
Oct 28, 2017
As Matt Booty said in Nov 2019..it was XB1 support for 1 or 2 years FROM THEN..which is Nov 2021. Phil's 'couple of years' likely was re-iterating this or it was just flat wrong and misleading but I don't think intentionally so.

People on this forum kept insisting on arguing with me about this over and over declaring 'NO it's 2 years AFTER XSX launch'...nope Matt never said that go read the whole quote in context..use common sense they're not gonna wait till Nov 2022 give me a break. We'll likely get our first XSX 1st party exclusives Fall 2021, if I had to guess it'll be Forza..and maybe one other game.

Ex Libris

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 1, 2017
That's still coming out to other platforms though. Ah I guess you're questioning ' mentioning that he dislikes exclusive (timed or not) DLC' sorry, that's me putting words in Phil's quote. Well it's not even his quote, that's just me poorly summarising. It should be just 'mentioning that he dislikes exclusive DLC'.

I'm not trying to defend or anything more playing the devil's advocate. If people have an issue with what Phil has said in the past at least reflect accurately what he has said. If he has actually said 'There would be no timed exclusives' then fair enough, but where's the evidence?

Ah it's basically what Scottoest has mentioned.

Maybe I am misinterpreting but didnt he just say this like 2 weeks ago in an interview with gamesindustry.biz?


Are Xbox Series X developers being held back by Xbox One?

This is part of a series of features with Xbox Game Studios. Check out the teams discuss life as a Microsoft-owned comp…

"Sorry, I am a bit soapboxy with this one. Gaming is about entertainment and community and diversion and learning new stories and new perspectives, and I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about.

On the day that I want them to go buy it is clearly in reference to timed exclusives no? And this was dated 10th July, so within the month even


May 17, 2019
Maybe I am misinterpreting but didnt he just say this like 2 weeks ago in an interview with gamesindustry.biz?


Are Xbox Series X developers being held back by Xbox One?

This is part of a series of features with Xbox Game Studios. Check out the teams discuss life as a Microsoft-owned comp…

On the day that I want them to go buy it is clearly in reference to timed exclusives no? And this was dated 10th July, so within the month even

Not sure, it sounds more like he's talking about the Xbox platform, (SX, One and PC) as that's essentially what the whole article is about; whether or not the xbox one is holding back developers. Sounds like Xbox don't want to force people to buy a series X on launch day to be able to play these games.

Ex Libris

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 1, 2017
Not sure, it sounds more like he's talking about the Xbox platform, (SX, One and PC) as that's essentially what the whole article is about; whether or not the xbox one is holding back developers. Sounds like Xbox don't want to force people to buy a series X on launch day to be able to play these games.
This interpretation requires we give him quite the benefit of the doubt.

Just for a bit of context the specific sentence before what I quoted goes as follows

Xbox Series X is the most powerful console out there and it will have absolutely the best versions of our console games. But that's not to exclude other people from being able to play.

Followed by

"Sorry, I am a bit soapboxy with this one. Gaming is about entertainment and community and diversion and learning new stories and new perspectives, and I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to say that part of that is to lock people away from being able to experience those games. Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about.

The entire premise he mentioned prior was in reference to how he did not want to exclude other consoles.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
Seems to be a lot of half-remembered bollocks flying around about what Spencer has actually said about exclusives, so here are his actual quotes on the subject:




If it isn't clear from the quotes above, his problems are primarily with exclusive deals for in-game content, not third-party exclusivity period. And does it even warrant mentioning the obvious - that saying you personally "don't like" a standard business practice, isn't the same as an iron-clad promise as an executive that you'll fall on your sword rather than doing what your competitor is doing?

The irritation some people have with Phil Spencer, and his business strategy of representing Xbox as "pro-consumer", continues to be equal parts baffling and hilarious.

Ok, so I just want you to actually think about this because you are essentially saying this:

Paying to have a timed exclusive gun or level in a game is bad. Paying to have a timed exclusive entire game is fine. That's essentially what you are rebutting.

Last time I checked not having access to an entire game is worse than a small piece of content.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, so I just want you to actually think about this because you are essentially saying this:

Paying to have a timed exclusive gun or level in a game is bad. Paying to have a timed exclusive entire game is fine. That's essentially what you are rebutting.

Last time I checked not having access to an entire game is worse than a small piece of content.
That's just like your opinion man.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
I think you are really overstating how unprepared Microsoft and their most prominent studio was or would be. Halo Infinite AND the new Xbox were already announced a year ago (roughly). That counterpoint is kind of missing my point entirely. Microsoft and 343i could have decided 3 years ago to target next gen only (this is something that happens every console cycle)...and if they had, Halo Infinite would be fundamentally different. Because the game is releasing on a system that was released in 2013 and subsequently has 2013 (middling) hardware and a mechanical hard drive, it would be more fair to position Halo Infinite as a current generation game that is launching with a prettier Xbox Series X version and being marketed as a next generation Halo game that is resetting the franchise - that's the charitable description. Halo Infinite is either being held back by the required Xbox One version or it is being held back because Microsoft/343i didn't want to risk launching their biggest IP on a next generation console exclusively. We can discuss if that decision was a smart assessment of the industry, overly cautious, whether we personally agree with it, etc.; what I don't think should be something so hard to concede is that Halo Infinite is being held back by the Xbox One.

Frankly I'm not entirely sure why you are so reluctant, especially when I even specified I wouldn't call Phil a liar.
I acknowledged that if the game was designed with Series X in mind it would be a different game. I just wasn't sure how long in development the game was before Series X was part of the conversation. So yeah, what you said might be entirely accurate.


Feb 4, 2020
Ok, so I just want you to actually think about this because you are essentially saying this:

Paying to have a timed exclusive gun or level in a game is bad. Paying to have a timed exclusive entire game is fine. That's essentially what you are rebutting.

Last time I checked not having access to an entire game is worse than a small piece of content.

I'm not saying anything. I'm pointing to quotes of what Spencer has actually said, since people have misrepresented his stated views and promises on this topic.

I hate third-party exclusives. They are bad for us, which is literally all I care about as a consumer.

But I'm also not a dullard who is going to pretend I don't understand that a) they are a big part of the business, and b) Xbox and Spencer would be morons to essentially cede that ground exclusively to Sony, when Sony have paid no price whatsoever in PR or raw business, for not only moneyhatting numerous games - but several BIG games. Particularly when "no 3P exclusives" was never part of any stated Phil Spencer "Pro-Consumer Plan" in the first place.

I'd also like global nuclear disarmament, but I'm not going to pretend I don't understand why the US wouldn't sign a nonproliferation treaty if Russia didn't.

Understanding something isn't the same thing is liking it.


Oct 28, 2017
Seems to be a lot of half-remembered bollocks flying around about what Spencer has actually said about exclusives, so here are his actual quotes on the subject:




If it isn't clear from the quotes above, his problems are primarily with exclusive deals for in-game content, not third-party exclusivity period. And does it even warrant mentioning the obvious - that saying you personally "don't like" a standard business practice, isn't the same as an iron-clad promise as an executive that you'll fall on your sword rather than doing what your competitor is doing?

The irritation some people have with Phil Spencer, and his business strategy of representing Xbox as "pro-consumer", continues to be equal parts baffling and hilarious.
Not liking something and then going ahead to do it many times sounds to me like someone who wants to appear as if they're doing it reluctantly which is of course bullshit. He tries to portray this image as Mr Good guy who really wants to do good things and some keep falling for it.


Feb 4, 2020
Not liking something and then going ahead to do it many times sounds to me like someone who wants to appear as if they're doing it reluctantly which is of course bullshit. He tries to portray this image as Mr Good guy who really wants to do good things and some keep falling for it.

If that was the play, then he would express "reluctance" in interviews. He doesn't, because the only people who would even care or talk about it live on ResetEra and the other place. And if you'd read my post, he never said he "doesn't like" third-party exclusives. He specifically said he doesn't like using marketing money to cordon off little chunks of games from other platforms.

And "Mr. Good Guy" has done a bunch of Good Things (TM). Play Anywhere is a good thing. Game Pass is a good thing. The Adaptive Controller is a good thing. Free backward compatibility is a good thing. Free next-gen upgrades of current games is a good thing. They are also all (probably) good business decisions, because of course the are. He's the head of a multi-billion dollar division of a 1.6 trillion dollar corporation. That doesn't preclude doing good business that can also be positive for your customers, or even the industry at large.

Do some people treat Spencer too much like he's their friend who wants to heal the world? Sure. I'll also go a step further and say there's a subsect of people who are utterly obsessed with trying to prove the man is a disingenuous fraud for some baffling reason.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I'm not saying anything. I'm pointing to quotes of what Spencer has actually said, since people have misrepresented his stated views and promises on this topic.

I hate third-party exclusives. They are bad for us, which is literally all I care about as a consumer.

But I'm also not a dullard who is going to pretend I don't understand that a) they are a big part of the business, and b) Xbox and Spencer would be morons to essentially cede that ground exclusively to Sony, when Sony have paid no price whatsoever in PR or raw business, for not only moneyhatting numerous games - but several BIG games. Particularly when "no 3P exclusives" was never part of any stated Phil Spencer "Pro-Consumer Plan" in the first place.

I'd also like global nuclear disarmament, but I'm not going to pretend I don't understand why the US wouldn't sign a nonproliferation treaty if Russia didn't.

Understanding something isn't the same thing is liking it.

I mean this with all due respect but I think you are so hyper focused on this one specific part of the conversation that you are ignoring the bigger picture. Yes, Phil has said he doesn't like extra content being exclusive to a game for marketing purposes such as Destiny guns/skins/strikes. However, he also said in regards to Sony making PS5 exclusive games at launch, "I find it completely counter to what gaming is about to […] lock people away from being able to experience those games," he said. "Or to force someone to buy my specific device on the day that I want them to go buy it, in order to partake in what gaming is about."

Add in the context of Phil and Microsoft proactively trying to position Xbox as pro-consumer. I find it hard to believe that you, surely an intelligent person, would hear Phil say that a) exclusive content for marketing purpose is bad and we don't like it and b) locking content off of other platforms is wrong, and then come to the conclusion that you will be pedantic about the argument that XSX unveiling a handful of timed exclusive games is entirely hypocritical and antithetical to the pro-consumer image that Phil and Microsoft are trying to portray and that some in the gaming community are buying into.

As a note, I'm not personally upset about the timed exclusive games. Sony has annoyed me with exclusive content and timed launches more consistently than Xbox (though Tomb Raider was by far the worst offense this generation I believe), but like you and Phil I understand that's just kind of how the game is played - especially around the launch of a new console.
Oct 25, 2017
As Matt Booty said in Nov 2019..it was XB1 support for 1 or 2 years FROM THEN..which is Nov 2021. Phil's 'couple of years' likely was re-iterating this or it was just flat wrong and misleading but I don't think intentionally so.

People on this forum kept insisting on arguing with me about this over and over declaring 'NO it's 2 years AFTER XSX launch'...nope Matt never said that go read the whole quote in context..use common sense they're not gonna wait till Nov 2022 give me a break. We'll likely get our first XSX 1st party exclusives Fall 2021, if I had to guess it'll be Forza..and maybe one other game.

"That's why Xbox Game Studios titles we release in the next couple of years--like Halo Infinite--will be available and play great on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We won't force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives."

He said this 10 days ago.

Either they contradicted themselves at the conference or those games aren't coming for 2 years post launch. The fact 3 of them were CG trailers doesn't make that seem that unbelievable.

I agree I would think Forza would be the one ready before then and it also makes no sense that they'd have no big games for 2021 / and most of 2022.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
As Matt Booty said in Nov 2019..it was XB1 support for 1 or 2 years FROM THEN..which is Nov 2021. Phil's 'couple of years' likely was re-iterating this or it was just flat wrong and misleading but I don't think intentionally so.

People on this forum kept insisting on arguing with me about this over and over declaring 'NO it's 2 years AFTER XSX launch'...nope Matt never said that go read the whole quote in context..use common sense they're not gonna wait till Nov 2022 give me a break. We'll likely get our first XSX 1st party exclusives Fall 2021, if I had to guess it'll be Forza..and maybe one other game.

Jul 16 - 7 days before their show:


by Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox • Jul 16, 2020 @ 6:30am

  • You won't be forced into the next generation. We want every Xbox player to play all the new games from Xbox Game Studios. That's why Xbox Game Studios titles we release in the next couple of years—like Halo Infinite—will be available and play great on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We won't force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives.


Oct 28, 2017
Well honestly, I think there was always an ominous hint to this: Xbox's lineup between launch and late 2022 is going to be poor. None of the big exciting games that will be Series X exclusive (Fable, Avowed, State of Decay 3, Everwild) will come out until late 2022 or 2023. So his crossgen comment will technically be true, but not for the reasons anyone would want. Sadly, it seems the waiting for Xbox to hit its stride will be for at least another 2 years.


Oct 28, 2017
"That's why Xbox Game Studios titles we release in the next couple of years--like Halo Infinite--will be available and play great on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We won't force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives."

He said this 10 days ago, give your head a shake.

Either they contradicted themselves at the conference or those games aren't coming for 2 years post launch. The fact 3 of them were CG trailers doesn't make that seem that unbelievable.

I agree I would think Forza would be the one ready before then and it also makes no sense that they'd have no big games for 2021 / and most of 2022.
Look I'm not denying that Phil's quote is highly misleading..it is, I just don't think he is intentionally trying to mislead anyone.

My point is Matt Booty's quote was misinterpreted by many people here..we will likely get 1 or 2 XGS Series X exclusive by next fall which is exactly what he said.
See above, this doesn't refute anything I said.


Oct 26, 2017
i don't particularly care whether games are crossgen are not, but based on what spencer said, all first-party xbox games that will release in the first two years of's XSX life will be crossgen.

if that's not the case, then plans changed and spencer didn't articulate the plans artfully. or he lied, if you really want to put it that way.


Oct 25, 2017
Look I'm not denying that Phil's quote is highly misleading..it is, I just don't think he is intentionally trying to mislead anyone.

My point is Matt Booty's quote was misinterpreted by many people here..we will likely get 1 or 2 XGS Series X exclusive by next fall which is exactly what he said.

You just....completely regard when they said ten days ago? What? We absolutely will not get any XGS Series X exclusive next fall. They JUST SAID a thing that disallows that possibility. Then someone calls you out for that and you say it doesn't refute anything?

"That's why Xbox Game Studios titles we release in the next couple of years--like Halo Infinite--will be available and play great on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We won't force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives."

This deliberately stats that Microsoft's games will not be XSX exclusive for the next couple years.

What part of "the titles we release in the next couple years will be on xbox one" are you not getting?

Dr. Collins

Oct 28, 2017
As you get closer and closer to launching a next gen console, a lot of your more "pipe-dream" plans sort of fall to the wayside, as no matter how well things are going, this stuff is always down to the very last minute. I can't imagine how difficult it is to do it remotely. Hats off to them for not throwing their hands into the air and delaying til Spring 2021.
Aug 9, 2018
As Matt Booty said in Nov 2019..it was XB1 support for 1 or 2 years FROM THEN..which is Nov 2021. Phil's 'couple of years' likely was re-iterating this or it was just flat wrong and misleading but I don't think intentionally so.

People on this forum kept insisting on arguing with me about this over and over declaring 'NO it's 2 years AFTER XSX launch'...nope Matt never said that go read the whole quote in context..use common sense they're not gonna wait till Nov 2022 give me a break. We'll likely get our first XSX 1st party exclusives Fall 2021, if I had to guess it'll be Forza..and maybe one other game.
But that doesn't make any sense, why would they count cross-generation support starting then and not after launch? How can the games launching before the launch of a new generation be considered cross-generation?
Oct 25, 2017
Look I'm not denying that Phil's quote is highly misleading..it is, I just don't think he is intentionally trying to mislead anyone.

My point is Matt Booty's quote was misinterpreted by many people here..we will likely get 1 or 2 XGS Series X exclusive by next fall which is exactly what he said.

See above, this doesn't refute anything I said.

I don't remember how the Booty quote was received but I don't know how you can read Phil's quote and think that we are already one year into "the next couple years" that he's referring to. Especially when both quotes are in reference to Xbox One support for Series X games, it really only makes sense if the timeline they're talking about starts when the Series X launches.

I also don't understand how Phil's quote can be true now that all those games aren't for Xbox One so aren't coming in the next couple years. Which just seems really odd not knowing what they are releasing for the next couple years. Maybe a Horizon gets announced soon or something.


Feb 4, 2020
Add in the context of Phil and Microsoft proactively trying to position Xbox as pro-consumer. I find it hard to believe that you, surely an intelligent person, would hear Phil say that a) exclusive content for marketing purpose is bad and we don't like it and b) locking content off of other platforms is wrong, and then come to the conclusion that you will be pedantic about the argument that XSX unveiling a handful of timed exclusive games is entirely hypocritical and antithetical to the pro-consumer image that Phil and Microsoft are trying to portray and that some in the gaming community are buying into.

I think "making pro-consumer moves" and "literally always doing the pro-consumer thing" are very different. Yeah if Spencer was truly and honestly committed to a completely holistic approach to being pro-consumer, he wouldn't have any timed exclusives. He also wouldn't have paid multiplayer. And he'd add support for PlayStation accessories on Xbox. And he'd put all of their first-party games on PlayStation too. It doesn't get much more pro-consumer than that. Or pedantic, as a point of argument.

Positioning Xbox as a more pro-consumer brand doesn't mean he's going to pursue that strategy to the exclusion of any and all other business considerations in all cases. I mean, if that means the big reveal here is that this is part of a business plan to rehabilitate their brand image, and not pure corporate altruism, then I'll try to make my best shocked face, haha.

Spencer has made several pro-consumer moves with the Xbox brand. He's also shown that he's willing to embrace more standard expectations of the business, if he thinks he needs to. That's clearly the case with third-party exclusives.

What annoys me, is when people treat that like "A-ha! Where was the "pro-consumer" there, Phil? Huh Good Guy Phil? Doncha just wanna go get a beer with Good Guy Phil? The mask has slipped, and now we see him for the anti-consumer fraud he is! ". No - you see him for the corporate executive he is, who has also chosen to do a lot of business in pro-consumer ways where he thinks he can, while still being cognizant of the realities of the business. Timed third-party exclusives are a massive reality of the business, that he can't just pretend aren't a thing no matter what he might personally think of them.

As I said in another post, do some people treat Spencer too much like he's their friend who wants to heal the world, and not a savvy business executive who knows how to cultivate an image? Absolutely. But I'll also go a step further and say there's a subsect of people who are utterly obsessed with trying to prove the man is a disingenuous fraud for some baffling reason.


Oct 28, 2017
You just....completely regard when they said ten days ago? What? We absolutely will not get any XGS Series X exclusive next fall. They JUST SAID a thing that disallows that possibility. Then someone calls you out for that and you say it doesn't refute anything?

"That's why Xbox Game Studios titles we release in the next couple of years--like Halo Infinite--will be available and play great on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. We won't force you to upgrade to Xbox Series X at launch to play Xbox exclusives."

This deliberately stats that Microsoft's games will not be XSX exclusive for the next couple years.

What part of "the titles we release in the next couple years will be on xbox one" are you not getting?
Phil is wrong..that's what you're not getting and I've been saying..it's like your not even reading what I typed.

Matt Bootys quote was and still is 100% accurate..now take a deep breath and slowly read my previous posts and tell me where I said Phil was telling the truth or not being misleading.


Oct 28, 2017
But that doesn't make any sense, why would they count cross-generation support starting then and not after launch? How can the games launching before the launch of a new generation be considered cross-generation?
Here is the full quote..

"As our content comes out over the next year, two years, all of our games, sort of like PC, will play up and down that family of devices," Booty explains. "We want to make sure that if someone invests in Xbox between now [**Nov 2019**] and [Series X] that they feel that they made a good investment and that we're committed to them with content."

I'm not sure how people get two years after XSX launch out of this.


Oct 25, 2017
Phil is wrong..that's what you're not getting and I've been saying..it's like your not even reading what I typed.

Matt Bootys quote was and still is 100% accurate..now take a deep breath and slowly read my previous posts and tell me where I said Phil was telling the truth or not being misleading.

....Phil is wrong? About the things his division is going ...to do? LMAO?? THE THING HE RUNS HE IS JUST WRONG ABOUT??? Haha what


Oct 28, 2017
....Phil is wrong? About the things his division is going ...to do? LMAO?? THE THING HE RUNS HE IS JUST WRONG ABOUT??? Haha what
Hes wrong if you think he meant '2 years after XSX launch' yes. Again I think it's more of a disconnect/lack of clear messaging within XGS, and not anything intentionally misleading. Look at Greenberg's quote about Halo being 'very early' vs 343 saying it's polished.


Oct 27, 2017
People argued that because Matt Booty said "the next year - two years", in December 2019. And when someone says "the next year", they don't typically mean "the next year starting a year from now"

I always had questions about the logic of that, when the Series X didn't even come out for another year at that point, but it wouldn't be the first time an executive used corpo-speak to make something sound more amazing than it is upon further reflection. Plus he'd have the wiggle room of there already being a "family" of devices at the time - the Xbox One S, Xbox One X, and PC.

Yup, and we have ppl still trying to spin it.
That's some wiggle room for sure, lol.

As Matt Booty said in Nov 2019..it was XB1 support for 1 or 2 years FROM THEN..which is Nov 2021. Phil's 'couple of years' likely was re-iterating this or it was just flat wrong and misleading but I don't think intentionally so.

People on this forum kept insisting on arguing with me about this over and over declaring 'NO it's 2 years AFTER XSX launch'...nope Matt never said that go read the whole quote in context..use common sense they're not gonna wait till Nov 2022 give me a break. We'll likely get our first XSX 1st party exclusives Fall 2021, if I had to guess it'll be Forza..and maybe one other game.
Stop, stop, lol. That interview part was about next gen. If you say "The next year, following year" in 2019, please tell us how can that possibly mean 2019.

Phil has tried to clarify it, twice. Phil saying 2 years, this year, says it all.
But that doesn't make any sense, why would they count cross-generation support starting then and not after launch? How can the games launching before the launch of a new generation be considered cross-generation?
Because it didn't and doesn't make sense. I'm just glad it's becoming more clearer now.

It's confusing to those still trying to make it sound better than it is. At the end of the day, it is what it is. Trying to create new laws of time doesn't help.
Aug 9, 2018
Here is the full quote..

"As our content comes out over the next year, two years, all of our games, sort of like PC, will play up and down that family of devices," Booty explains. "We want to make sure that if someone invests in Xbox between now [**Nov 2019**] and [Series X] that they feel that they made a good investment and that we're committed to them with content."

I'm not sure how people get two years after XSX launch out of this.
People are taking his quote of content support to mean cross-generation content so how can there be cross-generation content support if the next generation hasn't come yet?

Hes wrong if you think he meant '2 years after XSX launch' yes. Again I think it's more of a disconnect/lack of clear messaging within XGS, and not anything intentionally misleading. Look at Greenberg's quote about Halo being 'very early' vs 343 saying it's polished.
I don't know what is worse then, they being disingenuous/misleading or that executives from the XBOX division are so disconnected that they can not even be on the same page with their messaging.


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro


Oct 28, 2017
Stop, stop, lol. That interview part was about next gen. If you say "The next year, following year" in 2019, please tell us how can that possibly mean 2019.

Phil has tried to clarify it, twice. Phil saying 2 years, this year, says it all.
It can possibly mean 2019 because he said 'NOW'..which at the time was..2019..


Oct 27, 2017
....Phil is wrong? About the things his division is going ...to do? LMAO?? THE THING HE RUNS HE IS JUST WRONG ABOUT??? Haha what

I'm at a loss for words right now, lol. Phil's wrong, Booty's right. ....but Booty never said XGS cross gen period started in 2019....lmao.
People are taking his quote of content support to mean cross-generation content so how can there be cross-generation content support if the next generation hasn't come yet?

I don't know what is worse then, they being disingenuous/misleading or that executives from the XBOX division are so disconnected that they can not even be on the same page with their messaging.
At some point, you would think some ppl would really think about what they're trying to defend or rationalize.
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Oct 27, 2017
It can possibly mean 2019 because he said 'NOW'..which at the time was..2019..
What cross gen game launched in 2019, please tell us.

What next gen console launched in 2019.

Now ask yourself,

what cross gen game and next gen console launches in 2020.

Stop. In one of the recent articles by Phil...why do you think he mentioned Halo Infinite? Because that's the first game to start the XGS cross gen period...
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Oct 25, 2017
Is Phil Spencer trustworthy or is he often wrong about his own division? Seven days ago I heard that we'd have two years of cross gen from the leader's mouth.

Totally get that. But I'm being told he wasn't lying. He was just not communicating clearly, even though his statement is very clear. We're trying to demonstrate THAT he wasn't exactly being truthful.

Hes wrong if you think he meant '2 years after XSX launch' yes. Again I think it's more of a disconnect/lack of clear messaging within XGS, and not anything intentionally misleading. Look at Greenberg's quote about Halo being 'very early' vs 343 saying it's polished.

I cannot take you seriously. It was very clear what he meant. When someone says "we will do this for two years," that unilaterally means from the moment they are saying that, unless otherwise specified. That's literally how that works in English. If I tell you I won't buy any xbox games for the next two years, and then a year later I say I won't buy xbox games for the next two years, do you think I mean for only one more year?


Feb 12, 2018
Most of the games shown will be coming out 2022 or late 2021.

Cross gen support is for this holiday season and most of next year.


Oct 28, 2017
What cross gen game launched in 2019, please tell us.

What next gen console launched in 2019.

Now ask yourself,

what cross gen game and next gen console launches in 2020.

If he was solely talking about after XSX launch like you claim why did he specifically say 'between now (2019) and Series X'??


Oct 27, 2017
Phil Spencer, Aaron Greenberg and Larry Hryb have long, long histories of deceitful statements but we're supposed to keep quiet about it.
I give you Greenberg and Hyrb, but I don't remember too many 'deceiful statements' by Spencer. Not that he's not be wrong, of course, or maybe even changed his mind, but I don't know what you're referring to.
Aug 9, 2018
I'm at a loss for words right now, lol. Phil's, wrong, Booty's right. ....but Booty never said XGS crosses gen period started in 2019....lmao.

At some point, you would think some ppl would really think about what they're trying to defend or rationalize.
That one really confused me, I mean if it really is like that then someone from XBOX should have clarified something by now right?
If he was solely talking about after XSX launch like you claim why did he specifically say 'between now (2019) and Series X'??
Again, because it doesn't make any sense if he was talking about cross-gen content support. Unless you're saying that he didn't mean cross-gen content?

Most of the games shown will be coming out 2022 or late 2021.

Cross gen support is for this holiday season and most of next year.
Then that's not even 1 year of cross-gen support.


Oct 25, 2017
Never said anything about it being "totally fine"

...So what were you trying to say? You just shut down a criticism thread with "well obviously he's trying to sell you stuff" which doesn't contradict anything anyone said. Like. I could do this to any thread. Come in and say obviously a thing is a certain way, and then shut it down. How could we have any discussion about what a company says with that philosophy?


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
...So what were you trying to say? You just shut down a criticism thread with "well obviously he's trying to sell you stuff" which doesn't contradict anything anyone said. Like. I could do this to any thread. Come in and say obviously a thing is a certain way, and then shut it down. How could we have any discussion about what a company says with that philosophy?
That thread was redundant (there's already many topics about this including this one) and wasn't discussing anything except being a battleground for platform warring. I could always edit the lock post to clarify (edit: there, done), but the idea that I am defending corporate leaders is comically false.