research and doesn't care about how his "let's meme all the liberals" affect his viewers. "Oh, haha, what a nice memes on this chanell, I'll recommend it".
This post is spot on. Pewdiepie is just grossly negligent but I personally strongly doubt he's an actual white supremacist.
On the surface I agree with you in these posts but consider that PDP specifically called out a legit fascist streamer saying he's a good dude (or whatever). Not only must PDP know the sorts of things the guy says on his channel (literal nazi shit) but PDP has probably also hung out with the guy in real life. There's no other reason he'd do a callout like that when there are many other streamers (including business affiliates) he doesn't do it with. You can't wash over that fact.

He name-dropped someone who has made some genuinely fascist videos and it leads on that he must know either the dude or the types of videos he makes - and very likely agrees with what the guy says.


Oct 28, 2017
If he is leading people, specifically young, impressionable people, to channels that are white supremacist neo-nazis it does not matter if he himself also believes those things, he is taking an active role in spreading it and that is more than bad enough.

Yes, nobody needs to be giving him the benefit of the doubt anymore. If he wants to prove he is not a white supremacist he has to come and give us evidence at this point.

What I assume will happen is he will apologise and do this again in a few months because that is the pattern.

He obviously doesn't need defending, despite repeated racist incidents he is still rolling in cash.

It is not on anyone else to try and give him an out after his repeated fuck ups and you make yourself look suspicious for doing so.


Dec 5, 2018
Hmmm, yes, quite classy. Still not quite sure whether he's a white supremacist for real, or just a stupid and irresponsible edgy teenager. Possibly a confusing mixture of both.


Oct 26, 2017
This post is spot on. Pewdiepie is just grossly negligent but I personally strongly doubt he's an actual white supremacist.
Ok, so he's not nazi he's just amoral man who will do anything for $ and isn't bothered by promoting nazism OR he's just plain stupid if he cannot understand basic things after being 5+ years in spotlight.
How any of that makes situation better?


Nov 7, 2017
Ok, so he's not nazi he's just amoral man who will do anything for $ and isn't bothered by promoting nazism OR he's just plain stupid if he cannot understand basic things after being 5+ years in spotlight.
How any of that makes situation better?
It doesn't. We should just be precise with our language and our rebuke.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean that's par for the course regarding this guy.

My question remains : why the fuck are there nazi channels for him to recommend on Youtube in the first place?
Jan 10, 2018
This is meme culture in a nutshell.

People don't care about politics. Think caring about social issues is "lame". Big youtubers act like they are "apolitical" and don't think about what do they promote. And all this "apolitical" fans are then taken over by alt-right nutjobs who laugh at liberals. And the circle continues.

*Yes, I truly don't think Pewdiepie is a nazi. He is just totally unresponsible person who doesn't do any research and doesn't care about how his "let's meme all the liberals" affect his viewers. "Oh, haha, what a nice memes on this chanell, I'll recommend it".
This post is spot on. Pewdiepie is just grossly negligent but I personally strongly doubt he's an actual white supremacist.

Guys, you are abusing the word just to a massive extent.


Oct 28, 2017
Creating plausible deniability via "just joking" is literally a tactic from the Nazi playbook. Like, there are literal guides by nazis on this. How to spread white supremacy? Joke about it, the message will land anyways.

PewDiePie is a Nazi. He is doing exactly, to the T, what actual Nazis have laid out to spread their ideology.

Folks, please don't fall for this shit. They have been doing this forever, and it works.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This post is spot on. Pewdiepie is just grossly negligent but I personally strongly doubt he's an actual white supremacist.

At what point a clear lack of critical thinking and empathy equals to supremacism? That dude's nazi reviews are anything but apolitical, his anti-semitism and fascist ideas are distilled throught his videos, at some point you have to doubt he's unable to see those view and recognized he doesn't care they are there.

He doesn't care about giving voice and normalizing white supremacists, he doesn't care about giving voice a prominent misogynist EU parliamentary and agreeing with him in a his views. He doesn't care, thus he doesn't see a problem with these ideas.

This is not being negligent, this is straight up shitty human behavior.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
He should have his account suspended, how many things can he keep getting away with?

It's not like that.
I'm French and here, we don't care as much about the meaning of some words. It's much more of an american thing.
I understand that saying the N-word isn't something to do and I wouldn't do it.
But also, It's such a cultural thing that it's hard for me to actually understand why a certain word could mean so much to people.

I don't know if I worded that correctly or not.

Just so I'm 100% clear here... You were ok with PDP saying the N-word because it's more offensive in the US and you are ignorant enough to not understand how a word can be so offensive?

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017

Care to explain this one, Flayer?

On the old man part. Nazis originated around 1920 and became popular in the 1930s. Do you think that endorsing Nazis is just a new hip thing that the kids are doing? Or looking at the clouds part. Do you think endorsement of Nazis and white nationalism are a triviality, during the recent rise of nationalism worldwide?

Or is there another reason why you decided to make this your twentieth post in the year and some change you've been on this website?


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area, California
What is Gems? is it a reversal of the G and the M and you get Jews? I do not understand such a channel can exist in the first place.
I'm not too familiar with Steven Universe, but I believe it has something to do with the characters in the show. The problem was that he used the triple parentheses, which is used to reference Jewish people by anti-semites. So "cut the (((gems)))" is code to replace "gems" with "Jews".


Oct 25, 2017
This is a level of cultish dedication I wasn't aware was even possible.

Remember when the Internet wouldn't shut up about Justin Beiber's obnoxious fandom? Yet this sort of stupidity gets a collective pass.
it's because justin bieber's fandom was mostly girls. everything that teenage girls like gets mocked endlessly.